• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 803 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 9

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 9
by Rixizu

“Help me!” Thorax trashed around in his bonds. “I don’t want to die!” Despite his efforts, it did little to free him.

Banana Peel shook her head in disappointment. “Face your death like a stallion. Disgraceful. Don’t you agree little one?”

Well, I suppose she might have a point on that one. Dinky shook her head. What was she thinking?! The monster would eat Thorax if she didn’t do anything.

“Please don’t hurt him!” Dinky pleaded. “He’s my friend!”

“Yes, I don’t think I’ll taste all that good!” Thorax added. His voice became inaudible when his captor wrapped web around his face.

“Hush you.” Banana Peel turned towards Dinky with an affable smile on her face. “I’m sorry little one, but it’s the way of things. Do not worry, I promise no harm will come to you. I will help you find your way to Zecora’s as I said.”

Dinky opened her mouth to argue for her friend further, only to stop when the spider pony’s words fully hit her. She blinked. “You will? But I thought you wanted to eat me too?”

She isn’t just scaring me for fun?

“Of course not!” Banana Peel smiled down at her. “Why would I want to hurt a cute little thing like you?”

“Uh, thanks,” Dinky replied lost for words.

For a pony eating spiderpony thing, she sure is nice! No, focus! You need to save Thorax!

“You can’t eat Thorax!” Dinky stomped her hoof. “He’s not even a pony! Show her!”

Thorax caught on to her meaning and transformed into several other ponies before transforming into his changeling form. Instead of being horrified or even confused, Banana Peel looked delighted.

“A changeling!” The spiderpony brightened. “How wonderful!”

“What do you mean?” Dinky asked.

“I haven’t had one in years!” Banana Peel clapped her hooves together in delight. “Their blood is even tastier than a pony’s!” Thorax’s eyes widened in growing horror.

Oh, that’s not good! What was she to do now? She’d thought that because they were both bug ponies, that they might be instant friends. Wait, were spiders bugs? Whatever, it didn’t matter at the moment.

“Do you like apples?” Dinky gave her best-winning smile. “We have some delicious apple stew!” She pointed at the jam jar on the ground a few hooves away from her.

Banana Peel gave her a blank stare to it point it made Dinky uncomfortable. “Why would I eat that? It looks gross. Besides, I don’t even eat apples. And weren’t you taking it Zecora’s for some mission? I doubt it was for a social call.”The spiderpony made an amused smile. “What is it, poisoned?”

Dinky’s spirits dropped. So much for that idea. What was she thinking? Of course, that wouldn’t work. She slumped against a tree and her vision blurred from unshed tears. Thorax, her new best friend, was about to die and she was helpless to stop it. Worse, her stupid lies got him in this mess. No doubt he would die hating her. She felt like such a monster. All because she wanted to play a hero. What a joke.

“Hey now, don’t cry.” Banana Peel lowered herself towards Dinky a sympathetic look on her face. She extended a comforting hoof, but Dinky only batted it away from her.

“Leave me alone, you monster!” Dinky cried out in fury. She needed to do something to save Thorax, but how? Banana Peel was so much stronger than her. It was impossible for her to defeat this creature on her own. If only she wasn’t so small and knew more about magic, then she would send the spiderpony packing just like Twilight! She needed help! A light shined in her mind as an idea formed. She knew how to save her friend. She needed Zecora’s help.

Dinky turned towards the woods and ran. Banana Peel let out a cry of warning, but Dinky ignored her running as fast as her little legs could carry her. She screamed in surprise after tripping over a branch and rolled on the ground before crashing into a tree. She winced in pain and got back to her hooves.

Dinky looked around in fear realizing she had no idea where she was or where she was going, but ignored it and pushed on. She needed to find Zecora’s hut and together they might rescue Thorax and defeat that monstrous spiderpony before she got the chance to eat him. This was her best bet.

She peered into the darkness and walked cautiously watching for danger. The stars lit the sky, but they provided so little illumination she might as well be traversing through pure blackness. No matter, she’d get through this somehow.

A blinding pain hit her nose as she bumped into something and knocked her off her hooves. Whatever she hit let out a cry of surprise.

“I’m sorry,” Dinky said, but a wave of apprehension hit her. This was the Everfree. Whatever it was, she doubted it was good. “I need to get going.” Terror hit her as thing clucked angrily at her. She knew what she’d bumped into and the sight of a white figure with a lizard’s tail confirmed her suspicions. Dinky closed her eyes as hard as possible and ran with everything she had. Sounds of pursuit followed her. The cockatrice wouldn’t give up on her easily and it clucked at her in anger and hatred.

