• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 2,344 Views, 63 Comments

Canterlot High Days - James Pwyll

  • ...

The Next Generation

"Hear ye, hear ye! Ah call this meetin' o' the Canterlot High Youth Association open!"

Apple Bloom banged her gavel, which was really just a commandeered squeaky toy, onto her desk, starting the meeting. She was, at the moment, surrounded by many of her peers from her class. There was Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo of course, but there was also her cousin, Babs, as well as one-time-but-not-anymore bullies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. A few of the boys from her class were there too, and after surveying all of those in attendance, Apple Bloom gave a hearty smile.

"Alrighty then! Before we get started, does anyone have any business from the last meetin'?"

Celestia was practically fawning over this sight.

"Oh, that is simply precious!"

Discord rolled his eyes.

"Ugh! Skip!"

He was then nudged in the side by his royal companion, earring an expected grunt on his part.

"Okay! Fine! We'll keep watching! But it had better get interesting!"

Diamond, naturally, was the first to want to talk.

"Yes, there is some business to talk about!"

Scootaloo slapped her forehead.

"Okay, here we go."

Diamond, ignoring her, said what was on her mind.

"As you all know, my Father is planning a nice yacht vacation for him, me and my Mother, and I brought this up at the last meeting."

"...So?" Babs enquired.

Diamond frowned to her.

"So...nobody went 'oooh' or 'aaah' like they were supposed to. Clearly my announcement warranted more awe than that!"

They all stared at her for a time, and ultimately, Apple Bloom sighed with exasperation.

"So...does anyone have anythin' important ta talk about?"

Diamond sat back in her chair, huffing indignantly while Silver patted her on the shoulder. Apple Bloom, looking around, saw that there was nothing else that anyone wanted to talk about, and so gave a firm nod.

"Alright...then we'll move onto the big announcement fer this week's meetin'..."

She smiled, gesturing to the other side of the room.

"...that we have three new members comin' in today!"

All eyes turned to see that there was indeed three more youngsters there, all sitting quietly together. The first was Spike, who nervously waved to the group.


Still smiling, Apple Bloom pointed to him.

"Why don't ya introduce yerself ta us?"

Realising he was now the centre of attention, the boy gulped, then got out of his chair and, after adjusting his collar, cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well...er...my name is Spike, and I'm glad to be here. I'm new here at this school and I look forward to doing well here."

The others nodded to him, then Silver gained a look of curiosity to her.

"Wait...aren't you Twilight's brother?"

Realising that he was already known, at least through his sister, Spike nodded. Upon realising this, Babs gave a chortle.

"Hey, looks like the Youth Association has its own egghead now."

Spike frowned to her, earning him a softer look from the girl.

"Er, no offence."

But Spike eased off fairly quickly.

"No, it's fine. Honestly, Twilight was always the brains of the two of us, but I like to think I'd have still done well if I'd have gone into Crystal Prep."

Upon hearing the name of this almost-school, the group shuddered.

"Ugh! You'd have gone there?! Good thing we rescued you then!" Scootaloo remarked with a smirk.

Attention soon turned to the second of the new arrivals, a boy more-or-less the same age as Spike, who actually looked more nervous to be there than the former. After being looked at by Spike, the other lad gained his courage, standing up himself before starting to speak.

"I...um...my name is Terramar. I have a sister here too. Silverstream?"

Hearing that, Sweetie Belle smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Ooooh! No pressure, but she's pretty fun to be around. Are you like her?"

Terramar laughed a little bit, shaking his head.

"No, she was always the more fun one. Actually, she was the one who said I should come here to this club. I've never really been that good at...you know...putting myself out there."

Spike looked to him with a knowing smile.

"Preaching to the choir, buddy."

Terramar smiled back to him, and Apple Bloom was rather pleased to see this.

"See? Y'all are makin' friends already!"

It couldn't be denied that the newcomers were having a fun time so far, but it soon became clear from the look on her face that, for Diamond, something had suddenly sparked in her mind.

"Wait...you say Silverstream is your sister?"

Terramar turned to her.


Diamond looked to him with intense focus.

"So...that means you're also related to that Queen from Europe or whatever? Novy?"

Terramar cleared his throat.

"Novo. And yeah, she's my Aunt."

Now, most of the kids were understandably awed by the fact that they had literal royalty in their midst, but Diamond had certain other feelings at the moment, and soon a sly smile crept onto her lips. Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed her chair and screeched it along the floor, planting it right next to the boy's. Naturally, Terramar was a little taken aback by this, but was far more so when Diamond started leaning closer to him, seeming more than a little flirtatious in her tone.

"So...you're a Prince, right?"

