• Published 4th Oct 2018
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Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

Pillars Reunion

At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight, her friends, and the ninja team were leaving it, as Leo spoke, "Explain to us again why we have to go to Canterlot suddenly?"

"It's a surprise, Leo." Twilight winked.

"And we need to pick up somepony before we go." Applejack added.

"Where do we have to meet this pony?" Fugitoid inquired.

"Not far. Right over there." Pinkie motioned up ahead.

The group looked ahead and saw Rockhoof; the Pillar of strength sitting under a tree while many of the students form the school were gathered around listening to him.

"Hey, it's Rockhoof!" Casey cheered.

Sunset gasped, "That's really Rockhoof?"

Rocksteady marveled, "He look very strong like me."

Bebop gasped, "Yo ain't he one of those Pillars you talked about?"

"That's right," Twilight confirmed, "He along with Starswirl and a few others were the ones who banished Stygian and the Pony of Shadows to Limbo along with themselves."

"Until we helped rescue them." Mikey put in.

"What's Rockhoof doing in Ponyville?" Karai asked.

"It's quite a story," Twilight began, "After we saved Stygian and banished the Shadow to Limbo, Starswirl decided to travel Equestria to broaden his studies and learn more about Friendship. While the others decided to return to their homelands and such."

"Many of the Pillars adapted quickly into this new time and found new callings in life." Starlight explained.

"Such as?" Shini wondered.

Twilight spoke, "Well, Starswirl had been traveling Equestria making new friends and broadening his horizons. Flash Magnus went to Canterlot and became a drill sergeant of the Royal Canterlot Guards. Mistmane moved to the Crystal Empire and became the official Royal Landscape Artist. Somnambula returned to her homeland and became a motivational speaker. Mage Meadowbrook returned to the Hayseed Swamp to expand her clinic making elixirs and medicines for ponies and other creatures."

"And what about Stygian?" Leo asked.

"He became a best-selling author by writing stories about his past experiences." Twilight answered.

"Sounds like they all adapted well in Modern Equestria." Donnie said.

"Well, Rockhoof didn't start out so well." Applejack admitted.

"What do you mean?" Raph wondered.

"Rockhoof's home had more or less become an excavation site and therefore couldn't stay there anymore," Twilight explained, "And the Mighty Helm had been long since disbanded. We tried to help him by offering a teaching position at the School of Friendship, but he couldn't stop breaking things, unintentionally of course. We tried to get him other jobs in town but with no success."

"He then wanted Twilight to turn him into a statue to be preserved until they could find something for him to do." Spike added.

"What?" the ninjas asked.

"He wanted to be turned to stone?" April asked in disbelief.

"That's cold." Mikey gasped.

"Luckily, the students at the school helped Rockhoof see he had a place in Modern Equestria by telling him how much they enjoyed listening to his stories of his experiences in The Mighty Helm. So Rockhoof decided to become a storyteller."

"Sounds better than spending your days out in stone." Karai said.

"I definitely wouldn't want that." Fugitoid said.

"Come on, let's say hello." Twilight said, as they walked over.

Rockhoof bid farewell to the students until the group approached him, "Princess Twilight and friends, top of the day to ya," he spotted the others, "Well, as I live and breathe. It's my old friends the ninjas." he laughed.

"It's nice to see you again Rockhoof." Leo greeted.

"Same to you, Leonardo," Rockhoof shook his hand, before spotting Casey, "Casey Jones. How's that weapon of yours holding up?"

"All good, Rockhoof." Casey replied.

"So are we ready to head for Canterlot?" Rockhoof asked the group.

"In a moment," Twilight replied, "But first I'd like to introduce you to some other friends of mine. This is Sunset Shimmer, Keno, Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady."

The five waved at Rockhoof who spoke, "A pleasure to meet you all," he nudged Rocksteady, "Say you look like a pony who'd make a swell member of the Royal Helm."

"Uh, thanks." Rocksteady answered.

