• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 797 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 8

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 8
by Rixizu

Dinky looked around expecting danger at every turn. At any minute, she expected some horrible beast to jump out and rip them to shreds. More than once she had to remind herself of the urgency of their mission. She knew the path, more or less, but that didn’t make it any less dangerous. Thorax followed behind oblivous to the dangers. Never once in her life had she’d done something this dangerous. All the foalhood stories of this place flooded into her head.

“So, what’s this Zecora like?” Thorax asked making Dinky jump up into a tree, she hung from the branch certain for a moment that pain was about to follow. After realizing it was just her friend, she dropped down more than a little embarrassed.

“Are you okay?” Thorax asked with concern.

"I'm fine," Dinky replied and forced a smile, "you just scared me, that’s all!”

"If you're sure," Thorax said and they continued on their way.

“Zecora is a bit of an odd one. For some reason, she always speaks in rhyme.” Dinky said after a moment’s thought. “She a little scary at first, not unlike you, but she’s really nice and smart. She also has the coolest manecut!” Dinky loved her mane and wished her mother would let her style it like that.

Her heart panged at the thought of her mother. Who knew what was going on right now? Dinky was certain she’d also hadn’t eaten any of the poisoned apples, but that meant she was probably fighting the evil changelings and their queen all by herself. Dinky needed to hurry! Time wasn’t on their side.

"Sounds nifty," Thorax replied, "I've never seen a zebra before. Usually, we changelings only deal with pon…” He stopped and fell on his face as the ground shook under them.

Dinky also lost her balance and scrapped a leg against a branch. Wincing she stood up only to be knocked down again from another earthquake. Dinky desperately grabbed a nearby tree to stabilize herself.

“Um, is the shaking getting stronger?” Thorax asked worry on his face. He held on a tree to keep himself stable.

Dinky was about to reply and froze when she saw the source of the rumbling. She'd never seen anything like it. It was bipedal and easily overshadowed the trees. It was massive with a huge potbelly, but it had muscular limbs and moved with power and ease and carried a huge wooden club carved from a massive tree. It wore nothing but a loincloth. What freaked Dinky the most about it was its face. It had the face of a pony but only had one eye.

"A cyclops," Dinky whispered. She’d only ever heard about them from stories never thinking them to be real until now. Just her luck.

"What the heck is that?!" Thorax said in a blind panic.

"Shh!" Dinky tried to quiet him, but it was too late. The cyclops saw them and grinned thinking them to be an easy meal. "Oh, ponyfeathers! Run!"

Dinky screamed in fear as the monstrosity approached them and ran with everything she had, but it outpaced her at a terrifying rate. It was like for every twenty steps she took, the creature only needed one.

“Thorax, do something!” Dinky cried out ducking under a tree root that the giant smashed with a single step. “Turn yourself into an Ursa Major or something!”

“I can’t turn into something that big!” Thorax replied terror evident in his eyes. “Get on my back!” He turned back into Rainbow Dash and Dinky did as she was told. Thorax took to the air and Dinky was sure that they would get away, but then the Cyclops threw its club at them and clipped one of Thorax’s wings and they both screamed as they plummeted to the ground.

Dinky whined in pain she felt like she was covered with bruises, but otherwise landing in a bush that softened her fall. She was quick to find Thorax who wasn’t in such good shape. He was back in his changeling form and little beaten but the worst part was his wing. It was a mess and there was no way he’d be able to fly with it. She doubted shape changing would fix this.

“Are you okay?” Dinky asked.

"I think so," Thorax replied with a noticeable groan, "I thought you said this place was safe?!"

“Uh, I may have exaggerated a bit about that.” Dinky shrunk at his glare and her ears drooped.

“What, you lied to me?!” Thorax said with outrage. “How could you? I thought you were my friend!”

"I am, I just…" Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by the slamming of the cyclops’s feet and it stomped around looking for them. “We’ll talk about this later.”

"We will," Thorax replied steel in his voice.

“You can not hide, little pony.” A deep voice rumbled. “Me smell you. You will be dinner. Me will grind you into my soup.”

