• Published 22nd Nov 2018
  • 939 Views, 34 Comments

The Thestral With The Golden Halo - DougtheLoremaster

Years have passed. Starshine has almost fufilled her mission, all that stops her going home are five very special cases.

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Chapter 15-With My Last Breath

Sombra and Chrysalis stood there in complete silence, staring open-mouthed in disbelief. Moments ago, the only doorway in or out of that room, had vanished before their own eyes. A grating sound behind them had been heard as they examined the lacerated corpse of the fallen princess, its horn still aglow. Turning quickly they had time to observe the door just wink out of existence. It was there and then, just as simply, it was not. They were trapped, with no way out.
Chrysalis turned to Sombra. "Get us out of-"

Her voice died as she witnessed his horn glowing not with shadow magic, but with an azure glow. The same azure glow he had, when they had first met and he produced a rose for her. BA-BUMP Her chest began to hurt. No. Her eyes widened in fear as she felt something she had long forgotten. The former Queen of the Changlings slowly raised her forehoof to her chest, trembling in trepidation. BA-BUMP No! No, it can't be. My... BA-BUMP "ARRRRRGH!"

The screams of both Sombra and Chrysalis echoed their anguish in unison. The chamber, however, merely mocked them; echoing their enraged and pained tones back at them, before falling silent once more.


Tick, Tick, Tick "Curse that infernal -"

Looking around frantically, Sombra found himself unable to find the source. "Clock?"

Shaking his head as if to clear it, Sombra sat on his haunches and looked around at the four solid stone walls encasing them. After what felt like the hundredth time, Sombra attempted and failed to produce his shadow magic. Nothing but his azure blue unicorn magic manifested itself upon his horn. Hanging his head in defeat, he heard the thoughts of his co-captive, voicing her thoughts out loud. "How long? HOW long? HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN HERE?"

Sombra glanced over at her. It was impossible to say just how long they had been there. Minutes? Perhaps. Then again it could have been years, decades. The laws of time simply didn't apply in this realm. He wasn't sure what to say, so instead he quietly watched as she ranted, screamed and cried.

Chrysalis stood trembling, tears falling down her muzzle to drip onto the floor. Her eyes were dilated, her breathing erratic. I need to do something, but what? "LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU DAMNED THESTRAL!"
GURGLE What the... Sombra's eyes widened. He understood now, that rage, that stance; Chrysalis was starving. As Sombra watched, Chrysalis ran at and began bucking the rough-hewn stone walls causing her hooves and legs to drip with the viscous green hue of her innards.

Her furious pounding became weaker and weaker as more and more green pooled on the floor and dripped down the wall. Her forehooves were mangled and bruised from the sharp stone. Sliding down onto her haunches, she began to whimper and curl into a ball. This had occurred over quite some time, or perhaps none at all, but for Sombra watching her act this way had seemed like a painful eternity. I have to help her. Was the only thought in his mind.
Ignoring the stabbing pain in his side, Sombra willed himself to limp over to her. I couldn't do it back then, but even if it's the last thing I do I have to let her know. As he approached her, he gently wrapped his hooves around her and gave her a warm hug. "I'm here for you."

His voice was tender, and Chrysalis felt his warmth and energy filling her. She opened her eyes and stared at him. It was like that night, oh so long ago. Though she was in pain, though they were in this Faust-forsaken place, he was still the same gentlestallion as that night. That's when he spoke to her in a slightly weaker if not gentle tone. "C-Chrysalis, would you dance with me?"

It was like a dream come true. Her chest pounded rapidly and though it hurt she stood shakenly upon her hooves, watching as Sombra rose to his own. There was no music, and this was no fantasy. Yet the two of them shakenly and slowly began to waltz, replaying in their minds the tune they had danced to, back in the royal court of Queen Chrysalis. Neither had changed and yet in both their eyes, all they could see was what the other had been. In Chrysalis's envy-green eyes, Sombra had the posture of a royal and the charm of a suitor. In Sombra's eyes the blackened carapace and insect-like appearance of Chrysalis's changling body was gone; replaced by the alicorn he had fallen for many centuries ago. Chrysalis felt stronger with each turn and movement. Sombra smiled weakly as the two swayed to and fro. His steps slowly began to become a bit clumsy, yet he kept smiling. This is my last gift to you, Chrysalis, please enjoy my love.

