• Published 27th Jul 2012
  • 2,889 Views, 267 Comments

New Perspective - Arbiter Balemead

High school sucks. Especially if you're a fillyfooler. But hey, life afterwords can be great!

  • ...


I tried to move over to the side as far as possible so that Mrs. Shy wouldn't see me. Well, her name isn't really Mrs. Shy; it's actually Bright Sky, but the first time I met her I called her Mrs. Shy, and it stuck.

Anyways, right now that's not important. Not at all. Right now I'm a bit more worried about how she'd react to me being in Fluttershy's room at... what time is it? Where's the clock? I looked around for it and- oh! Eight thirty-two in the morning when I'm known to sleep in until ten on Saturdays... Yep, nothing to be nervous about!

"W-what b-brings you here, mom?" Fluttershy asked.

"Rainbow's parents told me that she was hurt recently." Oh crap. My parents...

"Th-they told you? H-how much do you know?"

"They said you two had been mugged." She sounded pretty worried at this point. "Are you okay?"


"Dear, you're awfully pale... Is Rainbow okay? You look worried."

"Rainbow's fine." Fluttershy said quickly. Oh no, don't panic...

"Fluttershy? Is something wrong?" It's too bad Shy is a terrible liar or else we may have gotten away with this for a little bit longer. Well, there's no way she can make this last forever, so I might as well just step in and let the inevitable happen...


I guess I wasn't the most cut out to try to fool her. Mom knows me so well, there was no way I would've been able to trick her. She quirked an eyebrow at me, but that was before Rainbow coughed loudly. I felt my face go cold as all the blood drained from my cheeks and Mom pushed the door open curiously.

It opened completely, and for the second time in a few weeks, somepony found Rainbow sitting in my bed early in the morning.

"Rainbow? What are you doi-... Fluttershy, honey, what's going on?" Wow, my hooves sure are interesting! I mean, look at those shiny, yellow hooves on the ends of my legs! "Sweetie?" *sigh* I looked up at her now, since there was no real avoiding this.


"Why is Rainbow in your room so early in the morning?"

"I-I-I-...W-we-...I-..." Oh dear Celestia, I just can't do it.

"*ahem* Uhm...Well, Mrs. Shy, the thing is..." Rainbow stepped in, getting off the bed and walking over. Well, hobbled really, considering how much the cast hampered her walking even though she's practically fine now. "... Well, we uh... eh heh, we're together."

Mom looked very confused now. "What do you mean 'together'?"

I started staring at my hooves again, trying to word this. "We're...d-dating." My mane fell in my face and I lost sight of Mom behind the wall of rosy pink.

"Oh..." She said, followed by a lengthy silence. "When were you going to tell me?"

"N-next time I saw you?" I answered, glancing up at her. She nodded slowly.

"Hm. Okay then." Wait... Was she... smiling? "Well that's lovely, honey!" What?!

Wait, why is the ground rising?

Mmmm... Why am I on my bed? Oh jeez, I think I fainted...

I was curled up on my bed, probably placed here after falling over, and Rainbow was sitting on the bed next to me, stroking my back gently. She was talking to Mom about something, and both sounded like they were enjoying the chat, but the words weren't registering in my head.

I opened my eyes, and for a second everything was blurry, but after a blinking a few times it went away. I looked up, finding Mom sitting on the chair against the wall opposite my bed, smiling as Rainbow finished saying something about something pink.

"...then she brought us a milkshake with two straws in it, talking like this was her destiny or something. It was pretty weird." Oh. Pinkie.

"Nnnng..." I moaned as I lifted my head up and looked at my mom, then at Rainbow. "W-what happened?"

"Uhm... We told your mom about... 'us', and I guess when she seemed okay with it you just kinda passed out."

"Did you think I wouldn't be happy for you, dear?" My mother asked. I looked at her. She didn't look offended or worried, she was just smiling gently at me. It made me feel safe and comfortable, something I don't feel very often. Well... I glanced at Rainbow. Not until recently, that is.

