• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,835 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

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Windy, Bow, and A Visit to Home

Author's Note:

For RS: I am sorry that it took so long for me and zubric to upload this chapter, I was going through a lot of personal stuff over the last month and didn't have time to write, but I a back now!

"Rainbow Dash?!" Windy Whistles gasped, seeing her now little filly in a stroller with a stranger she didn't know. So many questions ran through her mind as she approached. "What did you do to my daughter?!" She defensively demanded.

Daring looked at the mare with an odd look. “You’re Rainbow's mother?"

Windy nodded, getting closer as she saw Rainbow hide behind her Spitfire plush. "Yes, and who are you?"

"I'm A.K Yearling, I’ve been caring for Rainbow since," Daring pointed at Rainbow. "This happened to her. It’s a long story."

With swift speed, Windy reached down and unbuckled Rainbow from the stroller, lifting her out to stare at her . "Oh dear. Rainbow, are you okay?" She asked, looking her daughter over.

Rainbow blushed a bright red but still looked at her mother. "Y-yeah... I otay, M-Mama." Daring didn't know why, but when she heard Rainbow call Windy “Mama”, she felt something stir inside of her. A faint twinge of jealousy, or something like it.

Windy simply patted the diaper and sighed. "Well that’s good, you’re all nice and protected. But I still want to know what happened," She set Dash back into the stroller, noticing ponies were staring. Quickly moving the counter to pay for the novel she turned to Daring. "You'd better explain yourself."

"As I told you, I've been caring for Rainbow ever since this happened a few weeks ago." Daring defensively retorted. She wasn’t sure how to disclose the details of what had transpired.

Windy wanted more answers as Daring paid for her own books. Windy then follow her daughter out, watching the little foal hug her plushie with a blush. Following Daring as they headed back to Ponyville left them plenty of time to explain what had taken place. "I want an explanation now, ma’am! How did this happen, and how come you’re caring for my little Dashie?! Is she stuck like this?!"

Rainbow silently gulped, wondering what story to spin about all this.

Fortunately, Daring spoke up. "Uh, well... Rainbow and I were uh... We were exploring a temple, then she found a, uh pacifier. She then jokingly suckled on it a little, which for some reason turned her into a baby." Daring blushed a little, what she told Windy might have been the truth, but it sounded like a lie. She’d forgotten that she was still in her Yearling disguise.

Windy pouted while following the stroller. "I know you make up stories but that one was rather unbelievable. What would an author be doing at such a dangerous temple? Not that my Dashie couldn't handle it."

"Well I was trying to get a good mapping of the temple, so my next book would be more believable." Daring replied on the answer, hoping to satisfy Windy.

It didn’t, Windy’s eyebrow arched upward as she spoke. "That sounds rather risky for a novel, even for your stories." Staring down at her foal she still felt very protective, all those motherly instincts surfacing as she watch Rainbow hide behind her plushie rather adorably.

Daring blushed a little. "Yeah, I guess. But that's why I asked Rainbow Dash to come with me. After all, she’s the bravest pony I know."

"Oh, my filly is most definitely the bravest pony ever!" Windy beamed and then asked. "Why don't you come to my place, Miss Yearling? I can show off my little filly to her daddy once again."

Daring looked down at Rainbow, who was shaking her head no. "Uh, I don't know if Rainbow would want to do that."

Windy pouted. “She’s my daughter.” She protested putting her hooves to her hips

Daring blushed. "Well, I know that. But you haven't asked Rainbow if she would like to see her dad again. Or what she wants."

Windy leaned down to her daughter, smiling. "Well, Dashie, don't you wanna see the best dad ever?"

Rainbow wanted to say no, but something made her nod and say. "Yeah!"

Windy smiled, taking hold of the stroller from Daring before pushing it along as she flew. "Alright then. Follow me, Miss Yearling." Windy smiled more just by looking at her daughter. With her being so small, it brought back so many memories.

Rainbow blushed a little. "Uh, Mama... Why you no surprise me baby?"

"Oh I’m very surprised," Windy corrected with a giggle. "I just never thought I'd get to see my little Dashie in diapers again," Windy cooed. “Never knew a magical artifact could regress somepony like this."

"Me no know that either. But being baby been kinda fun." Rainbow admitted, even though she knew some parts were far less desirable.

"I’m just glad you're okay. I never knew you knew were with a famous book author," She commented, flying along and passing by various buildings. "Why didn't you let me know sooner?"

