• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 797 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 14

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 14
by Rixizu

Dinky had trouble keeping up as Fluttershy flew to the Ursa Major’s aid. She screamed as part of a roof crashed in her path only inches away from her.

“Are okay?” Thorax asked.

“Fine.” Dinky shook the close call almost giving her a heart attack.

Her face twisted in fear when she looked up. The Ursa Major was gigantic, standing taller than even the Ranger’s Zords. She clamped her hooves over her ears when it roared and it clawed at her mother as she whacked the creature’s nose. The Rangers tried annoying it so it would chase them out of Ponyville, but it continued rampaging through the town instead. Was this the changeling’s doing? Raindrops and Carrot Top pulled hypnotized ponies to safety while the other Rangers distracted the Ursa. Dinky screamed in terror as a wild swipe knocked her mom out of the sky, crashing her through Rarity’s Boutique.

“Mom!” Dinky ran towards the ruins.

Much to Dinky’s relief, her mom exited the ruined building closing the door behind her relatively unharmed. She stared at Dinky in alarm.

“What are you doing here?” Ditzy stomped towards them.

“Uh, hi Miss Ditzy!” Thorax gave a weak wave.

“You’re leaving town for safety right now!” Ditzy said.

“But mom, I want to help!” Ditzy put on a brave face. She faltered when the Ursa Major roared again, but she stood straight and proud.

“You can help by staying safe!” Her mom replied.

“Ugh, you’re always like this!” Dinky’s blood boiled. “I’m not a filly anymore! I can do more to help! You’d lock me in a closet all day!”

“Dinky, we are not having this discussion! We can talk about this later.”

“Uh, hello. Can, uh, somepony help. I’m stuck.” A quiet voice said unheard.

“No, whenever I bring this up, you find some excuse!” Dinky replied. “You don’t want to face the fact I’m a big girl now!”

Ugh, why’s she always like this? Why can’t she understand?!

“I’m doing this for your safety!”

“I get that, but I want help!”

“You can’t! You’re a little filly!”

“No, I’m not!”

“Um, hello? Help, please? I’ll wait here I guess.”

“Fluttershy needs help! She trapped under this beam!” Thorax said. Dinky and Ditzy didn’t reply, too distracted by their argument to notice. “Uh, nevermind. I’ll do it myself.”

“Yes, you are. I’m just trying to protect you!”

“By what, putting a tracking device on me?”

“Yes, so nopony can foalnap you again!”

“I can take care of myself mom!”

Thorax struggled to push the wooden beam off of Fluttershy’s back. A piece of a roof had fallen on top of her. He transformed into Big Mac and still couldn’t move it an inch.

“Please, I just want to keep you safe!”

“Look mom, I’m not asking to help you fight monsters. I just don’t want to stay on the sidelines. I can help evacuate ponies.”

“But that also means you’re still in danger! I can’t allow that!”

“Need help?” Bon-Bon walked up to Thorax and examined the heavy beam. Bons used a steel beam to make a lever and together they lifted the beam up and Fluttershy pulled herself free. She was a little dusty, but otherwise unharmed.

“Oh, thank Luna,” Fluttershy said. “I thought I was a goner!”

Bon-Bon shrugged. “It’s what I do.”

“I’m not a filly! You don’t understand at all!” Dinky stomped her hoof and glared.

“Are those two still fighting?” Thorax sighed exasperated.

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy put a hoof over her mouth.

“Break it up.” Bon-Bon pushed them apart. “Now is not the time, we need cool heads.” The mother and daughter duo blushed at their foolishness.

“I’m sorry mom, I just want to help ponies. I don’t like it when you treat me like I can’t do anything.”

“I’m sorry too Dinky.” Ditzy let out a breath. “I’m just scared. Ponyville is a dangerous place. After I became a Ranger, I’ve had nightmares about you getting hurt because I’m a superhero. I worry all the time about you. I can’t help it. Every time I see a monster, I’m terrified they might get you. You are everything to me!”

Dinky gave her mother a hug. “I know mom. I love you too. I don’t know. I just wish you would take me more seriously.”

Ditzy gave her daughter a brittle smile. “I know you’re growing up. It’s just hard for me. Being a hero and a mom.”

“Okay mom, I will help evacuate ponies while Flutters and you calm down this Ursa,” Dinky said.

