• Published 2nd Oct 2018
  • 2,746 Views, 56 Comments

Celestial Wings - Ahrazell

A young colt is taken in to a new family, one where he is the love able black sheep. How so? His siblings are Celestia, Luna, and Discord.

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Adoption of a Deity

Author's Note:

I should say I have updated two features of Ethereal in the previous chapter due to a hit of inspiration. I apologize now but hey, it makes for a interesting development later.

Now I'm sure you all have many, many questions, just as I'm sure you must think me disturbed, but please hear me out. maybe by the end of this day you will at least have food for thought. First however, I must take you back, to a time long before even your ancestors walked these lands. The day I was adopted into my family.

It would have been a day like any other. The ruling family, our god queen and her children all living their life, eating breakfast, laughing, keeping the youngest from tearing holes in reality because he didn't like peas, the normal. Well, it was until I showed up. You'll find that a constant in this story, everything normal until I show up, but where was I? Ah yes that's right.

So there they were, in the grand throne room in Castle Everfree. Faust sat on her throne, watching as her children played. Celestia and Luna running around laughing as a child draconequus chased his sisters around. The elder alicorn smiled softly at her children's antics until a loud bang came from the far side of the room. The children stopped playing before another bang rocked the doors of the room, causing the children to run over to their mother, hiding amidst her legs or behind her. Another blast and the door was thrown open a guard running in before yelling about something in the courtyard. Standing and walking swiftly, Faust confidently marched out the room and down to the courtyard, where she saw the source of the blasts. In the middle of the field, surrounded by many guards was a single sphere.

The sphere looked like a ball of prismatic lightning, sparking everywhere as the center, a swirling mass of multicolored stars, Pulsed and thrashed, as if in pain. The wind howled as it circled the sphere, Faust hearing a small voice cry. Please stop! It hurts, it hurts so much! Make the hurting stop! it said in the voice of a young colt. Faust gasped before recollecting herself, none of her guards seemingly hearing the voice. With a determined look, she simply walked forward, lightning striking all around her, but not one ever touching her. Please! I'm so alone, please... The voice spoke before the sound of heartrending sobbing, whatever it was this sphere was seemingly crying. Faust continued her path, walking closer and closer, until she looked directly as the mass of stars. Closer now, the mass looked to have the shape of a young, formless child curled up in a sobbing ball. I don't know what's going on! Why does it all hurt! Why was I left here alone!

Faust looked at the child before reaching out to the child with a hoof, tears of her own threatening to leak out of her eyes at the sight. "Shh, it's okay, you're not alone little one." She said as the mass raised its head to look at Faust. "You're not alone. I'm here, let me help." She said, taking another step forward as her leg burnt slightly from the lightning dancing around it. The colt looked at her, hesitated before sprinting into her legs to cry. Faust held the child close as the sphere slowly dissipated as if it was never there. "Shh, it's okay." She said as she rubbed the colts back, the Cosmos effect over him slowly vanishing to reveal the child beneath. A head of green-blue, almost sea-foam mane stuck out from the top of his head as his silver coat almost shined under the sun. He sniffed and opened his magenta eyes to look up at Faust, his wings being the one thing drawing her eyes. They stayed containing the stars themselves, sheeming with prismatic light as they appeared to be larger than they should on a normal Pegasus his apparent age.

"Tell me little one, do you have a name?" Faust asked the child, oblivious to the lost and confused guards surrounding them. The colt shook his head before sniffing, causing Faust to frown. It was apparent the child had no parents to speak of, but does she dare? The child is no Alicorn, despite the power displayed just mere moments ago hinting otherwise. If she was to take him in, would it be fair to her other children to watch this colt grow old while they remain relatively unaffected? Her thoughts were interupted however when the colt looked out into the distance in wonder, the morning sunshining across him as he stared off into the horizon, his ethereal wings flowing and shinning much like his coat, covering the courtyard in a prismatic light. The wing blew gently as everyone present swore they could hear... Chimes?

Everyone present felt a air of calm as the sounds played their course as Faust looked down, her foreleg rapidly healing before her eyes. And not just her, the guards present who had been struck no longer felt pain as their wounds sealed. Slowly however, the colt lowered his wings and the music faded with one last chime ringing out, echoing throughout the castle grounds before wobbling and falling over. With practiced grace, Faust caught the colt, her mind made up as she held him close. "I now know your name little one. Your name shall be Ethereal Horizon." She said as I smiled up at my mother.

As soon as I was rested enough to walk, she called out to the guards to return to their posts before leading me back to her throne where we were greeted by three very nervous children. "Mother, is it safe now?" Celestia said, taking leadership as usual. Her solid long, pink mane partly covered her face as Mother nodded with a smile.

