• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,835 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Daring Do and the Filly Curse

"Let's hope Twilight has a lead today," Daring commented as she approached the library with Rainbow in tow. Her own look into artifacts had gotten her some vague lead on oddly enough a rumoured pound that had youthful properties. Quite possibly close to where that pacifier temple had been. The adventurer wasn't sure how it would help, but at least it was something. Rainbow hadn't had anymore relapses yet either, which was a relief for now.

"Yeah, wet hope. Me wanna go back to being big pony." Rainbow said as she lay on Daring’s back.

“Oh, don't give up hope, Rainbow. I know it been about two weeks since your regression, but you never know." Daring replied while gently knocking on the door. Despite it being a public library.

The first to answer the door was Spike. "Oh, hi," He looked from side to side to make sure nopony was around before adding. "Daring, Twilight's inside."

Daring entered the library, staring around at the various piles of books as usual. Something was different this time though, as Twilight had the cursed pacifier on the table and a small crystal propped up near it. The nearby chalkboard had all kinds of magical gibberish that the adventurer had no way of deciphering. Twilight turned with a grin. "Oh Daring, Rainbow Dash, I"m glad you stopped by. I think I’ve found a way to change you back. In theory." At least her mane and tail were brushed this time around.

"In theowy?" Rainbow commented while looking at Twilight.

"Well, it’s not a certainty” Twilight explained. “Daring, remember when you redirected the magic flow of the aura crystal to bounce off the mirrors?"

"Yes, why?" Daring inquired.

"Well, if i can get the magic from inside the pacifier to discharge and redirect it at Rainbow, the two curses should cancel each other out." She explained, tapping the crystal.

"Bu wah if tat doesn't work, and it make me wike weal baby?" Rainbow shuddered in horror.

Twilight's ears flattened. "I don't know, but it’s my best guess right now, we have to try something." The princess set up a stool at the appropriate height for the test.

"Mama, can you hold me hoof?" Rainbow asked as she looked at Daring.

Daring sat Rainbow on the stool and did so. "Don't' worry, I'm sure your friend knows what she is doing, I hope." She comforted, keeping a light grip on the hoof.

Rainbow looked away. "Do it, Twily! I weady."

Twilight’s horn glowed, aiming her magic at the cursed artifact. "Okay, here we go!" After a moment the beam fired, hitting the pacifier dead on. The pacifier glowed brighter before the beam shot out into the crystal, then firing off towards its target in a small, more controlled beam. Unfortunately, in Twilight's haste to set up her contraption she had misaligned by just a small margin. Thus the beam missed Rainbow entirely, instead hitting Daring square in the chest!

The pegasus was knocked backwards, feeling a sense of vertigo as her body glowed! When the light cleared, Daring now stood as tall as a school aged filly. Daring looked at herself and gasped. "You have got to be kidding me!"

Rainbow looked at the filly and gasped. "Wah happened to mama? She shwunk!"

Twilight trotted in place while panicking. "Oh no, oh no, oh no! What have i done?!”She rushed over to Daring and lit up her horn again. The faint glow around Daring lasted a few seconds before Twilight sighed. "W-well... uh... the good news is, whatever the backlash was it's not permanent. Plus you're not a drooling foal so it's progress." She blushed, feeling a little bit ashamed.

Daring groaned. "Great just great. How long am I stuck like this, Twilight?"

"If my readings are right, about two days." Twilight replied.

Spike, meanwhile, looked towards the crystal. "But if this did that to Daring, wouldn't it work on Rainbow too?"

They all thought about it for a minute, "I guess it would make her older. But it's still not enough to turn her back to normal,” Twilight declared. “It would be better than being a foal. But I don't think I could make another energy blast with that much power for a while."

Daring groaned and stared back at her flank, eeping. "Hey, my cutie mark is gone! I’m a blank flank again!" She blushed, remembering her young school days.

"Mama, why you small?" Rainbow asked, looking down at Daring from on top of the stool.

"Magic backlash." Daring commented as Twilight helped Rainbow to the floor.

"Daring, I am so sorry. I'm sure you're mark will return once you change back.” Twilight profusely apologized.

"So wah we gonna do? Mama no can take us up to cwoud house wike this." Rainbow commented while looking at Twilight.

"Well, it's possible you could have a sleepover with Pinkie Pie or somepony else." Twilight commented, soon hearing the front door open as Sweetie Belle came trotting in with her saddle bag followed by the other two Crusaders. It was the weekend after all, the perfect time for another Twilight Time session.