Ditzy let out a pained sigh. “Okay, only if Bon-Bon and Thorax come with you. I’m trusting you to stay safe. If it looks bad, get out immediately!”

“Got it.” Ditzy saluted and ran off with Thorax, grabbing the nearest pony who walked around in a daze and pushing them to safety.

“They grow up so fast,” Bon-Bon said, beaming.

Ditzy sighed. “They do. I’m not ready for my little muffin to be a teenager.”

Bon-Bon patted Ditzy’s back. “It’s fine. It’ll work out. Dinky is a special girl.”

“Thanks, ready Fluttershy?”

“Yeah! We must save that poor innocent Ursa Major!” They flew towards the chaos.


“She’ll be fine, um, I’m sure of it,” Fluttershy said as Ditzy looked back at her daughter. Dinky got her new changeling friends to help hypnotized ponies to safety. It amazed her how quickly her daughter made friends.

Ditzy sighed and reminded herself of Bon-Bon’s words. She was smothering her daughter and feared driving a wedge between them. The tracking device was going too far. She looked back at Dinky and Thorax as they helped an old mare out of her house and smiled. Her daughter had this in hoof. With her many friends, Dinky could accomplish anything.

“She will,” Ditzy replied and Fluttershy yelped as an Ursa claw almost hit them. The poor creature was flailing wildly as Trixie created illusions of fireworks to scare it. The Ursa stomped furiously after Trixie but stopped as a green glow appeared around its head and it returned to attacking the town. Whoever was controlling it had a tighter grip than they thought.

They flew higher but didn’t see the changeling in question. Fluttershy hid behind Ditzy fearful of what the changeling might try. Where was it? Did it disguise itself as something?

“Do your thing,” Ditzy said gesturing at the rampaging beast.

“Um, are you sure?” Fluttershy replied so quietly Ditzy almost didn’t hear it. It was bizarre that Flutters was more afraid of a single changeling than the giant rampaging Ursa Major. Ditzy remembered this was the same mare that had a pool of crocodiles in her backyard. Ponies usually gave her house a wide berth after learning that tidbit.

“You got this!” Ditzy said.

“Well, okay if you’re sure.” Fluttershy flew towards the Ursa Major terrified the changeling might leap out at her at any moment. She steeled her resolve her face turned fierce and ready for action.

“Stop this now!” Fluttershy commanded.

Much to Ditzy’s relief, the beast stopped and looked at Fluttershy intently. It roared, almost throwing Flutters out of the air. The timid Pegasus recovered and flew back to her original position with a worried look on her face.

“Oh my, is that so?” Fluttershy nodded as the Usra growled at her. It ended with a roar and Fluttershy gasped in concern.

“That’s horrible, what type of monster would do that?!” Fluttershy flew towards the Ursa and stroked its snout with a hoof. “There, there, it will be alright. I’m here to help you. No harm will come to your cub.”

Ditzy’s eyes widened when she realized the bear was a mother. If anything happened to the Ursa cub, there would be heck to pay. Right on cue, a green beam flew towards the Ursa Major’s head and Ditzy used her bow staff to block it and the changeling gasped. She spotted the little devil disguised as a part of the Ursa’s fur. The changeling dodged as Ditzy’s weapon came towards him.

“That’s your only warning.” Ditzy put steel into her words. This jerk was endangering her daughter. One warning was all he would get. “Your plan failed. Surrender now.”

The changeling tried firing another magic beam at the Ursa, but Ditzy blocked it with ease.

“Like I will give up now.” The changeling said. “‘Sides, don’t you have more things to worry about than me. You still have a rampaging bear monster.”

Much to the changeling’s astonishment, the Usra turned around and headed back towards the Everfree Forest. She was careful not to cause any more damage to Ponyville. Fluttershy sat happily on her head.

“What, but how?” The changeling gapped dumbfounded. “That Ursa was in a frenzy a second ago! What did that yellow pony do? Why isn’t she afraid? That Ursa could gobble her up in a single bite!”

Ditzy shrugged. “She’s good with animals. Now, surrender.”

“Never!” The changeling got into a fighting position. “Queen Chrysalis will never fail!” He transformed into a bizarre winged monster with sharp-looking talons and snake-like limbs.