Chrysalis watched as he faltered and still smiling, closed his eyes before going limp. No. She listened for that once awful sound she had dreaded. Her expression changed. The tears welled in her eyes. No, this isn't fair! There was no heartbeat. She slowly set his limp form upon the stone floor. The pain creasing her face as she let loose the flood of emotion she had been holding back. "Sombra! Don't leave me!"

She sat down in complete shock and began to sob. "Please! I just got you back!"

As the tears pooled on the floor beneath her, she glanced at the still form of not Sombra the Shadowmancer, but her love from ages past; King Sombra. He looked the same and yet on his face was a smile. Why didn't I notice? Like her, Sombra had been brought back to life, and like her Sombra had been starving. He had sat quietly and kept it to himself. When he saw there was no way for him to eat, he had made a decision. He sacrificed himself, for me. She slowly lifted his still form and placed his head on her lap. "You've always sacrificed for my desires... my well-being."

Chrysalis calmly chatted to his corpse. She no longer cared about what would happen to her, instead she would use her time to tell him everything on her heart. Everything she had been so afraid to ever say.


Time passed, and everything on her heart was revealed. From that night to her opinion of his 'stupid royal ensemble' she left nothing unsaid. She slowly over this period of time, felt her strength fading. The pain wracking her body was intense, and yet she no longer felt it. She smiled and closed her eyes for the last time, saying the final thing that was on her mind, as her heat beat slowed. BA-BUMP "I always loved you, you know."

BA-Bump "Even after my deal with Hazel, even after my hatred of ponies manifested from that night."

ba-bump "I never was able to let you go. I'm coming, my king."



"The time has come, awaken my child."

Chrysalis's eyes fluttered open. Her voice conveyed her shock at what she saw. "I- Wha? Who are you? Where is this?"

A soft and gentle voice with a slight gravely tone was heard beside her as she was helped to her hooves. "It's alright Chrysalis, we're finally home."

Looking around Chrysalis saw nothing but felt the warmth of love. She felt safe, secure and then she saw it. A Female alicorn that shined with an almost blinding brillance. The Alicorn spoke once more. "Your journey has brought you many places, my darling Chrysalis. You've seen much and experienced far more than most of my children."

Chrysalis was confused. The tone the alicorn spoke with was that of amusement, not anger nor sarcasm; which Chrysalis had been expecting the instant she recognized the being. "Faust, I-"

Flaring her wings out in a swift motion Faust's voice boomed across the void they stood in. "SILENCE."

Cringing, Chrysalis shut her muzzle. Here it comes However, instead of a lecture, the creator of existence simply wrapped her wings around both Sombra and Chrysalis. Her voice was gentle and caring. "My children, you have suffered enough for your crimes. Though tell me, with your interactions with my daughter, what have you learned?"

Chrysalis exchanged worried glances with Sombra. "Your daughter?"

Both were silently pleading Please don't say Starshine! Please don't say... Preening her wing to hide her mirth at the two, Faust replied. "I believe you know her as Starshine, daughter of Twilight Sparkle."

Swallowing hard Chrysalis began. "Er- about her, I don't know how to say this but she's dead."

The celestial alicorn stared at her for a moment and began to laugh. "Oh yes, I am aware, don't worry she'll be back in no time. Trust me, she is perfectly fine and far from gone."

A portal appeared and through it, Sombra and Chrysalis watched in dumbfounded amazement as the horn of Starshine stopped glowing. Shortly after the eyes of the princess snapped open and yawning, she stood up as the wounds covering her body faded away.

Smiling at their reactions, Faust giggled."Now now, close those muzzles and let's continue. My children what have you learned from your time in Tartarus?"

Sombra and Chrysalis looked at each other and began to laugh. Together the two, taking each others hoof, smiled and said as one. "The past doesn't make us who we are. What we've learned is to let go of the grudges and pains of yesterday, because when tomorrow comes, does it really matter? We destroyed and conquered kingdoms, and yet back then it was a necessity. We hated ourselves and punished ourselves over nothing but trying to survive."

Faust nodded and said softly. "So tell me what you want to do. Are you content to cross to the Otherside? Or are there perhaps other ideas on your hearts?"

Their voiced tones were full of peace. They were happy; for the first time since they could recall. Smiling Chrysalis gave Sombra a tender kiss and turning to Faust she spoke for both of them as Sombra smiled and gave a nod of approval. "Faust, we beseech thee, please give us another chance to live our lives, to be the creatures we were meant to be, children you can be proud of."