Rainbow looked at the three fillies and giggled. "Hi Scootawoo, Sweetie Bewwe, Appwe Bwoom!"

"Hey Rainbow," Scootaloo greeted, before gasping upon seeing Daring! "Wow! What happened to her?!"

Sweetie moved up next to Daring, finding that they were the same height. "Yeah, how she’d get so small?"

Twilight struggled not to hang her head in shame. "My fault. I was trying to change Rainbow Dash back, but it didn't quite work this time."

Daring blushed. "So unfortunately, I'm going to be stuck as a filly for a few days."

"Wait, if you're a filly then who's going to take care of Rainbow?" Sweetie asked.

"I can still care for her," Daring protested, looking toward Scootaloo. "I mean after all, you did a pretty decent job at it, even changed a messy diaper."

"Yeah, well she was kind of easy. And it was only for a few hours. Plus, you kind of walked me through it." Scootaloo said with a blush.

Daring buzzed her wings, hovering off the ground. "Well, I can still fly, just not sure i could carry Rainbow though." She commented, soon landing as to not make Scootaloo jealous.

Apple Bloom rubbed her chin. "I could watch her, my old crib should still be in storage somewhere and I'm sure Granny Smith would love to have a youngin’ around."

"I could watch her!” Sweetie offered. “Rarity already has a crib set up in the living room just in case Rainbow falls asleep there. Though she’ll probably want Rainbow potty trained so she doesn’t have to change diapers."

Twilight chuckled a little. "Perhaps a responsible adult should watch her," Twilight interjected,. "Like Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, ponies with actual experience taking care of others."

Daring growled. “I'm not some small child, I'm still me! It’s not like I’m completely helpless in this state!"

Apple Bloom looked at Daring. "Well, what if we all watch her together?"

"Yeah, we can watch her while we have our annual Crusader Sleepover at my house!" Sweetie Belle cheered. "Oh, and Twilight, we came here for a book about sleepover activities now that I remember."

Rainbow giggled. "Tat sound fun! I wanna go! Can we go, Mama?!"

Daring blinked and looked at the group. "I guess that can work, as long as we make sure to keep an eye on Rainbow."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Sleepover with Daring Do and Rainbow Dash, yay!" The Crusaders cheered in unison.

"Yay!" Rainbow also cheered

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she came back wit the book the Crusaders had asked for. "Alright, here you go. But be careful with Rainbow, girls. Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble." She mothered.

Sweetie beamed. "No worries, Twilight, we’ve got this. We’re going to have so much fun!" She said, her voice cutely cracking.

Rainbow sat on Daring’s back and yawned. "Wake me when we get to Wawitay’s."

Sweetie Belle giggled at the mention of Rarity's and whispered something into Apple Bloom's ear. The two giggled a bit and told Scootaloo their idea.

"Can't Rainbow just sleep in a sleeping bag?" Scootaloo asked as they headed upstairs to Sweetie's room once at Sweetie’s parents’ house.

"No, because she could roll off and hurt herself,” Daring protested. "That's why she'll be sleeping next to me in a basket, just like she always has."

"Fall off a sleeping bag?" Scootaloo blinked. "Uh, okay. I didn’t think you could do that, but whatever, you’re the expert here."

Daring nodded. “Trust me, it’s happened to me more times than you might think. Hurts like crazy.”

Sweetie Belle giggled, having an extra bag with her. "Oh, this will be a great sleepover! I just know it!"

"Yeah, just none of that face mask stuff, bleh!" Scootaloo gagged, making a face at such a girly thing to do. “I don’t mind a bit of mane styling, but all that makeup stuff is overkill.”

"What, you don't want to try makeup?" Sweetie retorted with a grin.

Apple Bloom sighed. "That stuff isn't that girly, Scootaloo. I've seen Applejack wear it before and I ain’t heard her complain ‘bout it. Why not try it?"

"No way! I mean, Rainbow would never do that either." Scootaloo protested. Daring just chuckled at the small argument.

"What do you think, Daring?” Scootaloo suggested. “After all, you're the one that Rainbow looks up to."

Daring smiled. "Oh, a little dress up never hurt anypony." She stared at the sleeping foal who was sucking on her hoof rather adorably.

Sweetie clapped her hooves. "Oh goodie! I think some of my clothes will fit you too, Daring. That way nopony will notice you, since I don’t think your A. K. outfit fits you now."

Scootaloo blushed. "Well, if Daring will wear those girly clothes, then I guess I will too."

"Well, there was that one time I wore tribal garbs for a party. Or was it a belly dancer?" Daring thought aloud as she tapped her chin. "Eh, it’s not important." She sets Rainbow into the small basket she’d brought with her.

