• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,836 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

A Foal's Day Out

Daring woke up the next morning with a yawn. "Hey girls, who’s-" She looked around and saw that everypony inside the room was still asleep. This was always her least favorite part of sleepovers, waking up before everypony else did. Curse her adventuring nature and operating on little sleep. She looked around for a second before she saw a small analog clock. She tried to read it but she found it hard for some reason. "If the little hand is on the 8 and the big hand is on the 6, doesn't that mean that it's 8:06?" She asked herself.

"No, it means that it's 8:30, Daring." Scootaloo yawned while looking at Daring.

“Right. Ugh, I can’t seem to think straight. Probably because I’m stuck as a filly!” Daring grumbled in a hushed tone. She rubbed some sleep out of her eyes before moving to Rainbow and unbuttoning the hatch to check, figuring she was no doubt soggy.

The foal tossed and turned in her sleep. "What do you think she’s dreaming of?" Scootaloo asked.

“Maybe she is flying. She loves that after all. “ Daring commented as she watched Rainbow’s back legs kick.

"Maybe she's part of the Wonderbolts. That's like all she talks about, other then being on a adventure with you." Scootaloo suggested.

“Well it’s a lot of work for my adventures. I mean, nopony wants to read about Daring Do cross referencing and researching in a library for hours.” Daring said while staring down at the foal and smiling more.

"I always thought you just hear about a random temple and then go to it." Scootaloo replied.

“No, there’ a lot I leave out of my books. I don’t just go off all willy nilly,” Daring made some circles with her hoof. “My name is Daring Do, not Reckless Do.”

"I didn't know that!" Scootaloo commented in amazement. "So, Daring are you going to leave this out of your next story? Us having a sleepover, I mean."

“Probably, I mean I’m still not sure what my next book will be.” Daring rubbed her neck as Apple Bloom (who had just woken up) moved over, giggling a bit at how cute Rainbow was.

Scootaloo smiled and giggled a little. "You girls want to wake up Sweetie Belle?"

Daring, being a little on the mischievous side, found a small marker. “Want to draw a mustache on her?”

"Don't you think Sweetie will get mad?" Apple Bloom nervously asked.

“Nah, it’s just a prank,” Scootaloo whispered. “Besides, it’s not permanent. It will wash off.” Daring and Scootaloo snuck over to the bed, being quiet as they could. Sweetie had a sleep mask on, just like Rarity.

"Does everyone in her family wear one of these face mask things?" Scootaloo asked. Daring shrugged as she hushed the pegasus and slowly began to draw on Sweetie’s muzzle, hoping the filly wouldn't wake up.

"This is going to be so funny!" Scootaloo whispered, barely holding back the giggles. She held still as she and Daring drew a curly mustache on Sweetie’s muzzle before backing away from Sweetie, snorting a bit as she woke up.

Sweetie looked at the other fillies. "Morning girls."

"Morning." Scootaloo said, trying not to show a snicker.

Daring, also trying to hold back giggles, spoke up. “Well, I’m going to take a shower. I usually take one when I get back from my adventures, but I didn’t get a chance to take one yesterday before somepony turned me into a filly.” She left for the bathroom.

Not long after Daring was out of sigh, from out of nowhere a bad smell came from a certain little foal in the room.

"Ew!" Scootaloo exclaimed! She couldn’t help but make a face as she looked toward the basket. "I don't want to do it now, you do it, Apple Bloom! You’ve had younger cousins, one of them’s probably done this!"

"I don't wanna do it, though! Smells worse than the pig pen! Let Sweetie Belle do it!" Apple Bloom yelled and pointed at Sweetie.

"Why do I have to?!" Sweetie argued as the argument woke Rainbow Dash.

"Hey! Me twying to sweep!" Rainbow yelled, her eyes still kind of sleepy

"Sorry," The crusaders said in unison, ther noses scrunching as they looked at Rainbow shift in her basket, somehow not feeling her diaper. "Can't we just wait ‘til Daring comes back?" Sweetie suggested.

"She's in the bathroom, who knows how long it will take her?" Scootaloo replied as she reluctantly picked up Rainbow, which caused more of the smell to be released.

"Ugh, fine!” Sweetie opened the bag and rolls the mat out, gagging! "To think we wanted to try and get foalsitter cutie marks last week!"

