• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,653 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

The Budding Bluebell

Out in Ponyville, Bebop and Rocksteady were walking about carrying bags of stuff, “Man, why do we have to have grocery duty?” Bebop complained.

“Is because we lose coin toss, comrade.” Rocksteady reminded him.

“I think Mikey was using a same sided coin.” Bebop grumbled.

“Don't pout, Bebop. We got everything on Princess' list. We just have to go to castle.”

“I say we take our time.” the master thief suggested, until they saw glowing on their flanks.

Rocksteady saw his cutie mark which was the hammer and sickle emblem glow through his pants, and Bebop looked and saw his own cutie mark being an image of his visor with one of his Z shaped bombs inside it glowing through his pants.

“That might not be possible, comrade.” Rocksteady said.

“Then let's get to the castle.” Bebop sighed, as the two hurried back.

Inside the throne room, Twilight was sitting at her throne, until the doors opened and the duo stepped in, “Princess, we bring groceries!” Rocksteady announced.

“And our butt tattoos are glowing.” Bebop added.

“They sure are.” Twilight confirmed.

“We is being called by Friendship Map?” Rocksteady asked hopefully.


“How about that, some pony actually needs our help.” Bebop said.

“So where is we headed for?” Rocksteady inquired.

Twilight showed them the map, and the spot where their cutie marks were floating above, “You two are headed for Mount Everpony.”

“Mount Everpony?” Bebop asked, as he looked to Rocksteady who replied.

“Names write themselves now.”

“That mountain is not only cold all year around, but it's also treacherous, and not easy to climb. Whoever lives out there must be used to it.” Twilight explained.

“We're gonna need all the hiking equipment we need.” Bebop said.

“Already taken care of,” Twilight levitate backpacks with mountain climbing tools to them, followed by winter jackets in their size, “Make sure to bundle up too. It'll be chilly. So are you two ready for your first Friendship Mission?”

“We got this, Princess.” Bebop saluted.

“Da. Friendship Mission is piece of cake for the Bebop and Rocksteady.” Rocksteady confirmed.

“Then I wish you both the best of luck.” Twilight said, as the two bowed their heads and took off.

After a long train ride, the two pony mutants dawned their winter jackets and started trekking up the snow covered mountain. As they got midway up the mountain they had to power through the blistering wind and snow, with Bebop up front using the heat sensors in his visor to determine where anything with heat could be.

“See anything, comrade Bebop?” Rocksteady asked.

“Nothing yet, Rock, but it can't be far now,” Bebop answered, before noticing a strong heat signature, “Wait, I think I see something.”

“Finally. Maybe is friend who can help us.” Rocksteady said.

As they got closer their look of relief turned into a look of worry as they saw the heat signature came from a yeti beast.

“I don't think this is a friend.” Bebop told his friend, as the yeti roared.

“Definitely not friend.” Rocksteady cried, as the beast tried to attack the two.

“Back off hairy boy.” Bebop said, as he used an energy mohawk on it and distorted it.

Rocksteady roared, as he rammed the beast from the side making it roll across the snow, “You get rocked by Rocksteady!” he pumped his fists up.

The yeti got back up and fought the two again who were using their speed and strength combined to overpower it, but the beast kept coming back for more.

“Dang, this thing's stubborn.” Bebop said.

“What we do?” Rocksteady asked, until a unicorn arrived on scene and spoke up.

“Leave this to me.” she reached into her sack and pulled out some fish before tossing it to the yeti who took it in his mouth and left.

“Hey, thanks.” Bebop said, as the pony approached.

“No problem. But what're you two doing here on this mountain?”

“We is on a mission by Princess Twilight.” Rocksteady explained.

“You know Princess Twilight?” the unicorn gasped.

“Yeah. We're friends of hers.” Bebop answered.

“That's amazing. I have two friends visiting me who know her too.”

“You do?” they asked.

“Yeah. My name's Glitter Drops. And who're you two?”

“Name's Bebop.”

“And I be the Rocksteady.”

“Nice to meet you two. But listen you don't wanna be out here too long. Come with me to my cottage I own up here.” Glitter offered.

“Thanks.” Bebop said, as the two followed.

“So what kind of mission are you two on?” Glitter wondered.

