• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,831 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Daycare Adventures

Daring pushed a stroller along, adorned in her Yearling attire once more. Rainbow was wearing a light yellow dress that Rarity had made for her. It still showed off her diapered bottom though and was marked with little Wonderbolts prints. “I need to spend time writing today, so you’ll be spending time at the daycare.“ Daring explained, still a tad nervous about the night before and what had happened to Rainbow Dash.

"A daycawe?! Tat's fow stupid foaws!" Rainbow yelled, then blushed upon realizing that she was actually a foal now.

“Well I can't have Scootaloo watch you, she is in school. “ Daring explained while wheeling along and waving at various ponies. She made her way through the market, stopping briefly by Applejack’s cart.

Applejack smiled. “Hey there, Rainbow, how ya holdin’ up?”

Rainbow smiled back. "Hi, Appwejack, I fine. How is you?"

“I’ve been good. Hope bein’ a foal ain’t too much of a hassle for ya,” Applejack cooed and ruffled Rainbow’s mane. “I see Rarity got ya in a dress after all.”

Rainbow looked at the small yellow dress she was wearing. "Yeah, but I wike it. It pwetty."

Applejack gave the foal's belly a little tickle. "Well it does match your mane." She cooed as Daring smiled.

"Better get you to daycare now, Rainbow, say bye bye." Daring joked.

Rainbow smiled and did the cutest face she could muster up. "Bye bye, Appwejack!"

“Gah, you're too cute!" Applejack made funny faces in order to be goofy.

Daring giggle a little too before wheeling the stroller along once more. It wasn't long unit she’d reached her destination. Sunny Day Daycare. The inside was as bright and colorful as most daycares were.

A soft red coated earth pony mare with a beautiful,straight golden mane and tail, blue eyes, and a cutie mark depicting a smiling foal was at the front desk. She came over and leaned down, cooing at Rainbow. “Aww, and who might you be, little one?"

"I Wainbow Dash!" Rainbow yelled while smiling.

Daring smiled at the sight as the mare unbuckled the little foal from the stroller. "Don't you worry, Miss Yearling, she'll be in good hooves." The mare patted the diaper on Rainbow, making it crinkle.

Daring nodded. "Thank you. I'll be back around four or so, so just keep an eye on her ‘till then.."

"No problem." The mare cooed, bouncing Rainbow up and down a little.

Rainbow looked at Daring for a second. "Y-you weaving?"

"Yes, but don't worry, Rainbow. I'll be back." Daring promised and ruffled Rainbow's mane.

"Bu me no wan you to go!" Rainbow pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Daring wasn’t too surprised by this display, she figured it was just the foal side of Rainbow acting up. She gave Rainbow a gentle nuzzle. "Shh, it okay. it won’t be for very long. You'll have so much fun that time will fly by."

"Bu me haven't been away fwom ya fow so wong!" Rainbow pouted.

The caretaker just cooed, rubbing Rainbow’s back. "Don't you worry, little one. She'll be back for you, just like she promised.”

"B-bu me want my mama!" Rainbow yelled while grabby hooves at Daring.

"It's okay, Rainbow. Just trust them," Daring pleaded. “Please, I have to go.”

"Bu me want to be with you…” Rainbow pouted while doing what any foal would consider their secret weapon: A puppy dog face with a quivering lip

Daring managed to resist just enough to lean forward, kissing Rainbow's forehead and cooing. "I have to go work on my book, I promise we can go for ice cream afterwards if you behave."

Rainbow’s ears perked up "Ice cweam, and cookies?"

"Why do you always want cookies?" Daring laughed while patting her head.

Meanwhile, the mare cooed and looked at Rainbow. "Oh, don't you want to make friends?" She asked.

"Yeah, bu Mama's friends awready the bestest friends in the whowe worwd!" Rainbow boasted. She knew that she was just talking about her friends, but she didn't think the caretaker would understand a little filly having adult friends. It would seem weird.

"Oh don’t you worry, you'll make new ones your own age." The caretaker declared before carrying her further in, as Rainbow watched Daring head for the door.

Rainbow just sighed with a sad look on her face and waved Daring away. "Bye, Mama."