"It must've been dreadful for you and the rest of the pillars to be locked away in limbo for so long." Fugitoid said in worry.

"Actually, it felt more like a moment had passed by." Rockhoof admitted.

"Bet you were surprised to see how much Equestria had changed." Sunset guessed.

"You don't know the half of it."

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to talk about it with the others," Twilight said, "Let's go." and with that they hurried for the train station.

Later on they arrived at Canterlot and were walking through the halls before entering the Royal Dining Hall. Waiting for them were the Royal sisters, Blade Swipe, and the rest of the pillars.

"Welcome, everypony." Celestia greeted.

"It's been awhile." Stygian noted.

"It sure has." Leo agrees.

"Leonardo, how are you and your family?" Starswirl inquired.

"We're doing great, Starswirl. And we heard from Twilight you and the rest of the Pillars have been busy but doing well yourselves."

"Yes, we've all been managing in this new Equestria." Mistmane confirmed.

"Twilight has also mentioned how busy you and your family has been," Somnambula said, "She says you and your brothers had to deal a particular Equestrian artifact wielded by Memoriam."

"Yeah. The Memory Stone." Donnie confirmed.

"She also said you guys obtained the magic of Clover's apprentices who were trapped within the stone itself." Flash said.

"Yeah. These bad boys are our little power boosters." Mikey boasted, as they showed off their medallions.

Starswirl inspected them closely, "Yes. These medallions are definitely powered by the elemental magics of Clover the Clever's four apprentices."

"Who would've ever believed the four apprentices had been sealed inside the stone all this time and transported to the other realm we sent the sirens?" Somnambula asked.

"Well, what happened has happened, and now their powers are used by us for the greater good." Leo said.

"Anyway, I would all of you to meet some other friends of mine," Twilight began, "Pillars, this is Sunset Shimmer, Fugitoid, Keno, Bebop, and Rocksteady."

"Greetings, honored ones." Fugitoid bowed his head.

"It is such an honor to meet you!" Sunset beamed with excitement.

Bebop whispered to Rock, "Dang for being a thousand years old, they don't look too bad."

Stygian looked at the mutant duo, "More pony mutants?"

"Da, we is mutants just like turtle friends." Rocksteady answered.

Mage Meadowbrook looked at Fugitoid, "What are you supposed to be?"

"Well, Ms. Meadowbrook, I was once a normal person, until I had my very brain placed inside my android assistant's body." Fugitoid explained, as he revealed his brain to the Pillars.

"Whoa." Flash gasped.

"Amazing." Stygian marveled.

Starswirl spoke to Sunset Shimmer, "Twilight had mentioned you were also obsessed with power and wanting it all."

Sunset sighed, "Yes. I was a different pony back then, until she helped me see the light and become better."

Starswirl laid a hoof on her shoulder, "I had originally thought nopony could ever change and that whoever takes the path of villainy can never be redeemed. Had it not been for Twilight I would've still thought that way. We are lucky to know such a pony who is very wise."

Sunset smiled, "Yeah. We sure are."

Flash spoke to Keno, "So, Keno, based off your look you like some kinda soldier yourself."

"Actually, I am New York's top crime fighting vigilante." he boasted.

"Get in line, Keno," Casey shoved him, "If anyone has that title it's me. Starswirl after all gave me the Pillar Title of Avenger."

"Well, that title will be mine eventually." Keno said, as the two butted heads until A.J and Rainbow separated him.

"Alright, you two break it up." Applejack scolded them.

Luna spoke up, "It is so good to have so many heroes of Equestria gathered here today."

"I know we're a club of Heroes." Mikey added.

"And this world could definitely use some heroes right about now." Raph added.

Starswirl spoke up, "Celestia and Luna have informed us of these enemies of yours that found their way to Equestria. Shredder and Krang."

"Yeah. They nearly destroyed our dimension last time we fought them." April explained.

"And if they remain running loose here they could do plenty of damage." Rarity added.

"They already somehow created clones of the four of us." Donnie said on behalf of himself and his brothers.

