• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,603 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

Protect the Star

After witnessing the drama between the Kiican Generals, Twilight and the Turtles were outside a cafe debating on what to do, “Ok. So we got that the map sent us here to help repair the problem between the generals.” Twilight began.

“Yeah. We convince Yaotl to destroy the star so they can move on with their lives.” Raph said.

“Raph!” Leo scolded him.


“That star is an ancient artifact. You can't just destroy it like that.” Twilight told him.

“What you heard what the others said. That star not only burdened them with immortality, but Yaotl forced his sibs to watch over it with him. How selfish can you get?”

“Wow, just like Raph to side with the jerks.” Mikey scoffed.

“What did you say?!” Raph snapped.

“You always side with ones who make another feel like a loser!” Mikey argued.

“Why you!” Raph was about to attack Mikey, only for Twilight to use her magic to freeze the hothead.

“Enough, Raph!” she scolded him, “You can't fault Yaotl for his decision. Sure it's easy to destroy something, but it's another to preserve something that's been around long before any of us.”

“And in a sense they're all right and wrong.” Leo added.

“We should talk with them and help try to see things through each others POV.” Donnie suggested.

“Good idea, D. I'll go talk with Yaotl,” Twilight offered, “The rest of you talk to his siblings.”

“Good luck.” Mikey said, as Twilight went to find Yaotl.

“Hey, unfreeze me!” Raph yelled while unable to move his jaw. Twilight realizing Raph was still frozen undid her spell allowing him to move.

“Alright, ninjas. Let's go.” Leo ordered, as they left.

As nighttime rolled in, Twilight had found Yaotl on the museum roof looking out into the land, “Yaotl?” she asked, as she approached him.

“Beautiful, isn't it? Canterlot.” he said.

“Oh, yes. It sure is.” Twilight agreed.

“I remember how it was long before the princesses ruled the land. Looking at it now I see just how much time really has gone by.”

Twilight smiled in agreement, but decided to cut to the chase, “Look, Yaotl, about your siblings.”

Yaotl sighed, “I know they're right. Because of me we're all burdened with immortality. And no such magic exists to remove it. I tried to make the most of a bad thing, but they always resented our immortality. And I only made it worse on them by forcing us to keep vigil over the star rather than destroy it.”

“Maybe, but that star has been around since Equestria's founding. And it's not easy keeping something that long so well preserved,” Twilight comforted him, “I know your siblings care about you as much as you care them. Maybe if you all tried to look for equal footing on this situation there won't be so much hostility between you all.”

“Easier said than done, Princess.” Yaotl sighed, as Twilight worried on how the turtles were doing with the other generals.

The bros meanwhile were speaking with the other generals in the security room lounge. Mikey was enjoying a pizza slice, as the others enjoyed some coffee.

“What would you guys have done had you not touched the star to begin with?” Donnie inquired.

“Who knows,” Aquila replied, “Probably eventually settle down and start a family. But that'll never happen now.”

“Who says you can't?” Mikey asked.

“Kinda hard to do so with the immortal thing happening.” Mono reminded him.

“That still shouldn't stop you from doing what you want.” Leo replied.

“Our brother insisted we watch over the star like it was our only reason to live.” Serpiente said.

“You could've just turned down the reason, so why didn't any of you?” Raph asked.

The four sighed, as Gato answered, “Because family sticks together.”

“We all know that.” Donnie agreed.

“But still you shouldn't have yelled at Yaotl like that.” Mikey chided them, as they grunted back making him hide behind Donnie.

“Mikey is correct, you're all each other has left whether you want to admit it or not,” Leo lectured them, “And trust us, when you got a family you got each others backs good times and bad. You should really consider yourselves lucky. Because in the end it's all you'll end up having left when someone else is gone.” The four generals were moved by the ninjas words, while thinking back on how they belittled Yaotl and knew there were times they took their frustrations out on him a lot more than they did themselves or anypony else.

Meanwhile the module was tunneling up from the ground with Shredder, the Dark Turtles, Night Terror and the remaining members of the Purple Nightmares inside, “According to the coordinates we should be drilling right up into the museum's basement.” Shredder checked the coordinates.

The module reached the surface, and the villains saw they were outside, “This isn't the basement! Can something ever go right for once?!”

“Oh, stop your bellyachin',” Dark Donnie said, “At least we're in the right place.”

Shredder noticed they were right outside the museum, “Hmm, good point. Alright, let's get inside.”

“Allow me.” Dark Raph said, as he used his brute strength to punch a hole in the wall.

“Alright, let's move.” Shredder ordered, as they proceeded inside.

