• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,836 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Foal's Imagination

Icy opened the front door to a small house. "Welcome to my home. Sorry it’s not much, it’s the best I can afford."

Daring peered around the main living room area, spotting various photos depicting locations all around Equestria. The room itself was mostly decorated in soft blues and whites. "Oh, I see you’ve been places." Daring complimented as the carriage was wheeled inside.

"Well, my husband Fiery Winds did, actually. He loved every minute of it." Icy smiled as a tear fell down her cheek.

Daring gasped a little, putting a hoof to her mouth! "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize, Icy."

"I-its fine. He died a few months after Frozen was born," Icy sniffled. “It was so sudden, but at least he didn’t suffer too much.”

"Oh, that's rather sad. But at least Frozen still has a loving mother like you." Daring said, trying to cheer Icy up.

Icy wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I guess. If not for Frozen’s sake, I don’t know how I would’ve managed to get through those first few weeks."

Daring gave a gentle hug before sighing and changing the subject. "Well let’s tuck these two into the nursery so they can rest. They’re probably quite worn out from the games."

"Yeah, and we can talk about stuff mare to mare," Icy smiled and gently picked up Frozen. "Follow me,” Daring gently picked up Rainbow, following along into the nursery. The walls there were coated in a light, soothing pink.

"Fiery helped me paint this room. It took so long and he got so frustrated, oh you should’ve seen the look on his face.” Icy giggled and set Frozen into the crib

"Well, he did a good job, it's a very nice nursery." Daring complimented as she lay Rainbow down, watching the foal wiggle.

"So, how's Rainbow's nursery?" Icy asked Daring.

Daring blushed a bit while rubbing her neck with a hoof. "Uh she doesn’t really have a nursery, just a bassinet in her room." She nervously commented.

Icy's eyes went wide, "Why not? She's going to be a foal for a long time, right? At least make one of the spare rooms into a nursery."

"N-no, that’s really not necessary. I'm sure she'll be cured before too much longer." Daring blushed while thinking it over. Would Rainbow really be okay with a nursery in her house, especially one intended for her?

"Well, I’m still sure that until then she'd love to have a room where she has all her toys stored, and where all her cute little onesies and stuff are kept," Icy insisted. “It’s also less of a hassle to change a foal on a changing table than on a bed, especially since they tend to wiggle around a lot.”

"S-she’s not really a foal, she’s just stuck like one for now," Daring quietly insisted. "I-I mean, it's still her house, technically, and there’s already a few toys for her in the living room." Daring double checked that Rainbow had her Spitfire plush, sighing when she saw that Rainbow had it.

"All I’m saying is that Rainbow might be happy with a room of her own." Icy suggested.

The two mares slowly closed the nursery door. "I’ll think about it." Daring hesitantly replied. The thought of being a mother still felt a tad alien to her.

Icy sighed. "Well do you want something to eat? Maybe drink?'

"I guess some coffee can work," Daring shrugged while moving down the hallway. “I seem to get up really early with Rainbow Dash these days, and she can be quite a hoofful.”

Rainbow awake with a yawn, rubbing her eyes as she stared around the strange room. The bars made her think of a cage like one of Daring’s novels. She slowly sat up and looked around, the light pink walls made her feel calm. "Hewwo?"

Frozen opened her eyes too. "Mm, hewwo," She said back to Rainbow. "Hehe, we home." she replied, seeing her nursery.

"Wah this room? Why walls pink?!" Rainbow giggled a little when she looked at them.

"Dis my woom," Frozen said while clapping. She poked Rainbow’s diaper, giggling at the lumpiness. "Crib comfy"

Rainbow blushed a little. "Yeah, but me bassinet comfier!"

Frozen bounced a bit and picked up Rainbow’s Spitfire plushie. "Oh, she pretty." She danced the pushie around while giggling.

Rainbow grabbed the plushie back immediately. "She mine!"

Frozen’s ear flattened in response. "Me sorry." She wiggled back a bit, watching Rainbow snuggle the plushie protectively.

Rainbow sighed after a second of snuggling. "Me sorry too. Me just weally wike tis plushie."

“Me same with Foxy," Frozen declared, showing off a stuffed red fox with cute eyes. She hugged it too. "Mommy must have took us home." She added, staring up at the cute mobile.

"So where is me mommy?" Rainbow asked the foal.

As if on cue, the two mares entered while smiling, although Daring seemed bia t worried. Icy approached the crib and cooed. "Aww, seems these little ones need changes, yes they do." She sing-songed.

Rainbow blushed and smiled. "H-hi Frozen's mommy."

Daring blinked. "Rainbow are you okay?" She asked, picking up the rainbow maned filly.