The caretaker let Rainbow watch Daring leave, before taking her along and entering the room to her left, which was the room for the smaller foals. The room had a central playpen with soft foam flooring and toys a plenty. Various animals were plastered upon the walls, along with other childish and soothing imagery. "Here we are, little one," The mare cooed while gently lowering Rainbow into the playpen. "Go on, make some friends."

Rainbow slowly crawled around the playpen, looking for any toys she could play with. It wasn't long until she found a few blocks. "It awways bwocks." Rainbow mumbled to herself as she started to stack the blocks on top of each other. While she was stacking randomly, she did manage to spell ‘Dash’ horizontally. She found that amusing as she played onward.

The room was a buzz with babbles or crinkles as the others played about. Rainbow could understand the babbles and was hearing various things.

"I wanna paci!" One foal yelled.

"Whewe's Mama?!" Another asked.

One of the small fillies, meanwhile, was bouncing a ball, only for it to slip a moment later and bounce toward Rainbow. It toppled her block tower to the floor. A familiar blue coated filly waddled over while cooing. "Oops."

Rainbow looked angrily at the filly. "Hey! Why you do tat?! Me was pwaying with those!"

The filly squeaked. "Me sowwy." She shyly babbled.

Rainbow looked at the filly and sighed. "It otay, you no mean it." She then rolled the ball back to the filly.

The filly smiled as she bounced it back while smiling. "I Fwozen Winds!" She declared, bouncing on her bottom.

"I Wainbow Dash, nice to meet you." Rainbow replied.

Frozen Winds reached out and booped Rainnbow's nose, before resuming their playtime.
Rainbow felt pretty relaxed and wasn't even thinking of Daring at the moment, she was having too much fun to notice. It was just like with the Cake Twins, only there more foals around. "So, you wike pwaying with baww?" She asked Frozen.

"Hehe, yup. It bouncy," Frozen smiled while cooing "Wah toy you wike?"

"I wike....” Rainbow paused and tried to think of one. “Rattwe."

Frozen beamed as she waddle over to one of the pink rattles that had been left on the floor and shook it around while giggling. "Yeah, tis fun,” Then something else caught her attention. “Oh oh, toy dwum."

Rainbow giggled and crawled to the drums. "Wah, I do with tese?"

"You bang on dem, siwwy," Frozen explained. Using her rattle, she pounded on the drum, making it thump in return. "See?"

"Oh... Weww, I knew tat! I test you!" Rainbow blushed a little, not wanting to admit she actually didn’t know.

"You siwwy, Wainbow Dash." Frozen laughed while shaking the rattle some more, enjoying its sound while watching Rainbow bob her hooves on the drum a few times.

Rainbow giggled. "You fun, Fwozen!" The two proceeded to play for quite a while, enjoying each other's company for at least half an hour.

One of the caretakers soon came over to Rainbow and picked her up, doing a diaper check. Rainbow squirmed as her diaper was checked. She wasn't used to diaper checks, even though she was a foal for a week or two now. She usually could tell when she needed a change But this wasn’t one of those times.

"Uh oh, somepony is super soaked, yes she is." The caretaker stallion cooed while taking Rainbow over to the changing table. There was even a mobile over head as he went to work on getting her clean.

Getting changed by a stranger was odd. Rainbow looked at the stallion and blushed. "I no need changie. I fine." She knew it wasn't true, but she didn't want to get changed by somepony she didn't know.

"Don't you worry, little one, I know what I'm doing. This won’t take long" The stallion said as he put a belt over her tummy to stop her from rolling and went to work. He unpinned it and opened it up, effortlessly removing the wet padding. He then got wipes and carefully set to work cleaning her up. All the while he was gently humming.

Rainbow blushed as the stallion changed her. She was at least thankful that she got changed out of her wet diaper. After her change, the caretaker took her into the small kitchen area nearby,. “I bet my little one is hungry, isn’t she?" He asked, giving her a faint tickle reaching into the fridge for a bottle to warm up.

Rainbow giggled. "I wanna baba!"

The stallion sat down after warming up the bottle and set it into Rainbow's mouth while cooing. Rainbow started to suckle on the rubber nipple of the bottle, loving the warm, creamy milk that entered her mouth as she did so. As she was fed, she could see her new friend being changed as well, it almost made her giggle. Being cared for wasn't so bad It felt really nice.

The caretaker smiled. "So, how old are you, sweetie?" Rainbow was too busy suckling to notice that he’d asked her something. The stallion didn’t mind, he just gently rubbed her back before moving toward the side room where the cribs were. “'m guessing two or so, but you sure can talk so well for a two year old."

