• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 799 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 13

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 13
by Rixizu

Dinky stared eyes widened in shock and horror. The Apple’s barn burst into flames, the hay inside igniting as the fire touched it. The changelings screamed in fear and panic behind her. Only Lyra wasn’t perturbed. She gave Dinky a smug smile, satisfied with herself.

“Nice going Antrum!” Lyra beamed.

“You’re not Lyra!” Dinky pointed an accusatory hoof. The real Lyra would never stand by while her friends were in trouble.

Lyra burst into uproarious laughter and her body shifted with green energy. A changeling stood in her place.

“Fools!” The changeling said. “Your only chance of victory is finished”

“Meninges!” Thorax’s jaw dropped in surprise.

“How did you learn the passcode?!” Dinky said. It didn’t seem possible. Hadn’t they been super secretive with it?

Meninges snorted. “It wasn’t hard to overhear. You went over it enough times. Changelings are experts in stealth and espionage!”

Darn it, Trixie! What were you thinking?! Now you’ve gotten yourself killed!

“Get out of our way.” Scapula stood protectively in front of Dinky and his three other buddies joined him. Dinky was glad she’d brought back up. If they hurried, it might be possible to save her mother and the others.

“Make me.” Meninges put up her hooves ready for a fight. “Our queen’s glorious plan won’t be denied, traitor”

“Please, my mother is in there!” Dinky pleaded, not fighting back the tears that stained her face. Her heart beat so hard and fast it hurt her chest. The fire was quickly spreading through the barn and it wouldn’t be long until the entire structure was aflame.

“Maybe you should have thought of that before you opposed us!” Meninges sneered, not moved even a little by her plight.

“That’s it!” Scapula jumped at Meninges and the two wrestled each other on the ground. The other changelings moved towards the barn, but Antrum blocked their path, ready for a fight.

“Dinky, I have a plan,” Thorax whispered to Dinky as the bigger changelings fought each other, “I’ll wake the Rangers. They have superpowers. They’ll get everypony to safety no problem. I’ve been in that barn a million times. I know exactly where the secret entrance is.”

Dinky looked at her friend in alarm. “What are you planning?”

“Distract them for me.” Thorax moved towards the barn giving Dinky no time to argue.

Please Luna, protect my friend. Dinky hated standing by while her friends risked everything. Her mother and the other Rangers were goners if Thorax faltered for even a moment. She couldn’t fail them!

“Hey, leave my new friend alone!” Dinky used her magic to grab a rock and threw it at Meninges’s face. It impacted right into her temple and the evil changeling glared at her while Thorax flew past her.

“Little brat!” Meninges spat and threw Scapula into her. Dinky’s body erupted in pain as the bigger changeling crushed her under his weight.

“Fool! He’s getting inside!” Antrum pointed towards Thorax, but it was too late and her friend flew into a window.

“Got it!” Meninges flew after him, but Dinky grabbed a branch with her magic and hurled it will every bit of her magical strength at Meninges’s back. She let out a cry of surprise as it disturbed her flight path, giving Scapula enough time to recover and plow right into her chest. A tree burst in two as they crashed through it. The three other changelings on Dinky’s side fought with Antrum preventing him from entering after Thorax.

“Thanks, Mistress Dinky!” Scapula’s hoof impacted into Meninges’s face.

I only hope it’s enough. Her heart throbbed with worry. Thorax was on his own and the fire grew every second.


Thorax sweated as the fire’s intense heat baked him alive. The fire had reached the hay bales, and they lit instantly. It would be mere moments before it reached the nearby support beam. He had to act fast, or they were all dead. He found the secret entrance in moments. It was hidden under some crates. He whinnied in fright as the fire crept towards them. He kicked the crate with all his strength as one caught on fire, they crashed into pieces against a plow.

There is it! Thorax grabbed the handle and pulled. It was heavier than it looked and he struggled to get it open. He doubled his efforts when something fiery crashed behind him increasing the temperature of the barn tenfold. He cried out in triumph when the hatch flew open and green light flooded from the entrance. Green luminescent sacks hung from the ceiling and inside each one was a pony.

He rushed towards the sack holding Trixie. She was the leader and best able to handle this crisis. He used his magic to tear the pod down and it burst open when it crashed to the ground. Thorax cursed when he realized he forgot to bring some antidote not knowing if she’d eaten the poisoned apples.