Many years later, on the outskirts of Ponyville, a pair of young, adolescent mares; a pink pegasus and her earthpony companion, pushed open the saloon-like doors of the most popular bed and breakfast in Equestria. Looking around the pink pegasus began nudging her friend and pointing out the rather humble furnishings she spotted. "Isn't this wonderful?"
The interior was rather homely. It was warm, inviting and as the two watched a young filly, who had been waiting tables trotted over to them. "Good afternoon, ma'ams. Can I interest you in a booth by the window? We call it the sunset zone."

The pink pegasus smiled and said sweetly. "That would be wonderful. Thank you, sweety."

After being seated the two ordered from the very minimalistic menu. "Biscuits and gravy for two please."

Once the food had been brought out and eaten the peach-colored earthpony asked in a southern country accent. "Ah rekon that was th' best tastin' meal ah've had in years. Ain't that right darlin'?"

The pink pegasus smiled and nodded. Looking at the young smiling filly, she spoke once more. "Sweetie, would you mind getting the cook for us? We would very much like to thank them for the meal."

Running swiftly to the back, The peach earthpony giggled as the filly could be heard shouting. "DAD! A customer wants ya!"

As the cook approached the table, the pink pegasus's eyes flashed crimson. "Long time no see-"

As he smiled at her, she finished with a wink. "Sir."

In no time Sombra and the two mares stood in front of his wife, a brown alicorn with an apron on. The peach earthpony smiled. "Good afternoon Mrs. Chrysalis."

The two mares slowly began to transform revealing the smiling forms of Starshine and Hazel in their thestral forms. Chrysalis laughed. "I was wondering if Derpy really could deliver to Tartarus. Glad you both got our invite!"


For the next few hours Starshine and Hazel sat in a booth by the window and while watching the sun being lowered, listened to the couple's story of since they left Tartarus. The diner was closed for the night, and the door had been locked as the nighttime fell. "You can't be serious!"

Starshine stared slacked-jaw at what she had just heard. Chrysalis laughed and her song-sweet voice spoke up. "I swear by the wavy mane of Celestia it's true! Sombra startled them by getting down on bended knees and asked me to marry him in the middle of our request."

"Oh how romantic, right Hazy?"

Hazel seemed lost in thought and spoke at seemingly random. Her voice conveyed her interested tone. Sigh "Your daughter is so adorable, sometimes I wonder..."

Starshine followed her eyes to the daughter of Sombra and Chrysalis as the tiny filly swept the floor using the magic from her unicorn horn. "Hazy what are you-"


Chrysalis glanced up in surprise at the sound of loud knocking on the locked front door."Oh? Who could that be? I'm not expecting anyone."

Sombra quickly murmured to her. "Oh sorry, dear, I forgot to tell you."

Looking him dead in the eyes, Chrysalis conveyed her surprise."Tell me what Sombra?"

Scuffing a hoof on the oak table, Sombra sheepishly explained."Erm- well earlier today while shopping in the farmers market I ran into Apple Pie and she looked exhausted. Though it wasn't just her. Ruby Rayon, Serenity, Claire, and even Twilight looked like the trotting dead. I offered to watch their kids tonight, so they could get some rest. Sorry that I forgot to tell yo-"

Sombra found his wife's hoof covering his muzzle. Her voice was gentle and filled with love."Shush. I'll allow it this once, Sombra, those poor mares must be fatigued, Celestia knows I would be. Imagine running a country and watching not one but five screaming foals? I agree, surely we can watch them for one night."

The door was opened to reveal the half-dead mares carrying their sleeping kids upon their back. Twilight shakenly smiled when she saw Chrysalis and spoke in a rather grateful tone. "You are a bucking life-saver Chrysi!"

Starshine watched Hazel's eyes widen as she saw the small filly asleep on Twilight's back. Hazel leaned over and whispered to her. "Is that your new sister? She looks just like you."

Starshine grinned and whispered back in a playful tone. "I would hope so, Hazy that's my daughter. Soon to be yours as well when this is over."

Hazel's eyes grew wide and then, her chest beginning to pound rapidly. She found it hard to breathe as she processed this information. Her...daughter? MY daughter? I...a mom? ME? Her legs began shaking as she watched her vision go blurry. Right then, her heart stopped. The last thing she heard before her body hit the floor was Starshine's voice. "Hazy..Hazy are you...HAZY!"

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