Icy stared over Rainbow. "She seems fine to me." She remarked, taking her own little foal to the changing table.

"Yeah, I-I fine, Mommy." Rainbow insisted.

Daring blinked, wings twitching. "Why is she babbling?" She asked herself, looking into Rainbow’s eyes. "You still you, Rainbow?"

Rainbow looked up, confused. "Hewwo? You no understand me, Mama?"

Daring just groaned. "Okay, so you're still smart enough to talk, that's good.” She nuzzled the foal nose to nose for a second, before moving the table and waiting for Icy to finish.

Icym whiling wiping Frozen’s rear, looked over. "Is she okay?" She asked Daring.

"I don't know... I don't know why she's just babbling. Usually she can talk kind of normally.” Daring explained.

Once Frozen was changed, Icy let Daring set Rainbow upon the table next. "Oh, well I'm sure she'll be fine, like before. At least she’s paying attention."

Frozen giggled "Silly big ponies."

"Why they hear me babble?" Rainbow asked herself and looked up at Daring.

Daring, meanwhile, cleaned off Rainbow's messy bottom, She was less affected by the smell compared to the last time Rainbow had done it in her presence. She then slid the fresh diaper under the foal's bottom. "I hope whatever is effecting her wears off." Daring remarked while applying the foal powder.

Rainbow hardly minded the change since she'd gone through so many, so she just looked up and cleared her throat. "Hewwo, Mama?"

Daring taped up the diaper, scooping the little filly up. "So you’re still smart, right?" She asked Rainbow, giving the diaper a pat before setting her down and going to wash her hooves.

Rainbow just sighed and looked down at Frozen. "Wah wanna do?"

Daring (having come back) saw Rainbow pout and patted her head. "Aww, don't worry, Rainbow. I'm sure it will wear off, I hope."

Icy smiled. "Well, let get these two a meal before they play." She took her little filly along and headed for the kitchen.

Rainbow’s ears perked up and she giggled. "Yay! I wanna baba!"

Daring tickled Rainbow a little as they walk into the kitchen, Icy fetiching the foals’ bottles. Daring took one of them once they were warm and cooed. "Okay Dashie, it's baba time." She mothered, moving the nipple to the foal's mouth

Rainbow giggled and opened her mouth for the bottle. When it was placed into her mouth she started to suckle it down. The creamy milk ran down her throat, her body relaxing as she drank more. Daring gently rocked her the whole time, and when it was over Rainbow let out a sigh.

Daring smiled and put Rainbow over her shoulder. She then started patting the little filly's back Rainbow sighed as she felt the familiar gas escape in a belch. “Hehe, good one.” Rainbow giggle.d Frozen giggled too as she was burped as well.

Daring smiled. "So should we put them back in the nursery now?" She asked Icy.

“The living room playpen is big enough for them to play in.” Icy cooed as she carried the two foals to the living room.

Frozen giggles. “Yay, play!” Rainbow also giggled and clapped her hooves.

Daring set Rainbow down before patting her diaper. Reaching into the bag, she got out a cute Daring Do hat, setting it upon the little filly’s head.

Rainbow giggled and her imagination started to run wild, the room around her turned into a temple and the toys turned into traps. Peering over at Frozen, she saw her in a matching outfit with a happy smile. "Come along, Frozen, it time for adventure!" Rainbow cheered!

Frozen giggled and crawled to Rainbow. "Otay, where we goin?"

"We goin to find the uh..blanky of power." Rainbow said, waddling down the hallway and seeing snakes slither about.

Frozen giggled. "Otay, where is it?"

"Down da hall and across a bridge over lava," Rainbow dramatically declared as they moved along. Rainbow son gasped upon seeing another trap! “Uh oh, it da plushie guards! What ever shall we do?!"

Frozen giggled. "We use... uh... the paci of... uh... Me no know." She blushed a little.

“Hehe, we just hug them," Rainbow charged and tackled the first plushie, snuggling it. "Haha, me gotcha!"

The plushie wiggled about. "No! Let go!"

Frozen ran up to the other one and hugged it. "Me got this one!"

"Tell me where da treasure is." Rainbow shook the plushie while giggling.

"Neva." The plushie bear wiggled about.

Rainbow laughed more before sitting on its face while bouncing. "Haha, what now?"

"No! Me no tell you!" The plushie insisted. Frozen also sat on his plush, giggling at Rainbow's game. Rainbow bounced "Hehe, then I toto!" She said, forcing out a few toots upon the plushie.

"Eep, no! Awight, da treasure is in the chest." The plushie pleaded.

Rainbow cheered, getting up and smiling. "Come on, Frozen." She rushed down the temple hallway, feeling the heat of the lava as they approached the bridge.