“We're on a Friendship Mission.” Bebop explained.

“Da. Friendship Map send us here to solve friendship problem.” Rocksteady added.

Glitter stopped and gasped, "Really? That's great!”

“How so?” Bebop wondered.

“My two friends who're visiting are sort of going through a tough time. And I'm not exactly sure how to deal with it.”

“Sounds like we found our problem, Rocksteady.” Bebop nudged his partner.

“What luck.” the big unicorn said in relief.

“Come on, we're almost there.” Glitter said, as the pressed on before seeing a cottage up ahead.

“That it?” Bebop asked, as Glitter confirmed.

When they reached the cottage, Glitter opened the door and let the travelers in, “Ooh, nice and toasty.” Rocksteady said feeling warmer already.

“I'm back, guys!” Glitter called out.

The three heard arguing, and trotted over to see two figures before a fireplace arguing. The first was what looked like a unicorn pony with a stub of a horn, and the second looked like a gray furred hedgehog with white hair.

When Glitter saw they weren't listening, she cleared her throat loudly, “AHEM!”

The two stopped and saw her, “Oh, Glitter, how long have you been there?” the unicorn mare asked.

“Just got back, and I brought some travelers with me.” Glitter showed them the mutant pony duo.

The hedgehog gasped, “Tempest, more mutant ponies!”

“I can see that.” the unicorn named Tempest said rudely.

“Now you two. Behave yourselves around guests,” Glitter warned them, “Anyway, this is Bebop and Rocksteady. Boys, this is my old childhood friend Fizzlepop, or Tempest. One of the two. And this is Grubber.”

Bebop and Rocksteady studied the two, before Rocksteady realized, “Bebop, this unicorn is comrade Blade Swipe's partner and sweetie.”

“Hey, Rock, you're right.” Bebop realized.

Tempest asked in confusion, “Wait, you know Blade Swipe?”

“Da. We is friends.” Rocksteady asked.

“We're also friends with some others you know.” Bebop added.

“You mean Princess Twilight, her friends, and the turtles?” Tempest asked.

“You betcha.” Bebop confirmed.

“Well, how's that for a surprise?” Grubber asked, before offering the two some cake, “Cake?”

“Don't mind if I do.” Rocksteady said, as he took a slice.

“You two make yourselves comfy. I'm gonna make some hot cocoa.” Glitter said, as she went for the kitchen.

The two mutants sat down by the fire, as Rocksteady spoke, “We heard you two try to drain magic from princess friend and almost conquered Equestria.”

“Back when you worked for this Storm King.” Bebop added.

Tempest sighed, “Yes. Whatever they told you was true. But Twilight, her friends, and her allies helped me see how powerful friendship can be. And when you have friend anything can happen.”

“Princess Twi said you went on a whole quest to spread the word of your former boss' defeat.” Bebop added.

“Yes. Grubber and I traveled from all over Equestria, from Everfree, Chicoltgo, Appleloosa, Horseolulu, New Horseleans, and even the Crystal Empire. During our travels we also decided to help any pony in need just to prove we've changed.”

“Well, I've certainly changed, but I can't say the same for Grumpy Pants here.” Grubber motioned to Tempest who frowned.

“Watch it, Grubber!”

“Hey, it's not my fault you're still temperamental!”

“At least I'm not constantly stuffing myself and thinking about my stomach!”

“Hey, I can't help if I get hungry so easily!”

The two mutants watched the two argue, as Rocksteady spoke to Bebop, “And I thought former comrades Dog Boy and Fish Man could argue.”

Glitter came back and saw what was going on, “Not again,” she sighed, as she came between them, “Break it up already, you two! Why do you have to behave this way?”

“She started it!” Grubber accused.

“You're the one who started it!” Tempest argued back.

Bebop couldn't take it anymore and used glue bombs on their mouths shutting them up, “That's better, I can finally hear myself think again,” Bebop said in relief, “Now listen up, yo! This ain't any way for friends to behave. I mean you've known each other for a long time while serving under the Storm King, and you really wanna let some petty argument drive a wedge between you two?”

“Da. You should be lucky you have each other,” Rocksteady agreed, “Just as I lucky to have Bebop for friend and comrade. Princess say you two set out together to show Equestria you can be better. But this is far from being better.”