"Yeah, I don't think I could do this more than once! I forgot how awful it was last time!" Scootaloo complained as she plugged her nose.

"You’re not even doing it, Scootaloo!" Sweetie yelled.

Rainbow just sat on to the changing mat and yawned. "Just change me alweady! No wanna smeww stinky!"

Sweetie gagged a tad as she open the padding and went about cleaning the foal. She tried to use her magic to move the wipes across the dirty flank, not wanting to touch it. "This stinks!” She complained as set the balled up diaper aside for disposal.

Scootaloo gagged. “I am not touching it, you can’t make me!"

"Well, we all gotta do it at one point." Apple Bloom complained.

"But I've already done it!" Scootaloo yelled. “I’m not doing it again!”

Sweetie simply taped up the padding after the powdering job and rolled her eyes. She focused her magic on the diaper and managed to float it up, carrying it along to put in the garbage.

Rainbow rubbed her eyes, still sleepy. "Whewe Mama?"

At that very moment, Daring exited the bathroom and entered Sweetie’s room. "Oh, Rainbow you’re awake." She gave her a hug as Scootaloo made a face.

"Yeah, and we had to change her." The filly complained.

"Oh, sorry,” Daring apologized with deep shame. “I would have done it but, well, I didn’t know."

"It's fine, she’s clean now and that’s all that matters." Apple Bloom replied, then watched Sweetie move by her dresser.

Sweetie soon notice the marker drawings as she went to brush her mane. "What the heck?!" She looked at the marker and blushed. "Who did this?!"

Both Scootaloo and Daring giggled as Daring put her hoof up. "Was my idea," She said while Apple Bloom found it amusing too. "What do you think, Rainbow?"

The foal giggled. "It funny!"

The fillies all laughed at their little prank, soon getting ready for the day.

"So, Soaring Skies, are you enjoying the sleep over?" Cookie asked as she slipped pancakes onto each plate (Soaring Skies was the cover name Daring had adopted for her filly state) The smell of banana pancakes made Dash so jealous.

"Me wan pancakes!" Rainbow yelled and banged her hooves on the highchair's tray.

"I don't see anything wrong with that. As long as there small bite size pieces, cause from what I can tell, she doesn't have that many teeth." Cookie commented.

Sweetie cut one of the pancakes into small pieces, using an infant fork to bring it up to Rainbow's mouth. “Say ‘Ahh’."

Rainbow opened her mouth. "Ahh." Sweetie forked each little bite into Rainbow’s mouth.

Daring, meanwhile looked back at Cookie. “Your daughter and her friends are a blast to hang with.” She added, munching on her own meal.

"I'm glad you think so. Sweetie and her friends can be a hoofful sometimes." Cookie giggled

“Hey, she hasn’t gotten covers in tree sap yet, so that’s a bonus.” Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes.

"Speaking of which, we should tie a bib onto her." Daring suggested as she looked through her bag for Rainbow’s bib.

“Nu uh, no need bib! ” Rainbow protested even as the blue Wonderbolts bib was tied around her neck.

"Yes you do, Rainbow. You don't want to get sticky sap and syrup on your coat, now do you?" Daring asked the filly.

“Hehe, sticky.” Rainbow found it amusing as she ate another piece of her meal.

"Alright, fine, Rainbow, if you want to get all sticky and have to take a bath then that's fine by me!" Daring declared as she carefully ate more of her meal.

Sweetie rolled her eyes, knitting the bib around the foal. Cookie giggled. “Oh. that reminds me of when Rarity was a foal. So prissy even back then. No wonder she was out of diapers so soon.”

"So, how long are you in town for Soaring?" Hondo asked Daring.

“Only a day or two. Parents just passing through while on vacation,” Daring said with a smile. “Ponyville is nice, though.”

"That it is. It's not too big like Manehattan, or filled with stuff nobles like Canterlot. And it’s usually pretty peaceful," Cookie commented, then turned to her daughter. "Didn't you say that you three, I mean four are going to catch cats?”

"Uh, maybe. We aren’t sure how that would actually work." Apple Bloom admitted.

Sweetie forked more pancake pieces into Rainbow’s mouth. "That, and I don't think any of us want a cat face as a cutie mark."

"I don’t know, I think that a cat face cutie mark would be adorable!" Cookie smiled.