Oh, ponyfeathers. Dinky really had been hoping the tales about cyclopes being cannibalistic pony eaters weren’t true. Just her luck.

“What are we going to do?!” Thorax whispered in a panic as the cyclops stomped their way.

"I'll think of something," Dinky whispered back. Come on, she was a secret agent in training darn it. This sort of thing should be her forte. Bon-Bon would probably karate chop this thing into oblivion.

She looked around something, anything to get them out of this. Nothing but scary looking thick trees was all the eye could see and she doubted they would prove too much an obstacle for the monster. They both screamed as the tree they were hiding under was torn from the ground roots and all.

“There you are, dinner.” The cyclops grinned down at them.

“Hey.” Dinky managed a weak smile. “Say, could you not eat us? We happen to be on an important mission.”

“Care not for pony business.” The cyclops replied. “You dinner.”

Great, and it's single-minded too. Before Dinky could even cry out in surprise, the cyclops used its meaty appendages to scoop up both Dinky and Thorax and held them in an impossible to escape grip. They cried out for help, but nopony came as the cyclops stomped back to its lair. Any attempt to wiggle herself free failed.

The cyclops arrived at a massive cave and dropped them into a large cage made of steel. The cyclops closed the top and locked the hatch making escape impossible. Dinky looked around the cave. It wasn’t much. A bed made of leaves on the side, a giant black pot over a fire, and, much to Dinky’s horror, many bones littered the floor. Most of them were from animals, but she was certain she’d seen pony bones among them.

Not good. Not good. She smelled something cooking in the pot but wasn't sure what exactly she was smelling. It wasn’t cabbage soup, that she was certain. Dinky and Thorax tried to push themselves past the bars, but they were so thin that even a filly like Dinky couldn’t fit.

“Can you turn into a mouse by any chance?” Dinky asked hopefully.

"No," Thorax replied dejectedly, “I can’t do anything like that. I can’t turn into anything smaller than I am.”

“Oh…” Dinky trailed off. She tried again to push herself through the bars, but it was no use. They were just too small. She could fit her body through no problem, but her head was too big to fit through. She kicked them in frustration. How were they to get out this mess? Thorax turned into Big Mac again, but it was no use and his injuries slowed him down. He turned back into Apple Bloom completely dejected.

Dinky got an idea. It was worth a try at least. “Say Mr. Cyclops. Why do you want to eat us? We’re just tiny fillies!”

The cyclops dropped a giant lizard into his pot and began stirring it. Dinky fought back her revulsion and smiled. He turned towards them and smiled back. Dinky really wish he didn't. It contained no warmth and happiness, just cruelty.

“Part of mother’s recipe.” The cyclopes said. “Pony rare. Good even if small.”

“Well, what if I said I knew something so much tastier than us," Dinky replied, "I know where you can get a super tasty animal! I’ll take you to it if you let us go."

“You think me stupid? You will guide me to the middle of nowhere and escape when me distracted.” The cyclops let out an indignant snort. “Ponies always think cyclops easy to trick. Offensive stereotype. Just because me don't speak poetry, you think me dumb and slow-witted!"

"Sorry," Dinky said in a quiet voice. The cyclops harrumphed and went back to his stirring.

“Well, that didn’t work.” Dinky sighed. So much for that plan. What would Bon-Bon do in this situation? She'd probably use her laser watch to cut through the bars and escape. Dinky didn't have a laser watch or any other cool gadgets, so they were sunk. She’d have to use her brain to get out this mess. But, what could she do? She had nothing but… Dinky had it.

“Say Mr. Cyclops!” Dinky shouted and waved her hoof through the bars.

“What, now?” The cyclops said annoyed.

“Since we are going to anyway, I thought why not make us taste good as well?” Dinky said. “Do you like, apples?”

“Apples good.” The cyclops nodded. “Farmers always scare me off when I try to steal them.”`

“I just happen to have one!” Dinky pulled out the apple out of her pack and presenting through the bars. "Here it's yours!"