As they walked through the exhibits still not ready to be on display they saw the star fragment in its case, “There it is.” Shredder marveled.

“It's worth a fortune.” a Purple Nightmare member said in joy.

“As much as I'd love to sell it for bits, we have our orders.” Night Terror reminded his follower.

Dark Leo approached the case and used his sword to cut a hole in it. He reached in and pulled the glass container out, “Like taking candy from a baby.”

“I tried that once and got the chicken pox.” a Purple Nightmare member noted, as the others roll their eyes.

Meanwhile Twilight brought Yaotl back to the museum where they met up with the others. The generals looked at each other all feeling guilty while not sure exactly what they had to say.

“Awkward.” Mikey whispered to his bros, as Raph nudged him.

“Go on, Yaotl.” Twilight beckoned him.

Yaotl approached and spoke, “Brothers. Sister. I...” he was cut off as an alarm sounded.

“The star!” the group called, as they ran for the back.

When they arrived they saw their enemies, “Shredder!” Leo called.

“And our dark selves.” Raph noticed.

Twilight noticed the other ponies, “You must be Night Terror and the Purple Nightmares.”

“Guilty as charged, Princess Twilight,” Night Terror began, as he noticed the ninja bros, “These are the ninjas you've told us about, Master Shredder?”


“They have the star!” Mono called.

“Return the star and give yourselves up!” Yaotl ordered.

“What's the word I'm lookin' for?” Dark Mikey began, before announcing, “Oh yeah. No!” he laughed.

Twilight frowned, as she teleported her ninja weapon, “Ninjas! Generals! Take them!” the group split up and started fighting their enemies with the turtles going after their dark selves, while the generals went after the Purple Nightmares. Twilight herself went after Shredder and fought him.

“What do you want with the star?” she demanded.

“It's going to help us conquer this world. And you won't be around to witness it.” he fought back.

Donnie spoke as he fought his dark self, “They probably want it to power their transmat portal.”

“Then we have to keep it from them!” Leo ordered, as his dark self knocked him away.

“Worry more about yourselves!” Dark Leo ordered, as he and Leo engaged.

The Purple Nightmares fought the generals, who were dominating them, “Boss, these guys are no joke!” one of the members told Night Terror.

“What did you expect from the immortal generals?” Night Terror asked rhetorically.

“That's right,” Yaotl said, “You may be a notorious pony gang, but we have thousands of years worth of combat training.”

“Now see why we're not one to be taken lightly.” Serpiente warned them.

Aguila flew past them knocking them around, before the Purple Nightmares pulled out their Dimension X blasters and started shooting at them.

The generals maneuvered around the shots and used their weapons to break the blasters, “Yes! Doesn't this take you back, my siblings?”

“Yes. To the glorious days when we did battle with many armies and enemies!” Aguila agreed, as he attacked the Purple Nightmares.

“Wish we could still do that some more.” Gato said, as Yaotl couldn't help but agree knowing that something was holding them back.

Shredder got to the hole in the museum, “Come on, let's go!” he ordered, as the villains fled escaped via ninja smoke bomb.

“After them!” Leo called as they hurried.

The villains ran through Canterlot, as Shredder made a call, “Krang! We have the Convexity Star! Send a module right away.”

“Think before we use it to power the portal, we can touch it and be immortal as well?” Dark Mikey asked.

“That would be beneficial.” Dark Leo agreed.

“We'll think on that when we're in the clear!” Shredder called.

Suddenly the ground started shaking as both the heroes and villains felt it. When it stopped Shredder looked around before contacting Krang, “Krang, what happened? Where's the module?”

“It's inside the art gallery your standing outside of.” the alien answered.

“Inside the art gallery?” Shredder asked in shock, “Krang, you idiot! You fouled up the triangulation completely!”

“So sue me.” Krang answered dryly.

“Inside now!” Shredder ordered, as they headed for the art gallery.

The heroes saw the villains, “They're going inside the art gallery.” twilight spotted.

“Stop them!” Leo called, as they hurried.

Inside the gallery, the villains walked through the halls, “Where's that blasted module?” Shredder asked irritably.

“Hey, Master Shredder. I think I found it.” One of the Purple Nightmares motioned to a hole in the floor.

“Quickly before something happens!” Shredder ordered, as they headed for the hole, only for the ninjas to arrive, and Leo launched his grappling hook turning it into tripwire.

The villains tripped over it, allowing the heroes to reach them, “You guys are going to jail for your crimes.” Mikey warned them.

“Not today!” Dark Mikey answered, as the groups fought again.

Shredder grabbed the case containing the star, “Victory is in my hooves.”

