• Published 21st Apr 2018
  • 11,452 Views, 692 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Friendship is Home - PonyJoel

Before of Anon-A-Miss came, sisters were distant, friendships getting stronger. After the birth of Anon-A-Miss everything falls apart but something good comes out of it. Something very special. Friendship came make itself come home.

  • ...

A New Day! Playing With Friends! Closing The Portal! Discord's Horrid Memory!

Author's Note:

Just a fun day for Sunset Shimmer and new friends. However, when Discord drains the magic of the portal, he sees something that he will never forget now the image has reappeared to him.

Just a few more chapters left before this arc comes to an end. There will be sequels coming up for the Anon-A-Miss Tales. There are several I have in mind for choosing. If you want to guess what I have in mind then please comment. 1 of the sequels is already obvious cause I mentioned it a lot. Scootaloo will get a sequel as her life continues on with her new life. The rest pretty much already presented themselves. You just need to find it. :)

Comment if you want to.

Enjoy the chapter.

Have a nice day/night reading

Morning has arrived in Ponyville. Celestia's sun shining brightly at the Castle of Friendship. Sunset Shimmer waking up early. She enjoys allowing the sun to hit her body as she shined brightly making her feel alive. Today marks the day of a new era in her life. No more living in a world with lesser magic. No more living in a world filled with hate and corruption and no more Anon-A-Miss. Her former friends made it clear that they did not want anything to do with her. They hurt her physically and mentally. They didn't allow her to defend herself. They wanted her gone and so they got their wish when Anon-A-Miss presented themselves on stage. Her former friends realized that they were wrong but the damage was already done. Twilight spoked about her and Sunset not coming back to Canterlot High, spoke about closing the portal and whatever happens to them, they would have to deal with it on their own. Sunset has no intentions of making a return back to Canterlot High.

For her new life to begin in a world that she was meant to be, she needed to let go of the past so, by tonight, Discord will come by and drain the magic from the portal allowing Twilight to shut it down without having any problems. She can't wait till nightfall comes to see the closing of the portal coming to an end. No more humanity. No more Rainbooms and no more trauma from Canterlot High.

As Sunset is embracing the sun with her body in, enjoying the glow from the sunrays, several knocks startle her a little.

"Sunset it me, Spike. I'm about to make chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Would you want some or something different?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes sound good Spike. I'll be in the kitchen with you and Twilight in a bit." Sunset said as she stretching all four of her limbs.

"Alright then, be down in 20 minutes," Spike said as he's already on the move.

"Oh, I'll be ready," she stopped stretching. "I'll be ready to start a new chapter in my life. The road to becoming a Princess begins right now. "

Spike ran towards Twilight's room. To his surprise, Twilight was already up and leaving her room.

"Twilight?" Spike questioned.

"Hey, Spike, nice to see you up and early," Twilight said. "Is Sunset Shimmer awake?"

"Yea, she's stretching. I already told her that I'm making chocolate chip pancakes. She'll be in the kitchen in a few. I supposed you're going to join us?"

"Yes I am, Sunset Shimmer just came to our castle yesterday after everything that has happened in that other world. Our friends' counterparts were not pleased and done such terrible things to Sunset Shimmer. I don't blame her for how she was feeling. I am glad that she has a new purpose in life and that I have a pupil to teach about the Magic of Friendship. Even Celestia spoke that Sunset Shimmer has the potential to unlock the magic deep inside of her to become Equestria's next Princess. I have the honor of helping Sunset releasing that magic deep inside of her. I don't know how but with the knowledge I have and the wisdom to share, I know that I can help Sunset Shimmer achieve that goal." Twilight said happily and proudly.

"Well with that being said and done Twilight then things will not go wrong. Sure they'll be challenges ahead but with the proper guidance like us and our friends then there is nothing to worry about." Spike stated.

"You're right Spike," Twilight hugged her #1 assistant. "Now let's go to the kitchen. There are some things that I would like to say to Sunset while you cook."

"Alright then, let's go.

Twilight and Spike made their way towards the kitchen together. Twilight in her mind has no idea what Sunset Shimmer's first Friendship lesson should be about. It will take a lot of thought but good thing Twilight said that Sunset Shimmer's first lesson will begin in a few days giving herself plenty of time to jot some ideas for a Friendship lesson.

A few moments later, Twilight and Spike saw Sunset Shimmer in the kitchen. She was sitting down reading a book to pass the time. Spike went to the fridge, got what he needed and started to cook. Twilight went up to Sunset and sat next to her.

"So what book are you reading?" Twilight asked.

