• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,847 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Fountain of Youth

The next morning, after bidding farewell to Rainbow’s parents, Daring flew to Twilight's library and gently landed out front. "Let go see if Twilight made any progress, shall we, Dashie?" She asked, looking at the foal upon her back (having left the stroller at home).

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah! Maybe me be big pony again!"

Daring smiled back, entering the library and spotting the always vigilant scholar Twilight, sitting at one of the tables with a large map upon it. Scattered around the princess like a minefield were leftover cups of coffee.

Spike walked over to the alicorn giving her another coffee, before looking over. "Oh hey, Daring, Rainbow," He waved. "I think Twilight is onto something." He pointed to the chalkboard behind the princess.

Rainbow looked at the board in awe. "I gonna be aduwt again?!"

Twilight looked up from the map, smiling "Maybe. Rainbow, Daring come look at this," She gestured for Daring to come over, letting the adventurer step beside her before pointing. "I took a look at the maps you gave me, and I think I know a way to get Rainbow back to normal. You said there might’ve been a fountain near that temple, right?"

"Well according to what was written on the walls, yes," Daring nodded. “I didn’t spot one inside the temple, though.”

"Well, it might be nearby. If we can get some of that magical water it might be enough to reverse the curse." Twilight beamed.

"The Fountain of Youth might actually be real?!" Daring remarked, her hoof tapping upon the map. "I had always suspected it but never thought it was possible, well up until now that is," She glanced over at Rainbow. "Don't worry, kiddo, I'll get what you need."

Rainbow looked at the mare with a questioning look. "But it fountain of youth! It no make me owder, it make me younger!"

"Well, Rainbow, I can use the properties of it to counteract the effects placed upon you by the curse," Twilight explained before scratching her head. "At least, I hope it’s going to work. Otherwise, I don't think there will be a way to change you back."

Rainbow looked at Twilight with an uneasy look. "Wha?! No change back?! Me be stuck wike tis?!"

"Even the best unicorns in Canterlot are at a loss, Rainbow," Twilight sank her head down. "This might be our last hope. Otherwise, you’ll have to grow up all over again."

Daring looked at the map again. "Well, regardless, I can get some water from the fountain and be back in a day or two."

Rainbow then looked up at Daring. "We gonna go on adventuwe, Mama?"

"It's too dangerous to take you along, Rainbow. You're just too small, and I can’t exactly pause my adventures to change your diapers. Nor do I wanna risk you waddling off somewhere and getting lost or stuck," Daring protested, patting the foal’s head. "You'll be in good hooves while I'm gone. Your friends are great."

"Who I go with ten?" Rainbow reluctantly asked.

"Oh, I'm sure Pinkie can have you stay with the twins, just as long as you promise not to cause anymore trouble," Daring nuzzled Rainbow. "We'll get you back to normal, don’t you worry."

"But me no wanna stay with Auntie Pinkie!" Rainbow whined and pouted.

"Why?" Twilight asked. "She has a crib and everything. At least the twins do. Maybe you’d prefer Fluttershy or Applejack?"

"Me wanna stay with mama!" Rainbow pleaded.

"And I told you that you can't come, it’s too dangerous." Dairng insisted, stomping her hoof down.

At that very moment, Rainbow stopped her whining and said slowly. "Otay, Mama. Bu you be safe."

Spike patted Rainbow head. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She is Daring Do after all. She’s never met a temple or ruins yet that she couldn’t solve."

Rainbow nodded. "M-me know, bu stiww."

"I can handle a jungle and magic water. I"ve been through worse," Daring insisted with a wave of her hoof. "At worst I'll just come across some tribal ponies or something. I doubt Ahuizotl or Caballeron would be interested in something they don’t even know exists."

Rainbow nodded a little while looking down. She didn't know why but when Daring he stopped her hoof down, it made Rainbow feel like she was in trouble

Daring moves over and gave the foal a hug, patting the diaper. "Shh, it's okay. Mama’s here."

Rainbow looked at Daring with a big smile, she then hugged the mare with as much force as she could muster. For a while the two enjoyed the hug, letting a quiet moment pass between the two before Daring let go. “Be a good little filly for your friends, okay?"

Rainbow nodded.. "Otay, Mama, me be good."

As Daring made her way out to collect her things for the journey, Spike glanced at Rainbow, smiling. "I'm sure Rarity won't use you as a doll too much. If you ask nicely, maybe she’ll sew you a foal sized pith helmet."

Many hours of traveling passed as Daring Do made her way through the jungle. During the entire time on the train she couldn't get the thought of Rainbow out of her mind. She had to remind herself that Rainbow wasn't really a foal fully but that motherly pull inside her just didn't go away.

The trek through the underbrush was calmer as she got back into her groove, keeping an eye out for any natural predators. Strangely, there didn’t seem to be any. And it wasn't long until she reached the temple where this whole adventure had started.

As Daring laid out the map to double check which way to go, she spotted newer hoofprints on the dirt path leading up to the temple's entrance. "Huh, somepony else was here?" She glanced around, keeping an eye out a she took a closer look. The prints seemed smaller, like children. Daring bent down and looked at the print. It was new, about half a hour old she thought

As she examined them she jumped upon hear rustling, before feeling some poke her flank. At first she thought it was a dart, but when a younger voice started talking it made her pause. "Halt, treasure thief!" The voice sounded about the same age as the children at Cheerilee's school.

Daring turned to face the filly with an odd look. "Treasure thief? I'm not a thief!"

"You opened the temple, why else you be here?" An earth pony filly said as a few others showed up with similar looking spears. A few had face paint on too. There didn’t seem to be an adult around.