"Yes my dawn, it's safe now, just a little something needing my help." Faust said as she gave me a caring look.

"Who's this momma?" A voice said from behind me, causing me to jump as the only known draconequus appeared from behind me.

I quickly ran to hide under Faust for a little Luna to block my way. "He doesn't look like a alicorn, so why does he feel like one?" She said as I tried to curl up into a ball.

"Luna! Discord! Stop scaring the poor colt and apoligise to your new brother!" She said, causing the two to droop their heads.

"We're sorry..." They said together in a way that, looking back, was kinda cute. This was before we all realized what she said as everyone of us, even Celestia turned to Faust.

"Wait, he's now our brother?" Said pink manes princess asked as Faust simply nodded.

"Does... Does that make you my momma?" I asked, the very first words I had spoken. They all looked at me as Faust smiled and nodded. I opened my mouth to say something else but the words failed me, emotion overwhelming my young heart before discord dived onto me.

"Yay! I finally have a brother! Oh we're going to have so much fun, you and I!" He said in an overjoyed voice, his paws wrapping around me in a hug.

Celestia.exe seemed to have crashed while Luna looked me over before shrugging, hugging me as well. "Well, at least your cute-oh! And soft!~" She said, snuggling me like a over-sized plushy.

As scared as I was, I couldn't help but smile, feeling loved as even mother walked behind us to join the hug. "Celestia, won't you join us?" Faust asked as she held out a wing.

"Come on Tia! He's soft and fluffy!" Luna said happily as she nuzzled me again.

"Come on Sunbutt!" Discord said with a giggle as Celestia finally snapped out of her trance before slowly walking over and hugging me.

Celestia whispered to Faust, thinking I couldn't hear. "Mom, he isn't a Alicorn He will grow older while we-"

"I know, Celestia, but he may defy all our expectations." Faust replied "And even so, even if what we fear happens, let us enjoy time while we have it."

I hid my hurt. I may have been young, but I knew what they meant. I didn't want to make anyone sad because of me. Faust seemingly sensed my mood as she smiled. "As much as I would love to spend the day like this, Ethereal here needs rest after the stunt he pulled today." She said as Luna and Discord groaned in disappointment. "Don't you go complaining, you can play with your brother later after he has fully recovered. Besides, I'm sure you all would love to earn ice cream later~" Faust said, brightening everypony's dace but my own, which had a look of confusion. "But only if you all let Ethereal rest, and you Ethereal stay in bed. Any questions?" I hesitated before raising my hoof.

"Uh-uhm....Wh-what's ice cream?" Causing everypony's jaw to drop in horror. Celestia even gained a determined look as she looked right into my eyes.

"You will stay in bed and you will earn that ice cream, or you will have never lived." She said in a dead serious tone as I just gulped in fear. Needless to say I went to bed that night with a brain freeze.

Ethereal chuckled at the memory as he looked outside to the setting sun. "Huh, didn't think it'd take that long. Oh well, we can continue tomorrow if you wish, but I'll only be staying a few days before heading to Canterlot." He said, getting up to leave before a few mares blocked his way.

"You arn't leaving here buster!" Twilight said, a scowl imprinted on her face. "You'd think I'd fall for that? I've read ever single book on the history of Equestria and your name has never come up. Plus I've lived with Princess Celestia and I know she never had a brother!"

Ethereal simply gave twilight a passive agressive stare as he growled out. "Kinda like you knew she didnt have a sister before Nightmare Moon? Or how about Crysalis? Or Tirek? Or even Sombra? Face it 'princess', Tia tells you between Jack and shit about our history, and censors the rest. Now, if you'll escuse me." Ethereal said before trying to walk pasted Twilight, to find a purple barrier blocking the door. "Let me out."

Twilight shook her head in anger. Ethereal sighed hotly before he snapped his wings open, shattering the alicorn-powered barrier much to everyponies shock. "Come back tomorrow if you want to hear more or don't. I'm not some villian trying to dominate or turn you to my side. I honestly could care less about titles and crowns. So I'd like it if I'm no longer treated like one. And Princess? if you still think I'm lying, ask your element of honesty friend over there first before assuming." He said before walking strait out the door and out of town.

"I'll go see where he's going." Rainbow Dash said, darting out the room before anyone could stop her. One by one all the girls left for the day until it was just Applejack and Twilight.

"So was he lying? Did he ever lie?" The purple pony asked the cowpony. Applejack just gave Twilight a somber look.

"Not once."