"That me a baby? Or that me know Yearwing?" Rainbow confusingly questioned.

"About you turning into a foal. I could have easily cared for you. I did it before." Windy pouted

"Uh...weww me asked to stay with Yearwing so… I cwoser to Twily, so when she find cure, me can just become big pony again." Rainbow answered. Of course, when she said it, she sounded like a foal with a over active imagination

"Oh Princess Twilight, yes. I guess being close to your friends makes sense. I bet she'll get you cured in no time." Windy beamed, soon seeing her house coming closer.

Rainbow smiled, but then asked in a quiet tone of voice. "Uh, awe you mad at me for no wiving with you and dada whiwe me foaw?"

Windy paused for a moment as she thought it over. She never could be mad at her little filly. "No. Mommy can always come into town to babysit." She giggled.

Rainbow giggled a little at how Windy cooed at her. "Otay, Mama. Ya can do tat." Daring felt oddly conflicted as she followed, watching Rainbow's real mother coo over her. She wasn't entirely sure why though.

Windy smiled as she entered through the front door of her house. "Oh honey, you'll never guess who came to visit." She called out, cheerfully hearing her husband's hooves coming down the stairs.

After a few seconds, Daring saw a bluish-gray coated pegasus stallion walk down the stairs. He had a green shirt on for some reason. "Oh, who’s this, honey?" He asked, not yet noticing the stroller that had his now baby daughter in it

"This is A.K. Yearling," Windy smiled while pointing to said mare. "And you’ll never guess who else is here." She cooed, patting Rainbow's head

Bow looked down and gasped! "Is that my little Dashie?! How in Equestria is she a foal again?!"

Daring sighed. "The short answer is a magical pacifier. She’s been like this for a while now, I’m afraid." She watched as Windy unbuckled Rainbow, letting the little one stretch.

Rainbow looked up at her father and blushed a little. "H-hi, Dada?"

Bow giggled a bit. "Oh my, you are awfully cute," He cooed, patting her head. "You feeling okay?"

Rainbow nodded very slowly. "I fine, Dada, just kinda nervous..."

"Why would you be nervous to be with your parents again?” Windy asked, moving to the kitchen to make some coffee for her unexpected guest.

"Weww, me a foal... It just kinda scawy... Seeing you wike tis... Me feew wike you gonna get mad at me." The foal confessed with a blush.

"Oh, we could never be mad at you, little Dashie," Bow giggled, leaning down to nuzzle her cheek. "Why would I be mad?"

Rainbow thought for a minute, but then just giggled. "Me no know, me guess it just siwwy thought."

Daring smiled, watching Rainbow nuzzle her father back as she took the cup of coffee. "She was kind of worried you'd smother her." She explained.

Bow gasped. "Smother her?! But why wouldn't we?! She’s just the cutest foal ever! Yes she is, yes she is!" He cooed, tickling Rainbow's tummy gently.

Rainbow blushed a little. "Uh, Dada. Me wove you, but me no wike being cooed at wike tat."

"Why not?" Bow asked, titling his head as well as they moved to the living room. Windy watching Rainbow's cute waddle.

"Well, it just embawwassing." Rainbow blushed a deep shade of red.

"We can't help it if you’re just that cute. Oh, I could just eat you up!" Windy replied, giving th diaper a few pats, which just embarrassed the little filly more. Then she giggled. "Does somepony need a diaper change?" The mare picked up the baby and patted her diaper a little more, there was a slight squish.

"Her diaper could probably hold a few more wettings. I got a pretty absorbent brand.” Daring said, while noticing Rainbow’s steadily growing blush.

"Well, we don't want her to get a diaper rash, do we?" Windy asked with a giggle.
Before Daring could remark back, Bow had dug into the diaper bag pulling out and laying the changing mat on the floor.

"Oh it's been so long since I had to change Dashie's whittle diaper wiapers." Windy babied as Rainbow's cheeks kept getting redder.

"Mom! Stop dat!' Rainbow whined, worming about as she was laid down upon the familiar mat. She glanced at Daring as her mom pulled the diaper open and got to work.

"Oh, I can't help it. You’re just as cute as when you were an actual foal," Windy cooed, holding up Rainbow’s rump as she wipes. "Such a little piddle pants. I don’t think you grew out of it until you were almost five."

Rainbow groaned covering her face with her hooves as her mother sprinkled her bottom with foal powder. Her worries of being smothered by her parents had just become a little more clear, yet at the same time, it wasn't as bad as she’d thought it would. When the change was complete, Rainbow moved her hooves away and looked up into her mom's eyes, flashing a smile at her.