Frozen giggled. "Tat hot, Rainbow."

"Yeah, floor is lava," Rainbow declared. She watched the bubbling river, slowly jumping from rock to rock while not using her wings at all so as to be just like Daring in her first book. "We almost der." Frozen giggled and followed Rainbow.

Soon, a massive toy chest came into view, towering over the two like a massive obelisk. Just as they approached the box, there was a sudden shudder and the lava beginning to rise! "Uh oh!" Rainbow fluttered her wings slowly, hovering to the top before reaching her hoof down to Frozen. "Grab my hoof before da lava gets you!"

Frozen quickly grabbed Rainbow’s hoof and sighed in relief as she was pulled up. "That close!"

Rainbow stared down at the bubbling floor, wiping her brow. "Yeah, da sure was," Staring around a bit, she gasped, soon picking up the prize that they’d sought. "Look, da blanket!" She cheered, clapping her hooves.

Frozen giggled and hugged Rainbow. "Yay! We did it!"

Daring looked over from the couch, watching the two foals babble and cheer. Toys were left scattered about the playpen with no rhyme or reason to it. Moving over to the pen, she climbed in and picked up Rainbow. "Oh, seems somepony needs a change already." She cooed, using her motherly tone without realizing it.

Rainbow's imaginary world slowly disappeared as she blushed. "Mo me don't, Mommy!"

Daring nuzzled Rainbow, before taking her to the changing mat and laying her back on it. Frozen peeked over from the pen, giggling. "You soggy!" She teased, despite needing a change herself.

"Well, least me no go poopie!" Rainbow blushed. Frozen giggled again, waving her hoof comically.

The change was done in no time as Daring lifted Rainbow up, before laying her back and holding Rainbow in the air once more. The little foal easily imaging herself as a Wonderbolt doing all kind of tricks. Rainbow giggled and flapped her wings. "Weee!"

The imaginary crowds cheered as she did dips and dives in the air, soaring around in her padding. She was the best flier ever. Rainbow giggled and tried to do a barrel roll, but she couldn't make a full circle.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere a giant, mean dragon burst out of the clouds, roaring at her!.
Daring called out. "Look out, a dragon!" Her movements became quicker as she dodged its large claws.

Rainbow looked at it and gasped! She felt really scared and tried to turn away from it, but she couldn't. The dragon roared again. "I’m going to eat you!" It declared while wiggling its claws at her.

Rainbow was usually more brave than this, but in her current state it was really scary. She felt tears in her eyes as she yelled. "Go away!"

Daring pulled Rainbow down and hugged her, putting the dragon plushie away. "Oh, I'm sorry," She apologized. “I didn't mean to scare you, Rainbow."

Rainbow hugged Daring and cried a little, feeling safe in Daring's hooves. The arena faded away as she smelt Daring’s scent.

Daring’s hooves gently patted the foal’s back. "Shh, there’s no dragon here." She comforted, now feeling bad for what she did earlier.

Icy looked over with concern. "Oh my, is she usually so scared?"

Daring shook her head. "No. She's usually running right into danger."

"Oh, the poor thing." Icy commented, watching Daring climb onto the couch and holding Rainbow close to her chest, humming gently.

Frozen was soon picked up out of the playpen and cuddled close to Icy, who sat nearby.

Rainbow held onto Daring and smiled a little. "Mama..."

For a moment, Daring was worried that Rainbow had slipped more into her foal side, but was too occupied with keeping Rainbow calm to really dwell on it. "Yes, Mama’s here." She happily declared. The little filly felt safe in Daring’s warm embrace, she held onto the grown mare tighter then she had clung before.

Icy reached into Daring’s diaper bag, pulling out the pacifier. Daring took it and patted Rainbow’s head. “Here’s your soother. This should calm you down" The pacifier was gently set into Rainbow’s mouth once more.

Nearly ten minutes went by as Rainbow kept snuggling, the pacifier bobbing up and down n her mouth as she listened to Daring’s heartbeat. It wasn't long until Rainbow blinked a few times, feeling different somehow and a little more focused. She looked up at Daring and sighed. "Mama, why you no understand me?"

Daring blinked, gasping with a smile. "Rainbow, you can talk again!" She sighed with relief, hugging Rainbow closer.

Rainbow smiled. “Weally?! Me can?!"

"Yes, or at least I can understand you again." Daring rubbed Rainbow's back on instinct.

Rainbow giggled,."Yay!" She hugged Daring and smiled before asking. "Why was me babbling?"

"I don't really know, you just were." Daring shrugged, looking out the window and watching a few birds fly by.