“Prepare yourself Rangers, and meet your doom!” The changeling roared and charged, then passed out when Ditzy punched him in the gut. She grabbed him before he fell to his death.

“He really thought that would work?” Trixie unmorphed and grinned up at her.

“Spirited, I’ll give them that,” Ditzy said.

“Is it over now?” Dinky said poking her head around a building.

“Yep, Flutters is helping the Usra and the changelings are defeated,” Ditzy confirmed.

“And I found Twilight and Cheerilee!” Dinky pointed to the Rangers, escorted by several changelings. Her friends were in an apple induced stupor.

“Nice work Muffin!” Ditzy unmorphed. Her daughter had been a hero. Maybe she deserved a raise in her allowance?

“I have the cure right here.” Thorax frowned holding a flask with a strange carrot scented liquid. “It’s the last of it and Zecora said it would take time to make more.”

“It’s fine, Raindrops will make it rain the cure,” Dinky replied, “I don’t see what could possibly go wrong at this point.”

“Is that so?” A voice said and a green aura formed around Dinky’s throat choking her. “I don’t think we’re even close to being done yet.”

“Dinky!” Ditzy cried out in alarm.

Dinky’s winced in pain as something roughly grabbed her. It was a unicorn mare with malicious, hate-filled eyes. Ditzy’s eyes widened in fear when a green fire erupted over the strange mare revealing Queen Chrysalis.


Several minutes earlier.

“Surrender. This is your only warning,” cried a yellow pony with a mane like fire wearing a Wonderbolt uniform with officer badges on. Behind her were several more Wonderbolts and an army of angry Pegasi. Standing next to her was the accursed Raindrops. Somehow the dimwit had outrun them to Cloudsdale. It must have been her Ranger armor. They weren’t even halfway to Cloudsdale and the Ranger had not only beaten them to their destination but brought an army back with her.

“What are we going to do?” One of her so-called elite changelings whimpered in fear. The ponies had them outnumbered five to one.

So much for my elite soldiers. Must I do everything myself!

“Get out there and destroy them all.” Queen Chrysalis snarled showing teeth. Gratifyingly, her changelings showed the proper level of fear and nodded.

“Yes, my queen!” The changeling commander said. “Alright changelings, charge!”

Her army flew towards the approaching ponies ready for battle. Queen Chrysalis knew they stood no chance, but they would serve their purpose as a distraction. She had one final trump card for just such an occasion. She transformed into a pony with a green coat and brown mane and flew away back towards Ponyville.

“She’s getting away!” The Wonderbolt commander said, but Queen Chrysalis disappeared into the forest before anypony could act.

“Fools.” Queen Chrysalis smirked pleased with herself. “Now to get to business.”

Chrysalis pulled out a bottle full of a viscous liquid and stared at it for a moment. The fallen sun princess had given it to her for emergencies such as this. It would give her the power she needed to overcome any obstacle, yet she hesitated drinking it. She didn’t trust the mad princess an inch nor understood her motives. She had an inkling that Corona was using her for a greater scheme but couldn’t imagine what it was. It made no sense for her to turn her precious little ponies over to Chrysalis’s kind. Queen Chrysalis knew this vial had to contain a trap. No, she wouldn’t use it yet. She needed to muster her forces back in Ponyville and take on that ridiculous pony army. Even if the changelings she led there were incompetent fools.

Ponyville was too quiet when she arrived. She’d expected to find her changelings patrolling the streets, or at least lounging about. Instead, she saw nolings. Hypnotized ponies milled about and Chrysalis ignored them. She screamed in fright as a deafening roar reverberated through town and jumped into a nearby tree. She poked her head out of the tree’s branches to find a monstrous bear stomping through town.

A giant monster attack? Now? You have got to be kidding me! For some bizarre reason, random monster attacks happened in this pony town all the time. It showed her just how stupid ponies were that they would still live this backwater town after the thousandth monster attack. Ponies lacked any common sense.

“Wait.” She squinted and spotted a changeling drone riding the monster. Moments later, the Rangers appeared and fought the creature. What the heck?! Chrysalis’s blood boiled. What were they doing free? Someling’s head would roll for this. Still, it was good working bringing that creature against the Ranger. At least someling was using their head.

“Quickly, this way.” A familiar voice said and Chrysalis turned to find a gray filly with the traitor Thorax helping ponies out of a house. Worse, other changelings helped her and put ponies on their backs and flying them to safety.

