• Published 22nd Nov 2018
  • 940 Views, 34 Comments

The Thestral With The Golden Halo - DougtheLoremaster

Years have passed. Starshine has almost fufilled her mission, all that stops her going home are five very special cases.

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Chapter 26- The Conviction To Make Amends Part 1

Turning towards the sound, Cozy Glow looked a bit shocked. Her eyes beheld a majestic scene. To the left roared the fires of Tartarus and among them stood Hazel with a sinister fang-laden smile, waving at her. Looking to her left, Cozy Glow witness Faust standing amongst the void of warmth that was her realm. She also appeared to be smiling, only her smile was filled with kindness. It was then that Cozy noticed her. Standing there in between the two realms, right there on the dividing split stood Starshine; her alicorn half stretching into Faust’s realm while her thestral half encroached on Hazel’s territory. “P-Princess Starshine?”

Nodding sagely, the Princess of Redemption spoke in a deliberate slow, yet warm manner. “You’ve come so far, Cozy Glow. You’ve learned of your treasure heroines and their roles-”

As she spoke, she gestured to the fiery depths of Tartarus, where a window appeared. In it, Cozy Glow observed scenes depicting her observing the pasts of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Lowering her thestral infused wing, Starhine gestured to the Void of the Otherside with a feathery wing; her alicorn half. “Though the tales of their exploits taught you much, you taught yourself something as well; to accept what is or rather was.”

As she spoke a scene of Cozy Glow accepting the truth behind her own demise, danced before the young pegasus’s eyes. The wing of the Princess folded in as the images faded. “And so you have witnessed both sides of the conflict. What was, and accepting it for what it was. Unfiltered and-”

The eyes of Starshine sparkled; one magenta, the other teal. “Unchanged.”

Cozy Glow couldn’t explain what happened next. She wanted to respond and even gave everything she could possibly will to do so. Strangely however, the young filly found it quite impossible to do so; a seemingly immeasurable power was pressing down on her as the princess stood there, smiling. What’s going on, why can’t I- Cozy Glow’s thoughts were interrupted by Starshine who stated gently. “Relax, you will have your chance to speak. To speak, one must understand, but to understand; one must first listen.”

Cozy Glow stood frozen in place, unable to even twitch. Internally she had been panicking. That is until Starshine’s soothing voice confirmed and soothed her fears in a strange, yet comforting way. The Princess wanted her to listen and was making sure it would happen. She isn’t even using her magic; it’s like her sheer presence is forcing my obedience. “You see, listening is paramount, and your soul has told me much throughout your lessons.”

Standing stock-still, Cozy Glow found herself in the grip of a strange sensation; morbid curiosity. Though she knew she could be scared, she was in awe and curious as to Starshine’s intentions for her.

Cozy Glow didn’t have to wait long. Glancing at Applejack who had given a courtesy bow to Starshine, almost as if out of instinct, Starshine spoke in her never-raising or lowering tone. “Applejack, I appreciate you helping in this cause. It is time however, for you to return home.”

Almost effortlessly, Applejack stood up and nodded. “As ya say yer majesty.”
Cozy Glow was nonplussed. Why was it AJ could freely move whereas she could not? As Applejack vanished from sight, Starshine smiled warmly down at Cozy Glow. “That would be because she has accepted her past, and has pushed forward with the lessons in her heart guiding her leaving her completely unhindered by doubt.”

Taking a step towards Cozy Glow, Starshine continued in a gentle yet slightly playful tone. “What was, is and always will be. But what was cannot be what will be and always will stay as is. Time is a strange creature; untameable even by the goddesses or in the case of my fiancee, the demonic entities-”

Starshine paused to giggle at her joke. “Hehehe...ahem...who control the threads of existence. Neither Faust, Hazel or even my mom, let alone myself can change time.”

Her thestral nature seemed to take precedent for the time being; she dragged a draconian wing slowly and in an unbelievably seductive demeanor. “Your heart says it all, Cozy Glow. You desire to change your past and make a bright future for yourself using your redemption. It’s admirable, truly it is. Time, however, won’t allow it. Do you understand?”

Cozy Glow was surprised as her words once more came forth. “Not at all! What’s going-”
Her voice cut out and the tiny filly found herself frozen once more. “All in due time, for now just listen, because this is quite important.”

