• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,831 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Ending 2: Growing up Again

Rainbow smiled while nervously waiting for Twilight to return with the possible cure for her foalish state, feeling comforted by her friends around her. Especially her second mommy Daring. “I hope tis works.”

“Well if it doesn’t you still have us around to watch over you. Plus you can go through potty training again,” Pinkie beamed bouncing around. “Don’t worry though. My ‘Pinkie Sense’ says everything will be alright. I just don’t know how.”

Rainbow blushed a little and held onto Daring. "Me tink that is gonna be fine, even if me is stuck as foaw."

Applejack smiled at the small foal. "You don't gotta think sugarcube. I know that even if you have to grow up again, we won't let anythin’ bad happen to ya. You’ll still be our friend."

Fluttershy cooed. "Would you like some play time before you change back?" She asked, swiftly tickling Rainbow's tummy and making the foal's wings flutter about

Rainbow giggled and nodded.

"Great," Fluttershy beamed before quickly heading outside and returning with a small tuff of cloud just big enough for Dash to stand on. "Here you go, Dashie." She smiled.

PInkie laughed too. "I think Fluttershy likes being a mother too."

Rainbow looked at the cloud and asked. "Wah me do with cwoud?"

“Whatever you want to do with it, sweetie,” Fluttershy said while poking it. “Foals love playing with clouds “

Rainbow giggled and jumped onto the cloud, using her natural pegasus abilities she began to manipulate the fluffy surface. Even with her small hooves she was able to form a small bed from its mass similar to what she’d do after a long day of cloudbusting. Giggling with glee she laid down upon it and cooed. “I no wanna rush being tuwned back.”

Fluttershy smiled. "Well, I don't see any reason to rush it. After all, I wouldn't mind watching a cute little filly like you for a little bit." Fluttershy said as she tickled the belly and the baby

“Oh, we can take her to the park or maybe stop by Rarity’s!” Pinkie suggested.

Daring blinked a little, puzzled about Rainbow hesitation. But she decided a little more fun couldn’t hurt.She watched as Fluttershy used the cloud like a makeshift carriage.

Rainbow smiled and thought about her choices for a second. "Me guess the pawk couwd be fun!"

“Great, I can show you all the cute butterflies.” Fluttershy said with a giggle and she proceeded to push the cloud out gently.

“Come on, Daring, let's go join the fun!” Pinkie declared while plonking her way to the open door.

Caught up in the happy mood Daring followed. “A little more foal time can’t hurt.”

The small filly giggled and watched as different ponies passed by her. Most of them would stop and say how cute she was, or even tickle her tummy.

Daring smiled at how happy Rainbow seemed. “I wonder if she'll even want to be an adult again? I mean, she does seem to be having fun. Though I'm not sure if I could take care of her. After all, I still want to go adventuring.” She thought in deep contemplation, torn between her lifelong interest and this new calling she’d settled into.

As Daring thought about her future plans, a familiar voice caught her attention. "Oh, hello again Miss Yearling," Icy greeted. "How's little Rainbow doing?"

"She's doing good, just enjoying some more foal time before we try the cure. I hope it works." Daring innocently declared.

Icy smiled. "Aww, it's too bad Rainbow couldn't stay a foal. I bet you'd be a good mommy."

“I’d be an awfully busy mother is more like it.” Daring replied, watching as Fluttershy was showing Rainbow some butterflies.

"Well, you could always leave her with a babysitter, or maybe even one of your friends. Or if you had to go to a book signing or something for a few days, I'd watch her for you." Icy smiled and looked at Rainbow.

“Yeah, that’s always a possibly. Let’s just hope there isn’t another world ending disaster they need to stop. How could a foal save the day?” Daring joked. “What would she do? Throw her diaper at the bad guys?”

"Who knows? Maybe Twilight could somehow make her an adult for a few hours or something." Icy suggested.

As the two talked, Rainbow was sitting still and letting one of the pretty butterflies land on her.

Fluttershy cooed. “Now hold still.”

Rainbow cooed as she stared at the colors while thinking back to her mom. If this option didn’t work at least she’d get lots of love from her again. “It pretty!” She cheered, becoming more carefree with the passing of time.

Fluttershy smiled. "Yes it is. Do you want to name it, sweetie?"