"Well..." I started, looking back at Mom. "I kinda thought you wouldn't be happy that I'm a... f-fillyfooler."

"Oh, sweetie, I could never be mad at you for something like that! Why would I be mad that my little angel has found that special somepony who makes her happy?"

Rainbow stopped stroking my back suddenly and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I looked at her a little worriedly, knowing exactly what was wrong. She was staring stonily out the window, avoiding my eyes.

"Maybe 'cause my parents weren't happy at all." She muttered a little resentfully.

"Rainbow? What do you mean?" Mom asked. Rainbow didn't answer, but simply stared out the window intently. I decided to answer for her.

"Her parents weren't happy to hear about it. At all."

"Not 'hear'... More like walk in on." Rainbow added. I felt my cheeks heat up and ducked behind my mane. Mom giggled bringing my attention back up as I tried to figure out why.

"Honey, I'm not stupid. I know what you kids do, and as long as you don't go too far in the bed, -if you know what I mean- I'm okay with it." Rainbow and I were silent as I ducked down behind my mane again. "... Oh. Uhm...So I take it you two have been dating for a while then? What, around four, five months?"

"Eh heh... Uhm... We started going out this school year..."

"Oh... Well, it's too bad my hoof doesn't taste very good, because it's sorta jammed in my mouth right now..." I smiled at that. Mom always took things like this in stride.

"Y-you're not mad are you?" I asked just to be sure.

"Of course not. Just a little surprised. I never really thought you would ever be brave enough to... You know what? I think we should change the subject before your cheeks burst. Why don't we get some air?"

"Well, I need to head to the hospital." Rainbow said.

"Alright, let's do that."


I'm still a little surprised that Mrs. Shy reacted so well to all of this. Guess it's because my parents didn't react well at all. *sigh* Gotta stop thinking about that.

We got to the hospital pretty quick. We sat in the waiting room for only a few minutes before the doctor got a chance to examine my leg. He said that I was fine now, but I'd probably have a limp for a while. Not surprisingly, I do. And it sucks.

Oh well... It was worth it, considering what I did to end up in that cast to begin with. Once I was out of the exami-whatsit room, me and Shy decided that we wanted to show her mom some of the cool stuff in Ponyville, so that's where we are now.

First and foremost, Fluttershy just had to show her mom the animal shelter. She introduced the giggling mare to Angel, who took all three of our carrots without a second thought, then moved on to the pup-er I mean dogs.

Okay, they're puppies and they're friggin adorable. Get off my flank abou- Who am I talking to?

Anyways, she likes them as much as I do. End of story. Moving on, we went to the orchard and introduced AJ and Mrs. Shy to each other. They got along pretty well once Mrs. Shy was sure her arm wasn't gonna fall off (that hoofshake...).

After that, we decided that the next stop should be Sugar Cube Corner. It was a nice sweet shop, even if the pony living above the place was a bit odd. We got there, ordered some cupcakes, and took our seats by the window.

"So -and I'm just guessing here- you two weren't met with very well in Cloudsdale? As a couple, I mean." Mrs. Shy asked.

"Not very well at all." I answered. "But they seem okay with us here."

"Y-yeah, they don't seem to care." Fluttershy added. "W-why is that?"

"Well, dear, you see... *sigh* Well, Cloudsdale is kind of stupid. It's one of the few towns I know of that is so... well, stupid about this subject. They try to keep it out of the public schools, but of course most the students are as rigid as the rest of the ponies there. I'm sorry you have to deal with all that, really I am, but I don't think there's any way around it. The laws of Equestria -decreed by Celestia herself- state that the schools can't kick you out, and the students have no legal grounds to harass you, but that doesn't mean they'll like it.

