• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,831 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

A Day at the Fair

The morning for Rainbow began with the same routine she'd been through ever since her change into a foal. After a tasty bowl of foal food and some formula, Daring landed on the ground, adjusting the diaper bag as she set the stroller down with Rainbow safely buckled in. "Are you sure you want to bring Spitfire with you to the fair? She could get lost." Daring mothered, watching as few pegasi cleared the sky for the perfect, sunny day.

Rainbow just nodded. "She gonna be there if me gets scared."

"Well, alright, just make sure to hold onto her." Daring advised, before wheeling down the path. She stopped at the top of a hill to look down at the fair, looking at all the events that had been set up in the large clearing. They'd planned to meet up with Icy once they got there, along with Scootaloo if they ran into her.

Rainbow’s eyes followed all kinds of things, seeing every color imaginable. She giggled when she saw a giant roller coaster. "Wow! Tat wooks fun, Mama! Can me go on that?"

Daring shook her head as she bought a ticket band at the booth. "No, Rainbow, you're too small for that ride." Daring mothered, impressed how much was set up so fast.

"But it wooks so cool! Me wanna ride it!" Rainbow cried as she looked up at Daring.

Daring sighed. "Sorry, Rainbow, you're just too small. Even if you wanted to, they wouldn’t let you on," She pushed the stroller along, looking at the various ride and attractions. "At least you can have your face painted later."

For some odd reason, Rainbow giggled. "Me gonna look like a lion!"

"Oh, that does sound cute," Daring cooed, watching other kids rush by. Having not spotted Icy or any of the Crusaders yet, the two moved over to a fun little ball toss game. Helping Rainbow onto the counter, Daring let her take the three balls and pointed. "You just have to land them in one of those holes to win a prize. You can't lose."

Rainbow smiled and picked up one of the balls, with all her might she threw it! The ball flew, bouncing off a red bucket before falling into a blue one next to it. The mare running the stand smiled. "Oh, you won a few stickers!" She said showing off a small sheet of them.

Daring smiled. "Oh, I'm sure she'll enjoy those later."

Rainbow giggled and grabbed the next ball. "You wanna try, Mama? It fun."

Daring took it and patted Rainbow's head "Sure." She aimed and gently tossing the ball under hoof style. It landed smoothly in a green pail, and the stall mare smiled. "Ah you win a few candies."

Daring took the small bag of taffy puting into her bag.

Meanwhile, Rainbow noticed the purple bucket was for winning a small plush. She grabbed the last ball and aimed at the purple bucket, with all of her strength she threw the ball and smiled. Thankfully her shot flew straight as it bounced off the rim of the bucket in front of the one she was aiming for, before landing in the purple bucket. The mare smiled showing her the small plush animals to pick from.

Rainbow looked at the plushies but couldn't decide on what one to get, they all looked good. "Uh, you choose, Mama."

"Oh alright." Daring cooed, soon picking out a chubby lion plush for her filly.

Rainbow hugged onto the plushie and smiled. "Yay! Tank you, Mama!"

"You’re welcome. Now Spitfire has a team mate." Daring cooed, pushing the stroller towards the merry go round and the kid’s section, full of clowns and other such attractions.

While Daring looked around for what to do with Rainbow next, Rainbow spotted Rarity and Sweetie Belle passing through.

"Come on, Rarity this way!" Sweetie called, pausing for a moment by Daring.

Rarity smiled and walked up to Daring (in her Yearling disguise once again). "Hello, Darling, how's Rainbow?"

"She's doing alright," Daring said while watching Rainbow bounce. She decided not to bring up Rainbow’s foal episodes from the previous day, no need to make her friends worry.

"Hi, Wawity." Rainbow waved while staring at Sweetie Belle and booping herl.

Daring looked down at the filly and smiled. "Hi, Sweetie Belle. How have you been since our sleepover?"

"Great!” Sweetie beamed! “Rarity and I are hanging out today."

"You know me, can't say no to those adorable puppy dog eyes of hers." Rarity added.

Daring smiled. "Oh, that's nice. I was just going to take Rainbow to get her face painted."

Sweetie smiled. "Oh, me too!" She shouted, her voice once again cracking.

Rainbow nodded while clapping. "I gonna be a wion!" She held up her new plushie, making a cute roar.