"No, I’m not here to take the treasure. I’m looking for the fountain of youth. If it even exists." Daring commented.

The filly glared. "How do you know about that?" She asked. The others look at the adult with confusion.

"My daught- er, friend has been turned into a foal, and the only way to turn her back is by using the water.” Daring answered, quickly correcting herself.

"So she took the treasure!" The filly stomped. "Temple cursed."

One of the colts glanced up. "We could take her to the leader."

Daring looked at the earth pony colt. "Your leader?"

"Yes, she'll know what to do," The earth pony colts and fillies nudged Daring along, leading her through the jungle. "You follow."

Daring followed the young ponies and sighed, this wasn't the first time she had been lead by a random tribe. But this was definitely the weirdest.

After a few minutes of walking, the group came upon the tribe’s main camp. The area was surrounded by a log wall using vines to tie them together. The gate opened revealing the other tribes inside, although strangely there didn't seem to be any adults around. Daring suspected it was because of the water, it just had to be. No way could these children be orphans and have survived in the jungle on their own.

Daring looked at the youngest looking filly that was escorting her. "So what happened to all of the grown ups?”

"They too old. Drink water, and be better." The filly replied, heading steadily toward a large tent. They seemed rather smart for kids.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Daring inquired.

The filly looked up. "Uh, 67." She answered, before peeking into the tent to check if the leader was there

Daring walked into the tent to see a small, white coated earth pony filly sitting on a throne. She looked to be about two to three years old, and she had a cute little plastic tiara on her head.

"Oh, a visitor! Come, sit." The filly clapped as another filly poured tea. Daring took a seat, this was going to be interesting.

Rarity cooed, looking at the curtain as she adjusted the camera. "Come on out, Rainbow, show us your cute tutu, darling." She sing songed, Sweetie Belle giggling too.

Rainbow smiled, walked out from the small curtain and giggled and started to do a cute little dance down the catwalk Rarity had set up for her.

"Oh, how pretty." Sweetie commented, watching the little dance and the padding wiggling. There was even a tiny bow in Rainbow’s tail.

Pumpkin Cake came waddling out behind Rainbow, giggling too in matching outfits sparkling with a bit of glitter.

Rarity cooed again. "Oh just look at the two princesses." The camera clicked.

Rainbow blushed but kept on dancing. “Hey, Pumpkin, ya having fun?"

"Uh huh." Pumpkin nodded, doing a clumsy twirl and losing balance, before falling onto her rump with a poof. "Wawity awways make me pwetty."

Rainbow giggled and nodded. "Yeah, she make anypony wook pwetty!"

Pumpkin beamed, booping Rainbow on the nose. "Hehe, I wike my new friend. You funny." She babbled.

Sweetie walked over gently ruffling their manes before offering them little plush dolls. "Ready for the party?" She playfully asked.

Rainbow giggled and nodded. She was having too much fun to care about what she was doing.

"And so you see, I really need some of the water so we can cure my friend." Daring explained, having just finished telling her the tale of finding the temple to the leader.

The filly sipped her tea, nodding. "Yes, the temple was a test and a trap. Yet only those that are partly child like inside would be affected by the soother of truth."

Daring looked at the filly with wide eyes. "So you'll help me?"

“From what I can feel, you are no threat to our village and sacred water, “ The leader declared. “But know that altering it could end with bad results.”

"L-like what?" Daring gulped.

“Since she is already a foal the water could leave her stuck that way. Your friend would have to grow up again. But that’s okay, being youthful is rewarding.” The filly giggled, hugging a teddy bear

Daring looked at the filly and giggled. "So I’m guessing that you've always been a toddler?"

“The fountain gives us the gift of eternal youth. It is our duty to keep it hidden. But yes, I’ve been a toddler for many years. No adult needs here.” The leader explained.

Daring giggled. "You know, I was actually a filly a few weeks ago, and I guess that it was more fun than being an adult. Not that I’d want to ever completely give up on being an adult."

“We may be small but we still wise too,” The filly beamed. “The temple was the distraction for anypony that came poking around.”

"Yes, I can tell,” Daring commented. “And may I ask how you got the pacifier to be able to make somepony a baby?"

"Ancient magic of course," The filly replied, hopping off her thorne as she moved to the door. "Come, I shall show you to the fountain."

Daring nodded and followed the filly. "You know, if you ever do decide to want to grow up, I know a few mares who would love to be your mommy."

"We are safe here." The leader firmly replied. They headed down into a nearby cave, descending stone stairs. The ceiling was decorated in gemstones which glowed. After a short descent they entered a large, underground cavern with a glittering lake in the middle. Pillars of blue crystal stood on either side. The site was quite an awe inspiring one that Daring had never seen before.

After a moment of staring around in awe. Daring spoke. “So this it The Fountain of Youth?

"Indeed, adventurer. The effects only last if you keep drinking the water every once in a while. But the pacifier was different." The filly pulled out a vial, collecting some water for it before corking it shut.

"So I could drink some of this water and become a baby for a few hours?" Daring asked as she grabbed the vial and hoofed the filly another one.

"Yes, that’s how it works. At least a day for a small dose." The filly instructed and gave the full vial. "We trust you." She giggled

Daring smiled. She didn't really know why, but having a filly trust her made her feel... Happy. "Thank you!" Daring declared, taking the vials into her bag. She leaned down and gave the filly a hug.

The foal hugged back. "You're welcome, make sure not to tell anyone about where this place is." She reminded Daring.

"Believe me, even if I did, nopony would believe me." Daring replied. Then as Daring made her way out of the village, the young children waved and said their goodbyes to the nice adult pony. She had what she needed, now she just had to hope it worked.