Daring smiled, having an idea. “How about we try for archeology cutie makes?” She offered. “We can find shells along the beach or something.”

"That’s a great idea!!" Sweetie happily exclaimed.

"Sounds like fun." Scootaloo added.

"Yeah. How hard could it be?" Apple Bloom innocently inquired.

Daring smiled as she patted Rainbow’s back. “And Dashie won’t mind playing in the sand when we find a good spot.”

They all smiled and continued to eat their meals, ready for a day of adventure!

The Crusaders all had their helmets on while riding in the red wagon, with Daring using one of Sweetie's spare ones, even if it had a horn hole on the top. Scootaloo made sure not to go too fast as she wheeled the wagon along the dirt path.

Rainbow was sitting in the wagon, giggling and hitting a plastic shovel against a plastic bucket.

“So where’s a good spot for treasure?” Sweetie asked Daring.

"Well, there's a little bit of a beach by the pond, we could dig there." Daring suggested with a smile.

Scootaloo turned a corner as she sped along “Sweet!” She cheered, making a beeline for the lakeside area.

"So when we get there, are we going to be looking for shells and stuff? Or are we going to build sandcastle, or maybe swim-" Daring asked, her mind was racing with all sorts of fun things that she would do as a filly. It wasn’t that her fillyhood had been boring, but she hadn’t grown up with many friends. Both her parents had raised her in a remote part of Equestria where hardly anypony lived.

Rainbow' looked up at Daring and giggled. "Sand castwe!" She banged the bucket more.

"I like shells." Sweetie added. "At least we aren't doing anything dangerous this time."

"You don't always have to have danger in the equation to have fun. I think it’ll be nice to do somethin’ ordinary for a change. Who knows, maybe we will get our cutie marks this time?" Apple Bloom said while smiling.

Scootaloo soon came to stop at the lake, slipping off her helmet. "Yeah, well, you're ideas are always so boring." She replied, looking at Sweetie Belle.

"I think that they’re kind of fun, Scootaloo. Though I have to say you’re lucky your parents let you do all those things, growing up my parents would throw a fit if I so much as roller skated without a helmet and knee pads." Daring declared, taking off her helmet and getting out of the wagon.

Rainbow was helped down and waddle over to the sand, giggling. "Yay!" She planted her butt down and began to shovel.

Apple Bloom was about to say something, but paused upon seeing a certain pink coated filly floating on the water. "Uh oh." She pointed with worry.

Sweetie looked at the filly and glared. "Diamond Tiara! What’s she doing here?! Doesn’t she have her own pool?!"

“Just ignore her, maybe if we’re lucky she won't notice us." Scootaloo groaned.

"She's that bully you mentioned, right?" Daring asked as she sat next to Rainbow and helped her start to dig.

"Yeah, she bullies us just because we’re blank flanks. Sometimes with her best friend, Silver Spoon" Apple Bloom glared. Diamond hadn't noticed them yet, content to float there for now.

“That's stupid! So what if you haven't found your special talent? I would love to be a blank flank again, not worrying about doing one thing and being able try all sorts of things!" Daring said, looking at the Crusaders.

"Well, we really want our marks." Apple Bloom said while watching Rainbow flip her bucket.

Sweetie rolled her eyes. "Let's just try to have fun, okay?"

"Okay." Daring said as she helped Rainbow build, smiling the whole time.

Over the course of the next few minutes, the Crusaders all decided to make castles instead of shell hunting. Their fun was interrupted, however, when a large splash impacted Rainbow's castle, getting her diaper bit went in the process.

Daring looked over at where the splash came from and yelled upon discovering its source. "Hey, why'd you do that?!"

"Because you’re playing in the sand with those Cutie Mark Losers like a bunch of blank flank babies," Diamond Tiara mocked. "Oh, you trying to get a foalsitting cutie mark?" She scorned at the Crusaders, not noticing Rainbow Dash’s appearance. "What, you hoping for a diaper mark. perhaps?"

Rainbow looked up at Diamond Tiara with tears in her eyes. "Stop, you big buwwy! You no pick on Scootawoo whiwe I hewe! I Wainbow Dash, hew big sistew!"

Diamond smirked as she looked towards Scootaloo. "Ha ha, look at that! Your hero is just a helpless foal."