"And they're tough ones." Mikey said.

Suddenly a portal opened up out of nowhere putting everyone on alert. Stepping out from the portal was who else but the Utrom Council members whose android bodies have been converted into pony forms.

Leo spoke up, "Everyone, stand down. They're not enemies."

The council looked over as Queen spoke, "The turtles? Well, this is certainly a lucky coincidence."

Pawn noticed the Pillars, "Sacrebleu! It is true! Ze Pillars have returned!"

Bishop approached Starswirl, "It is good to see you again, Starswirl."

"Bishop, it's good to see you too. And the rest of the honorable Utrom Council." Starswirl bowed his head to the Utroms.

Celestia and Luna were curious, as Fugitoid spoke, "Your excellencies and everypony else allow me to introduce to you, the Utrom Council. Pawn! Rook! Queen! And Bishop!"

When Bishop looked over at Luna his head turned away while trying to hide any signs of sheepishness. Luna had also couldn't help but look away with a light blush. Twilight spoke up, "Welcome, Utrom council. It's good to see you all again. And Bishop," she leaned into him slyly, "Why didn't you tell me you knew my idol Starswirl the Bearded and that the Kraang once tried to terraform Equestria?"

Bishop answered, "Such information was irrelevant at the time of our previous encounters, Princess."

"And you never asked." Rook added.

Twilight felt sheepish, "Uh, good point."

Blade approached the council with a scowl much to everyone's worry, "So you're the Utrom Council."

"Correct, and you are Blade Swipe, are you not?" Queen asked.

"I am."

"We have heard about your unfortunate experience with our corrupt counterparts the Kraang," Queen continued, "Believe me, they have ruined the lives of millions of others just like they did you. But we would never conduct such treatment upon others."

Blade sighed, "I know. I just wished I met you guys instead of them. Maybe I could've been treated differently."

"We are sorry they took the best years from you." Pawn apologized.

"It's no longer a big deal to me. I am content now with my new life. I am no longer seen as a freak." Blade smiled, much to the Utrom's relief.

"So what brings you Utrom to Equestria?" Casey asked.

Bishop spoke, "I am afraid we have been robbed."

"Robbed of what?" Sunset asked.

"Someone has stolen a Technodrome from Dimension X." Queen explained.

"A Technodrome?!" the ninjas gasped.

"A Techno-what-now?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"A Technodrome, Applejack. Didn't you hear them?" Pinkie asked.

"What exactly is a 'Technodrome'?" Luna inquired.

Blade spoke up, "The Technodrome is a mothership piloted by the Kraang. I spent a long time on board one while they kept me prisoner."

"Any idea who would steal such a ship?" Rockhoof asked.

"Our guesses are limited since the only way to Dimension X is through our portals, and not many have the technology to get there." Bishop explained.

The ninjas looked at each other with the same thing on their minds, "Actually, we might know who stole it." April said.

"Who?" Rook asked.

"An old distant relative of yours that was banished to another dimension." Fugitoid explained.

The council was concerned as Pawn spoke, "You don't mean him, do you?"

"Yes. I mean him." Fugitoid answered seriously, as he projected a hologram of Krang before them.

"And I thought we'd never have to worry about him again." Bishop said.

"Well, Krang has come to Equestria and he brought the Shredder from the dimension he was banished to with him." Fugitoid explained.

"Though why would he steal a Technodrome, when we learned he had already stolen one before being banished?" Rook asked.

"Is because we blew it up." Rocksteady explained.

"We tracked it's location here, but now it's like something's jamming our readings." Rook said, as she showed them a tracking scanner.

"They must be using some other technology to cloak it from your trackers." Donnie suspected.

"Well, at least we know that we tracked it to the right dimension." Queen said.

"Still that place could be just about anywhere in Equestria." Twilight worried.

"How hard could it be?" Casey asked, "I mean a giant golf ball with wheels doesn't sound so hard to spot."