"Just a Daring Do book Twilight, nothing new here," Sunset said as she used her magic to life the book away.

"Alright then. So how are you feeling this morning?" Twilight asked.

"I feel happy knowing that I'm home. I feel happy to have friends in my life once more. I feel relieved of the pain and suffering that I endured. I feel like a new pony."

"Who is on her way to becoming a Princess!" Spike shouted.

"Yea," Sunset blushed a little, "I'll become a Princess very soon as Celestia told me...us last night before having the welcoming party thrown by Pinkie Pie and Discord. I wonder what kind of Princess I'll get to be."

"Only time will tell Sunset, for now, it is up to I to lead you on your path. From there, you'll know deep inside what's your purpose supposed to be."

"Thank you Twilight." Sunset hugged Twilight for a few seconds. "So what are the plans for today?"

"Well, I have to stay here and continue on some studies of mine but for you, you and Spike will be heading out and have fun with our friends for today. Sharing and learning from each other. I'm pretty sure Discord will make an appearance today before nightfall comes so you'll be having a great time."

"So, what are you studying about?"

"Advanced Alicorn Charms Vol 3. I want to learn about mixing spells without thinking. Kinda like an instant reaction."

"Huh, good luck with that then You're going to need a whole lot of practice and patience to master that."

"Thanks, Sunset. Soon I'll let you read it and you can study it on your own."

As the girls talked about magic a little more, Spike came with 3 plates of chocolate chipped pancakes with vanilla ice cream on top. He gave Sunset and Twilight's their plates. Then he sat down on the table and started to devour his breakfast. Twilight and Sunset began eating their breakfast. Sunset Shimmer quickly devoured her plate.

"Oh, my gosh, Spike, your an excellent cook!" Sunset said as she continues to eat.

"Thank you for your compliments Sunset," Spike said while he has food still in his mouth.

"Spike. Don't eat with your mouth full." Twilight said as she still has food in her mouth.

"You're one to talk," Sunset stated.

The girls and Spike laughed and enjoyed the rest of their breakfast. Soon after, Spike collected the plates and started to clean them. Twilight went off back to her room to catch up on some needed study. Sunset thought about the possibilities of how she'll be having fun with her new friends. In her mind, it's just an endless stream especially when Discord is involved. Another thing she thought about was Discord's idea to form a team known as The Reformers. She did understand the name of it but questions who will join them and for what purpose does a reformer has to offer. One thing that was on her mind is seeing the portal shutting down for good. She can't wait to see it. As she thought about it Spike came to her. Letting her know its time to leave the castle for a while.

Spike and Sunset left the Castle of Friendship to meet up with Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie is waiting for them to come so they can meet up with the others at the lake. Today seems a perfect day to go ice skating. As Pinkie and Sunset galloped towards the lake, Spike was carrying the boxes of ice skates to the lake. There they saw Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy waiting for them on the bench. Sunset Shimmer was a bit surprised to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Back in the human world, they're the reasons why she left that world but knowing that the counterparts are different here than there, she let it slide and put a smile on her face. Trying to forget the horrid memories that she went through.

"Hi, everypony!" Pinkie shouted. "Ready to have fun ice skating?

"Not only ice skating Pinkie but also playing hockey as well!" Rainbow said holding on to her hockey stick with her hoof.

"Yea, we have the nets and puck ready when the time comes," Scootaloo said holding on to her stick and having her helmet on.

"We have ours too." Applejack said as she and Apple Bloom both had their helmets on and their hockey sticks.

"Us as well." Rarity and Sweetie Belle said.

"Yea and I as well." Fluttershy squee a little holding her stick.

"Shucks, Spike and I don't have hockey sticks or any gear for it," Sunset said.

"Well, good thing I have extras!" Discord shouted, poofed behind them wearing a referee shirt, whistle attach and holding spare hockey equipment. "Oh, this is going to be such fun. Play against each other in a series of 2 out of 3. How exciting!." He said while hugging Sunset Shimmer.

"Uh...hey Discord, Can you put me down?"

"Sure, after all, us Reformers gotta be together now that we're a team."

"Reformers?" The rest of the girls questioned.

"I'll...no...we'll explain to you girls later. Now, I would like to put on my skates that Spike brought over."

"Here you go Sunset." He brought over and gave Sunset the box of skates.

"Now what we do need here is an audience to cheer us as we have our hockey series. Also, we'll need some refreshments. Oh, wait we'll need someone to keep score and I just know the perfect pony to do so." With a snap of his claw, Twilight Sparkle came out of thin air and had a shortfall hitting the ground. "Twilight Sparkle! How nice of you to...drop in," he laughed at his own pun.