Sweetie giggled. "I've gotten better at applying lipstick if you girls want to do that. Rarity showed me how" She seemed so giddy at the prospect.

Apple Bloom smirked. "Don't forget about the pillow fight. It ain’t a sleepover without one."

Daring giggled. "If being a filly means all this fun stuff, then sign me up! Might as well make the most of my two days of fillyhood."

By the time Rainbow woke up, she was greeted by the sight of Scootaloo being put into one of Sweetie Belle’s light blue dresses and a bow being inserted into her mane. The filly herself was blushing.

Sweetie Belle held out the shoes. "Oh, you should try the shoes. They would totally match."
Rainbow giggled. "Why you weaw that, Scoot?!" Scootaloo blushed.

Out of nowhere, Daring walked behind the foal in a light pink dress, her mane curled, and makeup on her face. "Hey, she has it easy, Rainbow."

Rainbow turned and snickered, bursting out into laughter. "Hahaha! You wook siwwy!" But Rainbow didn’t noticed the dress she was wearing, until Sweetie brought up a small, hoof held mirror in front of the foal. The dress was light blue with a cloud design, Rainbow head had been put into a bonnet, and her hooves had little booties on them. She actually looked really cute, and Rainbow smiled. "Ooh." She looked down and giggled somewhat.

Daring blushed. "Sweetie talked me into this." She poked at the dress, then glanced at Apple Bloom's purple sundress.

Sweetie Belle beamed. "Hehe, we’re all ready for the ball. Or maybe even the Grand Galloping Gala." She swirled about in her own dress that matched her mane perfectly.

Rainbow looked up and shook her head. "I no going to dance!"

"Why not?" Sweetie asked. "It's not slow dancing." She moved to the record player, lowering the needle. Jazz music blasted out of the record player a second later.

Rainbow sighed. "I no can get out of this, can I?"

Sweetie couldn’t help but laugh as she grabbed the forelegs and help move the foal around, gently hearing faint crinkles.

Daring rolled her eyes as she swayed to the music.

Scootaloo swayed some too. "At least it isn't boring music like a lyre."

Apple Bloom smiled and did a small dance, "I kinda like that music. It's relaxin’."

Rainbow giggled and shook her little behind to the music.

The group keep on dancing, Rainbow being swapped between partners from time to time. Daring felt happy seeing Rainbow’s wide grin and waddling all cute in her attire.

After a few minutes Sweetie beamed. "Ooh, can we take pictures?" She, asked having the camera with her. "Please!" She proceeded to use her big, puppy dog eyes look.

Rainbow smiled, "Otay, we take pictures!" She was having too much fun to even care about what others thought of her, or how she looked. Being a foal was fun for some odd reason.

Sweetie cheered, happily snapping photos of her friends and Daring Do, Apple Bloom took a turn taking a shot of Sweetie Belle as well. They all laughed some and began to take off the dresses. Rainbow still found Daring’s look funny, seeing an adventurer in such girly make up was something she never thought she’d get to see.

Rainbow smiled and then sat down on her diaper, feeling an unpleasant squishing sensation. "Uh oh." She’d been having so much fun that she didn't even realize that she’d wet herself/

"Oh, can I change her, Daring?" Apple Bloom asked as she came over.

Daring shrugged. "I guess if you want to, I’m getting a little tired of changing diapers all the time." She remarked, steadily unpacking the changing supplies.

"N-no changie! Me fine!" Rainbow protested while blushing.

"Looks pretty soaked to me." Scootaloo remarked, lifting the dress to see the bright yellow stain.

Apple Bloom laid Rainbow upon the changing mat while Daring instructed her on what to do.

Rainbow sighed. She was about to do something that she thought she never would do, admit that she liked wearing a wet diaper. "It wawm and squishy, me wike it!"

Daring shook her head. "Nice try, I wont have you getting a rash on my watch." She mothered, watching Apple Bloom wipe Rainbow’s fur clean.

Apple Bloom smiled. "I've had few younger cousins during our family reunions to watch over. So I’ve picked up a thing or two."

"But I no gonna get rash, I go pee pee in diapee every night, and then in morning I no have rash!" Rainbow protested, trying in vain to get off of the changing mat.

The Crusaders giggled as Apple Boom had to hold Rainbow still, using the other hoof to apply the powder. "At least it wasn't the other kind of accident," She soon had the diaper taped up and got the foal to her hooves. "Okay, what's next, Sweetie Belle?"

