Amnesiac, "empty", and volatile; these are the words to best describe the being called Zen. A threat to all, he will defend the multiverse... even if it means he has to take the lives anyone he meets... for he is; The Void Knight.
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This sounds like a Displaced story since it mentions the Void.
It is, and the Void in this story while sounding similar to other variations of the Void from other stories is very VERY different; the rest will be revealed about what this version of the "Void" is. ;)
I mean it would make sense if this he drew his power from the void itself as its power is infinite and can be shaped into anything, however it is unpredictable and will come with alot of backdraws.
True true, but this Void is somewhat different - short answer, its from my personal stories, the same force of nature that comes from my other stories that are mentioned; long answer, this Void is an OC version of it, think of it as a sea of infinite possibilities, a gateway to access other Multiverses of sorts, a... Ultraverse you could say. For him accessing the powers of this Void, well the next few chapters will explain the extent of his powers.
I've yet to read this but I am immediately get Homestuck vibe from it
Really? Why?
..But that's no different than the multiverse which also contains a large array of characters to meet who can also give him powers from other Displaced. Not unless your void has handpicked balanced powers?
There are several different Aspects in Homestuck and several different Classes it is very possible for one of the combinations to be a 'knight of void' that probably has something to do with it
Knight of Void outfit
He looks like of of the kid in south park in the stick of truch clyde I think