"Discord!" Twilight shouted. "All you could have done is ask for my help," she stated while using her magic to clean herself from the snow and dirt.

"Twilight, your castle is far away and we're about to start our game. It was wise for me to teleport you here so that way, we can save time and effort from running to your castle and asking you." Discord said. "Now will you help keep track of our game. All you have to do is be the scorekeeper."

"Scorekeeper. That's it? Nothing else?" Twilight questioned.

"Well, you're not that good at skating, and I'm pretty sure you'll get bored playing a game on ice. Also, a bookworm like you should have no problem concentrating on the game." Discord stated as he tossed in big chew gum in his mouth. Blowing a big bubble. As it popped miniature clones of himself ran wild as he picked them up. "Hey hey, calm down. You guys weren't even supposed to come out until the halftime show." He smashed the miniature clones of him forming them into a puck.

"Well, alright then. I guess there should be no problem keeping score and I could use a break from studying."

"Wonderful! I'll make matching color gear so the teams can be set. I have blue and red here. Now I'll need a hat." With a snap of his claw once more, a top hat appeared. He put in several color tickets inside of the hat. "Now the color you choose will determine the team you'll be representing so pick wisely."

"Hopefully I'm on team Rainbow Dash cause we can dominate the game," Scootaloo said proudly as she stood next to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah! We'll take down anypony who stands in our way." Rainbow shouted proudly.

"Don't get your hopes up yet Rainbow. You will have to deal with me." Applejack stated.

"And me as well Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said standing next to her sister.

"Well, before you can get at each other, you will have to pick from the hat." Discord said, reminding everypony.

"Oooh! I'll pick first!" Pinkie shouted, reaching deep into the hat and picking out a red ticket.

"Pinkie, you have chosen the Red Team." The red ticket in her hand changed her hockey gear into the color red. Her hockey stick is red.

"My turn," Rainbow said. She reached into the hat and pulled out a blue ticket.

"Rainbow, you have chosen the Blue Team." Like Pinkie's hockey gear, her's turned into blue even her hockey stick.

"Alright Rainbow, let's see if I'm on opposite ends with ya." Applejack reaches in and pulled a red ticket. Her gear and hockey stick turned red.

Scootaloo, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle wind up picking up red tickets. Their gear turned red and their hockey sticks. Scootaloo was a little upset that she is unable to team up with Rainbow Dash but she does have the opportunity to beat her at her game. Apple Bloom, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer and Spike ended up picking up the blue tickets. Their gear and hockey sticks changed as well. Apple Bloom was a little upset but now happy that she has the chance to defeat her big sister in a game. Now that the two teams are made, they went on the ice and separated themselves. Giving Discord the chance he needs to make sure the ice doesn't melt, design the pond as a hockey arena, matching the colors on each side of the ice and inspecting the pond to make sure that everything is set up properly.

"Alright, now that everything is set up nicely, time for the two teams to create a name to call themselves, once that is done, Twilight will keep track of the score as I'll be your guest referee. I promise that there won't be any favoritism here. I will call this game fairly." Discord said as he's saluting for no reason whatsoever.

"Alright guys, our team should be something...fierce so what you got?" Rainbow asked.

Her team was thinking of a good name. Took a couple of moments for each of them to come up with something.

"How about the Blue Rangers?" Apple Bloom said.

"Hmm, not bad. Anything else?" Rainbow asked again.

"The Blue Angels?" Spike said.

"That sounds cool. What else?"

"I have nothing. I'm fine with anything as long as we play." Sunset said.

"That goes double for me Dash," Fluttershy said quietly.

"Alright then, I say our team shall be called as The Blue Angels!" Rainbow shouted cheerfully.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were also discussing their team name. After a few moments, they agreed on calling themselves The Red Devils.

Discord came up to the blue team. "Alright, what is your team's name going to be?"

"The Blue Angels!" Everyone shouted.

"Done," Discord said as he snapped his tail, blue halos were hovering above the helmets. He then went over to the red team. "Alright, what is your team's name going to be?"

"The Red Devils!" Everyone shouted.

"Alright then," he snapped his paw and devil horns were attached the helmets. "That settles it. Now everypony, get into positions. The game is about to begin."

Everypony got into their positions. Twilight got the scoreboard ready. Discord still dressed as a referee. With a snap of his claws, there were plenty of empty bleacher seats all around the pond. He then grabs a mic from under the snow and tapped it a few times. He then uses his magic to put speakers all around the bleacher seats and announced.