“What the hay?” Trixie groaned and looked around confused and rubbed her eyes like she’d awaken from a long sleep.

“Trixie, thank goodness!”

Trixie looked around and spotted the fire almost immediately. “Uh Thorax, why am I in a burning building? And what are these pods? Are they creepy changeling stuff?”

Why is she so calm?! She’s in a burning building! Thorax fought down his frustration and focused on the task at hoof.

“No time to explain. Everypony is in terrible danger!”

“Got it!” Trixie pulled out her morpher and thrust it forward. “It’s morphing time, Ursa!”

Thorax had heard about Trixie and her Ranger powers, but this was the first time he’d seen them in person. In a red flash, a figure in red armor stood in Trixie’s place. He’s never sensed such magical power from anyone before, not even his ex-Queen. Fire and determination erupted from Trixie’s aura which overwhelmed his changeling senses temporarily. No wonder Queen Chrysalis feared the Rangers. The Red Ursa Ranger was a creature of pure power.

Trixie hit the left button on her morpher and a red sword appeared in her hooves. In a single stroke, she cut each pod open and a pony dropped out of it.

“What the hay?” Applejack shook her head and looked up. “Why is the hay is my mah barn on fire?!”

Apple Bloom screamed and pointed at Thorax. “It’s one of those monsters!”

Applejack stood protectively in front of their sister and Thorax flinched and back away. “You ain’t getting away with this!”

“Yep.” Big Mac glared. The big stallion didn’t look so gentle where Thorax stood.

“Hold on!” Carrot Top pushed Thorax behind her to safety. “He isn’t a bad guy.”

“Yeah, he’s the reason we found out about the changeling plot.” Dinky’s mother chimed in.

“What are you talking about?” Apple Bloom said. “Look at em, he’s a monster if I’d ever seen one!”

“Yeah, it’s kind attacked me and mah family!” Applejack glared hatefully.

Was this the changelings’ future? Was Dinky wrong? He saw the hate and anger in the eyes of Applejack and her family. They’d never forgive his kind for what happened. Would other ponies do the same?

“Now hold yer horses!” Granny Smith whacked Applejack with her cane. “If Carrot Top says he’s fine, then he’s fine. He seems like a fine lad to me. Ya telling me all his kind is bad because of some bad eggs? Sides, do you think we should be discussing this in a burning building?!”

Applejack blushed rubbing her sore head and blanched at her foolishness. Why were they arguing in a burning barn?

“Is that everypony?” Ditzy looked around expecting more ponies. “Where’s Cheerilee, Twilight, and Raindrops?”

“Raindrops is getting help in Cloudsdale, as for the others.” Thorax furrowed his brow. “I’m not sure. I guess Queen Chrysalis didn’t put them in pods for whatever reason.”

“I got it!” Trixie said. “Remember, we were the only ones that didn’t get hypnotized. Something about apples? I guess the queen didn’t bother with them and focused on capturing us.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Ditzy replied, “she was even tougher than the last time I faced her. It also didn’t help 80 changelings attacked us at once.”

“We won’t underestimate her again.” Carrot Top slammed her hooves together.

“Yah coming or what?” Applejack and her family had already climbed the stairs. “Ya remember we’re in a burning barn right?”

“We’ll figure this out later.” Trixie grabbed Thorax and threw him on her back. “Grab on, I’ve got this!”

They rushed outside when Trixie blew a hole in one of the barn’s sides with her sword. Thorax sighed in relief as the cool air hit his face. The barn collapsed to pieces than exploded moments later much to Thorax’s confusion. No one besides him noticed or care about it.

“Mom!” Dinky held her mother tears in her eyes.

Tears were in Thorax’s eyes too. He’d never felt love like this before and it burned in his heart filling him with powerful emotions. Their love was infectious. Much to his relief, Scapula and the other changeling had restrained Meninges and Antrum and they lay against a tree tied up with rope.

“So you rescued them, good work!” Scapula rubbed Thorax painfully. “You got guts, grub!”

“Thanks,” Thorax replied blushing.

“These are my new friends!” Dinky gestured to Scapula and the other changeling with him. “Most of the changelings changed sides and turn against the Queen!”

“Yes, we serve Mistress Dinky now!” Scapula bowed.