The wings of the Redemption Princess flared wide in an almost fluidly theatrical display. “Freezing time, rewinding it to view, even creating it; all are possible. But redoing it, is simply not. For the mares you’ve observed, Time was displaced or rather transferred. In Rarity's case it was simply jump started after she died, though in a separate reality. To allow you another chance is the flick of an eyelash, but actions taken cannot be taken back, Cozy Glow. This is the sad reality of redemption. Oh and just to see how you are following-”

Starshine winked at her with her magenta infused eye. “You may talk now. What are your thoughts? Tell me.”

Cozy Glow found herself spilling all her thoughts, unable to stop herself. “I really don’t understand. If I get another chance at life then why can’t i redo what i did? If you can freeze time like Hazel and Faust, then why can’t you rewind it? What did Twilight do anyway? What’s going on why can’t I sto-”

Starshine smiled gently. “I’ve heard enough, silence now.”

Instantly, Cozy Glows muzzle shut, and she stood unable to talk. Starshine calmly began talking as her horn began to glow. “To atone for what is done, in order to continue is not a reset, Cozy. Think of it as a renaissance or more specifically a rebirth of your soul, not your life.”

As the power began to manifest on her horn Cozy Glow noticed it was an abnormal shade of magic; a pure black, no sparkles or even the shine magic usually carried. The soulless magic began trickling down from Starshine’s horn to envelope her fore hooves. Her words were calm, but her eyes were blazing a bright magenta. “As for what my mom did. Only the universe knows, for Faust and Hazel locked up the story of my mom, many eons ago. Only recently, while you did, your lessons did my mother give me the key to unlock the seal of her past. Now then young Cozy Glow-”

Starshine grinned with pure menace, though her words were warm and comforting. She raised her forehooves and brought them both crashing down onto the floor of the void they stood in. The void shook and moments later, spiderwebs of many cracks began to circulate throughout it. The cracks grew and soon the sound became nerve wracking. It had started off slowly around her point of impact but soon the floor of the void shattered. What’s going on? Cozy screamed internally as Starshine laughed and finished her thoughts. “Let’s both discover the greatest crime ever committed and how it changed the life of my mother; Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

At that moment, both were pulled downward at an increasingly strong velocity as if a vacuum were sucking them in. As they fell, Starshine stared upwards and was speechless. As she watched, the void’s floor rebuilt itself rapidly, locking them in. Something isn’t right. These were her last thoughts before she slammed into something hard and her world went black.


Cozy Glow whimpered as she blinked slowly. Her eyes opened completely as she sat up nursing her throbbing skull and looking around in confusion. “Ugh my head! Where are-”

In all directions as far as she could see was white and empty. Beside her lay Starshine still unconscious. Cozy Glow reach out a hoof to nudge her and froze. Her foreleg looked longer. Why is...no time for this! Her thoughts seemed scattered. Forcing herself to focus she reach out again and gently pushed on Starshine. Her form was stone cold. “She won’t wake.”

Cozy Glow stiffened. She knew that voice. Slowly she turned to look behind her to see the smiling face of Starlight. The lavender-furred unicorn was calmly sitting behind her as though she had been waiting for a while. “Guidance Counselor Glimmer?”

Starlight laughed lightly. “Indeed, though, you aren’t a filly anymore. Please call me Starlight. I’ve been waiting for you both Cozy Glow.”

“W-why are you here? What do you mean she won’t wake? Why not? What’s going on?”

Starlight put up her hooves disarmingly. “Hey, slow down. There will be time for all that later. For now, understand that she is locked in a state of infinite dispel and her fate rests in your hooves. Come with me.”

Looking at her for a moment, Cozy Glow rose to her hooves and let out a gasp. She was standing on the ground and staring Starlight in the eyes. Starlight continued smiling at the now grown pegasus’s reaction. “That’s adorable. You’ll get used to it. Now then let’s go, we’ve much ground to travel and the others are waiting.”

Cozy Glow, who had begun to follow her, froze. “Others?”

Starlight sighed, as she too stopped. “Starshine ventured here with you, to learn of Twilight’s past. But it isn’t one story. Her redemption came after many encounters at the costs of millions.”

“W-what did she-”

Starlight stamped her hoof. “It is not my place to tell you. In all honesty, I have no clue why she even wants you here in the first place or why she chose me...of all ponies...to be your guide. Especially after what you did to me.”