Am I surrounded by complete imbecile?! Somehow, somehow the wretched filly had convinced more of her changelings to turn against her. She should have cut out the filly’s silver tongue when she had the chance. She seethed in quiet fury and forced herself to calm down. A changeling, Fibula, passed her and she decided to use him to get some well-deserved answers.

“Hello!” Chrysalis said with her best friendly smile.

“Hi!” Fibula said unaware of her true identity. “Finally, an unapplewashed pony. You need to leave town. It’s dangerous!”

“You’re so right, that thing is a real monster!” Chrysalis pointed at the bear monster. “Wait, is that one of your kind controlling it. I’m confused. Why are you helping ponies if you’re behind that thing?”

Fibula snorted. “We aren’t with him! We’re on the good side now!”

“Really? You turned against your queen?” Chrysalis raised a speculative eyebrow.

“Yes! Fibula stood up proud. "She was a real jerk. We don’t need her anymore.”

“Really?” Chrysalis ground her teeth but controlled her tongue and temper.

“Yeah, why did we even follow her, to begin with?” He lowered his head towards her ear. “Can you believe she never threw a pizza party?”

“A pizza party,” Chrysalis said flatly.

“Horrible right?” Fibula said unaware of her growing fury. “You’d think after hundreds of years, she’d throw us a pizza party at least once. We have birthdays like all the time and not once did she throw even a normal party. Not even a birthday present. Ponies are so lucky! They have this thing called carpet and it’s like the best thing ever. You ponies are so lucky.” He beamed at her.

Chrysalis facehoofed. Her changelings betrayed her over that? Really?!

“Say.” Fibula put a hoof over Chrysalis’s shoulder. “I'm from out of town. Can you please give me directions to your place? Maybe share a pizza?” Fibula waggled his eyebrows at her. He cried out in pain as Chrysalis grabbed him by the throat ready to throttle the life out of him.

“I take it that’s a no.” Fibula croaked. He struggled, but she was too strong for him.

“It’s not even half of what I plan to do to your traitors.” She kept her pony disguise but changed her voice to normal and her eyes glowed green.

“Oh, hi Queen Chrysalis!” Fibula said. “Fancy meeting you here! How’s it going?” He gave her a weak smile.

“Pathetic.” Chrysalis threw him painfully against a wall knocking him unconscious. It made her feel so much better. As much as she wanted to vent her frustrations out on the traitorous fool, it could wait. As expected, a yellow pony had somehow calmed the bear monster down and ruined the only loyal changeling’s plan. Ponies were good at being pests. She spotted the grey filly talking to her new friends and gave a sickening smile. If she couldn’t win, the ponies sure as heck won’t think of it as a victory.


“If you hurt a single hair on her, you’ll regret it!” Dinky’s mom snarled. Dinky struggled, but the evil queen’s grip was iron tight. Her eyes widened when Chrysalis levitated a sharp stick at her throat.

“Unmorph and throw you morphers away, and nothing will happen to this lovely little filly.” Chrysalis’s voice was sickeningly sweet.

The others watched the scene in abject horror unsure what to do. Ditzy’s expression was cold and hard which seemed alien on her loving mother’s face. Trixie’s face was more neutral tingled with a hint of held back fury.

“Threatening little foals?” Trixie shook her head. “Getting desperate, aren’t we?”

“Nothing will threaten my glorious plan!” Chrysalis replied. “I’m not beaten yet!”

“Glorious plan?” Trixie smirked. “Your plan sucked. It was easily beaten by little filly!”

“Shut up!” Chrysalis spat and Dinky gasped as Chrysalis’s grip became almost painful. “Minor setbacks.”

Trixie, please don’t antagonize her.

Trixie continued ignoring Dinky’s silent plea. “It took, what, a day and a single conversation for Dinky to turn your entire changeling army against you? Some queen you are. It must be a world record for the fastest uprising ever! Congratulations!” Trixie hooted and clapped her hooves together.

Her grip is becoming painful now. Dinky squirmed trying to escape. Chrysalis’s eye twitched and glared at Trixie who returned it with a smug smile.

“I’ll make sure you suffer for this!” Chrysalis said. “All of you!”

