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The massive creature towered over them, letting loose a deep, guttural roar as it lumbered toward the Rainbooms.

“Put some fire into that thing!” Bradford shouted, taking command almost immediately. Firepower lit up the room as bullets slammed into the creature. However, that simply made it angry. With another roar, it simply swung at the wall, demolishing it and causing rubble, plaster, and wreckage to fall down onto the floor, thankfully missing most of the squad, but making a mess nonetheless.

“How do we take that thing down?” Cheerilee shouted.

“An’ since when was mah own Granny a towerin’ monster?” Applejack added her voice to the din that was going on all around.

“I suspect it infiltrated a while back, and then sat there for a while until it was needed.” Everyone stared at one of the soldiers. “What?”

“Not...helping!” Sweetie Belle shouted, as she fired off her sniper rifle again, hitting the creature once more. This just made it angrier, and it swung again, sweeping people off their feet and causing them to hit the floor.

It was just then Bradford saw the weak point. He aimed his rifle, and fired. The shot hit the creature’s eye, and it fell to the floor, dead.

Apple Bloom looked amidst the carnage and rubble that was Canterlot High School. “How many of us are there now?” she asked.

“We haven’t seen anybody else, so we have reason to believe you are the only ones left alive,” Cheerilee told her. “Hopefully this will ensure that jealousy won’t get the better of you next time.”

“What’ll we do?” Scootaloo asked. “We have nothing left here.”

Bradford sighed. “You could join XCOM,” he suggested. “You all fought like lions today, and you survived. Good grounds for new recruits, I think.”

Author's Note:

So here ends this story. Hope you enjoyed the ride!