• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,204 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

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Aw…Baby Turtles

On the beach in a nice peaceful spot, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were busy bouncing a beach ball to each other, while Raph was sitting on a beach blanket playing with Chompy, and Fluttershy and Rarity were relaxing on beach chairs. Suddenly a sound caught Fluttershy's attention and made her gasp.

"Is everything okay, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked in concern.

"I don't think so. I hear crying." she answered.

"Crying? From what?" Raph asked.

Fluttershy using the magic from her necklace listened in hearing the crying, "From a bunch of baby sea turtles. They just hatched and are trying to find their way to the water. But they're lost."

"Oh, no!" Rarity gasped.

"That's terrible." Raph said in shock.

"Ohhh... How could I ever find a bunch of teeny, tiny turtles on this great, big beach?!" Fluttershy asked, as the scene zoomed out to reveal how big the beach really was.

Rainbow held her tortoise Tank out, "Tank here is a tortoise. Maybe he could help us?"

"And Chompy's practically a turtle himself." Raph offered, as Chompy cheered.

Fluttershy studied the two, "Hmmm... That's not exactly the same, but it's worth a try."

They sat the two down on the sand, as Fluttershy spoke, "Lead the way, Tank."

"Go get 'em, Chompy!" Raph ordered.

Tank being a tortoise was moving so slow, and with Chompy behind him couldn't go far either. The five waited, as so many other people on the beach passed by. Finally knowing letting their pets search on their own was taking too long, Rainbow and Raph groaned, before picking them up.

"We should've done this from the start." Raph told Rainbow who nodded in agreement.

They walked around holding the two pets up front, as they guided their owners by moving their heads or arms in a direction. When they came around the corner Chompy cheered as Tank motioned to a spot where they saw multiple baby sea turtles.

"There they are!" Rarity cooed.

"Wow. There are so many." Raph marveled.

When one of the baby sea turtles sneezed, the girls cooed, "Awwwwww..."

"You did it, Tank and Chompy." Fluttershy congratulated them.

Raph looked down at the babies and smiled, "You know, looking at these little guys makes me think about when me and my bros were like this and still in a pet shop."

"Until Master Splinter adopted ya'll." Applejack added.

"Yeah." Raph smiled.

"So, what do we do now?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy.

"We just need to help them get to the water safely," Fluttershy began, "Just over this sand dune, past those rocks and crabs, beyond that abandoned sandcastle city, and around that dangerous shipwreck!" she gasped in worry, "Oh, boy..."

"Don't worry. We'll just carry them to safety." Rainbow said, as she was about to pick one of them up as the baby shrunk its head back in fright, only for Fluttershy to stop Rainbow.

"We can't! They have to make the journey on their own so they can imprint and return to this beach when they lay their own eggs someday."

"Yeah. If we did the important stuff for them then they wouldn't learn anything on their own," Raph agreed, "But that doesn't mean we can't clear a path for them." he told the girls.

"Already on it, Raph," Rainbow answered, as she used her speed and a shovel to dig a path through the sand dune. She stopped when one of the crabs was using its pincer to block Rainbow's shovel, "Little help here!"

Raph joined in by swinging his sais around at the crabs making them back away until they were away from the path for the baby turtles, "No need to get crabby, guys." Raph joked.

Applejack was using her magically enhanced strength picked up all the big rocks and tossed them aside. Rarity used her own magic to create a diamond disc that she sued to flatten the sandcastle. Finally the shipwreck Fluttershy spoke of was nothing more than a small model ship that she picked up herself.

When all was done, there was a clear path for the babies. Fluttershy inspected the path seeing it was clear enough, "That's it. The path is clear. Go, baby turtles! Be free!" she declared, until she noticed there was no sign of the baby turtles, "Um... Adorable tiny turtles?"

Rainbow and Raph looked around seeing no sign of their own pets, "Tank?"

"Chompy? Oh, don't tell me we lost them." Raph began panicking.

"Wait a minute look at this trail in the sand." Rainbow spotted some tracks.

"Those are Chompy's all right." Raph confirmed.

"And Tank's too." Rainbow added.

They pulled some bushes aside and saw Tank and Chompy leading the young ones all the way to the ocean, "Tank and Chompy led the babies!"

"Awwwwww..." the girls once again cooed.

Raph smirked, while crossing his arms, "That's my little buddy."

The five walked to the shore where the baby turtles were nuzzling against Tank and Chompy, "Well done, you two!" Fluttershy giggled, "They think Tank's their mommy."

"And it looks like Chompy's a Big Brother now." Applejack added.

"So adorable." Rarity cooed.

"Hear that, Chompster?" Raph asked, "You're a big brother."

Chompy cheered happily, as he and Tank nudged the babies into the water so they could swim off. The two pets watched them swim out to sea, while one baby turtles waved by to them, while Chompy sounded sad.

Raph hearing how dismal his buddy was picked him up and spoke, "Don't worry, Chompy. They'll be back. And when they do they'll be all grown up and ready to lay eggs of their own. And they'll have you to thank for helping them." Chompy sounded happier now.

"Speaking of growing up," Rarity began, "Have you ever thought about what you'll do with Chompy when he grows up?"

"Yeah. You saw how big Tokka was," Applejack reminded Raph, "And if Chompy's anything like his mom, he's gonna grow up big!"

"And I don't think there's anyplace on earth for him to hide or anything." Rainbow added.

"We know it's hard to talk about, Raph." Fluttershy told him.

"Don't worry, girls. I know Chompy is one day destined to return to the stars to be with his mom," Raph admitted, before smiling at his pet, "But that'll take hundreds of space years before he reaches that size. Until then, I'm gonna enjoy as much time with Chompy as I can." he hugged Chompy close, as the baby alien turtle nuzzled against him.

"Awwwwww..." the girls cooed again.