Rainbow finished the bottle and looked up at him. "I tawk good cause I was aduwt!" Rainbow exclaimed and then gasped! "Wait, me no mean tat!"

"Oh, such an active imagination." The stallion chuckled, clearly not thinking much of it. He put her diaper on before lowering her into the crib. There was a soft teddy bear there too

Rainbow looked at the teddy bear for a second before realizing that it wasn't her Spitfire plushie. She looked around for a minute before she realized that it wasn't there. "I wan my pwushie!" Rainbow yelled, throwing the teddy bear out of the crib.

"Plushie? You didn't have a plush." The caretaker said while picking up the teddy bear.

"My Spitfiwe pwushie! I want it!" Rainbow demanded.

The stallion meeped as another of the caretakers peeked her head in. "What's wrong?" she asked.

The stallion sighed. "She wants a Spitfire plushie, do we even have those?"

"I don't think so, I could look around. But if I do find one, do you think she could tell the difference?" The other caretaker asked.

“ I don’t know, but we’ve got to do something. “ The stallion commented, watching Rainbow stomp her hooves on the mattress. He hoped she’d just wear herself out like most toddlers did.

The caretaker started to dig through the box of plushie that the daycare had. After a few minutes she had found a Soarin plush. "It's not Spitfire, but it will have to do." She said to herself as she walked back to the crib.

Rainbow saw the Soarin plushie as it was held over her. It looked worn but still durable. She grabbed it, yawned, and hugged onto it. Then she got comfortable on the mattress of the crib.

The two caretakers awed at the sight and walked out of the room.

As the filly slept, she had a dream. She was wearing the Daring Do from the previous night, outfit making her way through a jungle oddly made of jungle gym playground parts. Her trusty rattle was secure around her belt in case of nasty teddy bears

Rainbow giggled as she climbed into a small cave in the side of a mountain, which seemed to be made out of a rock wall. Inside were the red tubes you find at fast food places. The golden cookie had to be around here somewhere. She just had to find it She crawled around for a few minutes, not being able to find anything. Then she realized something else, she was lost!

Rainbow resisted the urge to cry as she exited into a large cave with water in the middle no deeper than a kiddy pool. She still had to avoid it though, she didn’t want her diaper to swell up. Suddenly, she heard something move as an alligator emerged from the water. However, this one had no teeth

"Gummy?" Rainbow asked while looking at the alligator, it seemed to be bigger then the baby alligator that Pinkie had. But Rainbow knew it was gummy by the look in his eyes.

The alligator walked over to nom on her diapered rump, sinking it in its large gums.

Rainbow giggled and kicked around, though she had been wearing a diaper she could still feel the weird tickling feeling Gummy's gums made on her rump.

The large reptile kept on teething, making Rainbow’s diaper crinkle and somehow get poofier a bit. She spotted her way out across the lake, seeing vines to swing across. If only she could get Gummy to let go.

"Hey, wook, Auntie Pinkie Pie is woking fow ya!" Rainbow shouted, pointing to the red play tubes. She thought it would be the easiest way for him to let go. After all he loved Pinkie, didn't he?

The alligator turned to look, dragging Rainbow with him due to him still holding on. His gums kept teething, squeaking Rainbow's bottom more which tickled. Rainbow kicked it a little in the face, hoping to make it let go

Gummy shook around from the kick, shaking Rainbow like a rattle before tossing her toward the lake! The adventurous filly would have to act fast!

She looked around and saw the rattle on her belt. She took it out and pointed it into the air, hoping it would get caught on a vine. Luckily, it caught the vine just in time, causing her to swing across to the other side. Once she’d landed she gasped, seeing the treasure room beyond it. She crawled to it and giggled. “Tis gonna be awesome!"

As Rainbow got further in toys began to appear, trying to distract her from her goal. One teddy bear started dancing and holding it arms out for a hug while other toys would chant at her. "Come play with us."

Rainbow looked at them and yelled. "I no wanna!" Slowly, she got closer to the pedestal holding the glowing, golden cookie. it looked so tasty with its triple chocolate chips and such. It made her mouth water. She crawled right to the pedestal and giggled. "Yay! I gonna get ta gowden cookie!"