The cyclops moved to take it but stopped in thought. Dinky remained emotionless, but her heart raced so fast it hurt. If the cyclops thought this was a trick, they were done for. The cyclops shook his head thinking it was very unlikely Dinky was up to something. It was only an apple after all. He took it from Dinky's hooves and sniffed it. Liking what he smelled, he smiled and dropped it in the cauldron. Dinky prayed to Luna this would work.

The cyclops dumped very more ingredients in the pot and stirred it until he was satisfied. He took an experimental sip of the concoction and his entire body froze and his eye when blank and dull.

“Apples.” The cyclops muttered. “Need more apples.” He slowly stomped out of his lair and Dinky cried out in triumph. Sure, they lost their poisoned apple sample for Zecora, but they still lived and that was all that mattered.

“That was way too close!” Thorax let out a breath of relief. “Uh, so how are we getting out of here exactly?”

Dinky ran at full speed at the bars, only to recoil in pain as they didn’t even give in an inch. “Uh, not sure. We’ll think of something.” She pushed herself through the bars again. Darn it, if only her head was a few inches smaller.

“Here, let me help.” Thorax turned back into Big Mac and pushed one of the bars away as Dinky tried to push herself through.

It took about an hour, but the bar eventually gave way to Big Mac’s strength and the Dinky finally got her head through. Thorax turned into Dinky and they were exhausted by the time they got out of the cave.

“Finally, that nonsense is done!” Dinky proclaimed.

“What do we do now?” Thorax asked back in Apple Bloom’s form again. “We don’t have the poisoned apple!”

"Ah, but we do have the stew that has it in it," Dinky said pointing towards the massive pot, "that will have to do. Help me find something to put it in.”

After some searching, they found a jar that suited their needs. Unfortunately, it was huge like everything else and Thorax was forced to turn back into Big Mac to carry the load.

"This wasn't what I was expecting when I woke up this morning," Thorax said as he struggled to jar on his back. Even though he had the muscles and size of the stallion, he didn't quite have Big Mac's tremendous strength. Maybe because he wasn't an earth pony? The injury to his wings also added another burden he didn’t need.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be at Zecora’s soon enough," Dinky said looking into the terrifying forest in front of them, "as soon as I find where it is…" How the hey were they to find Zecora’s hut? She didn’t have a clue where they were. Worse, it was only a few more hours until dark. They didn’t have time for this! Her mom was in danger!

“It’s hopeless.” Thorax looked down defeated.

"There's always hope," Dinky said with determination and steel. Trixie wouldn't give up and neither would she. Trixie would throw herself into this dangerous forest headfirst and laugh. Sometimes, Dinky wondered if the Ranger was right in the head. Suicidal tendencies aside, Trixie had the right idea to always keep going.

They wandered randomly through the forest trying to find something, anything that was recognizable. They jumped at every sound and creek terrified that another horrible monster would jump out and try to eat them. If they could find a way out of the forest, they could walk around back to Fluttershy’s house and get back to the right path to Zecora’s. The forest seemed endless though impenetrable and wrong. No matter how far they went, there was just more forest going on for an eternity. She knew this was impossible, but that was little comfort. Dinky just wanted to go back home to her mom where she was safe and the world made sense. Even with Thorax, she felt helpless and alone.

“I can’t go on anymore.” Thorax put the jar on the ground exhausted panting for breath.

"Well rest then," Dinky said sitting on the ground just as tired, her little legs aching.

“Just, give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go," Thorax said and Dinky nodded.

“Hello?” A voice said from deeper in the forest causing them both to jump. “Is somepony there?” It was feminine with a rich silky voice. Dinky and Thorax looked at each other with concern.

“Should we call out?” Thorax asked. “It might be Zecora!”

"No, that isn't her," Dinky replied. The mare didn't rhyme for one. “But, it might be our only shot of getting out of this mess."

“But, what if it’s a trap?!” Thorax said concern and fear in his voice.

Dinky sighed. "We will just have to risk it. Get ready to run at any time. Leave the jar if you have to."

“Over here!” Dinky yelled towards the voice.

There was a rattling of branches and leaves and a mare appeared from the trees. She was an earth pony with a brownish yellow coat and a white mane striped with black, her eyes were bright yellow. She looked at them with genuine concern on her face. Her cutie mark was spider’s web.