"Pillow fight?" Sweetie suggested, tossing a pillow with her magic at Scootaloo.

Daring ducked from another pillow as she picks up Rainbow. "Don’t worry, you can help me, little one." She replied.

Rainbow grabbed a small pillow that was on the ground and giggled, she then threw it as far as she could, but it only made it a few feet away from her.

Sweetie Belle awed a bit as the group went on dodging pillows. Daring move around, making sure Dash can have her own pillow as well. "Come on, Rainbow, you can do it!”

"No me can't, I no can throw!" Rainbow protested with a whimper.

Scootaloo, meanwhile, got really close with her pillow. "Haha!" She swung as Rainbow held up her small pillow

Rainbow giggled. "Ne might no throw, but me no gonna get hit!"

The pillows collide as Scootaloo instead lightly bopped Daring in the face with her pillow

A hour or two passed by, and then all sat on the floor, bored and exhausted. "Ugh! Me bored!" Rainbow yelled.

Scootaloo offered Rainbow Dash one of the smaller potato chips as they sat around the kitchen table with some snacks.

"Do you think she'd actually be able to eat chips, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I don't see why not, I mean she eats cookies a lot." Scootaloo replied.

"Those are soft oatmeal cookies, and last time I checked she's just a foal." Sweetie Belle cautioned.

"Oh, okay," Scootaloo put the chip back and watched Daring spoon feed Rainbow some apple sauce. "I keep forgetting that kind of stuff, given how well she can talk. If not for the diaper, I’d think she was much older than she actually is."

"Speaking of diapers, I picked up a swim diaper from Pinkie Pie if we want to take her swimming in the pound nearby." Sweetie offered, pointing to said pound just across the street from her house.

Rainbow ate the applesauce and then giggled. "Swimming sound fun! Me wanna swim!"

"I brought water wings too," Sweetie beamed while watching Rainbow eat. "We can teach her to swim."

"Me know how to swim! And me no need wader wings!" Rainbow protested.

"Can't be too careful," Daring said while spooning some more applesauce into the foal’s mouth. "You are just a foal after all."

Rainbow sighed. "Me may be foal, but me know how to swim!"

"No butts, missy," Daring scolded as she carried Rainbow off to change her into the swim diaper. "I won’t let you get harmed. What kind of a mother would I be if I let you drown?" She mothered.

“You being meanie poopy butt!" Rainbow pouted and looked away from Daring. Daring rolled her eyes as she took Rainbow upstairs for privacy. She slid the diaper off of Rainbow and put the swim on one her. She knew it was just Rainbow's foal side acting up again. And soon the swim padding was tapped up into place.

Rainbow looked at the swimming diaper and poked at it. "Tis just wook wike normaw diapee."

"It’s meant for water, so if you poop or pee it won’t get out." Daring cooed and carried Rainbow outside. The others were already at the pound.

Scootaloo came over with the pink water wings, trying to slide them under Rainbow’s hooves, ultimately doing so. Then she slipped each floaty onto Rainbow‘s forelegs, inflating them with her breath.

Rainbow giggled and touched the water wings as they were inflated

Scootaloo panted a bit before taking one last breath and closing the valve. "Okay, you're good, Rainbow Dash!"

Daring nodded, slowly descending into the water. The slightly cool water lapped at Rainbow’s hooves as she steadily submerged. Daring still held onto her however as Rainbow splashed the water around.

Daring gradually moved deeper into the pond and let go, watch the foal bob into the water. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but aww.

"Tis fun!" Rainbow squealed.

Sweetie splashed at Rainbow a little and nodded. "Yeah, the water’s not too cold either." She smiled, and Rainbow watched the fillies splash about or even do a few cannon balls.

Rainbow just sighed and looked at the fillies, "I wanna do that." She swam around for a minute or two to try and do so, before feeling a unwelcoming feeling in the back of her swimming diaper.

Daring splash about with the others, soon hearing Rainbow's whimper. She stopped and moved over. "Oh, what's wrong, Rainbow? Getting chilly?"

"N-no." Rainbow answered and looked down at the water, tears in her eyes

Daring soon deduced what was wrong as she patted the diaper and blushed. "Oh, do you want to stop playing for now?" She mothered, carrying the filly to shore.

"Y-yeah, Mama." Rainbow replied, cuddling into the filly's coat.

The Crusaders felt kind of bad for Rainbow, but let Daring take Rainbow inside for her change. After drying off the others came back inside, watching as Daring was playing patty cake with Rainbow

Rainbow smiled and looked back at the CMC. "Hi girls!"