Daring stood up and glared. "Just who do you think you are, making a foal cry?! You oughta be ashamed of yourself!"

Sweetie tried to pull Daring back down. "Daring, don't! She's just a bully."

Daring looked back, raising her eyebrow. "What the big deal? She’s just one filly and we can take her! I've faced off against worse."

"Yeah, but...you don't want Rainbow to think that being mean is good, right?" Sweetie asked.

Daring blinked. "I wouldn't be mean." She looked back, watching Diamond dry off and about to leave.

"I mean that you'd be teaching her that if someone is mean to you, being violent is okay. And I'm pretty sure you don't want her to think that, do you?" Sweetie pointed out.

"What?! I wasn't going to hit her! Why would you think that?" Daring tried to move, seeing Diamond walking away with a laugh.

"Well, the way you were talking, about how you've dealt with worse then her... It was the first thing that came to mind." Sweetie admitted.

Daring shook her head. "Never mind now," She reached down and picked Rainbow up, rubbing her back. "There there, she's gone now."

Rainbow looked up at Daring, tears still in her eyes. "She meanie, Mama."

Daring nodded. "Yes she is," She replied while holding Rainbow close.

Scootaloo groaned. "Ugh, so annoying. Well, at least she’s gone now."

Apple Bloom smiled. "Yeah, and we can help you rebuild your castle, Rainbow."

Rainbow sniffled a bit before nodding. "Okay." She reached for her shovel again, and soon all of the fillies went to work on a castle for Rainbow. Rainbow smiled as they helped her. She kete making small towers while bouncing happily. The light squish from her diaper wasn’t that bad anymore.

Sweetie smiled. "So, Rainbow, do you want to help me find some shells for the castle?"

Rainbow nodded, waddling over to Sweetie with a grin. "Uh huh." They soon were right by the water picking up all the small rocks and shells they could fine. Well, sweetie was, Rainbow simply ran and giggled whenever the waves would come onto the small beach.

Daring watched Rainbow splash around, some her diaper sloshing out droplets of water. But she didn’t want to stop the foal's fun. "It could’ve been worse."

"What could have?" Scootaloo asked as she built a tower for the castle.

"Your issue with Diamond Tiara." Daring explained while sitting down.

"Well, she usually has her friend Silver Spoon with her." Apple Bloom replied.

"You really shouldn't let them get to you, you know. That’s why they keep picking on you" Daring advised as Rainbow came over, showing off some driftwood. Rainbow pulled it as much as she could up to the castle. "You use this?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "I guess." She used it as a bridge of sorts for the small moat.

Rainbow smiled and went back to the water to find more things that had washed up on shore.

"Well, no cutie marks again." Apple Bloom sighed as she got her helmet on.

"Yeah, but it was nice to play in the sand." Sweetie added while watching Daring change Rainbow once more.

"Dang, Rainbow, you’re wetter than that pond." Daring giggled. She knew that it was mainly pond water, but she still thought it was a funny joke

Rainbow pouted cutely, crossing her hooves. "I no help it." She stuck her tongue out.

Daring soon had the diaper all taped up and packed up the supplies. Rainbow was carefully seated between Daring and Sweetie.

"So, anyone else want to have a snack at Sugarcube Corner again?" Sweetie Belle suggested.

Rainbow raised her hoof. "I wanna cookie!"

The Crusaders just laughed together at the comment as the wagon was pulled along into town. As they wheeled down main street Scootaloo looked back at her friends, still moving along.. "Do you think-"

"Look out!" Apple Bloom called out, causing Scootaloo to brake hard, just before she would’ve collided with a very snooty filly.

"Hey, watch where you’re going!" The grey maned filly scolded.

"Sorry, Silver Spoon." Scootaloo gave an awkward laugh while rubbing her neck.

"You could have broken my glasses! They’re expensive, you know!" Silver Spoon retorted, before raising an eyebrow upon seeing the small Rainbow' Dash. "I-is that...Rainbow Dash?"

"H-hi Suwver Spoonie." Rainbow said with a blush

The filly came closer. "What did you Crusaders do this time?" She asked while poking Rainbow. "And who is this?" She pointed at Daring.

"It wasn't our fault!" Apple Bloom said with a blush. "And this is our new friend, Soarin’ Skies. She’s just visitin’ for the day."