Rainbow’s thought about this, watching the insect signs open and close. “Uh, I not sure,” She remarked, blinking and watching it fly away. She turned to her friend. “You’d take care of me too, right?”

Fluttershy smiled. "Of course I would, Dashie! I'd love too. Even if it would only be when Daring went on adventures or something."

Pinkie bounced over. “Don’t forget about your auntie Pinkie Pie,” She chirped while ruffling Rainbow’s mane. “You’d make a perfect friend for Pound and Pumpkin.”

Rainbow smiled. "Tey is so funny!" She giggled a little and looked up at the two mares.

“Hey, want to try the sandbox? I got a shovel and pail.” Pinkie offered while pulling the items out of nowhere.

Rainbow smiled and nodded. "Suwe." The little filly snatched up the toys and waddle her way to the sandbox. Daring turned her head to watch as Dash sat down and began to play happily.

Icy looked at Daring. “If she decides to stay a foal or doesn’t change back, are you going to take care of her still?"

"Of course I would, I've kind of grown attached to this mother thing," Daring nodded and grinned when Rainbow tipped the bucket upside down to make a tower. "Rainbow has good friends too."

Icy smiled. "I just had to ask. After all, you are a book writer."

"So?" Daring blushed. "I've been doing a good job so far. Not too many slip ups."

Icy nodded. "Yeah, and nopony’s perfect. Rainbow seems to be happy, and you've been taking good care of her from what I’ve seen."

Well the two adults talked, the filly continued to build up her castle until it went all around her. Rainbow heartily laughed before smushing the towers.

Pinkie smiled. "Aww, glad you're having fun, Dashie," She patted the diaper. "Don't want any sand up your bum bum."

Rainbow looked at pinkie and asked. "Why not?"

"Because it’d be itchy," Pinkie booped the filly's nose. "Now, do you want to play with or on anything else?"

Rainbow giggled. "Suwe! Uh, wah could we pway?"

Pinkie happy scooped Rainbow up moving her over to the screw like slide .”How about the slides?" She chirped. Fluttershy watched too with a smile.

Rainbow smiled. "Suwe. It sound fun." Rainbow’s smile only grew as Fluttershy helped fly her up to the top and sat her down. From this height it looked much higher than it actually was. But the little adventurer just took it as a challenge. Pinkie eagerly waited at the bottom.

Rainbow hesitated for just a second as she stared down, imaging a secret entrance to a hidden temple. She smiled wide before pushing off, squealing as she sped up going around and around. "Weee!" Moments later she was caught by Pinkie giggling with joy. "Again!"

The filly was joyed to go a few more times all while Daring watched. The adventurer didn’t really want to break up such a happy moment for Rainbow, but they had to go to try the cure sooner or later. Was Rainbow possibly scared? After ten more times of the baby going down the slide, Daring walked up to her and declared. "Rainbow, we have to go. Are you ready?"

"Bu I dun wanna go!" Rainbow whined like any child would, clinging to Fluttershy leg.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, but we have to. You want to be a big pony again, right?" Daring asked, while picking up the foal to comfort her.

Rainbow blinked, shaking her head and blushing. "Y-yeah, but I having fun."

"I know you are. But don't you want to be able to fly again?" Daring suggested.

Rainbow rubbed her head, getting the thoughts straight. "Y-yeah, sowwy. Wet's go!" She turned her head looking toward town.

Daring then blushed and asked. "Before we do, do you need a change? I don’t want you getting a rash."

Fluttershy came over as well as Rainbow blushed while Daring prodded her diaper, pulling it back. "Aww, such a soggy bottom. Let’s get you changed one last time. Never thought I’d get used to this."

Upon returning from the playground, the filly was sat upon the central table of the library as Spike brought the potion over. Rainbow blushed again. "Why it in a bottle?"

Spike shrugged ."Was the only thing I could find that wouldn't spill."

"Yeah, wouldn't want to waste a drop," Daring commented as Rainbow grabbed it, feeling sheepish with everypony watching.

"Well, here we go." Lifting the nippel to her lips, Rainbow began to drink, tasting the blueberry favour as she did. Daring couldn't help but reach over to hold the bottle up for the foal.

Rainbow couldn't stop thinking about being a foal or how much fun she had as she drank the bottle. As she finished she ended up getting some hiccups whining a bit as it kept going. "Let hope it wowks."