Rarity smiled. "Oh Sweetie used to love getting her face painted too." Sweetie blushed somewhat.at the remark.

The group soon moved along, passing by various acts like jugglers and acrobats. Daring soon got in line with Rainbow, looking at some of the smaller kids.

Rarity ruffled Sweetie's head. "What are you going to be, Sweetie?"

Sweetie thought for a second. "Uh, why not a cat?"

While the group waited, a few ponies kept trying to come up to Daring to ask her things. She was a famous writer after all, and it had been a while since her last book. She groaned. I"m just trying to enjoy my day."

Rainbow giggled and held onto Daring. "Mama, why ponies wanna talk to you?"

"Well they are fans, remember. I always try to have time for them, no matter who they are or what they want." Daring replied, moving up in the line some more.

Rainbow smiled. "Oh yeah, me remembew."

After a few more minutes, the group got up to the front, watching as Sweetie took her seat. The stallion managing the stand blinked. "Aren't you a little old for this?" He asked.

Sweetie nodded a little but smiled. "I guess I might be, but I’m mainly doing it for my friend, who's a little foal."

Rainbow giggled a bit, watching with joy as Sweetie got little whiskers painted on her muzzle and a black spot on the front. Rarity smiled as well, the scene bringing back memories.

After it was done, Sweetie giggled. "Thank you, sir!"

Rainbow clapped her hooves as Sweetie came over. "Meow!" She reached up and booped the filly's nose. Rarity dawweed at the cute sight, and Daring was quick to put the little filly onto the stool as the artist got out the face paints.

Rainbow giggled and looked up at the stallion. "I wanna be a wion! Rawr!"

"Oh, of course little one, a cute lion cub," He smiled. "All you have to do is hold still." Dipping his brush into the orange paint he got to work, applying the cool paint to her face while moving with delicate care. Daring would on occasion give Rainbow positive reinforcement to hold still for so long. Quite the challenge for one so young.

Rainbow smiled and held in her giggles, it felt weird and tingly as the paint was applied to her face.

"Almost done, little one," The artist stallion declared, waiting for Rainbow to close her eyes before applying some paint near the lids. He finished off with a few black whiskers after a minute and smiled. "Okay, all done!" He proclaimed, holding up a small mirror to the filly.

Rainbow looked at herself and giggled a lot. "Me wook scary! Rawr!"

Daring pretended to be as scared as a dog and jumped! "Oh my, how scary! Don't eat me, Miss Lion," She laughed, before scooping Rainbow up and tickling her tummy. "Speaking of eating, are you in need of a snack?" A simple bottle wasn't going to ruin the paint job.

Rainbow giggled and held onto Daring. "Yeah, I wanna funnew cake!"

"I don't know, that sounds awfully messy. You don't want to mess up your paint do you?" Daring asked, following Rarity and Sweetie as they made their way through the crowds.

"Pwease?” Rainbow pleaded. “Me stay cwean! Just need a bib!"

Daring stopped by one of the food carts, seeing some pretzels. "How about that?” She pointed as the smell was wafting off the cart.

But Rainbow shook her head. "No! Me wanna funnew cake!"

Taking a moment to scan the stall, Daring spotted the one Rainbow was interested in, and strolled over. "Very well, Rainbow. What’s the magic word?" She mothered while pulling out her bits.

Rainbow did a cute little face and smiled. "Pwease?"

"Good filly." Daring praised, fetching the small pastry before taking a seat at the nearby table. She sat Rainbow on her lap and move the treat to Rainbow’s lips so she wouldn't ruin her face paint.

Rainbow giggled and took a small bite of the funnel cake. "That' right, small bites." Daring cooed, at least glad Rainbow's grown up mind part had common sense.

A few minutes went by as the little filly had her treat, the ponies around them not paying any mind to the sight.

At last, Rainbow took one more bite and her belly grumbled. "Ugh, me full!"

Daring lifted it up and finished off the other half as she patted Rainbow’s head. "Well, how about we go find Applejack? I'm sure you’ll want to dunk her." Daring remarked, hearing the sounds of a splash not far off from the food court area.

Rainbow smiled and giggled a little. "Yeah, tat sound fun!"

"Alright then, let's get going!" Slipping Rainbow back into the stroller, Daring wheeled along, passing by a few other stalls before moving to the next row of attractions.