Silver Spoon shook her head. "Well, she should have hung out with somepony cool like me. At least I don't dress up like Daring Do!"

"Hey, this isn't a costume! I'm really Darin-" Daring began, but Sweetie Belle covered her mouth.

"She's really.... hungry! Yeah, she's really hungry and that's why we're heading to Sugarcube Corner." Sweetie quickly replied.

Silver Spoon blinked. "Whatever.” She gave Rainbow's mane a ruffle before trotting off with her saddle bag.

Scootaloo then wheels along toward the bakery. "Why did you nearly blow your cover back there?” She asked Daring, making sure no one around.

Daring blushed. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking."

Upon reaching the bakery the four fillies dismounted and take their helmets off. Daring adjusted her mane before getting Rainbow onto her back. "That Silver Spoon didn't sound as bad you made her out to be."

"Well, she's usually worse when Diamond Tiara is around." Scootaloo replied.

"So, like a henchpony?" Daring observed as the group all headed inside, smelling the sweet smells of freshly baked goods.

"Yeah, I guess." Scootaloo said and sat at a nearby table.

As the girls got comfy, Pinkie bounced over. "Hey girls!" She held up her notepad, wheeling over a highchair as well. "What can I get you?" She beamed, giving a light boop to Rainbow's nose.

"Cookie!" Rainbow yelled and bounced up and down in excitement!

"You always want cookies." Pinkie ruffled the mane as Scootaloo laughed.

"Yeah, you think she dreams of them?" Daring suggested and then the girls giggle, ordering milkshakes and a donut for each.

Sweetie smiled once she got her vanilla shake. "Well, at least we had fun." She declared before taking a sip.

Daring got a chocolate shake and replied. "Yeah. When do you think I'll turn back to an adult though?"

Pinkie beamed. "Well, my ‘Pinkie Sense’ says tomorrow." She answered while watching Rainbow suckle on a small ice cream cone.

"Can your Pinkie sense' tell the future?" Daring asked with a giggle.

"No. Just soon or sudden events." Pinke replied as she bounced off to handle other customers.

"You could sleep over here in case you change back overnight," Sweetie suggested. "Never know, you might."

"Well, do you think that you girls could stay here too then?" Daring asked while smiling.

"Maybe, we’d have to ask our parents." Scootaloo replied.

"And I’d have to ask Applejack." Apple Bloom added.

"Okay," Daring giggled. “It’s going to be funny if I go to sleep a filly and wake up a mare."

Rainbow giggled. “I had fun with you wike tis, Mama,” She sipped more of her drink, thinking of all the fun she’d been having. But then thought about the responsibilities she was missing out on. “If I no change back I’ww take foreva da a Wondewbowt. “ she lisped

"Oh, I bet you'd still get into the Wonderbolts!" Scootaloo replied with a smile.

“But it take forever!” Rainbow cutely pouted.

Scootaloo leaves over and pats her head “You’d make it work. You’re Rainbow Dash after all. “

Rainbow beamed with pride, hugging her chest.

Daring wipes Rainbow's face before looking around. "You'll be awesome no matter what happens."

Rainbow looked up and had a faint smile on her face. "You tink so, Mama?"

"Yeah, you can't keep a great mare like you down for long," Daring praised. "As long as you don't go all babbley on me again."

"Again?" The Crusaders questioned all at once.

Daring rubbed her neck. "Uh, I want to worry anyone but she kddn of went all foal on me for a while one night," She shifted awkwardly in her seat. "Scared me half to death, I thought she’d been lost forever.."

"How'd you fix her, then?" Apple Bloom asked.

"She kind of just snapped out of it. She didn't even remember doing it." Daring explained while she hugged Rainbow.

Rainbow giggled and hugged Daring back, "Mama, can me pway with the Cake Twins? Tey fun!"

"I suppose if Pinkie and the Cakes let you, then yes," Daring commented as said party pony bounced back over with her usual, beaming smile. "My left nostril was ticklish," She said with a giggle. "What were you going to ask me?"

"Me wanna pway with the twins!" Rainbow blurted out while giggling.

"I don't see why you can't." Pinkie nodded in encouragement.

"Oh, can I stay over tonight as well? You know, just in case I uh..." Daring asked and trailed off while while checking Rainbow's diaper. Rainbow blushed but smiled, she was already used to getting her diaper checked, and it being wet.