The two removed the glue from their mouths, “I honestly am starting to wish I went on my own again instead of letting this useless glutton tag along.” Tempest began.

“Well, I'm starting to wish I went off on my own too!” Grubber argued.

“Then it's settled, when the storm dies down, we go our separate ways!” Tempest shouted.

“Fine!” Grubber shouted back.

“Fine!” the two stormed away and went into two separate rooms.

The duo and Glitter looked at both sides the two took off individually in, before Glitter spoke up, “This is just so sad.”

“This Friendship mission is harder than we thought.” Rocksteady said.

“I know, Rock. What do we do now?” Bebop asked, as the two sighed.

Later on, as the storm died down outside, Bebop and Rocksteady were walking around trying to come up with a plan to help Tempest and Grubber settle their differences.

“Rock, we're in trouble,” Bebop began while pacing, “If we don't find a way for Tempest and Grubber to make peace our friendship mission is toast!” he cried.

“I know, but what can we do right now? We tried talking to them.” Rocksteady noted.

“maybe talk won't do it, so maybe we'd need a different approach,” Bebop said, “Question is what?” he suddenly looked down and saw a single bluebell flower popping out of the snow and looked as alive as flowers do in the spring, “Yo, Rock, check it out!”

“What is it, comrade?” Rocksteady came over.

“Look at this. How can flower live up here in the snow?”

Rocksteady looked at it and gasped, “Bebop, is no ordinary flower. It is Budding Bluebell.”

“A what?”

“Budding Bluebell. A magical flower that grows even in snowy weather. When sniffed it causes anyone to be in a happy mood,” Rocksteady explained, only to see Bebop giving him a blank stare, “What? I read book, Princess Pony gave us. Was long train ride.”

“Uh-huh,” Bebop replied, until a light bulb appeared above his head, “Yo, Rock, I got an idea. And this flower's gonna help us.”

“What you have in mind, comrade Bebop?” Bebop snickered, as he gathered Rocksteady close to explain his plan.

Later on, Tempest and Grubber each with a packed bag were about to take off on their own, until the mutant duo came back, “Hey, guys. Where ya goin'?” Bebop asked.

“Our separate ways.” Tempest answered while glaring at Grubber.

“Like we said we would.” Grubber added, shooting her the same look.

“Before you hits road, might we trouble you for one teensy favor?” Rocksteady requested.

“What is it?” Tempest asked sounding bored.

“When Bebop and I are feeling like we get on each others nerves, we find nothing better than to stop and smell the flowers just to feel refreshed.” Rocksteady explained.

“And I got just the flower here for you to smell.” Bebop held out the Budding Bluebell.

“How did you get a flower from all the way up here?” Grubber wondered.

“Not important. Just stop and smell it and you two will feel good as new.” Bebop assured them.

The two sighed, as they got close to the flower. When Glitter came out she saw what was going on. When she saw the flower she called, “No, don't smell that-”

She was too late, as Tempest and Grubber smelt the flower. The sensation entered their nostrils, and suddenly they started relaxing.

“Did it work?” Rocksteady asked.

“We'll find out.” Bebop answered.

Tempest and Grubber looked at each other scowling, “Tempest!”


The duo winced fearing they made it worse, until the two feuding creatures lunged at each other hugging and laughing, “Oh, come here you old softy!” Grubber laughed, while hugging Tempest.

“You're the soft one, Grubber!” Tempest laughed, while nuzzling against Grubber.

Glitter Drops raced over, and spoke to the mutant duo, “What did you two do?”

“We got them to stop fighting.” Rocksteady answered.

“You're welcome.” Bebop added.

“You used the Budding Bluebell, didn't you?”

“Da. We use it to make them happy and calm.” Rocksteady motioned to the two who were much happier with each other.

“That's not all it does.”

“What do you mean?” Bebop asked.

“The Budding Bluebell makes those who sniff it happy, but it also makes them goofy and deluded.” Glitter scolded them.

“But that wasn't in book, was it?” Rocksteady wondered, as he tried to flip through the pages of the book.

“Hey, those two are looking really happy.” Bebop noticed, as Tempest and Grubber while acting goofy were happy and dancing around while singing.