Passing a few jugglers, Rainbow soon saw the colourful dunk tank area with Applejack having just climbed back onto the seat, her mane all droopy. As the two pegasi approached, Applejack waved.

"Howdy there, Yearlin’,” She greeted, careful not to give away Daring’s identity in public. “come to let little Dashie try and dunk me?"

Rainbow giggled and nodded. "Yeah! I gonna get ya first time!"

"Oh ya, sugarcube? Let’s see ya try." Applejack taunted as the filly was set on a stool as to be high enough to throw.

Daring fetched Rainbow the first ball, letting the foal take it. Rainbow smiled and threw it. At first it looked pretty good, only for it to drop steeply before ever getting close to the target.

Applejack looked down. "Don’t give up, Rainbow. You can do it."

Rainbow grabbed the second ball and giggled. "Me know me can!" Daring steadied Rainbow as the fly got onto her hind legs, lifting the ball over her head and tossing it as hard as she could. It managed to soar over the line, hitting the edge of the plate. But apparently not hard enough to make it trigger.

Applejack looked on. "One more, try, Rainbow. You gotta get it this time."

"But it no work! Me too smaww!" Rainbow yelled and crossed her hooves.

"What? That can't be you, Rainbow. Rainbow ain't no quitter," Applejack encouraged. "Ya were so close."

Rainbow just sat there with the ball in her lap. "Me twy and hit it, but it no work! Wha else me do?!"

Daring patted Rainbow's back gently. "Come on, you can do it. I'd never give up so easily," She rubbed Rainbow’s back some more. "Do you want Mommy's help." She asked, getting a few odd stares from ponies around them.

Rainbow smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah! Uh me mean, Pwease, Mama?"

Daring sat on the stool with Rainbow and held her hoof. She pulled it back and help give the ball a little extra speed as it left the filly's grasp. With an audible twang the ball hit the target, sending Applejack falling into the water with a splash! Daring smiled, hearing Rainbow cheer and clap her hooves.

Rainbow smiled and hugged Daring. "Tank you, Mama."

"You're welcome." Daring nuzzles Rainbow back, watching Applejack climb onto the seat again.

"Yeah, good job, Rainbow,” Applejack smiled as she shook her mane. “Told ya you could do it."

Rainbow blushed a little but smiled. "Tank you too, Appwejack!"

"No problem, sugarcube." Applejack waved, then watched the two move along.

Daring grinned, watching Rainbow bounce in her seat. "I wonder what else there is to do?" She smiled, making her way to the carousel, the music jingling around the meadow.

Rainbow heard the music and giggled, it made her feel happy. "Mama, we go on that?"

“Sure.” Daring nodded getting in line behind a few others. Rainbow could see the colourful painted horses bob up and down in their circle, the lighting blinking about.

Rainbow continued to giggle as the line went forward. "Mama, how much wonger?"

“I think there’s one more pass then we can go on,” Daring said with a smile. “If you wait patiently, I’ll even get you a nice balloon afterwards.”

Rainbow smiled and hugged daring. "Yay!"

After five minutes the next group was let on. Daring set Dash upon one of horses, this one being a seapony. She held onto her just so she wouldn’t fall.

Rainbow smiled and looked at the seapony's head. "Hi, I Wainbow Dash. Me and me mama gonna ride you, otay?"

Daring couldn’t help but giggle a bit as the music began and the seapony began to move up and down. Rainbow imagined it rising and setting in the ocean

Rainbow rode the seapony while giggling. "Wee! We gonna go on adventure!"

Daring patted her head as they rode. “Maybe you’ll find sunken treasures or something.” Daring cooed as the ride kept going, the jingle making Dash hyper.

Rainbow looked around the imaginary world until she saw a treasure chest filled with gold and other things, she then pointed her seapony to it. Her companion neighed as they rode towards it, bobbing up and down. Rainbow loved her foalsh imagination, it made things fun.

Daring looked down at the filly and giggled. "Aw, Rainbow, where's the seahorsie going?"

“To da treasures!” Rainbow pointed. The carousel kept going, still have another minute before it was done. As it stopped, Rainbow reached the chest and giggled. "Yay! I gonna be rich!"