"Goooooood Mooorning everypony!" He shouted drawing ponies who were visiting near the lake to come by. "Here we have the Wielders of the Elements of Harmony, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike the Brave and Glorious and Sunset Shimmer to battle off against each other in a three-game series. Each game, the team that first scores 5 goals will win. This will be an ultimate showdown to see who is the best. Choose your color and cheer for the team you believe in. Please note all of this is free so there is no need to pay for entertainment here."

Everypony that heard Discord speaking decided to watch the hockey series unfold. The seats were filling up a bit fast as other ponies saw from a distance wanted to see what was the commotion about. When seeing a hockey game started, they decided to watch and see who'll win.

"Alright everypony, after choosing your color, you cannot change or switch with others. Cheer as loud as you can. Give your team the support they need to win!"

Everypony chose their colors and cheered loud. Those who went with The Blue Angels, a blue halo appeared over their heads as a souvenir. Those who chose The Red Devils received horn hats to represent the team.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in the middle of the ice rink. Facing each other as of right now, their enemies of the sport.

"Everypony! It's time for the countdown. 10. 9. 8." Discord chanted.

"7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Everyone else chanted even Twilight. Discord went to the middle of the two.

"It's game time!!" Discord drops the puck right in the middle and skates away. Letting Applejack and Rainbow Dash have their fight for the puck.

Applejack and Rainbow went at each other for a few seconds. The Applejack was able to get the better of Rainbow Dash and pass the puck to Scootaloo. He then handles the puck forward. Apple Bloom went over to Scootaloo and steals the puck from her only to be stopped by Sweetie Belle who came out of nowhere and stole the puck right back. She passed the puck to Pinkie Pie allowing her to take the shot at the goal. Pinkie Pie shoots at the goal but was blocked by Spike.

"Uh, uh, uh!" He said waving his finger. "You're not going to score that easy Pinkie Pie." He gave Discord the puck and have Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer fight over the puck. After he dropped the puck, Sunset Shimmer quickly passed the puck to Rainbow Dash. She skated forward with the puck passing it to Apple Bloom who then decided to take the shot. Rarity couldn't stop Apple Bloom from scoring allowing The Blue Angels to score the very first. Ponies that were rooting for the Blue Angels cheered.

"Score 1-0 Applejack or I should say, Applewack" Apple Bloom said mocking her big sister.

"Oh wait till I get a hold of you, missy..." Applejack said.

Rarity gave Discord the puck. Twilight place 1 point on the scoreboard for The Blue Angels. Discord skated back into the middle of the ice rink where Rainbow Dash and Applejack met a second time. Discord drops the puck and immediately, Applejack passed the puck to Pinkie Pie. She skated towards the goal and did a spin move confusing the baby dragon for a split second. Allowing Pinkie Pie to score her team's first goal. The crowd that rooted for her team cheered louder than the other crowd. Spike couldn't believe that Pinkie tricked him allowing her to score. Spike then gives the puck back to Discord. Twilight then gave the point to The Red Devils. The score is 1-1.

"Never provoke me, little sis, it may cost you the game." Applejack said. Now fired up and firing her team up along with the crowd.

Discord skated back into the middle of the ice rink once more. Things were getting heated in game 1 of the 3 game series. Both sides of the crowd were getting into this heated battle. They're happy that Discord was loud enough to get their attention. Discord drops the puck and Rainbow got the better of Applejack, she decided to score the next goal on her own. She skated by everypony and she took a shot at the goal but this time, Rarity was prepared for it. She blocked Rainbow's shot but the puck went back to her. Rainbow shot again and Rarity blocked it a second time but the puck went back to Rainbow. The third time, Rainbow Dash was about to use her strength to shoot the puck at the goal but her timing was bad because Scootaloo stole the puck away from Rainbow Dash. This infuriated her as she skated fast but not fast enough to keep up with the relentless passing of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Pinkie Pie. By the time Rainbow Dash got in front of Pinkie, she passed the puck back to Scootaloo. Allowing her to shoot the puck at the goal but Spike blocked it. The puck went to Sweetie Belle and she took a shot at the goal. Spiked missed it and now the score is 2-1 Red Devils Twilight then put the score down on the scoreboard.

"Unbelievable!" Rainbow shouted.

"I guess destiny told me that I'm winning today while you take those L's Dash," Scootaloo said as she skated back into her position.

Rainbow Dash took it personally as she roared like a warrior ready to fight.