Fluttershy was the first to hurry over to gently pat her friend’s back. "oh my, did you drink too fast?" She mothered, the group waiting for something to happen.

Rainbow blushed a little and nodded. "Y-yeah, me did."

Fluttershy kept on gently patting as they eagerly waited. "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure it will pass soon." She cooed.

Pinkie fidgeted while Twilight felt anxious with each second passing and nothing happening. "Something should have happened by now." Twilight commented with concern.

Pinkie looked over, her smile wavering. "Maybe it's just slow acting?"

Daring looked at Rainbow and asked. "Rainbow Dash, are you feeling okay?"

Rainbow whined again as she hiccuped a little more. "I fine," She looked at herself while pouting. "But I not b-big yet!"

Daring closed her eyes and said softly. "I don't think it worked, sweetie."

"It'll wowk!" Rainbow cried. "J-just give it a second!"

Twilight's wings fidgeted as she looked away in shame. "I was so sure that was going to work!"

Daring hugged Rainbow. "I'm sorry, sweetie, it’s not working. But don't worry, I'm still here for you." She felt a few tears fall out of her own eyes as she said this.

The foal’s lip began to quiver as the realization sank in. "No!" Her hooves clung to Daring soft fur, trying not to cry like the foal she was stuck as. "Me wanna be big!"

"I know you want to Rainbow, but I'm pretty sure there's no way to fix you." Dainrg sighed.

"Stupid paci, it all its fault!" Rainbow cried, clinging to her mommy tightly as tears ran down her cheeks.

Daring cried a little too. "Rainbow, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. After all, I'm still your mama."

Rainbow cried onward, squeezing tighter to Daring. "Mama." She whimpered, sniffing Daring some more.

An hour passed after that and Rainbow Dash soon fell asleep. Daring, on the other hoof was thinking about the events that had happened, until Twilight walked into the room with the adventurer "Daring, I am so sorry,” Twilight apologized. “I didn't mean for the potion to fail, I did all of the math, it should have worked!"

"We tried our best. I guess that pacifier has some pretty strong magic to it. Hopefully it won't entrance anypony else," Daring commented. "At least she still has her friend and me of course."

"I'll try to find a way to fix her again, hopefully it will work this time." Twilight said with a tear running down her cheek.

Daring looked at the alicorn and replied. "No, Twilight, you don't have to. Rainbow will be happier after a little bit. You did the best you could."

"But I promised I'd get her back to normal. That water was perfect." Twilight’s wings flared outward a bit.

"Hey, if an entire village can be all foals, then Rainbow's going to be fine. Although saving the day might be tricky." Daring commented again.

"What do you mean, Daring?" Twilight blinked.

"You and your friends have saved the day plenty of times by now. Almost as much as I have," Daring boasted and then joked. "But how will a foal help save the day if something new comes up?"

Twilight thought for a second before saying. "Maybe a foal won't have to. Maybe you could! You’ve definitely displayed loyalty by sticking with Rainbow Dash for all of this."

"Well, if I'm not off on an adventure I could always tag along on one of your adventures. Though Rainbow does need supervision." Daring considered the offers.

"There's always Icy Wind." Twilight suggested.

Daring put a wing over Twilight ."True, or Rainbow’s own mother. I bet Windy would love to have her little Dashie again,” Then she told Twilight. “You did your best. I'm sure Rainbow will eventually love growing up again. Learning to fly and all that jazz," She smiled some as a sentimental notion entered her mind. "Plus, Scootaloo can be a great big sister."

Rainbow awoke an hour later with a pacifier in her mouth. She rubbed her eyes, spotting a familiar orange coated pegasus filly by the bed. "Mmm, Scoots, wa you doin here?"

"Fluttershy brought me over, she said you could use another friend." Scootaloo said while watching the pacifier bob a little

Rainbow sighed. "Scootawoo, me might no be abwe to be adwut again."

“Yeah, Twilight told me about that,” Scootaloo replied while pulling Rainbow into a hug. “It’s okay, though. I can be your big sister “

Rainbow nodded. “Me know, me just sad wight now." A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she buried her muzzle into the filly’s coat

Scootalo rubbed Rainbow back. "Yeah, sorry it didn't work. But uh, growing up again won’t be so bad."

Rainbow giggled a little. "Yeah, me guess... So whewe, Mama?"

