• Published 25th May 2018
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

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Clash of Magic

And so the clash began with the Ninjas, the Rainbooms, Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady taking on Kavaxas' servants the Mystics.

Leo drawing his swords attacked the Mystics with a combination of wind and water which soaked the Earth Mystic, but brushed it off, "Good try, mortal, but not good enough." The Earth Mystic answered, as he attacked Leo, only for Mikey to intercept him.

"Then how's this for you?" he used his magic over the earth to repel the physically strong Mystic.

Each Mystic fought using their elemental powers against the others. Fire Mystic was about to torch the Rainbooms with fire, until Rarity used her diamond shield to protect them, "Someone turn down the heat!" Rarity cried, as she started to sweat.

"No prob, girl," Bebop spun and released two shots of glue that stuck onto Fire's hands. Fire looked at his and before using his intense flames to melt the glue right off, "Snap-tizzle!" Bebop gasped.

"Come on, let's take them!" Rainbow ordered, as they helped out.

Pinkie threw exploding sprinkles around the Mystics to distort them, before April and Twilight used their telekinesis and magic to levitate dumbbells and weights at the servants knocking them to the ground.

The Mystics got up, as Water spoke, "You foolish mortals have no idea who you're messing with." she sent a blast of water at them, before they jumped away.

"We've heard that too many times." Sunset noted.

Fugitoid started blasting at Metal who wasn't even feeling a hit, "Remarkable. That creature's metal body must be the strongest alloy not of this world."

"Yeah. It's gotta be stronger than titanium." Donnie added, as he fought along side the professor.

"I don't think this is a time for that kind talk, guys." Applejack replied, as she was dodging Earth.

Earth tried to flatten A.J, until the two met in a grapple, "I'm going to crush you like crumbs." Earth warned her.

"How about I crush you?!" Rocksteady called, as he rammed Earth into the wall.

"Thanks, Rock!"

Karai and Shini were maneuvering around to avoid Fire's combustion blasts, until Raph jumped in, "How's this for fire?" he activated his fire element and the two engaged in a literal fiery fist fight.

Karai called to the toughest turtle, "Easy on flames, Raph! You'll burn this whole place to the ground!"

Raph groaned, "I'm such a hot head. Sorry."

Wind was blowing the heroes around with her mastery of wind, as Rainbow was trying to fight it with her speed, "Man, this is faster than a wind tunnel!"

Casey got an idea, "Yo, April, give me a boost!"

April used her powers to sent Casey flying up to Wind, and aimed his taser at her. Upon coming into contact with the taser, Wind screamed from the shocking sensation. As Casey started falling, April caught him with her power and brought him back safely to the ground.

Mikey saw some dodge balls rolling on the floor, "Anybody up for Dodgeball?" he began pummeling the mystics with the balls.

The servants swatted several balls away, before Fire spoke, "Enough of this foolishness!" the Mystics started using their powers together to overcome their enemies.

"We got to do something." Leo told his comrades.

"But what?" Fugitoid asked.

Suddenly the turtles medallions started glowing, "Hey, what's going on?" Raph asked.

"I don't know." Donnie replied, as a beam of light shot out form their medallions and appearing above them were four green dragons each wearing colored armor matching the turtles respective colors.

"Whoa!" Casey gasped.

"What the what?" Bebop asked in shock.

"Impossible!" Earth gasped.

The four dragon spirits roared at the Mystics before flying right at them, and sent the bad guys crashing out the door and into the parking lot, "They got them!" Rainbow called, as they ran outside seeing the Mystics get up.

"You've won this round, but we'll be back." Fire promised, as the Mystics vanished.

"They're gone." Fluttershy said.

"For now at least." Sunset replied.

Pinkie turned to the turtles who powered down their armor forms, "You guys were super!"

"But what was with that last trick in the end?" Shini wondered.

"No clue, but maybe it's some other part of our magic." Donnie theorized..

"They were dragons, and yet they looked like you guys." Spike noted.

"I should put in a word to Princess Twilight about this." Sunset said.