Ditzy opened her mouth to ask what the hay he was talking about, but Dinky beat her to the punch. “It’s a long story! Don’t worry about it! Scapula just feels indebted to me! It’s fine. Don’t worry about it!” She visibly sweated and waved her hooves.

“Right,” Ditzy replied. She had a million questions but planned to ask them later.

Trixie laughed and slapped Dinky on the back. “Looks like the squirt had been through quite the adventure. Nice job.”

“What the hay happened to my farm?!” The real Applejack said as she got a good look at the state of her farm.

“This is a disaster!” Apple Bloom’s eyes widened in horror.

“Eep.” Big Mac said.

On closer inspection, the farm was even worse condition than Thorax had thought. Weeds were everywhere, and the place was total disrepair. Applejack looked heartbroken at the state of her precious apple trees. Thorax felt shame over what happened and feared the trees were ruined forever. Even if he wasn’t directly responsible, it was his kind that caused this mess.

“Uh, yeah sorry about that.” Thorax sagged to the ground. The other changeling shifted uncomfortably on their hooves.

“It ain’t yer fault sugarcube.” Applejack put a comforting hoof on his shoulder. “This is all that dang Queen’s doing. Pure evil this is!”

“Look, uh, we’ll help make up for this if we can.” Scapula said his ears drooping in shame and the other changelings nodded in agreement.

“That’s plum decent of you.” Applejack smiled accepting their apology. “This ain’t nothin’ a little elbow grease can’t fix.”

Thorax felt a pinch better, glad that Applejack and her family weren’t holding a grudge. Dinky beamed at him.

“What a mess.” Trixie picked up a fallen apple and examined it and sniffed it. “A lot of ponies will starve over this.” Thorax knew the changelings had taken over other Apple Trust farms. This was bad news for ponykind. The Trust had too much influence in the Equestrian Market. He couldn’t imagine how many bits the Trust would lose over this.

“Us Apples will weather this storm. It’ll take more than a few rotten apples to stop the Trust. Though something tells me the Trust got too big for its britches.” Applejack scowled. “We thought the Trust was too big to fail.”

“This ain’t as bad as it looks.” Granny Smith said. “Compared to da winter of 886, this is worms in a few apples! We’ll get through this!”

886? That was over a hundred years ago. I must’ve misheard. Ponies can’t live that long.

Carrot Top rubbed the back of her neck. “I’ll talk to the other farmers. We’ll make up the lost product somehow. Trixie’s right. This will damage the entire market.”

Applejack gave Carrot Top an appreciative smile. It wasn’t quite a friendship, but Thorax could taste grudging respect between them.

Granny Smith whooped and hollered. “Now you younglings get why we started the Trust. It ain’t to control the market, but a community to aid in time of trial.”

Community. The thought overwhelmed Thorax with emotion. If these vastly different ponies could join together, maybe changeling might become a part of it too.

“Alright, let’s find Twilight and Cheerilee then let’s kick that Queen’s butt!” Trixie smashed her hooves together ready for some payback.

“This is perfect!” Dinky whispered to Thorax. “The changelings are on our side, the Rangers are freed, and Raindrops is creating an army of pesagi to help us. I don’t see what could possibly go wrong!”

Seconds later the entire ground shook making everypony and changeling lose their hoofing. The ground shook even harder the next time. This was a thousand times worse than when they faced the cyclops.

“Ha! Looks like Humor pulled through!” Meninges broke into laughter.

“What do you mean?” Thorax asked. A deafening roar answered this question, and they looked up to see a giant monster trampling through town. Thorax had seen nothing like it. It was a monstrous bear, somehow blue and transparent with stars glittering inside it and a tiny changeling rode its head. It threw a paw into the clock tower at the town hall and it smashed into splinters.

“What the hay is that?!” Thorax pointed at the monster.

“Oh, come on!” Trixie said. “We just fixed the town! It better not smash my house.”

“Is that an Ursa Major, for real?” Ditzy added. “I thought they were a myth.”

“In our line of work, nothing is a myth,” Trixie replied, “we’ll be facing vamponies next I bet.”

“Face that, losers!” Meninges said.

“Please don’t hurt it!” Dinky pleaded and hugged her mother tightly. “A changeling is controlling it and making it do bad stuff!”

Ditzy smiled down at her daughter. “Don’t worry. We won’t, we’ll calm it down.”

Trixie beamed. “Yeah, no big deal. We won’t need our Zords for this.”