"Oh, Daring? She’s just downstairs," Scootaloo slid Rainbow to her back and headed to the stairs. "Spike made a few cookies"

Daring looks up at the filly brought Rainbow down the stairs. "Oh good she’s awake. Is she feeling better?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, me better." The filly clung to the warm coat more.

"I'm still sorry we couldn't change you back, Rainbow. But I'll be the best mommy I can be." Daring cooed.

Rainbow smiled a little. "Me know, Mama, you gonna be great."

Daring pulled her foal into a hug, nuzzling her. "Mmm, life is going to be very interesting indeed.”

Pinkie peeked over with a giggle. "Oh, I can throw you new birthday parties all over again!" she cheered.

Twilight nodded. "And that’s mean Derpy will get to be part of Ponyville's team for Equestria Games too.”

Rainbow smiled. "Tat good. And wah you mean new birthday pawties?"

"You know, you turning two and such all over again." Pinkie chirped.

"Oh my, having to go through puberty all over again. That’s going to be awkward." Fluttershy blushed.

Rainbow looked at Daring. "Wait, you know me age?"

Daring patted Rainbow's diaper. "Oh, I'm just guessing. Just glad you haven't slipped into babbling."

A few weeks passed quickly after that. Rainbow remained mostly the same, sometimes she would act like a normal foal her age and other times she would act somewhat like her old, grown-up self.

The Equestria Games crept up quite suddenly, almost forgotten. But foal or not Rainbow wasn’t going to miss them. Yearling accompanied everypony in her usual writer attire.

The filly kept an eye out as the Ponyville team participated in the relay race, watching as Derpy came fluttering out as well.

Rainbow giggled and clapped her hooves. "Go Derpy!"

Rainbow kept worming around, watching as Derpy and Flutterhsy went out onto the field with Bulk Biceps to take their places for the relay race.

A bit of Rainbow was jealous that she didn't get to participate. Then again a foal couldn't do this, she’d be lapped way too easily. But she could still cheer on the Ponyville team.

Daring held Rainbow down while she cheered more, watching as the race began She cheered even louder when she saw Fluttershy take the horseshoe and race off as fast as she could manage!

Rainbow giggled and yelled as loud as she could. “You gots tis Fwuttershy!" Hoping that the mare could hear her.

Fluttershy did her best as she raced along, however she was clearly no match for such a skilled flyer like Spitfire. Despite this she bravely surged forward coming in second just in the nick of time! The pegasus panted, looking where her friends were sitting and smiled upon watching Rainbow jump up and down.

Daring smiled. "Well, second isn't too bad. The Wonderbolts are hard to beat."

Rainbow giggled and clapped her hooves, bouncing up and down in diaper. "Me so happy for Auntie Fwuttershy!"

"Yeah, she can go pretty fast," Daring commented. "Derpy was good too, surprisingly so." She added, able to see the smile on Fluttershy’s face from here.

Rainbow giggled and hugged her mama, and Daring patted Rainbow’s head. "Hehe, such an excited filly," She commented, the crinkles of the padding feeling good. She could handle being a mommy just fine. "I wonder how you'll be when you’re older?” She thought to herself.

(One year later)

Daring cooed, watching Rainbow tinkle into the Wonderbolts themed training potty. "Oh, good job, Rainbow! Growing up to be such a big filly."

Rainbow blushed a little, but smiled excitedly at the accomplishment. "Does tis mean no mowe diapees, Mommy?"

"Oh, we'll see how well you fare with making it to the potty,” Daring cooed. She really did find Rainbow in a diaper to be awfully cute, and she'd hate to lose such an adorable sight. "After all, we have just started. This time we’re taking baby steps."

Rainbow smiled a little. "Otay, Mommy. I can twy to make it." Rainbow's mane had been put up into two cute braids.

Daring pulled the Wonderbolt prints diaper back up onto Rainbow, before emptying the training potty into the toilet and flushing. Then after washing her hooves she lead Rainbow out of the bathroom while smiling. "Must be nice to have a real bed again, huh?" She mothered, planning to head to Sugarcube Corner to catch up with the others.

Rainbow smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I no wike crib."

"Oh, but I’ve got such cute images of you in your crib all cute." Daring boopped her filly's nose before looking at the bookshelf and her newest book sitting there: Daring Do And The Adventure into Motherhood

Rainbow giggled and held her mother's hoof. "I know, Mommy. Ya wrote about in ya book."

