Amnesiac, "empty", and volatile; these are the words to best describe the being called Zen. A threat to all, he will defend the multiverse... even if it means he has to take the lives anyone he meets... for he is; The Void Knight.
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Somehow Zen make me think of Gilgamesh from "For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!"
Which part of him resembles Gilgamesh?
The love of music for one... And the multiple weapons dispersed around the world as second with a armor covering her for third, even if Gilgamesh can take out his armor.
Wait her? Zen’s sex/gender is unknown but to be assumed to be male.
I did get inspiration from other displaced stories before making this but trust me, in level of power and abilities, Zen is on a whole another tier
Sorry, I use to much the 'her' because 90% of the characters in FIM are female