• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 797 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 10

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 10
by Rixizu

“Leave me alone already!” Dinky cried out as she ducked under an apple pie.

“You aren’t escaping us!” A changeling yelled behind her. Dinky ran under a bench, but it did little to slow her pursuer down.

Banana Peel, Thorax, please do something! I can’t keep this up forever. Dinky brightened as she spotted a doggie door in somepony’s back door and dove into it. She looked around for something to block the door and pushed a dining table chair in front of it. She knew that this wouldn’t stop her pursuers long and bolted through the house.

A black and chestnut colored fox terrier looked at her in surprise as she ran into the living room. His tag named him as Philip. The dog barked at her and ran around in a circle in front of a unicorn named Sea Swirl. He gave her sad eyes begging her to do something about his hypnotized owner. He licked Sea Swirl’s face to no avail and whimpered.

Dinky trotted over the poor thing and gave Philip a nice pat on the head. She felt bad for him. No one should see somepony they love like this. Dinky was grateful she hadn’t run into her mother yet. It would break her heart. She laughed when the terrier licked her on the snout. Philip froze and growled as three changelings entered the living room.

“Enough running!” The front changeling said panting. “You’ve caused us enough problems.” The terrier barked at the intruders and stood protectively in front on Dinky. The changeling gave him no notice at all.

Oh, no. What should I do? I’m cornered and I can’t let this poor little guy get hurt protecting me. She looked around and the front door was several feet away from her. She let out some words her mother didn’t know she knew, she’d never make it in time. The window was an option, but only a crazy pony would try that. Why did I let myself get distracted? How could our plan go so wrong?

Philip barked louder as they approached and Dinky took an involuntary step back. She thanked Celestia they had no apple related weapons in their hooves, but it was a small comfort. They outnumbered her and it would be a simple thing for them to overpower a small filly. One changeling extended a hoof to grab her but screamed in pain when the tiny yet brave terrier bit at her.

“Ow!” The changeling winced in pain. “Stupid dog!” The other changeling looked amused at her plight as the terrier bit at her again.

“Having trouble?” One changeling said.

“Shut up!” The lead changeling replied growling back. “Out of my way mutt!”

The lead changeling tried to grab the little dog by the collar, but he was ready for it and ducked under it with little difficulty. The changeling yelped when the terrier bit her in the back leg and she crashed into an end table knocking it over and landed painfully on it. She groaned and dove to grab the dog with both hooves only to crash into another changeling by mistake.

“Hey, watch it!” The changeling that got hit growled. The other two changelings broke out into laughter.

“Really? You can’t even take out a small dog.” A changeling wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Shut up!” The lead changeling said standing up. “I’m a scary changeling! An elite commando!”

“Sure.” The other changeling broke into laughter.

Dinky watched this amused. It reminded her that all changelings weren’t monster and were not unlike ponies, just like Thorax. It was the wicked queen that made them this way. A bark caught Dinky’s attention over the arguing, laughter, and jeering. Philip stood in front of the front door and ran in a little circle before pawing at the door.

Oh, right. I should escape while they are distracted. She dashed before the door.

“Hey, she’s trying to escape!” A changeling said pointing at her, but it was too late and Dinky tore open the door, gave the terrier a smile, and ran outside closing the door behind her.

“Get back here!” A changeling yelled. “Ow, stupid dog, get out of the way. Ow!” There was the sound of fighting and crashing.

“Get back here mutt!” More sounds of crashing. Dinky worried for Philip’s safety, but it sounded like the little guy would be okay. It didn’t look like the changelings were actually trying to hurt him and wanted to only lock him into a closet or something.

After ten more minutes of running around, she finally found a safe place to hide and nopony knew where she was. She had in the damp alley in between two apartment buildings. Dinky sat against a trash can to get her breath back glad she was out of danger of applezombification for the moment.

Now, what am I going to do? Dinky had long lost her friends and finding them would be difficult. She couldn’t continue on with their mission and a find a pegasi because Thorax had the cure. What a mess.