Given Rainbow was only able to hover for a few seconds, Daring still had to carry Rainbow upon her back as they left the house and headed into town. "I wonder if I need to put you in preschool or not?" She pondered.

Rainbow looked at Daring and asked. "Wha's preschool?" Even though she still had some of her adult thoughts, she had forgotten most things after a year. Which partially explained why she was only starting potty training now.

“Oh you know, education. To learn,” Daringht commented, landing on the street before putting Rainbow onto the ground. “My, you are getting big.”

"Oh, tat sound fun!" Rainbow giggled and clapped her hooves. "I going to have fun at preschool, right, Mommy?"

“I bet you will. And I bet Frozen will be there too.” Daring smiled. Those two foals were good friends whenever they met.

Rainbow giggled more. "What about you, Mommy?"

“I don’t go to preschool. You go there to learn.” Daring cooed.

Rainbow blushed. “But how I go to preschool and you don't?"

Daring chuckled. “Because I’m already a big pony. And little ones like you need to learn.” She gotten more used to giving motherly advice over the years.

"But then what you do while I at preschool?" Rainbow questioned.

"I'd just do what adults do. You don't have to worry about it, sweetie." Daring said while waving at the occasional pony she recognized.

Rainbow protested. "But I don't want to leave you, Mommy!"

“You’ve done it a bunch at daycare or when I’m away. This won’t be any different.” Daring remarked, seeing the shop getting closer.

Rainbow thought for a second before sighting in agreement. "I guess you right, Mommy. But still."

Daring chuckled and soon reached the bakery, heading inside as she seaw the other mares at the table. “Hey girls.” She greeted, watching Rainbow fast trot towards Fluttershy.

Rainbow giggled and hugged Fluttershy. "Hi Auntie Fwuttershy!"

Fluttershy scooped up the filly and nuzzled "Aww, hey Rainbow Dash. How’s the little filly?" She asked, using her motherly voice.

"I good, how are you?" Rainbow smiled while looking up at her friend, "What you doing here?"

The pegasus smiled more. "Oh, just hanging out with our friends.”

Rainbow smiled and looked up at Fluttershy once more. "Guess what I did today, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy smiled and looked at the filly with a big smile. "What did you do sweetie?"

Rainbow giggled and said proudly. "I made it to the potty today!"

"Oh, that's great to hear," Fluttershy praised. "Being such a big filly."

Applejack smiled too. "I remember when Apple Bloom went through potty trainin’, she was so stubborn abut gettin’ out of diapers, hehe."

"Well, I like diapees, but I wan to use the potty too!" Rainbow declared.

Pinkie giggled. "Ooh, do you have a potty chart yet? The twins have them." She asked, ruffling Rainbow’s mane.

Rainbow looked at Pinkie and blinked. "What a potty chart?"

"Oh, it's a fun little chart that uses stickers to help you keep track of if you stay dry and clean or not." Pinkie commented.

Rainbow looked at her mommy and asked. “Could we do that, Mommy?"

"We can do that once you get good at making it to your potty on time." Daring reassured Rainbow Dash.

The others giggle. “Too bad Discord couldn’t change you back when he offered,” Fluttershy commented. “And it’s too bad about the library.”

Rainbow shrugged her hooves. "Me like being filly. The castle is fun, it great place to hide!"

"Oh, I know," Daring cooed while patting Rainbow’s head. "And I like being your mommy."

Rainbow smiled and hugged her mommy. "I wove you, Mama!"

Daring beamed back as well, letting the filly sit on a booster seat so they could chat with her friends.

Things had been pretty normal despite Rainbow’s change. Everypony was being so supportive. And her unexpected foray into motherhood had been better than she might have imagined.

Later that day, Daring took Rainbow along deciding that time at the park wouldn't be so bad. Along the way they met up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were out enjoying the day as well. Rainbow giggled, pointing to Scootaloo. "Big sissy!"

Scootaloo smiled and picked up the foal. "Hi Rainbow, how's my cute little sister doing today?"

"Hehe, good. I went potty!" Rainbow exclaimed, getting a chuckle out of the other two Crusaders nearby.

Scootaloo smiled and put a hoof on the filly's diaper. "Well, you’re not wet or messy."

The filly giggled. "No, ‘cause I used twaining potty. But Mama still put me in diapees." She wiggled as her padding crinkled.