Scootaloo sit down nearby with a smile. "Sorry you had to cut your pool time short." She ruffled Rainbow's mane some, making it stick up in all directions.

"It otay, I stiww have fun," Rainbow giggled and swatted Scootaloo's hoof away. “Dun touch my mane!”

"Well, there are other things we can do. But I’m not sure what we can do that includes Rainbow," Sweetie rubbed her neck. "Although it’s almost supper time." She added, hearing her mother cooking in the kitchen.

Rainbow giggled. "I awewady hungwy!"

Cookie Crumbles peeked into the living room with a smile. "Oh, isn’t that cute?" She smiled. "I found your old high chair in storage, Sweetie Belle. Oh, looking at Rainbow just makes me remember when you were just a foal, Sweetie Belle. You were always so messy at meal times."

"Mom, I have friends over!" Sweetie exclaimed as a raging blush broke out on her cheeks.

Cookie just went back to cooking.

Apple Bloom giggled. "Oh, were you a fussy eater?" She quipped.

"Oh, I want to see the foal album!" Scootaloo added, just to tease.

"No!" Sweetie protested! "It's too embarrassing!"

"So, you put us into dresses, it only seems fair.” Scootaloo kept on teasing.

Rainbow giggled at the antics. "I wanna see youw baby pictuwes!"

Hondo, upon hearing this, looked up from his book he’d been reading. "Oh, you do? I'll go fetch it." He giggled moving to the stairs to fetch it, all the while Sweetie squeaked in embarrassment.

"Dad, please, don't!" Sweetie yelled but it was too late!

The other Crusaders grinned as they looked at Sweetie blush. Daring snickered too. "Oh, I’ve got to see this."

Hondo came down the stairs a few seconds later with a red colored album. He sat on the couch as the other fillies gathered around to look. Rainbow sat on Daring’s lap. They all looked and awed at the pictures.

Hondo first showed a picture of Sweetie a few days after she was born. The filly was swaddled in a blanket while being held by Rarity. "Aww, that's so cute!" Daring cooed, then covered her mouth.

Apple Bloom laughed a bit. "Hehe, your voice cracked." She teased.

Sweetie blushed as her dad pointed to other things like her first bath time, her potty training, and a few adorable little outfits during dress up time.

Hondo pointed to one of Sweetie in a light pink dress, pouting slightly. "Oh, she was so fussy that day, yet so adorable too."

"Sounds like this little one just about every day." Daring said, looking at Rainbow who was blushing.

Scootaloo laughed at that, looking at how shy Rainbow was now. "Aww, look," She pointed to an image of Sweetie at the park, all covered in mud. "She looks like she had fun."

The other Crusaders (and Daring and Rainbow) giggled at Sweetie’s expense.

"Daaad stop!" Sweetie whined and pleaded.

Hondo just smiled. "I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle, but they asked to see this."

Daring bounced Rainbow a bit and smiled. "Oh, I bet Rainbow will love looking back on all of this and laughing too."

Rainbow smiled. "You wight, Mama!"

Hondo looked at Daring with a confused look. "Did Rainbow just call you ‘Mama’?"

"Uh..." Daring blinked. "Must’ve have heard wrong." She commented and Hondo appeared to buy it.

Hondo shrugged and flipped the page, pointing to yet another cute picture. "Oh, and here’s Rarity trying to feed Sweetie." In the photo was a young Sweetie in her highchair, mashed carrot over her cheeks and bib, her head turned away from the spoon Rarity was trying to feed her with.

"Aww, that's so cute!" Apple Bloom cooed. "You were so cute as a foal, Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie blushed. "I'm sure your foal pictures are just as adorable and embarrassing." She protests as Hondo patted his daughter's head.

The group enjoyed the trip down memory lane until supper was called. The meal went on rather uneventful, Rainbow eating like a good filly.
Hondo and Cookie asked how Rainbow was doing as a foal, of course causing a little embarrassment on the foal's part.

Eventually, as bedtime rolled around, Daring helped slip Rainbow into her comfy Wonderbolt onesie.

"Mama, how wong you fiwwy fow again?" Rainbow asked, yawning a little.

"A few days from what Twilight said, remember?" Daring replied, tucking Rainbow into her basket. "I'll be okay, I promise."

"Otay. me wuv you mama." Rainbow said, yawning a little

Daring gave Rainbow a pacifier to suckle before laying in her own sleeping bag. The others yawned as well, exhausted from their fun.

Author's Note:

pssst, we ahve Derpy in a later chapter for a short moment too.