“What I-”

Cozy Glow closed her muzzle as Starlight glared angrily at her. Placing her snarling muzzle dangerously close to Cozy’s, Starlight began to rage. “Don’t you dare think I forgot what you did, you backstabbing scum. I haven’t forgotten, nor have I forgiven you. I went through years of special council sessions with Twilight and the others just to recover from it.”

The pegasus mare’s face fell. She had forgotten, but now as she stood staring at Starlight’s angry expression, she recalled that night; when she had gone to see Starlight to claim the school.


“Oh Cozy Glow, thank goodness; I could really use some help carrying these.”

Starlight stood before Cozy Glow, tugging at one of the relics with her teeth. She seemed to be dragging it across the stone floor. Curious by the sight, Cozy Glow asked about it, her tone sickeningly sweet. “Why not use magic?”

Laughing wearily, Starlight explained. “Magic doesn’t work on these; they absorb and dispel magic, and I really need to get these down the stairs, Twilight said they belong in the basement...though I’m not exactly sure where.”

“Are they that heavy?”

“Not really, but physical prowess isn’t my forte, after all I’m not all that athletic like Applejack or Rainbow Dash. And they went to Tartarus with Twilight to talk to Tirek. Would you mind helping me out?”

Cozy Glow nodded. “Sure after all, Twilight assigned me to be your assistant. You can count on me!”

Hovering above the ground flapping her tiny wings, Cozy Glow picked up the same artifact that Starlight had been dragging with relative ease. So her weakness is physical. This might be easier than I thought. “We can do it, if we work together!”

After a five minute wait in the basement with five of the six, Cozy Glow watched Starlight stagger in dragging the last artifact. She was completely worn out and breathing heavily. Cozy Glow had been investigating the basement and stumbled across a set of strange notches forming a circular pattern. The notches looked to be the perfect size for the six artifacts. As she waited, she pondered her last letter to Tirek and how it stated to eliminate all seven if she was to succeed. Just wait for an opportune moment huh? This is almost too easy. “Vice Principal Glimmer! Over here!”

Trotting towards her and breathing heavily, Starlight inspected the notches. Smiling, Starlight nodded. “Good job Cozy, let’s get these in place.”

Together the two took 10 minutes to slide the artifacts into the notches Cozy Glow had discovered. Starlight wiped the sweat from her brow and gave a heavy sigh. With a warm hug she thanked Cozy Glow profusely for her help. “Thank you so much! Twilight was right, you really are a helpful filly.”

With that she turned to leave. “Alright let’s get back to the school; you need to hit the bed. That took far longer than I expected.”

“Wait! Miss Glimmer! What are these?”

Turning, Starlight looked where Cozy was pointing. Strange symbols were carved into the areas between the artifacts. “Oh, those look like runes! It’s been a while, so my translating skills may be rusty but let’s see if I can read them."

As she trotted towards the circle to read the runes, Starlight stood directly in front of Cozy Glow. Leaning down she began to read them as Cozy hovered behind her. “Magic within will be dest-”

It was at that moment Cozy Glow shoved her forward. Sprawling on the stone floor Starlight angrily rose and attempted to move only to find her body being wracked with pain. Out of instinct, Starlight cast a bubble shield around herself. This immediately proved to be a mistake as she felt the shield began to fail no matter how much magic she applied to it.

“ARRRGH, Cozy Glow why would you-”

“Stupid unicorn. It says “Magic within will be destroyed, including that which carries magic!”

Starlights eyes went wide as she realized what was going on. Cozy Glow laughed maliciously. “You better keep that shield up or you will find yourself drained of all life. You fool! Now with you out of the way, I can use these artifacts to drain all magic in Equestria!”


As these memories flashed through her mind, Cozy Glow trembled before Starlight. “Starlight I-”

Starlight lowered her muzzle to the ground. Her voice deadpan and soulless as she scuffed at the ground. “You used me. You abused me in a way no other pony ever could. Magic makes me special, magic is a unicorn’s gift. And You used mine against me.”

Cozy Glow, remembering what she had learned, reach out to give her a hug and apologize. “I am so-”

Starlight knocked her hooves away in disgust. Tears visibly welled in her eyes as she continued as if she had heard nothing. “I was in therapy for years. More than once Twilight and Trixie broke the noose I hung from. I wasn’t allowed to live alone after that. I was actually assigned Trixie as a bodyguard by Twilight. And now here you are; acting all friendly. Like none of it ever happened.”