(Technodrome Music)

Millions of miles below in the worlds crust sat a familiar war ship parked next to a river a lava. Inside said place was Krang and Shredder along with their allies chrysalis and the Dark Turtles in the control room looking up at the monitor seeing it display several locations in Equestria from Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, the Dragon Lands, the Badlands, and beyond.

Krang laughed to himself, "It is so good to be back on board a new Technodrome." he rested his tentacles on the control board.

"Yes. I feel much comfier here than I did sleeping outside." Shredder added.

Chrysalis looked around, "I am quite impressed. This Technodrome will certainly be of much use to us."

"Yeah-yeah," Dark Raph grumbled, "What I'd like to know is why you decided to set up shop a million miles underground?!"

"Because we don't want any of the ponies to find us. And with the cloaking technology we acquired we'll be off any radar." Krang explained.

Dark Mikey ran to the monitor, "Sweet TV! Does this have all the cable channels?"

"Almost a hundred." Krang answered.

"With our Dimension X technology back in our control it'll be easier for us to conquer this world." Shredder said.

"Not so fast, Shredder," Krang interrupted him, "Remember the Technodrome requires a lot of power to project a big enough portal to Dimension X. Getting it here was work enough. But to open it again will take much power. And we don't have the necessary ingredients to perform it."

"You're right," Shredder gasped, "I doubt this land has any Kraang crystals at all."

"Exactly. We will need to use a new source of fuel to power the portal projector." Krang noted.

"But what?" Shredder asked.

"I'm not sure." Krang shrugged, as Shredder hoof palmed.

"Relax, this land has much to offer as fuel sources," Chrysalis assured, "I shall do some scouting and determine what we could use to power the portal to bring your army to help us conquer Equestria."

"Excellent idea, Chrysalis," Krang laughed, before turning to the Dark Turtles, "And in the meantime. You four will continue your job of eliminating the turtles."

"Or the very least distract them so they won't know of Chrysalis trying to find us a new fuel source." Shredder put in.

The Dark Turtles bowed their heads, as Dark Leo spoke, "As you wish, Masters."

Back in Canterlot, the heroes and ninjas were enjoying a feat while catching up on lost times. Luna sat close to Bishop as the two tried not to look at each other, but were finding it difficult not too. Leo spoke up to Somnambula, "Somnambula, earlier you talked about Memoriam like you have experiences with her. Did you?"

"Sadly, she was once a pony of my homeland." Somnambula began.

"She worked as the Grand Vizier to Prince Hisan, but had secretly been using the Memory Stone on him to bend him to her will to get power and authority. When I discovered this she tried to use the stone on the prince and his father the pharaoh. I stopped her, and she was banished. Unfortunately we couldn't get the stone from her."

Sunset explained, "Somehow Clover the Clever caught onto her and pursued her with his apprentices and found a way to keep retracing their steps whenever she erased their memories."

"But the stone assimilated his apprentices and erased all of Memoriam's memories." Somnambula finished.

"So what happened with Memoriam?" Casey asked.

"Naturally, she was taken into custody even though she never knew why she was being apprehended." the Pillar of Hope explained.

"That Memory Stone was a dangerous magical artifact." Fugitoid said.

"Yeah, the girl who found it turned everyone against Sunset by taking away all the good memories of her." Bebop added.

"With only the bad ones remaining." Rocksteady finished.

"Luckily I had friends to help me find it and stop the one who was blinded by its power." Sunset smiled at Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady.

"Power is indeed blinding to those who're too desperate for it," Stygian sighed, "Like me."

"At least you learned from it, Stygian. Just like Wallflower did." Sunset said.

Celestia spoke up, "we hope that should Shredder and Krang make their move, you will all work together to stop them."

"You can count on us, Princess." Pinkie said.

"Like always." Leo agreed.

"Da, former bosses never get past us." Rocksteady added.

"Hey, guys, to teamwork!" Mikey raised his glass, as everyone else did.

"Teamwork!" they announced.

Author's Note:

Image of Memoriam by BozzerKazooers, and extended backstory on her by jebens1