Scootaloo smiled. "Oh, that's so cool, Rainbow Dash! I knew you could do it!"

Sweetie Belle giggled. "I bet you'll be glad once you're out of diapers, right?"

Rainbow nodded. “Uh huh, no more accidents! Me get to be big filly!" Rainbow beamed like any foal would.

Daring smiled. "Well, we just started the potty training, so we'll see how long it takes," she added while adjusting the glasses on her disguise. "I'm glad she’s got such a good big sister."

Scootaloo blushed. "Well, it's not hard to be a big sister to such a cool filly!"

Rainbow nuzzled into Scootaloo’s fur. "Best sistew eva!" She still had a faint lisp, which just made her comment even more adorable. She smiled joyfully once she was set back on the ground. She tagged Scootaloo front left leg and run off towards the playground. "Hehe, ya it!" She called while giggling.

Scootaloo giggled and slowly chased Rainbow so it would seem fair.

The little filly was having too much fun to really notice Scootalo was playing fair, grinning from ear to ear as she outran her big sister. After all, she was she was still the fastest flyer around. "Can't catch me!" She taunted while dodging around a tree.

Scootaloo giggled. "Oh, I bet I can!"

"Nu-uh!" Rainbow played, running under the swings to try and slow Scootaloo down. Daring watched from the bench nearby, unable to stop smiling.

Scootaloo caught up to Rainbow and giggled. Then she picked the foal up and blew raspberries into her tummy.

Rainbow squealed, kicking her legs about as she was held in the air. "Ahahaha! No, stop! Hehe!" She giggled as her wings fluttered.

Scootaloo obliged and set Rainbow down. "So, does my little sis want to play anything else, you little speed demon?" She teased while ruffling Rainbow's mane.

Rainbow thought it over for a second before she pointed at a big slide. "I wanna go down tat!"

Scootaloo smiled, taking Rainbow over to it. "Oh, you sure? It is pretty big. Are you brave enough?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow nodded.

"Well, alright, if you’re sure," Scootaloo helped her sister get up the steps and sat Rainbow at the top, before going back down and coming up to the bottom, holding out her hooves. "Ready?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, me weady!" Gently pushing, the foal began her descent down the slide, feeling the rush of air as she sped up. Rainbow squealed more, her wings flapping as she went down ever closer to Scootaloo’s open hooves.

Scootaloo quickly caught the filly and smiled! "Good job, Rainbow! That must have been scary."

“Nuh uh, real fun. Zoom, zoom!” Rainbow giggled “Again again!”

Meanwhile, as Daring was watching Icy and little Frozen came along, turning to look at the adorable sight.

As soon as Rainbow saw Frozen, she giggled and ran up to her.

Daring smiled and hugged Icy, then turned her attention to the little one. "Hi Frozen, how have you been?"

The filly smiled. "Good, me weawwy wike the cowow bwue," She lisped, before turning to see Rainbow. "Hi, Wainbow!"

Rainbow giggled and hugged the filly. "Hi Fwozen, guess wah?!"

"U you found ya wubber ducky?" Frozen said while giggling too. She still had a diaper on herself.

Rainbow shook her head. "No, me use the potty today!"

"Oh dat so cool!" Frozen cheered.

Rainbow smiled. "Me know, wight?"

"But diapee weawwy soft," Icy giggled a bit. "Potty so cowd when I sit on it."

"Me know tey soft, but the potty fow big ponies!" Rainbow boasted.

"Potty make gurgwy sound when you puww wever. It kind of scawy," Icy remarked while smiling "Mommy says twaining take time, tat why I not out of diapees yet."

"Me know, but me onwy use smaww potty. And tat why Auntie Pinkie say that me should get potty chart." Rainbow declared.

"Wha a potty chawt?" Frozen tilted her head.

"It chart where mama writes when I sty dwy or use diapee." Rainbow explained.

"Ooo! Me wike stickews.” Frozen cooed, turning slightly to show the little stickers she’d put on her diaper bottom. There were clouds and lighting bolts.

Rainbow giggled. "My diapee gots pwincesses on it!"

Frozen looked at Rainbow's own diaper and smiled upon seeing Celestia’s cutie mark printed on it. "Hehe, sun mawk." She pointed, poking the diaper.

Rainbow nodded. "Yep! Sometimes me get Wuna’s cutie mawk, or Cadence’s!"