"Agreed. Until then we better rest up, " Leo suggested, " I got a feeling the next time we see those guys, they'll be bringing their master with them." he looked out into the distance.

Meanwhile at the Mystics hideout, green flames could be seen burning from the windows. Inside the building, Kavaxas was breathing his fire around while roaring in anger before landing on the ground and confronted his servants who looked frightened, "You imbeciles! You losers! You idiots! You couldn't even stop a bunch of mortals?!"

"We know there is no excuse for our failure, Master." Wind answered.

"But their Equestrian Magic was not something to take lightly." Fire added.

"Enough!" Kavaxas shouted, before calming down, "The turtles and their mortal allies must be dealt with. And next time, I will personally see to it they breathe their last breaths." he snickered.

Later on at Applejack's garage, the team was recuperating from their fight, "Ok, let's backtrack this," Donnie began, "Kavaxas has five servants who specialize in a certain element much like our magic does." he told his brothers.

"Only they're twice as dangerous." Leo noted.

"And merciless." Raph put in.

"So how can we stop them?" Mikey asked, while playing with Ice Cream Kitty.

"Well, you guys have the magic to match them by power." Twilight noted.

"But we need a different strategy." April added.

"Let's look at the basics," Donnie pulled up a board with the five mystics symbols drawn on it, "Our enemies specialize in the elements of fire, wind, water, earth, and metal. We also possess those elements, but it's not enough."

Twilight studied the symbols before gasping, "I know what to do!"

"You do?" Fugitoid asked.

Twilight went to the board and spoke, "Don't you see each of these elements is a part of nature and such. And each element has a strength and weakness to one or the other."

"Such as?" Rocksteady asked.

"Well, take fire for example. What is fire weak against?"

"Ooh, I know, I know!" Mikey began.

"Mikey, don't even try." Raph warned him.

"What I might know it."

"Then what is it?"

"Um... Ok I got nothing." he gave up, much to Raph's annoyance.

"It's water." Leo answered.

"Exactly," Twilight confirmed, "Fire is weak against water. Each of these elements are strong or weak against one another. Like Metal is weak against fire."

"Because too much heat can melt it." Fugitoid noted.

Twilight nodded, "Water can be swallowed up by earth," she pointed to the earth symbol, "And earth can be scattered by powerful wind."

"And wind can be calmed by an more powerful force." Donnie gasped.

"It'll work." Twilight confirmed.

Rainbow looked to Applejack and Mikey, "Did any of you get all that? they shook their heads, "Good then it's not just me."

Sunset saw her journal glowing and checked it, "It's from Princess Twilight. She may have an answer to those dragon spirits."

"What does it say?" Leo asked.

"She says she read up more on the apprentices of Clover the Clever and says each of them managed to manifest their magic in the form of a spiritual totem. A guardian you might say. When you just pooled your magic together your spiritual guardians emerged in the form of dragons."

"That sounds wicked." Casey said with excitement.

"It's incredible." Karai added.

"Is that even possible?" Bebop asked.

"Apparently so." Twilight replied.

"Ok, so we have the power and a strategy to take out the Mystics, but what about hothead?" Raph asked.

"Raph's right," Leo confirmed, "Kavaxas is the strongest enemy we've ever faced. More than the Super Shredder."

"And we didn't even destroy him. We just banished him back." Karai put in.

"Can't you do it again?" Rocksteady asked.

"No dice," Donnie replied, "We smashed the seal used to bind him to dust and spread it over the ocean. So we can't force him to open a portal and go back."

"But that was because we didn't stand a chance at him on a mystical level, but now we do." Mikey noted.

"Is it even possible to destroy a demodragon?" Pinkie asked.

"Only one way to find out." Leo answered, until they heard explosions outside.

They ran out of the garage and saw dark clouds forming over the school, "Looks like we'll be finding out sooner than we think." Fugitoid said.

"Let's move!" Leo called, as they ran for the school.

Over at CHS, Kavaxas was flying around the school breathing fire while scaring the students and faculty who were taking cover, "Yes, mortals! Cower in fear of me!" he laughed.