"Ponyville, however, is one of the majority of societies that is perfectly comfortable with all sexualities. Honestly, I wish we lived here, Fluttershy, but your fathers job as one of the weather organizers kept us in Cloudsdale. But, hey, you met Rainbow Dash, and look how well that turned out!" She smiled happily at us as Shy snuggled against me and we both nodded our agreement. "Now. I certainly don't condemn you for your choices, but I also can't promise you I'll get used to this very quickly. Your father, on the other hoof, will probably take a very long time to get used to it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Dad grew up in Cloudsdale." Fluttershy answered.

"Yes... Chase is a good stallion, but he was brought up by a completely Cloudsdalion father who tried to instill all those stupid values in him. It kinda worked, but he'd never reject you two for this. More likely he'll just be shocked, I'll have a word with him, remind him you're his daughter, and then he'll gradually begin to accept it." Chase? Oh right, his name is Wind Chaser. I've never actually met him; he was always busy at work whenever I visited their house.

"Y-you think we should tell him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes. I think it would be best if it came from both of you, not me." I felt Fluttershy slump against me, obviously not liking this idea. "Oh, honey, I know that doesn't sound easy for you, but think of it this way: Rainbow will be there with you, right?" She looked at me for confirmation.

"Yeah, of course! I'd never leave you hanging, Shy." She looked up at me and kissed my chin, seeing as it was all she could reach from where she was resting against my chest.

Y'know? I can't understand it anymore how ponies say 'they could get used to this'. That phrase is stupid. Why would I want to get used to this? Then it'd get boring, and being with Shy should never get boring. I never want this to get old.


After we finished eating at the sweet shop, we headed out to the town park. Rainbow decided that since she was no longer in a cast and her wing had recovered, she wanted to practice some stunts like she hadn't been able to all week. Mom and I simply sat at a bench and watched her do her aerial routine for some time before Mom finally said something.

"Honey, I want you to be careful." I looked at her.

"W-what do you mean?"

"It's just- *sigh* Well, Rainbow is the type of mare who likes things to be exciting, and as I'm sure they already are for the two of you, she'll probably want it to stay exciting. She is a daredevil, after all. All I'm saying is that you should take it at your pace; if she tries to make it exciting by making you uncomfortable, don't let her. Trust me, she's above dumping you or leaving you behind. Far too loyal for that."


"Just be careful. That's all I'm asking. I know that you two are practically past all the boundaries possible -all things considered- but that doesn't mean that things wont get uncomfortable for you. Maybe they wont, but maybe they will. I just want you to be happy, sweetie." I felt my eyes tear up a little bit as she finished and wrapped her in a hug.

"I love you, Mom."

She hugged me back and whispered gently, "I love you, too."


I saw Shy and her mom having some kind of moment, so I did another loop and a flip before gliding over and landing near them. I waited until they finished hugging and when they did, Fluttershy pulled away, looked over near the pond, and flew over to a group of ducks that were over there. I decided to go chat with her mom, y'know; see figure out what just happened.

I hovered over and sat on the bench, next to Mrs. Shy. She greeted me kindly still watching her daughter help the ducks with stuff. I watched, finding that the display was actually kind of cute.

"I just had a talk with Fluttershy, so I guess it's only fair that I have one with you, too." Mrs. Shy said only half jokingly.

"Uhm... Okay?"

"Listen, Fluttershy is a very... what's the word? Subservient? Yeah, she's a very subservient mare. If you push her hard enough, she'll just do whatever you want her to. I don't want you to push her; I want you to make sure she wants to do these things with you before you try to push her into them. Her acceptance of something wont always mean it's what she wants."

"Oh, yeah I get that." I said neutrally. I watched as a squirrel scampered down a tree to play with Shy and the ducks.

"Oh, and don't you dare break her timid little heart, or Chase will find you. And that's if I don't beat him to it." She smiled, and her voice sounded like she was joking, but for some reason, I wasn't sure if she was. "But I'm positive that wont happen, will it?"

I watched the squirrel give Shy a quick lick on the nose. She jerked back, giggling loudly enough for me to hear, bringing a warm smile to my face. "No, I'm absolutely sure it wont happen. I promise."