But just before Rainbow could say thank you, her mom leaned down quickly and blew into her tummy. "Hehehe, haha!" Rainbow burst out into a laughing fit, kicking around.

“Hehe, Mommy gotcha now! Pfftt!" Windy cooed, raspberrying her daughter two more times before letting her daughter get to her hooves. "I do hope you turn back eventually, and I’m sure you will. But while you’re tiny we can have so much fun together. It’ll be just like old times."

"I sowwy I no wet you know sooner." Rainbow apologized. Being around her parents touched off something deep inside her, like an actual foalish part of her.

Windy hugged her daughter once more. "Oh, it's okay, Dashie. Mommy is always ready to support you," She leaned down, kissing Rainbow’s forehead. "Now, are you hungry, sweetie?"

"A wittle," Rainbow remarked. "Can me have some jewwo?" She clapped her hooves together with glee.

Bow chuckled. “Of course you can have some."

Windy fluttered her wings, moving to the basement door. "We could even bring out your old high chair. How about that?"

"Mommy, wait!" Rainbow called out with a blush, watching her mother descend.

Bow chuckled, ruffling Rainbow's mane. "You know your mom, once she get an idea in her head she is off like a shot," Picking up the foal, her father carried her into the kitchen while nuzzling her at the same time. "You used to be be such a fussy eater."

Rainbow shook her head while sticking her tongue out. "Nu uh. Me was not!"

Daring took her seat at the kitchen table, snickering. "Oh, she’s quite fussy, especially when it comes to broccoli."

"Bleh!" Rainbow made a face. "Dat icky," She pouted, watching as her mom brought an old, blue colored highchair into the kitchen, unfolding it before helping Bow sit her filly inside it. Rainbow wiggled even as Windy buckled her in. "I no need buckle," Rainbow whined, tugging on the straps to no avail.

Windy cooed. "I just remember when your little wings would buzz you all around the room if we didn't buckle you down. We should show Yearling some of our photos."

"Eeep! No, not ta photo awbum!" Rainbow squeaked, waving her hooves around.

"Oh, I kind of want to see that. Probably got a lot of great photos of you as a baby." Daring added with a light snicker.

"I can show you later. There’s so many adorable pictures, almost everything my little Dashie did was worth documenting." Windy smiled, before retrieving some grape jello from the nearby cupboard.

"Mooom, you embawwassing me!' Rainbow whined, but perked up upon see the jello treat.

"That's okay, Dashie, it's all part of being a foal." Windy said while spooning the small spoonful of jello to the filly's lips.

Rainbow gasped, nomming down upon the treat and beaming from ear to ear as each spoonful went in. Her hind legs kicked about as she enjoyed her snack, looking adorable while doing so. "Mm, yummy." She cheered, eating more until the small cup was gone. Once done, the little darling let out a light burp, giggling again.

Windy patted Rainbow’s head before smiling more. "Oh, Dashie, I have a little surprise for you."

"Wat is it?" Rainbow asked, practically bouncing in her seat.

"Let me just go get it. I'm sure you've missed her." Windy cooed, exiting the kitchen before heading up the stairs. Moments later she can back with something yellow tucked under her wing. "Do you remember this?" She asked, before holding up a cute, yellow bird plushie with orange legs and a beak.

"Tweaty!' Rainbow exclaimed, reaching out and taking it, snuggling it close to her chest. The familiar scent filling her nose. She grinned, happily squeezing it with glee.

"Oh yes, she kept you safe at night from the scary shadow monsters." Windy smiled, watching her daughter play with it.

Daring couldn’t help snicker a bit. "Aww, was little Dashie afraid of the dark?"

Windy smiled and nodded. "Oh yes. I remember one time when she was six years old, we let Rainbow watch a scary movie before bed. And boy was that a mistake, because that night she thought she saw a spooky monster in her closet, and wet the bed!"

"Did not!" Rainbow protested with a pout. “It was juice." She, blushed hugging her toy closer

"But you weren't allowed to have juice in your room after you tried to dye your coat using apple juice. And that was years ago." Bow corrected.

Daring put a hoof to her muzzle, snickering. "Oh, that’s just too cute to think about."

"Mom, ya doing it again!" Rainbow whined, seeing both mares look towards her.

"Yes, she used to do silly things like that all the time!" Windy explained. “But we loved her for it! Every moment was worth chersing.”