(You're My Best Buddy)

The three watched the two sing and dance like goofballs, while at the same time avoiding disasters like jumping over cliffs or falling snow mounds.

“Grubber, I'm sorry I called you a useless glutton.” Tempest began.

“Well, food is always on my mind. But you wanna know what I care about more than food? You, Tempest!” Grubber cheered.

“Aww!” Tempest said feeling touched, as they continued on with their singing, while Bebop, Rocksteady, and Glitter were trying to keep them from dancing off cliffs.

“Oh, this is so bad.” Glitter panicked.

“Hey, at least they're not fighting.” Bebop reminded her.

“But we can't just let them keep acting this way forever. They'll get hurt.”

“Comrade Glitter is right, Bebop. We should probably fix this.” Rocksteady agreed.

“So, what can we do to cure them?” Bebop asked glitter who answered.

“They have to sniff the flower again.”

“Then let's stop them.” Rocksteady said, as the two finished their song and dance number.

The two struck a pose, as the three approached, “Hey, guys. Up for another number?” Grubber asked.

“A Quintet sounds right to me.” Tempest added happily.

“Actually, it's time the two of you came to your senses.” Glitter began.

“What're you talking about, Glitter?” Tempest asked.

“Fizzy, as much as I like seeing you so happy. This isn't really you.”

“Yeah, you two are too happy.” Bebop added.

“So we needs you to sniff flower again and get your noggin's back, da.” Rocksteady said.

“But we like this side of us.” Grubber answered.

“And we ain't giving it up.” Tempest added stubbornly.

“You leave us no choice, yo,” Bebop said, before speaking to Rocksteady and Glitter, “Get 'em!”

The three tried to grab the two goofballs who dodged, and Grubber spoke, “Come on, Tempest, let's go have some fun!” the two hurried off.

“If they get too far we'll never catch up to them!” Glitter feared.

“We got this.” Bebop said, as he took after them on his energy streams.

“Pardon me.” Rocksteady picked Glitter up, as he carried her over the snow as he charged after the two.

Tempest and Grubber frolicked in the snow happy, carefree, and dumb, “Oh, this is the most fun I've had in a long time!” Tempest cheered.

“We never had this kind of fun when working for the Storm King.” Grubber added.

“We missed out on so much.” Tempest complained.

“Well, now we can make up for lost times.” Grubber added.

They looked back and saw the three chasing after them, “Oh, a race, huh?” Tempest smirked.

Grubber hopped onto Tempest, “Let's lose 'em. Yah!” Tempest took off, as the three tried to catch up.

Bebop tried firing glue bombs, but Tempest was running and avoiding all the shots Bebop took, “You have got to be kidding me, yo!” he said irritably.

Tempest kept running until they saw a cave up ahead, “Hey, let's go hide in that cave.”

“Yeah. They'll never find us in there.” Grubber agreed.

Glitter Drops saw the cave and screamed, “Guys, don't go in there!”

“What is in there?” Rocksteady asked her.

“That's the yeti's cave!”

“Oh, nyet!” Rocksteady gasped, “Comrade, stop them!”

Bebop looked down, and spoke, “Forgive me, guys.” he fired an energy mohawk down.

The attack hit the ground before the two making them stop before entering the cave, "Nice shot!” Grubber called, as the three stopped by them.

“This has gone on long enough, you two.” Glitter warned them.

“Just sniff flower, and we can go back and have cocoa.” Rocksteady said.

“But we like being this way.” Tempest assured him.

“That is not the real you talking.” Glitter warned her friend.

Bebop started sniffing the air around the cave, “Uh, guys. We ain't alone here.”

They stopped and heard growling, and coming out from the cave was the yeti, “Hi!” Grubbed waved stupidly at it.

“He ain't too happy to see us.” Bebop noticed.

“We're on his turf now.” Glitter noted.

The yeti roared at them and attacked Rocksteady who blasted it with his magic, “Take doofy friends to safety!” he ordered Glitter.

“And take this too.” Bebop handed her the flower.

So Glitter led Tempest and Grubber away, as Bebop and Rocksteady faced the yeti again, “You wanting to get rocked second time?!” Rocksteady snorted at yeti as he rammed him again, but the yeti rammed back.