Daring smiled as she took the foal back to her stroller, letting her play with her plushies while looking for a balloon stand. “This has been a nice day.”

"Yeah, me just wish me could ride the rowwercoastew!" Rainbow giggled as she looked up at Daring.

“Hmm, well there might be a child one around,” She said, wheeling along and passing by other child activities. Stopping by the balloon stand she smiled. “Okay, Rainbow, what color do you want?”

Rainbow looked at the different colors and giggled when she saw a pretty pink one. "Tat one!"

Daring selected the small pink balloon, tying it snugly to Rainbow’s foreleg so it wouldn’t get lost. “See, just like Mommy promised.”

After passing a few tents, the two stopped at the house of mirrors.

Scootaloo (her face painted to look like a bear) hurried over. “Oh hey, Rainbow. Nice lion paint,” Rainbow giggled and did a small rawr. Scootaloo smirked back. “Oh, how scary!” She booped Rainbow’s nose. “You going in there?” She asked.

Rainbow nodded and looked at it. "It easy. You just howd hooves in front of ya."

Scootaloo let Daring set the foal on the floor and lead her inside. Each mirror gave different appearances to them. One mirror even made them look fat.

Rainbow giggled at the one that made her look big.

“Oh, hey you’re grown up again.” Scootaloo giggled, the mirror making her look small while Dash looked like a mare again.

It made Rainbow consider her situation again. "What if me stuck as foaw, Scootawoo? Me kind of wike it, but it stiww bad!"

Scootaloo rubbed her neck.“ Yeah, you’d miss out on some things. You would have to do school all over again for one.” She commented while looking at the reflection.

Rainbow blushed. "And wah if me reaw mama hear me foaw? She gonna take me from Mama!"

“Well, uh she is you real mom, that doesn’t sound that bad. I know you said she’s smothering but smothering is nice. I’d give anything to have that kind of attention at home, my mom’s always too busy with work to take much notice of me.”

The two move to some other mirrors, one making them look like dogs.

"Me know, but me reawwy wuv Mama, and me no want to weave her." Rainbow protested.

“Doesn’t she have a life too?” Scootaloo asked. “Your mom probably kept your foal stuff too.”

"Me know she has but me wike it here, in Ponyviwwe." Rainbow replied.

“Who knows, maybe your parents would move to your house?” Scootaloo suggested, momentarily staring at a mirror that made Rainbow look like a lion cub. “If you had to choose, would you?”

"Choose me real mama or mama?" Rainbow asked.

“I meant if you could choose to grow up again or go back to being an adult,” Scootaloo explained. “I would love to have my idol and big sister back.”

Rainbow blushed a little but then smiled. "Me think me stay foal, even if me have to go with me real Mama."

“Wouldn’t that be leaving a lot behind though?” Scootaloo asked as they made a few more turns in the mirror maze.

"Yeah, but if I go back to being grown up, me miss being foal, and having maybe a good foalhood." Rainbow admitted.

Scootaloo hesitated about the last part. “Uh, I guess so. You probably want a foalhood where your parents aren’t so smothering and overprotective,” They soon exited, meeting up with Daring once more. “I guess we’ll just have to see if Twilight or somepony else can find a cure. But at least I’ll get it be your big sister.”

Rainbow smiled and hugged onto Daring once she was in her hooves again.

Daring smiled. “Did you have fun with your big sister?” She cooed.

Rainbow nodded and could feel that she was about to yawn, but she held it in as best as she could. She was having too much fun to go home.

Scootaloo tagged along as thy head along down the path. “So, would you stay Rainbow’s mommy?” She asked, seeing Daring hesitate.

“Not sure if I’d ever have the full time for it.“ Daring commented, it was a lot to consider.

Rainbow listened in but found the conversation a little boring, which made her more tired. After a moment of thinking, she decided to just close her eyes for a minute. “What's the harm in that?
She thought.

The two other pegasi soon heard the soft snores from the foal in the stroller, the little filly holding her Spitfire plushie.

“Aww,” Daring smiled “Maybe we should take her home to nap." She smiled more, letting Scootaloo tag along as they made their way to Rainbow’s house.

Author's Note:

Due to some Real life stuff with Reverse, chapters might come out slower. using the once a week as a buffer really. Anywho, we're not out of ideas just yet XD