Really painful. Dinky feared one of her ribs might crack. Stop it please!

Trixie yawned and scratched at her belly bored. “Whatever. Like I haven’t heard that before. You have some creative to say or are you barrage me with more clichés and empty threats?”

“Throw down your weapon, or this one dies!” Chrysalis pressed the stick harder against Dinky’s throat. “Three seconds!” Fire spat from her mouth. She wasn’t kidding.

Trixie yawned. “If I must.” She threw her morpher aside. Ditzy and the other Rangers glared at Trixie.

“Trixie, if we ever get out of this, we are having words.” Ditzy whispered her tone harsh.

“Good.” Chrysalis relaxed her grip much to Dinky’s relief.

“What’s your plan?” Trixie said. “Are you going to threaten every pony and changeling in the world until they surrender?”

Pain. Pain. Chrysalis’s grip doubled after Trixie’s jib.

“I have a plan.” Chrysalis calmed herself and gave Trixie her own smug smile. She dropped the stick and pulled out a small bottle with a sun crest with her magic. “Right…”

Before Chrysalis could finish, she recoiled in pain as an invisible hoof impacted with her face and she flew several hooves away. Dinky fell out of her grasp and something caught her. Dinky looked up started to find a red armored pony holding her.

“Trixie?” Dinky said.

“What?” Chrysalis stared at the two Trixie in sudden bafflement. The unmorphed Trixie gave the queen a smug smile and waved before disappearing into smoke. “An illusion?!”

“Yep, and you fell for it,” Trixie replied and did a bow, “Great and Powerful Trixie, remember?”

Rage and fire spat from Chrysalis’s mouth. She was furious beyond reason. “I‘ll crush you all and level this entire pathetic pony town to dust!”

“Yeah, whatever.” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. While she was looking away, Chrysalis uncorked the vial. Dinky cried out in warning and pulled it out of the changeling queen’s hooves with her magic.

“Little brat!” Chrysalis hissed and used her magic to fight back and they entered a tug-of-war battle with their magic. Chrysalis’s magic was immeasurable and overwhelming, but Dinky fought on.

“Thanks, Dinks!” Trixie punched Chrysalis in the face. The changeling queen’s magic unexpectedly released the bottle and it flew into Dinky’s face.

“Argh.” Dinky winced as the bottle landed in her mouth and poured a liquid that tasted like sour milk down her throat emptying a third of the bottle.

“Dinky!” Ditzy cried out in worry.

“Give me that!” Chrysalis dodged other punch and used her magic to grab the bottle and downed the rest of its contents. “Much better!”

Their eyes widened in surprise as Chrysalis grew in size. She grew even bigger than the Ursa Major and towered over them.

Chrysalis looked at her hooves than the tiny ponies under her. “I can’t believe the sun princess’s potion worked! Now nothing can stop me!”

“Sun Princess?” Trixie asked.

Dinky’s eyes widened when she too grew. The world shrunk and she cried out in fear and alarm.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Chrysalis backed away to give Dinky room to grow.

“This is new,” Dinky said. Much to her amazement, she was the exact size as the changeling queen. It was an odd sight for a pony of filly proportion. It seemed the potion grew something to an exact size regardless of their body type.

Ditzy moved her limbs experimentally and winced as she kicked off the roof of Barry Punch’s bar. “Sorry!”

Chrysalis watched her amused. “The Rangers can’t call all their Zords. You’re my only obstacle to my total conquest of Equestria! This will be delicious! I’ll enjoy tearing you limb from limb!”

Dinky cried out in pain as she received a hoof to the face and stumbled crushing some trees and leaving a large hole in the park. “Sorry again!”

Dinky winced as something pinched her face and looked down to find Trixie on her snout. How did she get there? The little figure waved and pointed towards a nearby quarry. She nodded in understanding.

I need to get her out of Ponyville before somepony gets hurt! I need to distract her while the Rangers summon their Zord.

“Let go you little…” Dinky grabbed Chrysalis by her front legs and swung the changeling queen around in a circle. She let go and Chrysalis crashed into the quarry creating a loud crash spilling dust everywhere. Careful to watch her step, Dinky stomped towards her opponent ready to fight.

Chrysalis recovered quickly. “You’ll regret that!”