The Mystics appeared, "Master," Fire began, "No sign of the Turtles or any of their allies."

"What if they don't come?" Water asked.

"Do not be foolish. Of course they will come!" Kavaxas replied, before looking into the distance, and saw his enemies approaching, "Right on time." he smirked.

The heroes arrived and saw the Mystics with Kavaxas in between them, "Oh, snap. We walked right into demon central." Bebop shook.

The Rainbooms looked up at the demodragon who smirked, "Is that him?" Rarity asked the turtles.

"Yeah. That's him all right." Donnie confirmed.

Kavaxas touched down and spoke, "Greetings, Rainbooms, is it? I am Kavaxas; lord of the demodragons, master of the underworld, and ruler of this one!"

"Not very modest, are ya?" Applejack asked.

"You shouldn't have come back, Kavaxas, because we're gonna send you back to the netherworld." Leo warned him.

"Not this time, mutant. Because this time I am bound to nobody, and am free to do what I please," He summoned his staff, "I have learned from my servants you are all in possession of a very powerful magic not of this realm. Equestrian Magic."

Sunset gasped, "You know about Equestrian Magic?"

"Of course, child. I myself was once a resident of that land, until I was banished to the netherworld courtesy of that arrogant fool with the beard and his comrades."

"Starswirl." The turtles gasped.

"Yes. And since that day many from both Equestria and this realm have sought to summon me to use my power all ending in failure." the demodragon explained.

"Well, you're about to fail again." Raph warned him.

"We shall see." Kavaxas replied.

"All right, guys power on!" Leo ordered, as he and his brothers activated their magic, while the Rainbooms activated theirs.

"All right, guys. Time to brawl." Rainbow said eagerly.

"Attack!" Kavaxas ordered.

And so the Mystics followed their master and engaged the ninjas. The group took off with the Rainbooms and rest of their allies went after the Mystics, while the Turtles faced Kavaxas.

Much like with their first fight, the Rainbooms were pitting their Equestrian magic against the Mystics, who in turn were fighting back with their elemental magic, "Remember our strategy." Twilight told the group.

Fire tried to attack with its combustion once again, until Rainbow was running circles around before stopping before Metal, "Right here!"

The Fire Mystic tried to attack her with a blast of fire, only for her to zip away. Metal seeing the attack was going to collide with him dodged before the impact hit him, "Watch it!" he shouted to Fire.

Applejack used her enhanced strength against Earth before throwing him over her shoulder. Pinkie jumped onto him and sprinkled her sprinkles into the crevices in his body, "Enjoy the boom." she jumped off him.

"Boom?" Earth asked, before the sprinkles detonated which caused his right arm to break off.

Water surfed by on a wave, while dodging exploding hockey pucks from Casey, and called to Earth, "Get yourself together already!" Earth grumbled before picking up his arm and reconnected it to its socket.

Wind was trying to blow her enemies back until Rocksteady stood strong with his mini gun, and Fugitoid was blasting at her as well, "Breezy weather no trouble for Rocksteady!" the mutant laughed. Wind ended up taking some shots but shook it off before regrouping with Fire who once against used combustion on them.

Meanwhile the turtles fought Kavaxas head on using their magic and ninja skills, "When I defeat your turtle warriors your magic will become mine." Kavaxas promised.

"What do you need ours for?" Donnie asked, as he kicked Kavaxas away.

"Yeah seems to me ya got plenty of magic already." Mikey added.

"Equestrian Magic is one of the most powerful forms of magic. Not easily harnessed especially by mere mortals. With it at my command I can truly rule this world with no one to oppose me." Kavaxas started blasting at them with green laser shots from his nails. The turtles were dodging, until Donnie used the power of thunder to blast at Kavaxas.

Raph channeled the element of metal turning his fists metallic and started pummeling the demodragon, "Taste my metal fists! He called.

Mikey jumped above Kavaxas twirling his weapon infused with the element of earth was able to land his own crushing blow, "You just own owned, son!"