Yaotl looked seeing Shredder holding the star, before grabbing his sword, “No!” he threw his sword at Shredder knocking the case out of his hooves.

The case went flying up before it crashed onto the floor. The impact shattered the glass and the star rolled across the floor.

“The star!” Shredder tried to recover it, only for Yaotl to power up his horn and fired a blast of magic at the star destroying it before Shredder could grab it, “NO!”

The sight of this got the heroes surprised and confused, especially Yaotl's siblings, “What now?” Night Terror asked.

“Retreat!” Shredder ordered, as they went down the hole for the module.

“After them!” Aguila ordered, as they tried to follow, only for the hole to be flooded with magma that quickly hardened.

“They got away.” Serpiente grumbled.

“don't worry. At least they didn't get what they wanted.” Leo reminded them.

“Agreed,” Aguila nodded, before the generals turned to their brother, “Yaotl, you actually destroyed the star?”

“I couldn't let it fall into evil hands.” he replied.

“But we've been keeping watch over it for years.” Gato reminded him.

“And that was my mistake,” Yaotl admitted, “Forgive me, my siblings. I've spent so many years obsessing over keeping the star safe I forgot what was truly important. Family.”

The other generals looked just as guilty, as Mono spoke, “We are also sorry, brother.”

“We thought all you cared about was protecting the star.” Gato said.

“But after seeing what you just did for us, we were wrong.” Serpiente added.

“Could you ever forgive us for treating you so poorly?' Aguila asked hopefully.

Yaotl smiled, “Only if you could ever forgive me for not thinking about your feelings.” the generals had a family hug, as the others watched smiling.

“Now that is a family.” Leo smiled.

“Yeah, it's all good, but what about the exhibit?” Donnie asked.

“He's right, there's going to be a lot of disappointed ponies.” Twilight realized.

Yaotl spoke, “Not to worry. We have it covered.”

The next day outside the museum, the generals stood before the many ponies who wanted to see the star, while Twilight, the turtles, Blade, and Flash Magnus stood off to the sides.

Yaotl spoke up, “Ponies of all ages, I regret to inform you the star has been destroyed, by myself.” the ponies voiced protest about coming all for nothing, until Serpiente continued.

“However, the exhibit is still open, because we are living proof of the star and what it was capable of.” she smiled at Yaotl who returned the gesture.

Aguila spoke to the crowd, “We were given our immortality by the star itself and are just as old as it.”

“So during our stay here we will be making public appearances and answer questions you may have about us.” Gato said.

“And once our time in Canterlot is up, we shall move onto other places for a well deserved vacation.” Mono finished.

The crowd of ponies were filled with joy again, and cheered. Twilight spoke to her friends, “Well, looks like they'll finally be getting the break they deserved.”

“Especially now that they don't have to keep an eye on a rock.” Raph added.

Their cutie marks began glowing, “Oh, yeah!” Mikey cheered, “Friendship mission is complete!”

Donnie was pondering on something, much to Blade's curiosity, “What troubles you, Donatello?”

“I was just thinking, every time Shredder makes a getaway through his module, the tunnel fills up with magma.”

“I have noticed that.” Twilight agreed.

“What does it mean?” Flash Magnus asked.

“That the Technodrome is right under us.” Donnie realized.

“You mean it's burrowed underground?” Mikey asked.

“Where else?” Raph asked rhetorically.

“Well, at least we know where it is.” Leo said.

“Problem is how to get to it.” Twilight noted.

“For now we just have to worry about keeping them from finding a way to power their transmat portal.” Donnie said, as the group agreed.

Inside the Technodrome, Shredder was leading Night Terror, and the six members of the Purple Nightmares into a lab with six chairs set up.

“What exactly do you want us to do in here, master Shredder?” Night Terror asked.

“Not much, just have a seat!” Shredder announced, as metal arms grabbed the Purple Nightmares and strapped them to their tables.

“Hey, what is going on here?!” Night Terror demanded.

“Let us go!” one of the gang ponies ordered.

Krang and Chrysalis entered, as the queen spoke, “Your performance last night proved to be pitiful.”

“But it's not your fault given you're quadrupeds and all.” Shredder added.

“Fortunately, I have a way to remedy that problem.” Krang said, as his robot suit raised a hoof and a hand popped out from it and grabbed a syringe with a green liquid inside of it.

Night Terror noticed that and looked in worry worried, “What is that?”

“The key to making you and your gang better at fighting,” Krang answered, as he approached Night Terror, “This won't hurt... Much.” he moved the syringe closer to Night Terror who screamed.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed it. And these images represent the members of the Purple Nightmares outside Night Terror who is a ponified 2003 Hun.