Dinky winced as Chrysalis sent magic bolts her way. She scrambled out of the way and grabbed a nearby boulder and hurled it into Chrysalis’s snout. Chrysalis hissed and jumped on Dinky trying to wrestle her. Dinky’s fought back, but Chrysalis was too powerful and pinned Dinky down. Chrysalis hissed as laser bolts flew towards her.

“Don’t worry, momma’s coming!” Ditzy said. Her Zord, shaped like a mythical centaur, ran towards them shooting arrows towards the changeling queen.

“We got your back!” Trixie’s Ursa Zord said.

“I think it’s about time for some payback!” Cheerilee said in her scale-shaped Zord. Chrysalis flew off Dinky when Cheerilee’s Zord crashed into her.

“Miss Cheerilee!” Dinky’s heart filled with joy to see her teacher back to normal.

Chrysalis cried out in pain as Carrot’s Top scorpion Zord stung her with its tail. “Think this potion has a time limit? Or must we kick her flank?”

“I hope so,” Trixie replied, “I’ve been itching for a fight all day!”

“Pests, all of you!” Chrysalis kicked Trixie’s Zord and it crashed into Ditzy’s. Despite their numerical advantage, the Zords were only half Chrysalis’s size. They couldn’t do much without forming into their Megazord form. They needed Lyra and Raindrops! Dinky needed to even the odds and came in close ready to deck Chrysalis.

“Dinky, stay back!” Ditzy cried alarmed.

“Don’t worry, I got this!” Dinky replied and punched Chrysalis right in the jaw.

Chrysalis winced and her horn lit with power. “Take this!” She shot a beam of energy at Dinky and the Zords surrounding her. They flew back as the ray exploded everything it touched. Dinky winced as a rock dug into her side. It hurt, but she was otherwise fine. Carrot Top and Ditzy shot more lasers at Chrysalis, but they only annoyed her. Miss Cheerilee swung one of her scales and its chain extended to wrap around the changeling queen. Chrysalis struggled to get free, but the chains held keeping her trapped. Dinky ran towards Chrysalis and dive kicked her into a nearby hill of rock.

“Enough!” Chrysalis grunted with effort and broke the chains with her tremendous strength.

“We aren’t hurting her at all,” Ditzy said.

“Don’t worry, I sent Twi to locate the others.” Trixie sent a punch into Chrysalis’s gut. “Hold her off until they get back.”

Dinky’s eyes widened in understanding. Twilight was a skilled teleporter. If anypony could find Raindrops and Lyra, it was Twi. Too bad she didn’t have a Zord too, then they could combine into one unstoppable Super Megazord!

“You won’t last that long!” Chrysalis shot another death ray and Dinky collapsed onto Trixie. “No more playing around!”

Green fire surrounded Chrysalis and she changed shape. Dinky’s eyes widened when Chrysalis’s wings expanded and she rose to her full height twice Dinky’s size. Chrysalis had transformed into a multi-headed dragon with glistening black scales and razor-sharp claws. Each head was a different color with their respective colors being red, blue, black, white, and green.

Okay, a hydra dragon. How wonderful. She cried out in surprise as a head struck at her with serpent-like speed and Trixie threw her to safety.

“Dinky, get out of here!” Ditzy shot more arrows, but they did little damage.

Chrysalis retaliated by gathering green fire in her mouths and shot it at Dinky’s mother. Sparks flew from Ditzy’s Zord as flames consumed it. Trixie barreled into Chrysalis, but she didn’t even budge and the hydra dragon swatted the Ursa Ranger aside like a fly. Chrysalis slithered over to Trixie and crushed the Usra Zord under its massive weight. Sparks flew and the terrible sound of metal rending filled the quarry.

Oh no, what can we do? The other Zords came to Trixie’s aid, but Chrysalis fought them off with her multiple heads with ease. Dinky tried to help, but the snap of Chrysalis’s fang drove her away.

“Grab me!” Miss Cheerilee’s Zord rolled next to her.


“I got a plan!” Cheerilee replied

Ditzy grunted as she lifted the Scale Zord into the air. It weighed more than it looked. “Now what?”

“Hold on and pull when I give a shout.”

Cheerilee’s chains extended and she threw them around all of Chrysalis’s heads. Distracted by the other Zords, she didn’t notice this until it was too late and Cheerilee’s chains grabbed hold of her many heads holding them tight. Chrysalis flailed around trying to get free.