The cookie called out for her, accompanied by a background choir of fillies. Nothing happened when she took the large cookie off its pedestal, it smelling like the best cookie in the world.

Rainbow was about to bite into it when she heard something moaning. "Oh no! Is ta potty monster!" She yelled! Then out of nowhere, a giant toilet with a face made out of googly eyes and a drawn in mouth appeared.

"Blawwgh" The toilet roared and gurgling some as it hopped towards Rainbow Dash. It arms were made of toilet paper which tired to lash out at her.

Rainbow dogged the t.p arms and giggled. "You no gonna get me!"

The monster toilet, in turn, splashed water toward her before roaring again.

Rainbow felt the water hit her, but she was dry except for her diaper.

The toilet laughed at her, watching the foal waddle more noticeably in the soggy padding. Its googly eyes wiggled as it prepared to fire again.

Rainbow looked up at it with a mad expression on her face. "Why you do tat? Me aww wet!"

The toilet just gurgled and stepped forward, only to trip and fall over. A rush of water came barreling out of the toilet bowl, rushing towards the filly at a tremendous speed! She was soon swept away by the flood, the waters washing down one of the hallways.

Soon, to her horror she saw a giant drain! Water began to circle around, it pulling her down!

As Rainbow was sucked into the drain she woke up! She first looked around the room, the lights were off and for some reason it seemed scary. "Hewwo? Anypony thewe?" She asked as she sat up.

Upon hearing Rainbow over the foal monitor, a yellow coated pegasus mare came into the sleeping room and stood over the crib. "Oh, the little one is awake." She cooed, picking her up carefully.

Rainbow smiled. "Hi, I Wainbow Dash!"

"Oh, hello Rainbow,” The caretaker smiled and carried the foal out of the sleeping room and to the playroom once again. The light made Rainbow squint for a second. She felt the diaper being pulled back as the mare checked her. "Oh, still clean." She cooed.

Rainbow was a little shocked when the mare did that, but then smiled knowing that she didn't use her diaper while she was asleep. The mare set Rainbow back into the playpen with a smile, watching the foal waddle over to Frozen once more.

Rainbow smiled. "Hi, Fwozen! How awe you?"

"Good," Frozen replied and clapped her hooves before bringing up a lion plushie. "Grr, I eat you!" She rubbed the plushie over Rainbow, making lion sounds.

Rainbow giggled. "Not if I stop you!" She grabbed a form sword with her mouth.

Frozen squeaked and laughed, pawing the plushie at Rainbow’s face. Rainbow hit the plushie’s paw with her sword and giggled back.

"Oh no, not a swowd" Frozen shook the plushie before laying it down. She was about to speak again, but paused upon seeing Rainbow's wings flutter and speed up.

Rainbow noticed this, feeling a build a up of energy as if she was on a sugar high. She wasn't sure how but she was having a foal surge, lifting off the ground. She looked down and giggled a little. "Yay! I fwying!" The caretakers rush to grab her as Rainbow began to dart around the room, her tiny wings fluttering around with the ease that only a magic surge would provide. Rainbow was having fun at first, until she looked down and realized something. "I scawed of heights!"

Despite wanting to get down Rainbow’s wings kept buzzing, zipping her around the room up until one of the unicorn caretakers grabbed her in their magic. "I got her." The stallion from before replied with a sigh, slowly lowering Rainbow to the floor

Rainbow looked at the ground and smiled. "Yay! Tank Cewestia I no fwying!"

The next two hours flew by in no time as Rainbow played with her friend.

Daring entered the daycare around four, soon seeing Frozen Winds’ mom. "Oh, hello again." She greeted.

"Oh, hi there, Miss. Yearling. I see that you’re still foalsitting that filly," Icy said, smiling at the mare next to her. “How are you?”

"I'm doing okay, still writing the draft for my next story," Daring commented while adjusting her cloak. "Rainbow's been behaving well."

"That's good. So how long until her parents come back?" Icy asked while walking over to her daughter

“As long as it takes I guess." Daring shrugged, following Icy into the play area. Upon seeing their mommies, the two foals waddle over to the edge the playpen with smiles on their faces

Rainbow crawled up to Daring. "Mama!"

Daring blushed only a little as she scooped her up and booped her nose to nose. "Hey, Rainbow. Were you a good filly?" She asked, glad she wasn't a babbling foal like she had been afraid to come back to.