“But how?” Thorax asked. “It’s stomping around in a blind rage.”

“We’ll think of something.” Trixie ran forward towards town. It amazed Thorax how fast Trixie could run while transformed. She covered over a hundred hooves in seconds. Her allies transformed into their armor chasing behind.

“Let’s go!” Dinky said. “I have an idea! Scapula, stay here and watch over these bad guys!”

Scapula saluted. “Yes, Mistress Dinky!”

Dinky sighed and Thorax felt bad for her. Dealing with Scapula was bad at the best of times. He couldn’t imagine dealing with him every day for the rest of his life. Dinky jumped on his back and they flew into town at top speed and Thorax hoped her plan was a good one.


It was eerie as Dinky entered Ponyville proper. Usually when a giant monster attack, the citizens of Ponyville were rushing to safety or screaming about disaster. Instead, the whole town was silent as night except the sounds of the Rangers fighting off the Ursa Major trying to lure it away from town. Hypnotized ponies watch the rampage with a disinterest haze. Their lives didn’t matter to them at all.

Thorax cried out as the ground shook again and Dinky almost lost her hoofing. “Where are we going?”

“It isn’t far!” Dinky said trying to run despite the shaking. They stopped when a familiar figure jumped in their path.

“Apples!” Bon-Bon said thrusting an apple in Dinky’s face.

“Bon-Bon, there you are!” Dinky said relieved. She’d worried about the mare getting smashed like a bug by the Ursa. “Come with us!”

“Apples!” Bon-Bon didn’t listen and tried force-feeding Dinky an apple.

Dinky sighed and pushed the apple away with her magic. Her mind raced thinking of the best way to get her teacher to safety. “Thanks, but I know where we can even more apple! Millions more! Isn’t that right, Thorax?”

“Huh? Oh right! Yes, millions!” Thorax said realizing her meaning.

“Apples!” Bon-Bon tried feeding Dinky the apple again.

“Ugh, come on!” Dinky pushed Bon-Bon in the right direction with her head. It wasn’t easy, but the mare moved with them.

It took them what felt like a million years, but they eventually arrived at Sugarcube Corner. “Thank Luna, finally!”

“Apples!” Bon-Bon pushed the apple into Dinky’s cheek.

“Why here?” Thorax asked confused.

Dinky didn’t answer and ran inside. Changelings huddled under tables terrified by the racket outside. The floor was a mess with leftover pizza and paper plates littering the floor.

“Pinkie?” Dinky cried out into the room.

“Yes?” Pinkie appeared behind Dinky startling Thorax.

“Where’s Fluttershy?” Dinky asked.

“Fluttershy?” Thorax blinked confused.

“Apples!” Bon-Bon pushed the apple into Dinky’s eye.

“Over there!” Pinkie pointed to pink, yellow form hiding underneath a table shivering with fear. Poor Fluttershy hated monsters and scary sounds.

“Thanks, and can you please get Bon-Bon the cure!” Dinky replied. Bon-Bon pushed the apple in her face for the thousandth time.

“No problem!” Pinkie led Bon-Bon away much to Dinky’s relief.

“Fluttershy?” Dinky whispered and gasped when a strong hoof pulled her and Thorax under a table.

“Thank goodness,” Fluttershy said, “I was so worried something bad happened to you!”

“Me too,” Dinky replied, “Fluttershy, we need your help!”

“Me?! I can’t! There’s a horrible monster out there!” She shivered when the building shook. She peered around expecting monsters to jump out at her at any minute.

“How is she supposed to help us?” Thorax whispered.

“Trust me,” Dinky replied and turned her attention to Fluttershy. “Listen, an Ursa Major is trampling through town.”

“An Ursa Major!” Fluttershy squealed with delight. “I’ve only seen them in pictures and thought they were only a legend! They’re so cute!”

“Cute?” Thorax replied bewildered. Dinky had to agree with her changeling friend on this one.

“Yes, and a changeling is making it rampage through town!” Dinky said.

Fluttershy gasped horrified. “Then we have to do something!” She got out from beneath the table and stomped outside ignoring the tremors and ear bleeding roaring outside. She was a mare on a mission.

“Wasn’t she terrified out of her mind seconds ago?” Thorax watched this scene bewildered and speechless.

“She loves animals,” Dinky said in way of explanation.

Thorax muttered something about pony weirdness and followed Dinky as she chased after Fluttershy.