Dinky pulled with all her might to force the massive hydra dragon off Trixie. It didn’t budge and Dinky thought it hopeless until the other Zords joined to help. Chrysalis cried out in surprise as she flew off Trixie and crashed into a nearby rock shattering it to pieces.

“Thanks, guys!” Trixie appeared beat up but otherwise fine.

Chrysalis roared as she rose and green flame gathered in her mouths aimed at Dinky and the Zords. Ditzy and the other Rangers created a protective stance around Dinky and readied themselves. Chrysalis fired, but the flames blew away as a mighty gust drove them off course.

“Hey guys, am I late for the show?” Lyra’s swan Zord flew from above.

“What?” Chrysalis cried out in surprise and her face impacted the ground as a giant beetle emerged from the ground under her and used its powerful horn to throw her off her hooves

“Sorry, it took so long.” Raindrops said. “Twilight almost killed herself teleporting from Cloudsdale to Canterlot.”

“Is she okay?” Trixie asked. The Zords gathered together facing the evil hydra dragon.

“She’s fine and resting,” Lyra said, “The poor girl teleported miles just to find us.”

Poor Twilight, I hope she’s okay.

“Uh, why is Dinky giant?” Lyra asked.

Ditzy sighed. “It’s a long story.”

“Come on guys, let’s finish this loser!” Trixie said. “Combine!”

The six Zords flew into the air. Raindrop’s Zord folding in and turned into a right front leg. Its head becoming the bottom of the hoof. Cheerilee’s Zord became the left front hoof. The scales combined with the side of the hoof on both sides. Ditzy and Carrot Top’s Zords became the back legs. Their heads also appeared on the bottom of the hoof. Lyra’s Zord’s wings folded and the legs and head folded into the body. It floated in the middle of the front and back legs. Trixie’s Zord floated in front of Lyra’s. It spread its arms and legs and the newly created limbs flew over them combining into new limbs. Lyra’s Zord flew behind Trixie’s and joined with its back. The new Zord fell from the sky to the ground on all fours. The bear head finally opened up and split in half to reveal a pony head. It had silver horns that curled back behind its head. The Galaxy Megazord was complete.

“You still can’t win!” Chrysalis gather fire and shot it towards the Megazord. Dinky shrieked and hid behind the Megazord. Sparks flew and the impact made the Megazord stumble.

Trixie grunted annoyed. “Is that all you got?”

The Megazord reached behind and grabbed both its wings with a hoof. They morphed into swords which is drew and slashed into Chrysalis’s belly causing her to cry out in pain. The Megazord didn’t relent and hack and slashed into its foe. Roaring in outrage, Chrysalis’s many heads bit into the Megazord’s head and sparks flew as her fangs dug into it. The Megazord struggled to free itself, but the fangs held it firm.

I got to do something! Dinky roared and charged into Chrysalis throwing her off balance.

“Thanks, muffin!” Ditzy said.

Dinky’s attack distracted Chrysalis long enough for the Megazord to pry Chrysalis’s heads off of itself. A barrel appeared under the Megazord’s right hoof and it shot several missiles point-blank into Chrysalis’s chest. The hydra dragon screamed. As she flew back Chrysalis transformed back to her true form as she impacted the ground she struggled to rise back to her hooves.

“Let’s finish this!” Trixie said.

“Yeah!” The other Rangers cried out in agreement.

“No, it can’t be!” Chrysalis said. The fight and transformation had exhausted her and she stood up only to fall back down again.

“Let me join in too!” Dinky smashed her hooves together ready to deliver some payback to the changeling who had tormented her for the last few days.

She ran towards Chrysalis and clotheslined her in the neck. Chrysalis’s head impacted the ground. The Megazord’s swords gathering energy around them and they turned dark red. It charged blades extended. Dinky grabbed Chrysalis by the legs and threw the queen right at the Galaxy Megazord.

“Big Bang Strike!” The Ranger cried together. The Megazord fused its swords together into one mighty double-bladed sword and slashed it towards the incoming changeling queen. The blades roared with furious dark red energy and created a shockwave as it slashed Chrysalis’s body. The mighty Zord turned it back on its opponent.

“No!” Energy erupted from Chrysalis’s body and exploded when she impacted the ground.