"Otay, well wah we going do now?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, we better take you home now." Daring cooed. patting Rainbow's head.

"Oh, but me wanna play more." Frozen whined, not being understood.

Icy picked up the whining baby and smiled. "Now now, Frozen, they need to go home. It's almost night time."

Daring zipped up her diaper bag and watched Rainbow waddle over to Icy, giving Frozen a hug. "Aww, you'll get to play again soon, I'm sure.” Daring replied, soon picking up the foal.

Frozen still pouted like any foal would.

Rainbow just smiled and waved a hoof. "Bye bye, Frozen! Me had fun!"

Frozen waved his hoof, watching as the group left. "Bye bye."

Once home, Daring sighed. "Glad that babble thing is over with. Hope it doesn't happen again," She said, before taking the foal up for a nice bath.

"It was weird. Me could understand meself and Frozen, but you and Icy no understand us!" Rainbow commented.

I guess I'll have to tell Twilight about that." Daring said while undressing Rainbow. She paused in her task to turn on the water and get it to a good temperature, expecting Rainbow to sit still for a bit.

The little filly, of course, did not. She started to crawl around the bathroom floor to find something to play with. After all, she was bored. She soon found the drawer with the towels and they all looked neatly folded. The many colours attracted the eye, so Rainbow giggled and picked up one of the towels. The little filly couldn’t help but nuzzle into the fluffy towel, finding the texture fun to fiddle with.

Daring soon turned and couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. She scooped up the small foal while cooing. "Alright, Rainbow Dash, time for your bubble bath."

Rainbow giggled and clapped her hooves. "Yay! Bath time!" As she was lowered in, Rainbow saw the few bath toys floating in the shallow water, her mind already thinking of ideas as Daring got the shampoo.

All of a sudden the world around the filly turned into a big sea! She was on a big boat as a giant creature about splashed in the water. "What is that?!"

"It's the giant rubber duckie!" One of her shipmates yelled.

"IT wants to clean up, to sink us into the drink.” Another one said, having dirt across his coat.

Rainbow herself wore a silly eyepatch as random bubbles floated around the ship. The mighty duck let out a loud quack, creating a large wave which rocked the ship from side to side. Sudsy water sloshing onto the deck as the ship's crew scrambled to stay dirty.

"Wah, we gonna do?!" Rainbow asked as she stopped some water from hitting her in the face.

"The bubble canons. They’re only hope, captain!" One earth pony crew member called out. "Cover the ducky in bubbles!"

Rainbow waddled as fast as she could to the canons and giggled. "Fiwe!" The cannons began to shoot off, the ducky getting covered in the suds and letting out quacks as more of it was covered. For a time there was silence. when suddenly a giant bucket came out from the sky, pouring down over the ship and onto Rainbow Dash.

The imaginary world disappeared and Rainbow looked up to see Daring smiling. "Mama! Why you do that?!"

"Just rinsing you off," Daring giggled. "You sure have a big imagination today, it seems." She cooed, making sure to keep soapy water out of Rainbow's eyes. Next came a little more tickle time as Daring began to scrub shampoo into the coat much like you would when washing a dog.

Rainbow giggled and tried to hit away Daring’s hoof, to no avail.

"Oh is somepony ticklish under their forehooves?" Daring cooed as she kept applying the shampoo, it had a nice strawberry smell to it too.

Rainbow nodded and giggled more. "Me is! Me is!"

Daring smiled as she kept scrubbing, washing all the way to the tail and flanks and Rainbow giggling almost the entire time.

Soon, Rainbow was rinsed off, her coat feeling soft and fluffy after that. "You want to play some more before I get you out?" Daring asked her. Rainbow shook her head. "No, me already beat the giant rubber duckie!"

Daring chuckled, lifting the foal out of the water and drying her off. "Oh, alright, let’s get you all dry and diapered, then into bed," She smiled. "Your Spitfire plushie must be lonely.”

Rainbow giggled. "Yeah, she probably is." Then she smiled and looked up at Daring.

After diapering the little foal, Daring slipped Rainbow into a sleeper that was Wonderbolt blue, just like the flight suits, only this one had a diaper hatch.. She buttoned up the hatch before holding Rainbow close to her chest.

Rainbow yawned and rubbed her eyes a little. Daring gently laid Rainbow into the bassinet watching as Tank hovered down and snuggled with his owner.

Daring smiled and kissed the filly's head, "Good night, Rainbow, sweetie." The mare watched as Rainbow fell asleep soon enough, before taking a quick gander around the room adming the various trophies and posters upon the wall. She especially admired the shelf with all the Daring Do books all in a row. As she headed off to write she smiled. "Tomorrow should be fun.”