Cozy Glow took on a hurt expression as she tried once more to hug Starlight. “I’ve changed. I-”

Starlight’s tone grew more aggressive as she shoved Cozy Glow to the ground. “You don’t get it, do you? YOU USED MY MAGIC AGAINST ME!”

The unicorn’s outburst was followed by tears streaming down her face. Slamming her left forehoof on the ground she continued to yell. “HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT YOU DAMNED PEGASUS? WHAT WOULD YOU THINK IF I RIPPED YOUR WINGS OFF AND USED THEM TO DROP YOU OFF CLOUDSDALE?”

Laying there defenselessly, Cozy Glow could only stammer out an apology, her voice breaking with fear. “I’m sorry-”

The jaded unicorn glared angrily down at Cozy Glow and looked ready to destroy her. She was about to smash Cozy Glow’s outstretched wing when she stopped just centimeters from it. Sighing, she took a deep breath and in a soft voice replied. “Stow it. Your apology means nothing. You not only violated my trust that night Cozy Glow. You violated me using my own magic. And for that, I’ll never forgive you. If I had my way, you would eternally burn for what you did. However, it isn’t up to me. Now get up, let’s go, and not another word. They are waiting.”

Struggling to her hooves, Cozy Glow galloped to catch up to Starlight who had started off once more in anger. As she caught up with her, Cozy Glow saw it. Starlight was aglow with rage and...Sorrow. Cozy Glow saw her anger was immense but her depression was greater. What did I do? I need to do something. Anything. “Starlight-”

Starlight’s voice was sudden and cut Cozy Glow off. “Don’t talk to me.”

Undeterred, Cozy Glow tried again.“Starlight I-”

Stopping but still with her back to Cozy Glow, her voice was tinged with heavy annoyance.”I just said DO NOT TALK to me.”

Cozy Glow’s voice took on a pleading tone. “Please listen to-”

Starshine couldn’t stand it anymore. Swinging around to come face to face with Cozy Glow, she angrily roared at her. The hot breath inches from Cozy’s muzzle. “DO YOU WANT ME TO HURT YOU?”

Her eyes shining brightly, Cozy Glow exclaimed. “Yes!”

Starshine continued as though she hadn’t heard her. It took her a moment to realize what the now-mare form of Cozy Glow had just said. “No, well just shut- wait...did you say yes?”

The pegasus mare nodded fervently. “Yes, Starlight. Hit me, with all your strength. Magic or physical I’ll take it.”

The muzzle of Starlight took on a cringed expression as though she couldn’t believe what she had heard. “You’re joking.”

“No, please do it. If it helps you feel better, if it helps heals your wounds. Please, I am so ashamed of what I-”

Starshine’s expression hardened. Her tone was sharp and her glare pronounced. “You think that will fix everything? Just make it all sunshine and rainbows between us?”

Stamping her hoof determinedly, Cozy Glow stood her ground and spoke in a firm tone. “No, I don’t. I just want you to understand how much I regret what I did. I was a stupid filly. I can’t change the past, but I can show you my conviction to be your friend in the future!”

Starlight froze for a moment before looking down. “You’ve said that before: "Oh Starlight let’s be friends. Trust me."

"Sound familiar?”

“I am being-”

The corners of Starlight’s muzzle began to twitch as she muttered. “Sure you are. Being one hundred percent truthful, absolutely. After all-”

Staring into the eyes of Cozy Glow, the lilac unicorn’s eyes began to twitch. “You wouldn’t manipulate me...right?”

The pegasus just stood there and kept her wings folded. She didn’t say a word. After all, she wasn’t sure exactly what she could say. And so she kept her muzzle shut and returned the gaze.

Starlight turned her head and sighed heavily. “Alright then. Twilight said we should have faith in others. Fine. I’ll trust you are being truthful and will give you a chance to be friends again.”

Opening her mouth to speak, Cozy Glow sounded relieved.“Really that’s-”

Interrupting, Starlight’s head whipped around and her horn was glowing brightly. “Here’s your chance, Cozy Glow, SHOW ME YOUR CONVICTION!”

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