"Sure thing." Pinkie nodded. “Plenty of room for a sleepover.” She cheered.

The Crusaders smiled before sliding out of their chairs.

"Well, I got chores to get done, so we'll catch ya later." Apple Bloom said before departing.

"Yeah, and as much fun as we’re having we really should get our math homework done." Sweetie said while glancing at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo sighed. "Fine! But I don't see the point in math."

"But how will you know if you'll make a jump or not?" Sweetie Belle replied as they headed out.

Daring just smiled, watching Rainbow flutter her wings happily.

Pinkie then picked up Rainbow and started to walk to the twins’ nursery. "Now Rainbow, remember to play nice. I don’t need you teaching the twins bad manners."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Me know. Me be good.," She smiled upon see the twins again, the two were playing with a bouncy ball as she was set into the playpen. Rainbow giggled and crawled to her friends. "Hi guys! It me, Wainbow!"

"Rainbow" Pound clapped, bouncing the ball towards her. "You hewe to pway with us?"

"Yeah! Wah you wanna pway?" Rainbow asked with a big smile.

Pumpkin crawled over with a plush tiger, pawing it at Rainbow's face. “Rawr rawr!"

Rainbow grabbed a bunny plushie and giggled, doing a different voice for the bunny. "Me no wanna fight, me wanna cuddle!"

"Grr, you food" Pumpkin replied, pawing at the plushie with hers a bit. "Nom nom nom!"

"Me no wanna be food, me wanna be fwiend!" Rainbow giggled and tried to make her plushie hug the tiger plushie.

"Gah, no fweindship." Pumpkin squeaked and laughed. Pound clapped happily.

"Bu fwiendship is magic!" Rainbow chortled.

Daring giggled while hearing the babble though she only caught a few words from the twins.

Pinkie smiled. "Oh, I have a secret, wanna see it?" She asked Daring. "You want to know what Rainbow likes, right?"

Daring smiled. "Sure I do."

Pinkie beamed as she lead the way down the stairs and over the cash register. Taking a second to make sure no one was looking, she pushed seemingly random buttons before the floor opened up, the two slithering down a slide. "Weee"

Daring was at first screaming as she slid down, but soon she found it kind of fun.

Pinkie easily got to all fours once at the bottom and gesture around. "Behold the party cave!" Confetti exploded out of her hooves dramatically.

Daring looked around and giggled. "This is awesome! When did you have the time to do all of this?"

"I have my ways," Pinkie explained, skipping her way over to some filing cabinets. "It’s just like that one treasure cave adventure you had."

"I've been in a few treasure caves,” Daring replied with a shake of her head. “Be more specific."

Pinkie shrugged. "I don't know, the one with the giant scorpion, maybe." She slid open the bottom drawer of the cabinet, hoofing through the various files.

"Oh yeah...That was scary, I thought I was going to die," Daring admitted as she walked next to Pinkie, who was rummaging through some papers. "What are you looking for?"

"Rainbow's file, don't you want to get to know her better?" Pinkie happily asked.

"Yeah, I guess. She seems to have become attached to me, more or less." Daring replied.

"Great!" Pinkie declared as she pulled out a folder, setting it upon the table.

Meanwhile, back in the nursery Pound’s tummy rumbled audibly. "Me hungy."

"Same." Pumpkin added.

"I wanna cookie!" Rainbow declared.

"But cookies in kitchen," Pound said while staring at the door. "Mama say kitchen no safe, just wike bathwoom. Me not supposed to go in said wooms without gwown up."

"Me no care, cookies good!" Rainbow protested. “I get tem!”

"You know how to open door?" Pound asked while Pumpkin scukled on the ear of a bunny plushie.

"Me fwy and open door, duh!" Rainbow yelled and giggled while fluttering her wings. She ascended slowly, managing with some effort to get up to the door at a slow pace. She eventually reached the handle, having to focus hard to keep aloft as she pulled it open.

Rainbow then slowly descended to the ground and crawled to the door. "You comin'?" The two foals soon followed behind her heading along down the hallway to the stairs, where the all mighty foal gate awaited them.

Pumpkin still seemed hesitant. "I dun know about dis."

"Wah so scary bout foaw gate? We's just gotta open it!" Rainbow declared.