Her nose exploded in pain as she ran right into a tree, but Dinky ignored it and kept running. It was no use and forcing Dinky to open her eyes for even in the forest’s darkness; it was still better than running blind. She didn’t dare look back, though it sounded like the angry chicken lizard thing was gaining on her. Dinky was tired from all the day‘s excitement.

Oh, ponyfeathers! The cockatrice jumped into the air and landed right in front of her almost causing another collision. Dinky turned around to run again, but tripped over a branch and landed on her face causing a nasty cut on her forehead that dripped blood.

The cockatrice approached looming over her and Dinky closed her ears praying the thing would just leave her alone. The clucked at her demanding she open her eyes. It gave her peck so hard that Dinky accidentally opened her eyes and she looked the cockatrice right in the eyes.

“No!” Dinky cried out in horror as her body stiffened. She looked down in horror as her hooves solidified into stone. She only had moments until she was a statue forever.

Mom, Thorax, Trixie, Bon-Bon. I’m sorry. Those were her last thoughts before everything went black.

“Don’t worry Dinky! I’m here!” Somepony said, but Dinky was already solid stone by the time it hit her ears.


“What the hay?” Dinky groaned. Her head spun and the whole world was a blur. She had no idea where she was or what happened. Her mind was fuzzy, and it was hard to focus.

“You’re okay!” Thorax said and hugged her so fast that Dinky almost threw up from the unexpected motion. To her surprise, he was in his normal form and his injured wing was in a sling. “I thought you were a goner!”

“The quickness of which you were brought here was a wise manner.” A deep melodic voice said. “Petrifaction is no laughing matter.”

“Zecora!” Dinky said recognizing the voice.

“Wait, Thorax!” Dinky said realizing just who was hugging her and hugged him back with everything she had and tears gathered around her eyes from happiness. “I thought you were spider food!”

“Um, well.” Thorax dragged his hoof on the floor of Zecora’s hut. He pointed at a familiar earth pony and Dinky screamed in fright.

“You!” Dinky pointed at Banana Peel, who was in her pony form. “Watch out, she’s a monster! She’s a spiderpony is disguise!”

Banana Peel snorted in offense. “That’s some way to treat the pony that saved you.”

“What?” Dinky blinked confused.

“When you ran off, she raced after you,” Thorax explained, “she fought off the cockatrice with her webs and rescued you. She brought both of us here to Zecora’s to unpetrify you.”

“Her rapid pounding on my door at this hour gave me such a fright,” Zecora said nodding, “but I knew it important for no one visits me at this time of night.”

“And I brought the jar full of mind control apple soup too.” Banana Peel added. From Zecora’s apprehension, he could tell that the zebra didn’t enjoy having the Banana Peel in her house.

“Really?” Dinky asked surprised.

“Well, I couldn’t just leave you alone out in the Everfree and I just had to help you after Thorax explained what was going on.” Banana Peel said.

“Thank you.” Her words filled Dinky with emotion. Both happiness and shame filled her. She’d judged Banana Peel too harshly.

“It was my pleasure. You’re a sweet foal. Very brave.” Banana Peel grinned down at her. “Besides, Thorax is a runt. If the town is overrun with changelings, then there’s no doubt bigger, more juicer changelings out there for me to eat. My mouth waters just thinking about it.”

“I see.” Dinky and Thorax shifted uncomfortably.

“Getting back to the task at hoof,” Zecora said giving Banana Peel a scathing glare, “in the matter of saving Ponyville we mustn’t stay aloof.”

“Right!” Dinky said. “Have you made a cure? Is there a cure? Can we stop the changelings?”

Zecora chuckled. “I have not been idle while you were made of stone.” She scooped a strange green liquid from her cauldron with a ladle and poured it into a glass bottle. It smelled strangely of carrots. “Already, I have found an antidote for the changeling plight, little one”

“Perfect!” Dinky said then scrunched up her nose. “How will we get the entire town of Ponyville to drink this?”

“Drinking is not the only way to be cured,” Zecora said, “a mere touch will also do the job and of that, you can be assured.”

“What, like making it rain on them?” Dinky asked.

“Great idea!” Thorax brightened.

“How will we do that exactly?” Why couldn’t she be born a pegasus like her mother? It would make her life so much easier especially with her stupid short legs. Cloudsdale was like a million miles away and almost everypony was applewashed.