"Yeah, and I wike it here!" Rainbow declared.

"Well, maybe I'll drop you off here again sometime." Daring suggested, bouncing the foal a little.

Icy scooped up her filly as well, letting the two foals get near each other. "Maybe we can have a playdate some time?" She considered with a smile.

Daring smiled too. "Well, Rainbow and I live in a cloud house. I don't think a unicorn could make it up there."

"Doesn't mean we can't meet at the park sometime." Icy beamed as she petted her little filly’s head.. The two mares then carry their foals to the front and placed them in strollers.

"Well, I guess we could do that. Or maybe we could do it at your house so the fillies don't complain about it being too hot, or something like that." Daring suggested, putting Rainbow into the stroller and buckling her in.

"Bye bye, Fwozen." Rainbow declared, waving to her new friend

"Bye bye, Wainbow." Frozen giggled.

Icy nodded. "Alright, my place works. I’ll give you the location, stop by whenever you feel like it," She wrote her address on a piece of paper for Daring, before hoofing it over. "Hope Rainbow's parents return soon."

"You and me both. She might be cute, but she's a hoofful." Daring said as she pushed the stroller out of the building

About ten minutes later, Daring entered the Golden Oak Library. Rainbow was sitting in Spike's lap, being read a Daring Do book while Daring herself chatted with Twilight. "So, any progress?"

Twilight sighed. "Well, I've looked through everything I could find about age regression. But I can't find anything that says anything about a pacifier," She declared, her mane being messed up and her eyes about to close. "I'll... I'll... I'll-" Her head fell onto the table she was sitting at. "Keep working on it!" She shouted as she suddenly looked up again.

Spike looked over and eyed Twilight with concern. "Twilight, maybe you should take a break from this. You look terrible." He commented.

Daring sighed. "I know you're trying your best, Twilight. You’ve already been a big help. Look, I've also asked my sources about it. I think I might have a lead but we'll just have to see."

Twilight was just about to say something, but felt her tiredness take over and she fell asleep.

Spike set Rainbow down and moved over to Twilight, watching her snoring a bit. "Want to help me get her into bed?" He asked, shaking his head.

Daring sighed. "I’ll do it, Spike. Just go play with Rainbow,” She lightly shock Twilight. "Hey Twilight, sweetie, let's move to your bed, okay?" Daring didn't hear it at that moment, but she was talking to Twilight like a mother would talk to their filly/colt.

Twilight mumbled as she raised her head up, still half asleep. "Mmm." She sank her head back as she slowly got to her hooves, her wings twitching a bit.

"That's it, now let me help you to your room." Daring smiled and guided Twilight to her bedroom. The upper floor of the library was covered in scattered book in various piles, causing the sleepy alicorn to stumble into a few of the stacks on her way to her bed near the balcony.

"Now, do you want to wear something nice? Maybe pajamas?" Daring asked as she went to the alicorn’s closet and took out a pair of footie pajamas. As she turned back toward the bed she saw the princess was already asleep laying half on her bed, mumbling slightly. Daring just sighed and walked over to the princess. "I guess I'll just put you into them," She said, but for some reason she opened the diaper bag she’d packed for Rainbow and took out all of the changing supplies.

Before she even tried to diaper Twilight though, she stopped and looked at the diaper. It wouldn’t have fit Twilight anyway, but that wasn’t what she found odd. "What in the world?! Why was I about to do that?!" She pondered as she put the diaper back and then started to slip the pjs onto Twilight.

The adventurer blushed slightly after her actions as she easily slipped the princess into her nightwear, before buttoning up the buttons up to her neck. The sheets were pulled back as she placed Twilight under them, before pulling them back into place. "Sleep well, Twilight, don't let the bed bugs bite," Daring cooed as she walked out of the room and back into the living room of the library. "There we go," She smiled, picking Rainbow up. "Okay Rainbow, do you want to stay here for a bit and be read to?" She asked, fitting more into her role then she ever thought she could.

"Yeah! Spikie weading youw stowies!" Rainbow replied.

Daring can't help chuckle as she set the foal back down and took a seat, watching as Rainbow climbed back into Spike's lap for story time. Being a mother wasn't so bad now that she thought about it.

Author's Note:

Yeah the dreams are kind of filler but hey they are fun right :pinkiehappy: