• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,836 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

The Wonderbolts

Two days after the day out at the fair, Dash was happily playing with a few plushies and having her own small Daring Do adventure. As she crossed the rickety bridge, she saw Tank hover overhead with blue and yellow tickets in his mouth. Rainbow paused her playing, blinking. "Huh? What's dat you got, Tank?" Taking a closer look, the colors reminded her of something very familiar, but for some reason she found she couldn't read what was printed on the tickets very well. After a bit of a struggle, she managed to make out the words “Wonderbolts” on the tickets. Her eyes went wide upon realization. "Oh no, I hope is not too late!" She thought aloud, before taking the tickets from Tank and waddling over to Daring, who was busy writing.

Daring feeling a light tug on her leg and peered down, seeing the foal. "Oh, did you need me for something, Rainbow?"

Rainbow nodded, holding up the tickets. "What da dates on tese? I can’t make tem out." She asked, holding them up.

Daring took a closer look at them, smiling. "Oh, they’re for tomorrow." She commented, seeing Rainbow clap happily.

"Yay! Me and Mommy go to see Wonderbolts!" Rainbow bounced around, fluttering her wings with joy.

Daring smiled. She’d never really had a chance to see a Wonderbolts show, having been too busy with artifact hunting. It’d be a nice change. "Should be fun, Cloudsdale is easy enough to get to." She commented.

A light breeze blew by as Daring flew toward the majestic cloud city the next day. Rainbow was happily bouncing along in the floating stroller. The little filly had her Spitfire plushie with her for company. Along with the trip to the show, Daring also planned to do some shopping afterwards. Mostly to stock up on more foal supplies since she was starting to run low.

Rainbow was hyper as always, wiggling and cheering as she stared around her hometown. "Yay, Wonderbolts are bestest eva!" She waved contently at ponies flying by, beaming ear to ear. Before this whole foal curse, she had been excited for this show just like many others she'd gone to. Any time she got to hang out with her idols was great opportunity. Although she was wondering how her heroes would react to her current condition. Would they laugh? Maybe tease her and call her embarrassing nicknames? Worst of all, maybe they’d try to make their cute little mascot?

Daring looked down at the filly and smiled. "I bet the bolts are, sweetie. Just remember, if you get sleepy or bored, or need a change, just tell me and we’ll go. You’re just a foal now, so it’s okay."

Rainbow nodded, clutching her Spitfire plushie close. “Uh huh, me tell Mama if me need something." Rainbow replied, watching a few pegasus ponies fly by as they reached the coliseum. The crowd of ponies growing by the minute.

Daring smiled and kissed the filly's forehead. "Okay. Are you ready, sweetie?"

Rainbow nodded as they made their way in and found their assigned seats. The filly waved at the blue coated stallion seated next to her, smiling. “Wonderbolts are bestest fliers ever!”

The stallion chuckled and looked at Rainbow. "Yes they are. I bet that you could be a Wonderbolt when you’re older and out of diapers, sweetie."

“Uh huh. Me be da bestest bolt eva!” Rainbow happily cheered, seeing other ponies take their seats. She shifted closer to Daring, being just a tad shy with so many ponies around. It didn’t take long until the first pass in the show began, with Rainbow trying to figure out which trick was which.

Daring smiled at the small foal. “Do you want to sit on my shoulders to see better?"

Rainobe gasped and nodded. “Yeah, yeah!" She clambered up with joy, watching as Soarin and Spitfire did a smoke trail corkscrew.

Daring smiled and held onto Rainbow’s hooves to make sure she wouldn't fall. "They look cool, don't they?"

"Uh huh," Rainbow nodded, before she pointed outwards at Spitfire and the rest of the boltas they did a sort of splitting flower maneuver, darting away from each other in a star pattern. "Oh, ta fwying starburst!" She called out, bouncing happily as the crinkles echoed in Daring’s ears.

Daring smiled. "You sure know all their moves, don't you?"

Rainbow beamed with pride and clapped. "Hehe, yeah! I their biggest fan ever!"

Minutes ticked by, then almost half an hour. And then Rainbow felt her stomach rumble. "Mama me hungry."

Daring smiled and got out a bottle from her diaper bag, having expected such a thing. She then carefully hooved it to Rainbow after preparing the milk. “Here you go, drink up.”

Rainbow eagerly snatched it up, suckling on it with a big smile. A few ponies nearby found it awfully cute, especially when Daring patted Rainbow and Rainbow let out a burp.

It wasn't long after that when the intermission happened. Daring took advantage of the opportunity to do a diaper check. She barely even flinched when a foul stench hit her nostrils. “My goodness, Rainbow. You’re stinky!” She teased, taking Rainbow along to the bathroom for a change.

The little filly still blushed when she smelt it. “Tis is so embawwassing! Me not know I make stinky!”

Daring smiled. "Oh, it’s not that embarrassing, sweetie. You are a foal right now. Foals do that all the time.”

"Weww, I glad I didn’t miss anything cool." Rainbow lisped as she lay upon the changing station. She blushed whenever a mare or two would be the bathroom at the same time she was being changed. Nopony gave it any mind though, she was just a foal after all. And it wasn’t like any of them knew who she was, thankfully.