“Cure a pegasi, and our job is almost done,” Zecora said, "do that and the day is sure to be won.”

“Hey, that could work,” Dinky replied breaking out into a grin. With Thorax and Banana Peel, this plan might just work. They needed to find a lone pegasus and capture them. Cure them with the potion and they can make it rain the antidote!

“It won’t be easy,” Dinky said, “I doubt the changeling will let a pegasi push storm clouds around unopposed.”

“Oh shoot, you’re right.” Thorax’s body dropped.

Banana Peel made an evil grin. “We’ll just create a distraction. I have a few ideas.”


Dinky despaired as she peeked through a bush at Ponyville. Banana Peel and Thorax crowded behind her. Zecora opted to stay behind to make more antidote and was their backup plan if something went wrong and report to Canterlot. They all agreed it would be too dangerous if they all traveled together. Everypony in town had the apple possessed vacant stare on their face while other ponies, clearly changelings in disguise, watched over them. The town was completely under the changeling’s control. Her heart ached and she wondered what happened to Rarity. Did she escape or was she brought under hoof as well?

Pull yourself together Dinky. Secret agent in training, remember? All we need is a weather pony, and we‘re all saved.

“Find anypony that can help us?” Thorax whispered nervously. This time we wore the face of a generic Pegasus colt with a wing in a sling. He looked better that way. It was always a little disconcerting how much he used Apple Bloom’s face.

“Lot a ponies.” Banana Peel said. “What do you think Dinky?”

Dinky scanned the crowd and found a few pegasi, but none that would suit their needs. She’d rather use a weather pony they’d have a better idea of how to execute their plan.

“Found one!” Dinky pointed at Flitter who was walking through the town in an aimless apple-induced haze. She wasn’t the most reliable of the weather crew, but she would do. The troubling part was getting past all the changelings unchallenged. Dinky had a great plan for this and snuck into another bush next to the mare’s position.

“Hey!” Dinky whispered. It got Flitter’s attention, but she only stared vacantly at her. It turned to one of excitement when she pulled out an apple.

“Apple!” Much to Dinky’s horror Flitter cried this out loud and everypony stared at her, including some changelings.

Dinky cursed. What the hay?! She’d only meant for the apple to draw Flitter into the alley! She ran for it as the whole crowd of ponies ran after her.

“Apple!” The crowd of ponies cried out so loudly that it hurt Dinky’s ears.

“That filly hasn’t been changed yet, get her!” One of the changelings disguised as a pony said and she too gave chase.

Terror traveled down Dinky’s spine as the changelings brought out apple pies! One hit and she’d be doomed for certain! She screamed in fright as one almost smacked her in the back of the head. In retaliation, she tossed the apple she was holding at a changeling’s head as a distraction to get away, but her throw was bad and crashed through a nearby window instead making Dinky wince. Wasn’t that Miss Trixie’s house? The crowd of ponies dove after it. Nothing stood between her and the changelings.

More changelings appeared on roofs and they too had apple based pastries and lobbed them down at her. Dinky cried out as an apple meringue pie almost got her in the face. She jumped over some apple tarts and dodge rolled around some apple crisp. Changelings disguised as pegasi flew above her dive-bombed her with bottles of apple juice. She recoiled as one almost splashed her hooves. She ran into a nearby door and locked it behind her. The changeling slammed into the door and the door’s hinges cracked. She ran out of the back way.

“Over there!” A pegasus said pointing at her and Dinky ran for the safety of an alleyway. She stopped when three more changelings flew down and dropped in front of her and wielded their apple pies menacingly.

“It’s over, little filly.” The changeling said and several more changelings surrounded her. They had her trapped.

“Aim!” The changelings all readied their apple-based weapons and Dinky closed her eyes ready for the worst.


“Not if I can help it darling!” A voice said. Dinky opened her eyes and stared in shock as Rarity stood over her taking the brunt of the attacks. Anything else she used her magic to stop not even a drop getting on Dinky.

“Rarity!” Dinky cried out in terror horrified that the mare had sacrificed herself for her.

Rarity winked at her. “Get out of here, darling!” The fashionista’s eyes glazed over. She refused to give and threw the pastries back into the changeling‘s faces.

“Run.” Rarity said in a slurred voice. “Apples must have apples.” She licked at the pie on her legs with her tongue.

Rarity, I won’t forget this!