"Uh, I dun know how." Pumpkin said while staring at it.

Pound fluttered his wings harder to get off the ground. "Maybe we fwy over it?"

Rainbow, being the smart one, fluttered up to the foal safe latch, staring at it with interest. "Wah this do, Poundy?" She asked as she tugged on it. Her tugging only caused it to click and fail to unlatch, being one of those tricky mechanisms that foas wouldn't think about. "Guys, me need help!"

"I dun know," Pound commented as he approached the gate, shaking it. “Uh, twy tuwning it."

"Otay, me try it." Rainbow slowly turned the latch until it clicked and fell down.

The twins clapped as they manage to pull the gate open, staring down at the stairwell. In their small size they could see what looked like pretty big dips.

That didn’t stop them though, with Rainbow leading the foals carefully made their way to the main restaurant area. It was much bigger than they thought, or at least it was bigger than Rainbow thought.

The main area of the shop was empty for now, leaving them a straight shot to the counter and the kitchen beyond. The twins were not sure where their mother and father were at the moment, but were afraid to get caught.

Rainbow, on the other hoof. was crawling to the kitchen as fast as she could to get to get the cookie jar. But in her mind she was thinking. "Why do I want cookies so much?"

Upon entering the kitchen the foals could see a few things set off to cool, fresh smells of bread drifted through the space. None of the ovens were on at the moment though.

Rainbow looked around and saw the cookie jar on the counter, way too high for her or either of the twins to get it.

The twins looked up at where Rainbow was staring and blinked. "How we get up thewe?

"Me can fwy, but no tat high." Rainbow explained, trying to fly higher than the second drawer She soon fluttered back to the floor, panting.

"We use chair?" Pumpkin pointed out. "Maybe?”

Rainbow giggled. "Yeah, tat wowk!" The three waddled to a nearby table, grabbing the chair as they began to drag it towards the counter. The chair made loud squeaks as they moved it, no doubt alerting their parents

Mr. Cake happen to walk downstairs. "Hello? Anypony down here?" He called, having heard the squeaks.

"Dada?" Pumpkin gasped as she stopped pushing, watching the other two push the chair closer to the counter.

"Huwwy, hide!" Rainbow whispered, and went into a cupboard.

Pumpkin squeaked and ran under the table while Pound waddled under the door.

Mr. Cake pulled the swinging door open, just in time to spot Pound Cake. "What are you doing down here, little guy?" He asked.

Rainbow gasped while looking through a gap between the cupboard door and the actual cupboard.

Mr. Cake just heard babbles as he picked up Pound and looked around the room. "Do you know where the other foals are?" He asked, scouting around.

Meanwhile, the party cave entrance opened up as the two explorers exited from beneath.

"That was amazing, Pinkie!” Daring exclaimed! “I have to go down there when I'm an adult again!"

"Sure, Daring, anytime," Pinkie declared, before hearing Mr. Cake talking with Pound. She moved into the kitchen as well, hearing squeaking from the cupboard. She stalked closer with a grin. "Hm, I think somepony is hiding."

Daring looked at the cupboard too. "I know that squeal, it's Rainbow Dash!"

Pinkie pulled the cupboard open and beamed. "Found you, Dashie! What are you doing out of the nursery?" She scooped her out and bounced her up and down. "You silly filly.”

Rainbow blushed, "I uh, I-" she felt tears in her eyes, but then looked at Pound Cake who was looking at her with a frown, and she sighed. "Me was twying get cookies, and the twins twied to stop me."

"Oh," Pinkie said before looking back at the twins. "They sure are smart," She looked back at Rainbow. "Don’t you know the kitchen is no place for foals? There’s so many sharp and hot things. You could’ve gotten hurt."

"Me just wanted cookies!" Rainbow said as tried grabbing the cookie jar.

Pinkie walked away from the counter. "Now, Dashie, you know you shouldn’t have sweets before meal times. You’ll spoil your appetite." She mothered as Daring followed after the party pony.

"But cookies good! Me wanna eat cookies for dinner!" Rainbow said and held onto Pinkie.

Daring scolded. “No means no, Rainbow Dash. And you should know better than to try and steal from the cookie jar.”

It wasn’t long unto the three foals were all in their highchairs being fed some baby food. Daring was of course feeding Rainbow, while Pinkie and Mr. Cake were handling the twins.