“Don’t worry Dinky; I’m coming to save you!” A voice said and Dinky peered out of the alley. Her mouth dropped as Banana Peel walking into town in her true form followed by an army of spiders. Most were the common variety, but some were almost as big as a colt.

“What the heck?!” A changeling cried out in fear and horror. “A spiderpony?!” The sight of Banana Peel brought absolute terror to the changeling’s hearts.

“Get them!” Banana Peel pointed at the changelings and the spiders charged.

The spiders ignored the apple possessed ponies and went for the changelings. The changelings tried to fight back with apple based products, but they had no power over the little guys and they jumped on the changelings biting them or wrapping them in webbing. It was horrifying to see somepony engulfed by spiders. Nopony paid her much notice, they were all too occupied fighting off the arachnids.

First bested by a small dog and now spiders. The changelings are not having a good day.

“Banana Peel!” Dinky walked up next to the mare.

“Dinky!” Banana Peel engulfed her in a multi-legged hug. “I’m glad you’re safe!”

“What is this?” Dinky gestured to the army of spiders. She winced when a changeling screamed when he was dragged into an alley by thousands of webs.

“I meant it to be my distraction, but after the changelings attacked you, I decided to use them right now.” Banana Peel replied. “My friends are going to fest nicely tonight, but I fear they might overeat. I really need to figure out a good workout plan for them. I can’t have them grow fat and lazy after all.”

“No, that’s horrible,” Dinky said cringing at what the spiderpony was planning, “we can’t do that!”

“Come on, it would only be five or six changelings.” Banana Peel pleaded. “Nopony would miss them.”

“No, no, no.” Dinky stomped her hoof. They might be bad guys, but this was too much. She hated the look of fear in the captured changelings’ eyes. They didn’t deserve this. Nothing did.

“They’re hungry and so am I!” Banana Peel said not giving up the point.

Dinky continued to glare at Banana Peel and gave the older mare the look her mom gave her with she was angry and disappointed with her daughter.

The spiderpony caved in and sighed with regret. “Fine. We’ll do this your way. It would spoil them anyway.”

I can’t believe that actually worked!

“Sorry, but the changelings are off limits.” Banana Peel yelled to her army. “Store them somewhere and come with me.”

The spiders all sagged disappointed and put away the forks and knives they’d been holding in their little legs. They dragged the captured changelings towards a nearby wall and stuck them there. Dinky sighed in relief. That was too close.

“Let’s find that pegasi before any reinforcements arrive.” Banana Peel said.

“Will this help?” Thorax said dragging somepony with him. “I don’t know if they’re a weather pony, but she should work just fine, right?”

“Raindrops!” Despite Raindrops being applewashed, Dinky gave the Hercules Ranger a hug. “She’ll work just fine.” Now they can learn what happened to the other Rangers.

“Ugh, what happened?” Raindrop said groaning after they splashed the antidote in her face. She shook her head confused.

“You’re all right Raindrop!” Dinky said.

“Dinky?” Raindrops looked around taking the chaotic scene around them in. “What the heck is going on?” She pulled out her morpher at the sign of Banana Peel and her army of spiders.

“Woah!” Dinky grabbed at Raindrops’s hoof before she could use her morpher. “They’re friends and good guys. Kinda. They helped me rescue you.”

“Did they?” Raindrops didn’t take her eyes away from the spiderpony. “What is going on?”

“I was hoping you would tell us,” Dinky replied, “the last time I saw you, you and the other Rangers went off to fight the changeling queen. Then everypony got possessed by evil apples and the changelings took over the town.”

Raindrops said nothing for a long moment gathering her thoughts. “I’m not sure. One minute we were confronting the fake Applejack, and then she pulled out a strange whistle than everything went black.”

“Ah, that must be what the queen used to activate the curse.” Banana Peel said. “You pushed her plans earlier than she wanted to. That allowed the little squirt here to avoid eating any of the poisoned apples and save the day.”

“You saved the day?” Raindrops replied in astonishment.

“Well, I had help.” Dinky blushed. “I rather not talk about it. Now we need to use Zecora’s antidote to save everypony else.”

Raindrops nodded when she heard the zebra’s name understanding lighting her eyes. “What do we need to do?”


It turned out that their plan required a little more help than they thought. Raindrops alone won’t be enough to cover the whole of Ponyville with enough clouds. This also didn’t count the other towns affected by the poisoned apples, but they would worry about them later. Freeing Ponyville and the other Galaxy Rangers was their priority. They decided that Raindrops should go to Cloudsdale and recruit the entire weather bureau. She took a bottle of antidote to cure any applewashed ponies. They didn’t know how far the changelings had spread their poisoned apples. They doubted there would be any changelings in Cloudsdale to stop her since Thorax confirmed that changelings can’t cloudwalk. It was interesting how they had the power to copy ponies, but not any of their magic.

All they needed to do now and wait for Raindrops to get to Cloudsdale. Unfortunately, Raindrops wasn’t a quick flier so it would take her a few hours. They wanted to use Rainbow Dash, but the weather captain was missing, as usual. This left Dinky and Thorax nothing to do. They hid in Fluttershy’s house on the outskirts of Ponyville while Banana Peel used hit-and-run attacks with her army of spiders to distract the changelings. The last thing they wanted was for them to catch on to their plan. It would also chip away at the changeling's numbers. Fluttershy served them ice cream while they waited.

“Oh dear, that was mighty brave of you,” Fluttershy said putting a scope of chocolate ice cream in a small bowl for Dinky. They’d freed her from the changeling's control before Raindrops left for her mission.

“Thanks,” Dinky replied enjoying the nice cool sweet snack on her tongue. Dear Luna, she needed this. She enjoyed the look on Thorax’s face when he tried ice cream for the first time. She never seen anyp-one so delighted in her life. They didn’t have ice cream in the changeling hive. It showed how much a monster the queen was.

“I’m just worried how my mom will react.”

Now she had time to think and relax. It hit how badly her mom will react to Dinky’s adventures in the last few days. Dear Luna, her mom would have a heart attack. Would she even be able to leave the house again? Her life might be ruined despite the fact she saved the day. She kicked at the next chair frustrated. Her mom wouldn’t understand. All she cared about was caging her daughter from the world. She would only be a foal that needed protection forever.

“I bet my mom will force me to wear a leash so I don’t accidentally stub a hoof,” Dinky said scowling.

The mood in the house turned awkward from Dinky’s sour mood. Even the ice cream lost its luster. Nopony said anything not sure what to say.

“Look, um, Dinky.” Fluttershy put a comforting hoof over Dinky’s shoulder. “I know your mom can be a little protective, but she only wants what’s best for you.”

“Yeah!” Thorax added. “You have the best mom ever!”

“I know what it is like to have parents that are protective,” Fluttershy said, “my dad was also so stern with me, but deep down he loved me more than anything. I think you need to be honest with your mom and tell her how much she’s smothering you. I don’t think she’s doing it on purpose.”

“I guess.” Dinky sighed. The doorbell rang surprising everypony. Dinky and Thorax exchanged glances.

“Oh, who’s that at the door?” She left them to answer the door. What a minute, who could possibly be the door? Everypony in town was under changeling control. It had to be a trap! Dinky cried out for Fluttershy to stop, but she was already at the door.

“Uh, hi Applejack. Nice seeing you here, did you get cured too?” That name turned Dinky’s blood ice cold.

“Yes, it sure has been a trying day.” Applejack said, and she stared right at Thorax.

Oh, ponyfeathers! It’s her!

“Found you, little traitor.” She spat green gunk at Fluttershy and it trapped her again the wall.

“Oh, dear!” Fluttershy said struggling against her bonds.

“You have something planned, don’t you?” Applejack said and Dinky and Thorax backed away in fear. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be waiting around like this.”

“How did you find us?” Dinky stuttered as she said this.

Applejack smirked. “You were the only house in Ponyville that turned their lights on.”

Dinky and Thorax glared daggers at Fluttershy.

“Sorry,” Fluttershy said her voice squeaking.

“You will tell me what you are up to, or I’ll make your deaths agony.” Applejack’s smile was cruel. “You will still die, but you get to decide how painful it will be.”