As the others fought the Mystics, they knew they had to act now before it got too late. Fire was once against ready to incinerate them with another blast of fire, "Raph!" Fluttershy called.

Raph seeing this went to them and using his own mastery over fire redirected it at Metal who wasn't able to get out of the way in time. The intense magical heat was enough to melt the Metal Mystic into a silver puddle, "Heat melts Metal." Raph smirked.

"What?!" Kavaxas gasped.

Fire growled, and tried to attack Raph who was fighting back with fire too. When Water tried to drown Rainbow Dash she ran in circles to catch her water and redirected it at Fire extinguishing and destroying him, "Water puts out Fire."

Rocksteady was punching Earth before picking him up and threw him into Water. Upon contact Earth's body consumed Water. Rocksteady smirked, "Earth swallows the Water, da?"

"This can't be happening!" Kavaxas cried.

Earth tried attacking the group, until Karai shifted into snake form and started distracting the servant, until Leo harnessed the power of wind into his swords, "Wind scatters Earth!" he unleashed the cutting wind blades that broke Earth to pieces.

Wind looked and saw she was the only Mystic left, as the Rainbooms stood together, "And now, we shall quell the Wind!" Twilight declared, as the Rainbooms released a blast of magic onto Wind destroying her.

"Your servants are finished, Kavaxas." Leo told him.

"Now it's just you." Sunset added.

Kavaxas growled, "I will not be defiled!" he started blasting green flames all around, as the mutant turtles and Rainbooms engaged him.

Rarity used her magic to shield everyone, as the turtles fought Kavaxas using all they had. But the more Kavaxas kept getting overpowered the angrier he got, until he shouted, "No! I will not be defeated by mortals again!" his body started glowing and he started getting bigger and bigger before standing as a big red quadruped dragon compared to his bipedal stature.

The students and faculty were more frightened than ever, but the ninjas were not going to let anything happen to them, "Brothers, we fight together!" Leo declared, as they armed themselves and tried striking at Dragon Kavaxas, but the dragon swatted them with his claw knocking them to the ground.

"Guys!" Twilight called.

"Get up!" Fugitoid called to them.

The brothers got up, and Kavaxas breathed fire on them making it look like they were going to roasted, "No!" Fluttershy and April cried.

"Oh, my gosh!" Casey gasped.

"Leo!" Twilight cried.

Suddenly the flames died down to reveal the turtles were shielded by magic emanating from their medallions. The brothers levitated upward and in a flash of light had assumed the form of their dragon spirits who roared.

The four dragons engaged the red one with fire blasts, bites, and tackles, as their friends watched, "Look at 'em go!" Rainbow cheered.

"Now that's a brawl." Applejack said with a smile.

The four dragon brothers flew above Kavaxas and each sent a magical blast from their mouths in their respective colors that nailed Dragon Kavaxas causing him to lose energy and reverted to his normal form.

"He's losing his power." Fugitoid noted.

"That's good, right?" Bebop asked.

"You bet it is." Sunset confirmed.

The four brothers returned to their turtle forms, when suddenly their medallions each shot a beam of light that combined and took the form of who else but Human Hamato Yoshi surrounded by a glowing magical aura, and armed with a magical sword. The turtles smiled at their father who smiled back before turning to Kavaxas with a scowl.

Kavaxas picked himself up while looking weak, and spoke to the spirit of Hamato Yoshi, "I don't know who you are, but I will fight you till my very last breath!"

Hamato Yoshi aimed his sword at the demodragon, while his sons aimed their magical powered weapons as well, "Demon, this is your last breath!" Hamato Yoshi declared, as he and his sons charged forward and each delivered a slash at Kavaxas with Yoshi first, then followed up by Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey who shouted, "Booyakasha!"

Kavaxas screamed in pain as lights started shooting out of his body from all around, until he exploded into nothingness. When Kavaxas was destroyed the dark clouds he had looming over CHS disappeared and the sky was clear again signaling their victory.

Author's Note:

How's that for a fight of magic? Don't miss next time everyone.