As the first game played out, The Blue Angels were having a difficult time playing together when Rainbow Dash took over. They lost to The Red Devils. The Score was 5-2. Sunset Shimmer calmed Rainbow Dash down long enough before she took over as the team's captain. Rainbow didn't like the idea of losing her title as captain of the team but considering the circumstances and now wanting to lose again to Applejack and her squad, she was more willing to allow Sunset Shimmer take control than to lose the series. Applejack and her squad were happy to see Rainbow Dash fell in the first game. They have the confidence needed to sweep them in the second game. Discord went into the middle of the ice rink to start game two. Sunset Shimmer and Applejack were in the middle getting ready to start game 2.

As Discord released the puck, Sunset Shimmer quickly passed the puck to Apple Bloom and they skated down together as Rainbow Dash stood behind for defensive purposes. Fluttershy stood wide open as Apple Bloom pass the puck to her. Fluttershy instantly hit the puck without realizing that she hit it towards the goal scoring the first point. The crowd cheered. Finally, after waiting a whole while, they're team was able to score. Rarity gave Discord the puck back. The score is now 1-0 Blue Angels. Just like before in game 1 but now everypony is passing the puck. Not allowing Rainbow Dash's ego getting in the way for a fun competitive sport. Twilight chose her color to root for after seeing game 1 unfolding. She decided to root for The Blue Angels. She wanted to support her student and Spike more than the others. Discord returned to the middle of the ice rink and things went on from there.

30 minutes later, The Blue Angels took control of the game. They defeated The Red Devils 5-3. Game 3 will be underway. The moment of the game has shifted. It's now anypony's game regardless of the chemistry that both teams possess. Discord returned to the ice rink one more time. As he dropped the puck he skated back and allowed Sunset Shimmer and Applejack fight over the puck.

It was definitely a heated war during game 3 of the series. Nopony wants to lose. Everypony on opposite ends of the teams playing their hardest. One goal after another one. It's was a back and forth battle. Someponies wanted a blowout while the others wanted to see this intensity of the game even though it's just a friendly game. The intensity grew as the game got tighter. Right now the score is 4-4. Next goal wins the series. Discord who is sweating a bit makes his way back to the center of the rink one last time.

"Winner takes all." He said dropping the puck.

Applejack and Sunset scrambled for the puck. A few moments later Sunset passed the puck to Apple Bloom who skated towards the goal. Rarity was ready for anything that came to her. Not wanting to lose. As Apple Bloom got ready to pass the puck to Fluttershy, Scootaloo intercepted the pass and skated towards her goal. She passed the puck to Applejacj. She passed the puck to Pinkie Pie. Spike was well prepared for Pinkie Pie's antics that can mess him up. Pinkie shot the puck at the goal but Spike blocked it. Hitting it away. The puck made its way towards Rainbow Dash. She decided to skate onward towards the goal. Applejack collided with Rainbow Dash over the puck. The two went at each other for controlling the puck's movement. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom rushed after the puck once Rainbow Dash made a random pass. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo fought over the puck the same way Applejack and Rainbow Dash fought. Apple Bloom passed the puck to Pinkie Pie only to be taken away by Sunset Shimmer. Sunset had complete control over the puck as she made her way towards the goal. She faked a shot at Rarity to distract her. It works as Sunset shot the puck into the goal winning the game and the series.

The crowd cheered as The Blue Angels defeated The Red Devils in the series. As Twilight finalized the scoreboard. She went up and trotted towards Sunset Shimmer and Spike as they came back into the series to win the game. She also congratulated her friends for a job well done making this hockey series very entertaining. She even thanked Discord for making such a wonderful memory for everypony here. Everypony that was cheering left the bleacher seats and went off doing their own thing for the day, they kept their souvenirs. Discord along with everypony else was getting hungry so he teleports everypony to his house in his dimension.

"Wow, that was a fun series to watch. You girls and Spike put up a nice show. The energy was there, the intensity, the blood, sweat, and tears. That was very entertaining." Twilight said.

"Ah, shucks Twilight. It was nothing. Just the love of the game that's all." Applejack said.

"Yea, if it weren't for Sunset Shimmer, we would have lost to you're team Applejack," Rainbow stated.

"Thanks, Rainbow, that means a lot," Sunset said.

Discord appeared in a waiter's uniform with his notepad out and ready to write down what everypony and dragon here want to eat.

"Alright, everypony and dragon, who's ready to order first?"

"I am. All I want is gems to eat." Spike said mouth drooling a little.

"Very well Spike." Discord claps and two birds flew in with a tray of gems and fire rubies.

"Who's next?" