• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 798 Views, 31 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Dinky learns that Bon-Bon is a secret agent and wants to become one too.

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Chapter 1

Secret Agent Dinky
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

Dinky struggled against her bonds. Her captor played with some sort of high-tech machine. What the thing did, Dinky didn't have a clue. It connected to what looked like a giant death ray. It poked out of the old abandoned observatory’s roof and glinted in the sun. It was nothing but machinery and science gobbledygook to her. All she knew is that it did evil stuff and needed stopping. If she could escape from these ropes then the Galaxy Rangers would be free to kick this guy’s flank. The threat to her person was the only thing holding them back.

Why do these ropes have to be so tight?! Come on, Trixie would be out of these ropes in like five seconds. But try as she might, Dinky couldn’t get her hooves free at all.

A laugh interrupted her struggles. “Trying to escape, huh? Futile! Stay still while I activate my device. If the Galaxy Rangers even try to stop me, my newest creation will spell their doom!”

Her captor wore a green mask that covered most of her face, hiding her identity, and a red bodysuit with a black cape that hid her cutie mark. The most Dinky could make out about the mare was that she was an earth pony with a light orange mane and a pale greyish olive coat.

Sure, heard that one before, thought Dinky, rolling her eyes

“You don’t seem convinced. Do you know what my wonderful deadly device does? How little your Galaxy Rangers stand against it?”

"No, but I bet you will tell me even if I say no," Dinky replied with a weary sigh.

“My Atomic Striker destroys at a molecular level obliterating the very atoms of whatever it strikes! With my Atom Striker, I will destroy all of Canterlot, getting rid the Princess and the Night Court so I can become Empress of Equestria! Then no one can stop me and soon I will make all of the Universe mine! For I am Scuminator! Future ruler of all creation!”

Dinky stared blankly at her capturer. Why did she keep getting into these types of messes? There were so many things wrong with what she just said Dinky didn’t even know where to begin. She struggled for words for several minutes. She’d heard insane rants before, but this one was something else. A new level of insanity she didn’t even know was possible. At times like this, she really missed the time Corona foalnapped her. At least the fallen Princess at the time wasn’t this nuts.

“S-Scuminator, really?”

“Yes!” Scuminator extended her hooves into the air. “Isn’t it a name that inspires fear in all that hear it? From the tremble in your voice, I can already tell it’s doing its magic!”

“Just, er, but.” Dinky struggled for words again. “What would you even do with the universe if you took it over?”

Scuminator brightened. "I'm glad you asked!" She brought out a huge pile of notebooks and Dinky gapped at its size. There had to be at least 800 pages there. "This is my plan to bring intergalactic peace once I become Empress! It has my manifesto and everything! With this, I will bring the entire universe into a new age of enlightenment and prosperity. Everybeing will be free to pursue any fancy and will want for nothing! It will be glorious! I’ve been working on this for years now.”

Dinky sighed. At least the mare was well-meaning even if she was nutso crazy.

“Do you want me to read you some of it?” Scuminator asked holding one of the notebooks eager for an answer.

"No, that's okay," Dinky blurted, "I'm fine. Continue with whatever you were doing.”

Scuminator dropped the notebook back onto the pile looking down disappointed. “You’re right, I have Canterlot to destroy. Finally, Equestria will be free of the Night Court and its evil influence!”

“But, hold on!” Dinky said in protest. “The Princess doesn’t deserve getting her atoms destroyed! She didn’t do anything wrong!”

Scuminator shook her head sadly. “No, she has this coming too. Princess Luna’s incompetence is the reason the Night Court is so bad in the first place. She’s proven repeatedly she isn’t worthy of being our ruler. It’s best to put her out of misery before she makes things even worse.”

“That’s a little harsh, isn’t it?”

"It's sad, but it's for the best," Scuminator replied and patted Dinky’s head, "you'll understand when you're older."

Dinky grunted in annoyance. She hated whenever adults told her that.

Over the last couple of months, she had heard many adults complain about the Night Court and its corruption particularly Trixie. Dinky didn’t know much about politics, but it was clear to even her that ponies wanted change. Still, it seemed a little mean to blame it all on Princess Luna. She was only one pony and could only do so much! It was the nobles’ fault they were so evil and corrupt! They were the ones that did all that bad stuff. Ponies were so quick to assign blame even if it wasn’t that pony’s fault.

Scuminator rubbed her hooves together. “As nice as this little chat was, it’s time to finish the Night Court once and for all!” She worked on some buttons and levelers pushing and pulling them doing who knew what. Energy gathered at the tip of the death ray and it aligned its deadly aim right at Canterlot castle. Dinky sweated terrified at what might happen next.

“In thirty seconds, it will be the end for Canterlot.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” A figure crashed through a window and landed in front of them. It was the Red Ursa Ranger! It was Trixie!

"You're too late, fool!"

Much to Dinky's horror, more energy gathered at the Atom Striker's tip. Trixie ran to stop it, but there was no way she would make it in time. In a few more moments, it would be the end of Canterlot. Dinky closed her eyes unable to bear herself to watch the destruction. A moment passed and nothing happened. Dinky peeked an eye open and saw the death ray powering down. Not only that, but every other device in the room had no power anymore.

“What, you have got to be kidding me!” Scuminator kicked the Atom Smasher but to no effect. Dinky let out a sigh of relief. That was too close.

“Searing Blade!” Trixie swung her might sword and the atom destroying device exploded into a million pieces.

“Oh, come on!” Scuminator stomped her hoof. “I had to take out a loan to build that thing!”

Dinky yelped as a powerful aura pulled her into the air. The force was so fast that Dinky almost lost her lunch. She closed her eyes hoping it would stop anytime now. After what seemed like an eternity, her body stopped and she let out a sigh of relief. She peeked open her eyes and saw she was hanging mid-air in front of Twilight, the White Ranger. She stood on top of the roof and Dinky tried to not look down at the perilous and deadly fall underneath her if Twilight dropped her aura of levitation.

“Are you okay Dinky?” Twilight asked.

"Yes, please just put me down," Dinky said in a weak voice.

"Oh, sorry." Twilight levitated Dinky next to her and the filly was grateful to have something solid under her again. Twilight made quick work of the ropes holding Dinky. "I didn't mean to scare you. Sometimes I don't know my own strength." Twilight rubbed the back of her neck with an armored hoof.

“Dinky!” A pink blur appeared and pulled Dinky into a tight hug. Thankfully her mom wasn’t so rough and Dinky enjoyed the embrace despite the coldness of her mother’s armor.

"I'm okay mom," Dinky said nuzzling her mom, "she didn't hurt me or anything."

“That fiend! She won’t get away with this!” Ditzy said in a growl. She let go of her daughter and jumped down the hole into the final conflict with Scuminator.

“I hope they don’t hurt her too much.” Dinky looked down the hole to watch in the incoming fight. Scuminator might have been a crazy pony bent on universal domination, but she was nice enough host. She’d done nothing really threatening towards her.

“Where is everypony else?” Dinky asked.

“In Canterlot," Twilight replied, "they're hiding in wait in case Scuminator shoots her death beam. They planned to use their Zords to shield the city.”

"Clever," Dinky said. They really thought of everything, didn't they? Besides, it wouldn't take the entire team to take out a single mad mare.

“You destroyed my machine?” Scuminator pulled something from her cape. It was some sort of device and she attached to the top of her right hoof with a click. “No matter, I still have this to destroy you with!”

Scuminator pointed the hoof weapon at Trixie and before the Red Ranger could react shot her with it. Trixie hadn’t been ready for the speed of the blast and it hit her full on knocking her off her hooves and into a wall. Sparks flew from the point of impact.

Trixie groaned as she got back to her hooves. “Uh, that was not fun.”

Scuminator blinked in surprise. “Huh, I thought having your atoms torn to shreds would have done more than that.”

“You will have to do more than that!” Trixie raised a weak hoof into the air.

“You’ll pay for that!” Ditzy said in a snarl circling around Scuminator.

Dear Luna, foalnapping me must have really ticked mom off.

Panic filled Scuminator’s face as her opponent closed in on her at a frightening speed. Before she even had the ability to raise her weapon to fight back, the Pink Ranger was already on her using a speed Dinky had never seen before. In a blink of an eye, Dinky’s mom tripped Scuminator onto the floor with her staff, used a hoof to break the portable atom destroyer device, and pointed her bow staff to the supervillain’s throat.

"Okay, I guess you win," Scuminator said trying to talk past having a bow staff pressed against her trachea.

“Are you okay Trixie?” Ditzy asked as the Red Ranger approached.

"I'm fine," Trixie said her voice hoarse, "who would have guessed having your atoms torn to pieces would hurt so much. She unmorphed and didn't seem worse for wear, only a bit winded, thank Luna.

"Way to go, mom!" Dinky yelled down.

Dinky’s mom waved back and helped Trixie put Scuminator into hoof cuffs. It didn’t take long for the police to arrive to take the villain away. The Rangers and Dinky gathered together to watch to make sure the supervillain tried nothing funny.

“I don’t get it, she invented a beam that destroyed atoms, why didn’t she sell it?” Dinky asked. Couldn’t ponies use it as a mining tool or something? “This technology could be used for good.”

“Ha! Never!” Scuminator said as the police pulled her away. “I don’t want money, I want to save the world from the evil of the Night Court! The fact you defended them means you’re just as bad as them! You’re part of the problem!”

“Get into the cart.” A policepony said pushing the unmasked Scuminator in a cart with a cage in it. It had thick bars that Dinky doubted even a bodybuilding earth pony could bend.

“You hear me!” Scuminator fought against the police trying to push her inside. “You guys aren’t heroes!”

"Yeah, whatever," Trixie yelled back, "some ponies."

"Oh, muffin. I'm so glad you're safe." Ditzy pulled her into yet another hug.

“I’m fine mom, really!” Dinky turned red from embarrassment. She was far too old for this sort of treatment. The other Rangers laughed, and it made her feel even worse.

“The Night Court isn’t very popular nowadays.” Twilight said troubled.

"Oh, forget her," Trixie said with a dismissive hoof, "she was a nutcase. Not worth listening to at all. Besides, that's Princess Luna's job, not ours." Dinky guessed that was true. Not that she or anypony else heard anything about the Princess’s plan to fix the Night Court issue, but Dinky had no doubt Luna was working hard to make everything better.

"I guess," Twilight replied still not happy.

“Is it over already?” Bon-Bon asked as she ran towards them. “Shame.”

“Bon-Bon, what are you doing here?” Dinky asked.

“Nice going taking out that death ray thing," Trixie said, "that was way too close."

"It almost gave me a heart attack," Twilight added. “Who knows what it would have done to the Zords.”

"Yeah, it took me a while to find the power generator." Bon-Bon rubbed the back of her neck. "Scuminator hid it well."

“Oh, so it was you who saved our flanks!” Dinky shrunk at a glare from her mom. “I mean backends.”

“Just doing my part.” Bon-Bon turned red with embarrassment.

"Yes, for a candy maker, you're surprisingly useful," Trixie said.

Yeah, that is kinda of weird. It always surprised Dinky how good Bon-Bon could be. Somehow, she always had useful talents to get them out of jams. She’d seen Bon-Bon spar with Trixie and was more than able to hold her own with the Red Ranger. Were all candy makers this multi-talented? Lyra was lucky to have a marefriend like her.

“Come on, let’s go get some cupcakes," Trixie said changing the subject, "I'm starving!"


"Mom, this isn't necessary," Dinky said for the fifth time at least.

“Nonsense, it’s to keep you safe, muffin!” Ditzy once again pushed the bracelet towards her daughter.

"I don't need it!" Dinky fought back her temper. She didn't need a tracking device. The thought of her mom knowing her every movement horrified her. Worse, her mother was calling her muffin again. She hated that nickname. It made her feel like a filly.

“What if you get foalnapped again?” Ditzy asked.

Dinky winced. "I'll think of something." Even if this was the eighth time somepony had foalnapped her, she still refused to wear that stupid thing. Not even if she’d been foalnapped eighty times.

"It's for your own good." Twilight, the one who created that accursed thing, said. “Just think of it was a warning system if something goes wrong. It will only be temporary.”

“I don’t need it!” Dinky replied with a scowl.

"Just let her be," Trixie said coming to her defense, "if she doesn't want it, then she doesn’t want it.”

“Stay out of this.” Dinky’s mom said in a growl.

"She's growing up Ditzy," Bon-Bon said, "she just wants a little freedom."

Ditzy pulled Dinky into a hug. “She’s still my little muffin and still a foal!”

“Mom!” Dinky turned bright red.

“Oh, hey look!” Trixie said out of the blue and pointed a hoof towards Pinkie Pie. “Our order is here.” Trixie used her magic to pull the tracking device into her cape while everypony was distracted and gave the besieged filly a wink. Dinky gave her a nod of gratitude.

“One garlic and chocolate cupcake, one blueberry muffin, and two cupcakes with extra frosting.” Pinkie gave everypony their order.

“I swear where do these nutcases even come from?” Trixie asked as Pinkie left them for other customers.

“I know right?” Twilight replied. “That’s the fifth one this month! Wait, where did that bracelet go?” Twilight looked under the table for her missing tracking device.

“It makes you wonder what Equestria did before the Rangers came along.” Dinky shrugged when Twilight gave her an accusatory glare.

"No kidding," Bon-Bon said, "It's a good thing we have the Rangers around to take care of ponies like Scuminator."

"Oh! Maybe Princess Luna has super-secret black op agents that fight ponies like that!" Pinkie said as she passed their table with a platter full of orders in her hooves.

"Yeah, right," Trixie said with a scoff, "she's not the black ops type. If she did, I would have heard of it by now! I'm her student after all. Besides, Princess Luna is terrible at lying and keeping secrets! She can barely hide what my birthday presents are.”

“Awww.” Pinkie said in disappointment.

“Where the heck is that bracelet?” Twilight growled in frustration. She lit her horn for some spell. “It has to be here. I can detect it with my magic!”

"Well, if you put it that way than you probably have a point," Bon-Bon said.

Dinky nodded in agreement though she still found it kind of weird. What did Equestria do against supervillains without the Rangers around? Putting that thought out of her mind, she dug into her cupcake. She doubted anywhere in Equestria had cupcakes as wonderful as Sugarcube Corner. Trixie and Twilight argued about the bracelet again, and Bon-Bon and her mother talked about nothing in particular. Bored, Dinky decided to do something in the youth center part of Sugarcube Corner.

When the bakery got destroyed by one of Corona’s monsters, The Cakes and Pinkie Pie used the insurance money to renovate the building into a bakery/youth center. It was one of the most popular places in Ponyville and Dinky always enjoyed coming here. She thought about what she might want to do for the youth center had a multitude of options. The climbing wall sounded fun, but she didn’t feel it at the moment. Nor was she in the mode for Racquetball. She brightened when she noticed her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo playing in the swimming pool.

"Mom, I'm going swimming," Dinky said, "is that okay?"

Ditzy looked over to the pool and brightened when she saw her daughter’s friends. “Sure thing, muffin. Stay as long as you like. Be sure to be home by 7, okay?”

Dinky nodded with enthusiasm.


“Yeah?” Pinkie tilted her head in puzzlement.

"Make sure my little muffin gets home safely," Ditzy asked.

"Mom!" Dinky turned beet red. She was too old for this! Too old!

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie replied and went back to her work.

“It’s for the best muffin.” Ditzy pulled her into yet another hug. “You might get foalnapped again.”

"Yes, mom," Dinky said through clenched teeth.

She decided it would be for the best if she put her mother’s overprotectiveness out of her mind for now and enjoy time with her friends. It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out a way to ditch Pinkie later. She could walk home by herself thank you very much. She greeted her friends by launching into a cannonball right next to them splashing them all and the fillies broke into roarous laughter.


Dinky poked her head out of a trash can ears flicking from side to side on high alert. So far, the coast was clear and there was no sign of her pink chauffeur.

Ha! She’ll never find me now! Brushing leaves off her head, she exited the can trying to make as little noise as possible. Still, Dinky had no intention of getting careless and stuck to the shadows as the sun set above her.

Nopony was about as Dinky traveled home. This time she wouldn’t get foalnapped. She planned to prove to everypony that she could take care of herself. By Luna almighty, there would be no more foalnappings! She drove into a bush when two voiced approached her.

“Later Bons!” called Lyra. Obviously, the bard had made the trip back from Canterlot. “See you back at home.”

"You too," Bon-Bon replied, "what's this meeting Trixie's called about?"

Lyra rolled her eyes. “I don’t know. Some stupid thing about evil clone or duplicate awareness. That mare is paranoid about one of us being replaced by some malevolent influence or whatever. Waste of freaking time if you ask me!”

Bon-Bon broke into a laugh. “That sounds like her.”

"She'll get over it eventually, until her next paranoid delusion." With that, she left her marefriend.

Dinky was about to leave to get back home, but something caught her eye, Bon-Bon wasn’t traveling towards her home going the opposite direction instead to the edge of town. Dinky told herself that if Lyra’s marefriend wanted to go off and do something it wasn’t her business, but she noticed something strange about the mare’s baring. Bon-Bon was being strangely careful about her surroundings like she was worried about being followed.

What are you up to Bon-Bon? Dinky followed behind her. It was probably nothing and there was a reasonable explanation why the mare was acting so odd, but Dinky thought what the heck and let her curiosity get the better of her.

Dinky watched the mare walking into what she knew was a dead-end alley. All that was in there were some trash cans and a door that lead into the bowling alley. For some reason, Bon-Bon tapped on a brick wall hitting bricks in a certain order. She finished with one in the center and, much to Dinky’s astonishment, the floor of the alley opened to reveal a staircase. What the hay was going one?

Unable to control herself, Dinky followed behind the mare keeping close to the ground making a little noise as possible. Bon-Bon didn’t notice, too caught up in her own thoughts. The stairs soon closed behind than and it hit Dinky just how reckless of an action this was. She knew nothing about this place or Bon-Bon’s intentions. She prayed to Luna that she didn’t just make the worst mistake of her life.

Before she was a long dark passageway and at the end of it was a door. Dinky hid in the shadows and waited for Bon-Bon to go inside before following. She made sure to only open the door a crack as she peeked in. Inside was an office full of filing cabinets and Dinky doubted even Luna's personal accountant had these many files. On one wall were weapons and gadgets many of which Dinky couldn't even begin to identify all hanging on a peg in a neat row. In the center of the room, Bon-Bon sat at a desk. Much like Bon-Bon's own candy-making kitchen, it was orderly with everything in its proper place and had a pile of papers to the side in a neat row.

“Junebug, also known as Scuminator, was apprehended by local police with aid by the Galaxy Rangers," Bon-Bon said as she wrote on a piece of paper with her mouth, "remains of atom destroying devices sent to the technology department. No casualties and Dinky Doo was rescued unharmed. Recommend Junebug be sent to Canterlot Psychiatric Hospital. Details of her mental condition will be described in a separate file.”

What is this? Dinky gapped. Was Bon-Bon a spy for one of the Night Court Nobles? It was clear Bon-Bon wasn't who she seemed. Dinky had an urge to confront the mare right then and here, but no. That would be a horrible idea and Dinky feared for her safety. Who knew what Bon-Bon might do to protect her secret? Trixie needed to know about this! In her haste to escape, she accidentally tripped over her own hooves and fell flat on her face.

“Ow.” Dinky found herself splayed all over the floor. So much for a graceful escape.

“Who’s there!” Bon-Bon spun around and threw her chair aside in a single motion then went into a fighting stance ready for a fight.

“Uh, hi,” Dinky said in a small voice.

“Dinky?!” Bon-Bon gapped at her in shock.