“A filly? What are you doing here?” The mare said with shock and she glared at Thorax who was still wearing Big Mac’s face. “How could you let a little filly wander into the Everfree? What kind of stallion are you?"

"Well, uh," Thorax muttered chastised by the mare's scathing words.

“Nevermind.” The mare said. “We need to get out of here, right now. You almost walked into cockatrice territory. We’ll all be statues if we don’t get out here.”

"C-cockatrice?" Dinky shuttered. When she squinted into the forest she saw a pony-shaped statue between the trees. Dear Luna that was close.

“What’s that?” Thorax asked confused. He shrunk when the mare glared at him again.

"Danger." She walked in the opposite direction and they joined her glad they nearly avoided certain doom.

"I'm Dinky," Dinky said when they were a long way away from the Cockatrice's lair, "thanks for saving us."

“I’m, uh, Big Mac!” Thorax said.

“It was my pleasure Dinky. I’m Banana Peel.” The mare replied giving Dinky a genuine smile. She could tell this mare loved foals. “What are you doing here in the forest? I hope it’s for a good reason.”

“Oh, we’re here to see Zecora," Dinky replied, "It's a bit of a long story, but it's for a good reason. I promise!"

Banana Peel eyed the jar on Thorax’s back with some curiosity. “I see. Well, that’s not an issue. We happen to be friends. No many people live in the Everfree after all. We’re basically neighbors.”

“That’s great!” Finally, something was going her way.

"Please tell me it's not far," Thorax whined. His legs were shaking and it was clear he won't be able to go on much longer.

"Not far, not far." Banana Peel replied. "Follow me. Stay close, okay. This place has more dangers than a pony can count." She made sure to stay close to Dinky. It made Dinky feel a little embarrassed, but it was nice after all the mortal peril.

There was something about the way Banana Peel looked at her friend that bothered her. There was irritation there, but also a hunger maybe? Well, Big Mac was a handsome stallion. He was big, strong, full of rippling muscles, and was the kindest pony you'd ever meet. He'd make any mare go crazy. Dinky wondered what would be the best way to break to the poor love stuck mare that this wasn't the real Big Mac.

“Are you sure this is the right way?” Thorax asked. They were going deeper into the forest and the setting sun cloaked everything in shadow. It made every little sound even more terrifying.

"Trust me!" Banana Peel said. "I know the Everfree like the back of my hoof!”

“Phew, that’s a relief.” Thorax wiped his sweating brow with a hoof. Still, he eyed the trees nervously. It seemed for every step, the forest became darker until blackness surrounded them. Dinky could barely see anything.

“Follow my voice.” Banana Peel yelled out in front of them. “Everything will be fine!”

“S-sure.” Did Dinky just see cobwebs in the trees? Yes, she did and larger than a pony too. Dinky didn't want to imagine what kind of spider could spin those things. She didn’t like the sight of them one bit.

“Uh, maybe we should go back!” Dinky said freaked out. It was so dark that she feared every step would cause her to lose her step.

“Just a little further!” Banana Peel said and Dinky had no clue where it was going from.

“This isn’t funny!” Dinky said desperate to find anypony.

“Help me!” Thorax cried out in the darkness. “What are you doing?!”

“Thorax!” Dinky ran around in a blind panic.

“This way, little one.” Banana Peel said. “Don’t worry, no harm will come for you.”

“No!” Dinky cried out. “You’re a monster, aren’t you?! You plan on eating me! Thorax, don’t worry, I’ll save you! Call out and I’ll find you!”

“Dinky help!” Thorax said panic in his voice. “I can’t move! I’m stuck on something!”

“Thorax!” Dinky looked up and squinted through the gloom and gasped. Her friend was caught up in the web, wrapped up in spider silk and stuck on a giant web. The creature crouched over him made her blood turn cold. It was Banana Peel only she was different. Her body was still pony-like but she had eight hooves with a bulging fat body under her torso and her face had more eyes than she could count with sharp dripping fangs protruding from her mouth.

"Hello, welcome to my parlor, etc.etc.” Banana Peel said grinning down at her.