While the two foals talked, Daring turned to Icy while smiling. "I guess you were right. I am doing a good job of being a mother."

Icy smiled back. "You've been a great mother for over a year now. By the way, when is Rainbow’s birthday?"

"Wel we decided to keep her birthday the same as it always was, so I believe it’s next week actually,” Daring commented as she put a hoof to her chin. “The little one’s turning three or so."

"Wow, I can't believe it!” Icy gasped in surprise. “She's already that old?!"

"Well, we aren't entirely sure how young she got when she regressed. She still had her teeth though." Daring commented, watch as the two fillies started to run around the adults.

"Can't you have Twilight use a spell to check?" Icy suggested.

"She did, Twilight figured Rainbow was roughly around two years old.” Daring said and chuckled when Dash ran beneath her to get away from Frozen as they played. She took advantage of the opportunity to pat Rainbow’s diaper.

Rainbow eep and stopped in her tracks, blushing fiercely. “I dwy!" She whined.

Daring nuzzled Rainbow while smiling. "I see that. Don't forget to tell Mommy if you feel the need to go potty."

Icy giggled at the display. "She's ready for potty training?" She questioned Daring.

"Maybe, we're just trying it out. She just started today, actually. And even then she only peed, no poo," Daring admitted as Rainbow ran after Frozen. "I have a feeling she might resist it just to stay in those cute diapers more. Maybe."

Icy nodded. "Well I'd say if she stays dry for a week then put her in pull-ups. And make sure to monitor her so she gets the right idea. Sometimes they don’t always learn right away when they have to go."

"Oh, okay. And I guess after she gets good at the training potty we can work our way up to the toilet,” Daring concluded, then giggled as a thought crossed her mind. “Hehe, I'm sure those two will brag to each other over their successes in potty training."

"Yeah, they can get into cute little arguments over lots of things," Icy declared. “I’m actually going to start training Frozen next week myself. She’ll probably feel pressured to keep up with Rainbow Dash.”

"I'm glad she'll have friends to support her all the way," Daring beamed. "Plus you never know, she might give me story ideas. I hear that’s how my co-author got her start, writing about the adventures her children went on as little ones."

"Oh yeah, how well did your story go? The one from when Rainbow first got regressed?" Icy questioned. “You changed some of the names so Rainbow wouldn’t be recognized, right?”

Daring nodded. "Yeah, I did. And it's selling pretty good. Publisher was happy with it, lots of parents bought it," Daring remarked before patting the diaper bag she had. "Rainbow sure could be a stinker at times. Figuratively and especially literally."

"She still can be. Potty training isn’t a smooth road, there will be bumps." Icy cautioned.

Daring laughed at the remark, nodding. "Oh yeah, probably. Still going to have a few Daring Doo-Doos to take care of."

As the afternoon went on, the two foals got exhausted from all their playing together. Daring eventually gently picked up Rainbow while cooing. "Looks like it's getting time to head home for Dashie’s nap time." She sing sang, holding up one of Rainbow' hooves to wave bye bye like a foal.

Rainbow yawned and held onto Daring. "Mama, me wove you."

Daring nuzzled her filly before sliding said filly onto her back. Icy smiled, holding onto her own filly. "It was a nice afternoon A.K., let’s meet up again sometime."

Daring nodded. "Oh yes, these two just love to play. Feel free to stop by for Rainbow Dash’s birthday party." She replied, watching Rainbow let out a big yawn.

Rainbow smiled and said "Bye bye Fwozen!" in a sleepy voice.

"Bye bye." Frozen replied, also sleepy.

Daring did one last goodbye, before carefully flying off towards home. She remained quite content, smiling the whole way home. Like many other days, Rainbow had made each one special and as she headed inside Rainbow's home and up to the bedroom she couldn’t help but hum a little.

Life with a foal had made everything seem more fun and carefree. A nice reprieve from her adventures. Moving into the bedroom, she laid the foal into the small child bed, making sure to put the rails up. "Sleep tight, little Dashie." Leaning down, she gave a light kiss to the slumbering filly's forehead, before leaving quietly and shutting the door.


Author's Note:

Edit: Added to the ending
Thank you all for reading this story and I and Reverse have had a lot of fun making it. There a bonus i wanted to add to the end so stay tuned for that. A different 'end' of sorts. you'll see purely my thing though.