“Come on, open up, Dashie! It’s only broccoli!” Daring complained.

"Broccoli gross! Cookies good!" Rainbow said while trying to grab the cookie jar from her highchair. Of course, she wasn’t anywhere close to it and Daring kept spooning the vegetables, mushing it onto the foal’s cheeks.

“Did you try silly faces? Those always work “ Pinkie blurted, flying mush into Pound’s open mouth.

"It no gonna work on me!" Rainbow insisted with a smile.

Daring tried anyway ,sticking her tongue out and shaking her head like a dog. She preps the spoon to go into the foal’s mouth. Rainbow giggled, looking at Daring silly face. Seeing her chance, Daring smirked while plonking the spoon in. “Gotcha!” This repeated itself throughout the meal with Rainbow unable to resist. At the end, the little foal was spooned some pudding for desert. “My, aren’t you messy?” Daring commented.

Rainbow giggled. "Yeah..." And she was soon cleaned.

Once the meal was over, Daring carried Rainbow back up the stairs to the nursery. “I bet you’ll get used to flying again in no time once you grow up. “

"Yeah, me wuv fwying!" Rainbow declared.

“Maybe, we could go up to a cloudscape sometime.” She cradled the filly once in the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair.

"<ama, me wuv you!" Rainbow said while snuggling into Daring's coat.

Daring sighed a bit, feeling warm inside as she rocked slowly while keeping the foal close. She wasn't sure what to say back, so she kept on massaging Rainbow's back.

Rainbow yawned, then looked up at Daring while smiling. "G'night, Mama."

Daring smiled, watching Rainbow's eye droop before finally dozing off with a light snore. "Good night, Dashie." She whispered, taking her to the crib soon enough.

Upon exiting the nursery, Pinkie led Daring up to her suite and beamed. "I"ll go make the spare bed." She bounced off to do so, letting Daring stare around. She took this moment to stare out the upper window glancing at the view of Ponyville. What would her life be like if she retired, or at least did less adventures?

"Just don't think about it right now, Daring..... But you'll have to make the choice sooner or later." Daring said to herself and lay down on Pinkie’s bed.

When Pinkie came back with the bed all made, Daring rolled over to look at her. "Pinkie, do you think I'd make a good long term mother?"

"Well, I think you'd be a great mother in your own right. You’re already doing a good job of taking care of Rainbow, why do you ask?" Pinkie said as she sat next to Daring.

"Just thinking about it again," Daring answered as she fiddled with her hooves. "Never thought of being a mother before now, you know? Was alway off on one adventure or another, so I never really got that close to somepony."

"Well, Rainbow seems to think of you as more of a mother than her own,” Pinkie answered. “Trust me, when her mom came to town a few years back, she was so embarrassed that she didn't go outside for like a month!" Pinkie exclaimed while tickling the filly next to her. "Now stop thinking about that! You're like ten years old right now! Have fun and laugh!"

Daring laughed, soon smiling up at Pinkie as she kicked her legs. "Haha! Okay, okay. But you said that I would turn back tomorrow anyway, right? Or did you mean kid at heart?"

"Well you'll be a adult some time tomorrow, it could be in the morning, or the afternoon. I don't know." Pinkie explained and hugged the filly next to her.

"Hopefully I won’t turn back when I’m in public. How would I explain that?” Daring thought out loud. “A cosplay that’s nowhere near a convention?" She leaned into the hug in a little, surprised that Pinkie’s coat smelled like sugar.

"Well, maybe you could say that you wore a costume to make your daughter happy?" Pinkie suggested.

Daring yawned. "Mm, I guess," She yawned. Even if it wasn't that late she felt exhausted. The grown mare happily carried Daring into the guest room, laying her on the bed. "Mm, thanks, Pinkie, you're a good friend."

"Aw, you’re welcome, sweetie. Now get some sleep, you'll need it if you're going to grow up big and strong!" Pinkie said as she kissed Daring on the forehead. "Love you, sweetie."

Daring blushed a little at the motherly tone used, before chuckling a little as sleep over took her in no time. Pinkie was right, she worried too much. She just had to take it one step at a time

Author's Note:

And there goes the backlog. Chapters might take a week to make(RP+edits)
Hope you enjoyed filly Daring. Because she turns back in the morning