Bebop hit the yeti with a snowball to grab its attention, “Come on, furry face!” the yeti growled and tried to attack Bebop.

The mutant pony kept sliding around and hooting, before going invisible to confuse the beast. The yeti sniffed the air before swatting its paw knocking the now visible Bebop into the snow, “I hate it when they see right through!”

Glitter watched in worry, as the mutants were fighting the yeti, while Tempest and Grubber were making snow ponies in the snow.

“How can you two goof off when those guys are fighting for their lives?” Glitter asked them in disbelief.

“And they're doing a fine job.” Tempest added.

Glitter frowned, “Fizzy, if you were a real friend you would do the right thing by sniffing this flower and help them out. That goes for you too, Grubber.”

Tempest and Grubber hearing Glitter's words couldn't help but feel guilty, and saw indeed the mutants were doing all they could to defend them from the yeti. Overcoming their goofiness, they took a whiff of the flower and suddenly they groaned.

“Oh, my head.” Tempest groaned.

“That felt weird.” Grubber rubbed his head.

“Are you two ok?” Glitter asked in concern.

“I’ve felt worse.” Grubber answered.

“Well, you're all going to need to be better to stop that.” Glitter motioned to the yeti.

Tempest and Grubber looked over seeing the mutants fight, before looking at each other with smirk. They quickly ran over to help them.

As Rocksteady was punching the yeti away from him, Grubber called, “Hey, big guy!” the yeti looked over and saw Grubber holding some cake.

“Want some cake?”

The yeti growled and went to attack the little hedgehog, only for Tempest to leap in and kick the side of its face making it roll across the snow.

“You two ok?” Bebop asked.

“Better than ever, thank you.” Tempest answered.

The yeti got up and growled at them,but before he could attack, Grubber ran to it's back leg and bit it. The yeti let out a painful cry and jumped around trying to shake Grubber off. The hedgehog hung on for his life, before he lost grip and was sent flying.

“Grubber!” Tempest cried, as she leaped off a snowbank and caught him on her back, “You alright?”

“I'm awesome!” he cheered.

“It's about to get even better.” Tempest answered, as she powered up her horn at the yeti. She released an electrical shock that pushed the yeti back into its cave knocking it out.

“Alright!” Glitter cheered.

“Wow to the wow!” Bebop cheered.

“Oh yeah!” Rocksteady pumped a fist.

Tempest landed on the ground and spoke, “Let's go back.” everyone agreed and headed back to Glitter's cottage.

When they returned, grubber spoke, “Tempest I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment. I get it. All I do is eat and when danger comes I hide like a coward. I'm so useless.”

“You weren't useless back there,” Tempest replied, “You took on that beast even with it being twice your size. I commend you for that. Plus I'm no better. I asked you to come along with me because I considered you a friend. But all I did was let my temper get better of me and I lashed out at you. I truly have much to learn about being a friend again.”

“But you know that flower did help bring out the best in us,” Grubber admitted, “I mean deep down we didn't really hate each other. We just couldn't show it because of our frustrations.”

“I know. Let's both try to be better friends for each other.” Tempest promised.

“Deal.” Grubber agreed, as the two hugged.

Suddenly Bebop and Rocksteady's cutie marks started glowing again, “Bebop, we did it!” Rocksteady cheered.

“We completed our mission!” Bebop cheered, as the duo danced around.

“We should celebrate with some cocoa and marshmallows.” Glitter suggested, “You know, for having the two help you guys make up? Even if they did trick you into sniffing a magical flower.” she winced knowing how bad that sounded.

“Yes,” Tempest agreed, as she glared at the mutants, “In fact, I think I'm going to thank them!”

Grubber smirked, “You know what, Tempest, I wholeheartedly agree,” he hopped onto her back, “Let's thank'em!”

Tempest started charging up her horn, as the mutants got nervous, “Uh oh!” Rocksteady gasped.

Bebop stammered, “Now-now-now, hold up, Tempest! Can't we talk about this?” he knew she was about to attack, “Just don't mess up the goggles. They're kinda my thing.” the two ran off screaming, as Tempest chased after them, blasting them in their behinds.

Author's Note:

Had plenty of help with this chapter from Deviantartist Jeb, including song and artwork used.

Song You're My Best Buddy is from Tangled the series.