Once the change was done and Daring had washed her hooves, the two pegasi headed back out into the hallways of the stadium. As they made their way past the various stands selling food, drinks, and even merchandise like Wonderbolts hats and t-shirts, Rainbow pointed. "Oh, oh! Me wanna soda!" She knew she probably couldn’t have it, but it was awfully tempting.

Daring thought for a second, before sighing. "Alright, I'll get you a small soda. But you have to promise that you'll be good. No bouncing off the walls or screaming your head off."

"Otay, me promise,” Rainbow replied and the giggled. “Hehe, sugar." She cheered, while Daring moved to the concession stand, getting said small drink in a simple plastic cup with a drinking straw.

They soon get back to their seats, Daring making sure Rainbow took small sips so as to not get bloated. Fortunately she had gotten the less-caffeinated brand. She just hoped ponies weren’t silently judging her for giving a foal soda. She knew you weren’t supposed to do that, but Rainbow wasn’t your typical foal. Besides, a treat every once in a great while never hurt, right?

As the show came to a close, Rainbow leaned forward and listened as a pony announced over the loudspeaker. "And now, the lucky seat numbers for the ‘Meet the Bolts’ event are... C18 and C19! Congratulations!" The foal cheered and hugged Daring! “Dat us! Mama get to meet Wonderbolts!”

Daring smiled, got up, and put Rainbow into the stroller. "Alright, come on, let's go meet the Wonderbolts, sweetie. You don’t need a change, right?"

Rainbow blushed and shook her head. “Nu-uh, me good.” Then she beamed, bouncing in her seat the entire time as she wheeled along in the stroller, moving towards the locker room.

Soarin was there to greet the two, blinking upon seeing the unmistakable form of Rainbow. True, he’d seen her only a couple of times, but a couple of times was all that was needed to know what she looked like. "Rainbow Dash?” He commented. “Wow! What happened to you? You look… different."

Daring paused for a second before looking at the stallion. "You've met Rainbow Dash before?"

"Yeah. at the qualifiers for the Equestria Games and when she did her Sonic Rainboom at the Best Young Flyers Competition," Soarin commented. "Who are you?"

Daring adjusted the glasses of her disguise. "Oh, I’m A. K. Yearling, author of the Daring Do book series. And well, I’m Rainbow's caretaker since she's a foal.”

"Oh, I see." Soarin replied, leading them into the locker room proper. Rainbow cheered as they entered.

Spitfire happened to look the foal’s way. And she too was surprised by Rainbow’s condition “Wow, what happened?" She came over, staring at the foal. "Why are you a foal, Rainbow?" She asked, surprised that Rainbow had been the one to win the contest (though she supposed that shouldn’t have been a surprise considering Rainbow was at the top of the list for potential recruits).

Rainbow blushed a little, but still looked at Spitfire. "Me was helping uh... One of my friends go through a big temple, when me found a magic paci! Me no know why, but me suckled on it, and it turned me into baby!"

"I see. Well, I hope you get cured, you're a really good flyer," Spitfire declared while drying her face off with a towel. "Guess that means you won't be competing in the Equestria Games?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Me tink that Derpy gonna go in for me."

Spitfire patted Rainbow's head and smiled. "Well, I certainly didn't expect you to have been here today. But you’re awfully cute. We don’t tend to get a lot of little foals as fans, usually they don’t start fawning over us ‘til they’re in preschool." She commented, letting Daring wheel the stroller a little further in as the other Wonderbolts gathered around, fawning over the little one.

Rainbow smiled and hugged onto her plushie, she was really excited. And she was glad that her idols didn’t seem to be teasing her too much (the cutesy comments were a little annoying but by now she’d gotten used to ponies fawning over her). "Uh Spiefiwe? Could you sign me plushie?" She asked as sh showed the mare the plushie and blushed a little.

"Well, it would be kinda hard to sign a plushie. But I could give you a photo." Spitfire offered, moving to a small bag with merch inside. She soon pulled out a photo of herself and three other Wonderbolts all posing and smiling.

Rainbow giggled and bounced up and down in her diaper, smiling. "Tank you so much!"

The group gather as Rainbow was set on a stool in the middle. Daring then adjusted the camera. "Okay, say cheese!" She waited until Rainbow looked towards the camera before taking the picture, the flash only partly distracting

Rainbow giggled and tried to grab the photo. "Me wanna see! Me wanna see!"

Daring lowered it down for her to look at. "Okay, just be gentle." She mothered, watching as Rainbow looked at the group photo

Rainbow smiled and gently hugged the photo. "This ta best day ever!"

Once everyone had waved goodbye, Daring wheeled the happy filly out of the stadium, heading towards the market district of Cloudsdale. "Well, I'm glad you had fun today." Daring commented, seeing the ear to ear grin on Rainbow’s face.

The two shopped together for an hour, stopping only once when Rainbow soaked her diaper and needed to be changed. Then they entered a bookstore to find a new children’s storybook for Rainbow to read.

Just as they were heading down one of the isles, a voice Rainbow could never forget called out with a gasp. “Rainbow Dash?!”

Author's Note:

Gasp it's the moment we been waiting for, Windy whistles