As the minutes ticked by, Daring moved over to the highchair and kept watching Rainbow hold her toy. "So, Tweaty, huh? You sure are silly."

Rainbow blushed. "Yeah, me got her when me was baby ta fiwst time. Me do evewyting with hew."

Windy kissed Rainbow's forehead. "Oh yes, I’m glad you liked it. It was mine when I was young too."

Rainbow giggled a bit, before her stomach growled. "I still hungwy.”

Windy blushed and said quietly, "Well, I could nurse you. Foals need their nutrition."

Bow shook his head. "I don't think that will work, honey. Dashie’s too old for that," He said while reaching into the diaper bag. "But Miss. Yearling did pack some more formula.”

Windy blushed for a second. "Yes, I guess that will work. Though I never fed Dashie that stuff when she was a baby."

"That's true, you always did do nursing, even up until the point she started to nibble." Bow teased moving along to warm the formula up some with the little heating crystal in the bag.

Windy smiled. "Well no matter what happens we can always take care of our little Dashie Washie. Maybe we could even potty train her, oh was that an experience I’ll never forget!"

Daring pouted, faintly feeling like she wasn't measuring up to Rainbow’s real parents despite not being as embarrassing. She could only watch as Bow brought over Rainbow's bottle.

Rainbow smiled once she was hoofed the bottle and said cutely. "Tank you, Dada. Ya ta best!"

"No problem," Bow cooed, watch the foal drink. He turned to Daring. "So, Miss. Yearling, any ideas for future books? Or is that spoiling things for Dashie?"

Daring thought for a second. She hadn’t exactly decided how to incorporate her newest adventure in her existing works. "Well, I was thinking of maybe doing a story about a pony getting turned into a baby and Daring Do having to take care of them."

"Oh, wherever did you get that idea?" Windy sarcastically replied, hearing a giant giggle from Rainbow.

Bow just smiled. "Well it sound a great idea. Daring Do on diaper duty, hehe!"

"Well, I don't know if ponies would really like it. After all it's nothing like the rest of my books." Daring admitted with a blush.

"You could always make it a children's book," Windy offered with a shrug. "I mean, I'd read it either way."

"Well, I don't know. Maybe. I could always say it’s separate from the others," Daring decided. “If I even publish it all.”

Windy just proceeded to pick up her daughter once the bottle was done and patted her back, humming. After a minute or so of patting Rainbow began to give out small burps. "Good filly.” Windy cooed.

Daring reached out to take Rainbow, feeling motherly again. "I'll hold her." She said before gently taking Rainbow from Windy. Rainbow's forelegs wrap around Daring’s neck while idly cooing.

Rainbow smiled and yawned a little. "I sweepy, Mama."

Daring rubbed Rainbow back, carrying her along as Windy showed the way to one of the bedrooms/

"Do we need to wrap her up?" Windy asked.

Daring nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's her blankie and pacifier in the diaper bag."

"It would stop her from rolling off the bed." Bow added, as he came into the bedroom with them, pulling out the items.

Rainbow was laid down upon her soft blanket soon enough, Daring folding it up just right around the small foal. Windy then happily set Rainbow's pacifier in, seeing the eyes droop and closed

Rainbow suckled on the paci and yawned. "G'night Mamas, dada."

Daring blushed as Windy leaned down and kissed her daughter’s forehead. "Goodnight, Dashie. Sweet dreams."

The group exited the room gently leaving the door open to listen.

Windy glanced at Yearling as they made their way to the stairs. “I think you make a good mother too. But I'm still the best."

Daring smiled. “Well, after Rainbow becomes a adult again, I'm not sure if I'll want to be a mommy again. It’s exhausting."

"Motherhood can be a wonderful thing if you give it a chance. I have so many happy memories with my little Dashie." Windy stopped to admire some photographs on the wall.

Daring smiled with a slight blush. "Yeah, I know. I also have some pretty cute memories with Rainbow."

"And many more to have if she has to grow up all over again," Windy remarked as Bow chuckled. "She'll win all those races all over again. She'll be a double winner."

Daring giggled. "I remember you mentioning earlier you had a photo album of Rainbow?"

"Oh yes, would you like to see?" Windy asked, beaming and grinning from ear to ear.

Daring nodded as the group made their way down the stairs. The adventurer looked back toward the bedroom, still confused yet less worried. There was still hope for Rainbow. Maybe things would turn out okay.