The hapless boy darted his eyes about in a worried manner before shrugging his shoulders.


Diamond's smile widened.

"You know...that yacht my family and I are going on has enough room for one more...if you're interested?"

Terramar, lost for words, fumbled a bit, but he was thankfully saved from Diamond's advances by the timely arrival of Sweetie Belle, who grabbed onto her "friend's" ear, pulling her away.

"Oh no you don't!"

"Owowowowowowowowow!" Diamond mumbled.

The other kids laughed of course, but it was soon remembered that there was still the matter of the third recent arrival, and this time, it was a girl, with bright blue curls, who had been sitting quietly through all of this. But, she soon gained the attention of the leader of the Association.

"An' y'all?"

The girl timidly stood up, looking to all in the room, before finally announcing herself.

"Oh, my name is Cozy. Cozy glow."

Celestia tensed up, staring quietly at the girl after she'd declared her name, all while Discord winced and looked away.


But Celestia sighed shortly afterwards.

"No...it's fine. This girl is not her Equestrian counterpart. She has done no wrong."

She perked up slightly.

"Besides, that world has no magic, so it's not like she even could do those things that our Cozy did!"

Nodding, she seemed to be a bit more accepting of the matter.

"I'm sure this girl is nothing but a sweet innocent!"

Discord nodded, albeit slower.


"So, Cozy, tell us about yerself," Apple Bloom asked.

But before the other girl had the chance to actually do so, there was an interruption in the form of her phone starting to ring. She looked down to the pocket on the side of her skirt, then looked to the others, reasonably embarrassed by this.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I thought I switched it off!"

Scootaloo waved her off.

"Hey, it's fine."

Cozy took her phone out, looking to the name on the screen, at which point her eyes widened slightly, and she giggled nervously.

"Um...could I just...one moment?"

Apple Bloom nodded, giving consent for her to step outside for a bit, which Cozy did. All others watched as she left their club-room, closing the door afterwards, at which point Spike then looked back to Apple Bloom.

"So, not to sound rude, but, us three don't really know all of you, so..."

Hearing that, Apple Bloom slapped her forehead.

"Oh! Right! How silly of me!"

She turned, gesturing to her other friends.

"Well, to start with, y'all know Sweetie and Scoots of course."

Spike and Terramar gave a little wave to them, and the two girls in question waved back, leading to Apple Bloom then pointing to the next few girls.

"Over there is mah cousin, Babs, an' Diamond an' Silver."

"Hey," Babs said with a nod, while Diamond and Silver just gave a casual glance in their direction. Finally, Apple Bloom pointed to the other three boys, who had thus far said nothing in this meeting.

"An' those three are..."

Sadly, she was interrupted by Diamond.

"Ugh! I'll finish this one!"

She ignored the irritated look Apple Bloom gave her and instead pointed to the first, Tender Taps.

"That's dancing boy..."

Tender blushed slightly while Diamond pointed to Rumble.

"...grumpy boy..."

Rumble folded his arms and frowned to that, and Diamond finally gave her last point to Button Mash.

"...and game boy!"

The final boy laughed.

"I get it!"

The whole room collectively rolled their eyes at his reaction, and Apple Bloom, while a little miffed at Diamond's hijacking of her introductions, nevertheless smiled for the two remaining new members of her Association.

"Well, ah hope y'all an' Cozy have fun here at Canterlot High. We have fer years now!"

However, Spike soon started to look confused.

"Wait...shouldn't you have graduated by now then?"

That just earned him a few laughs from the girls.

"Oh Spike! Don't worry, you'll spend years in this year!" Sweetie Belle explained.

The two new boys blinked slowly, prompting Scootaloo to lean in closer.

"Trust me, you'll get used to it."

They very much doubted that, but stayed quiet and just gave a polite smile. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom looked to their clubhouse door, looking a little worried.

"Huh, ah wonder how Cozy's gettin' on?"

Stepping down from her desk, she walked over to the door, opening it up to reveal Cozy on the other side, who was just finishing her phone conversation.

"...and then dump him in the river."

Apple Bloom, having not caught that, instead cleared her throat, causing Cozy to snap her head towards her.


Apple Bloom paused here.


But Cozy soon recovered.

"Oh! Er...I was just...talking with my Mom. You know, likes to call and see how I'm doing."

Apple Bloom smiled.

"Neat. So, y'all wanna come back in?"

Cozy nodded enthusiastically.

"Oh, yes please! I can't wait to make all kinds of friends here!"

Apple Bloom gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Then welcome ta the Association, friend!"

Seeing all of that, Celestia took a deep breath, then slowly sighed.

"...Sometimes...I'm too hopeful for my own good."

Discord chuckled.

"Hey, you said it, not me."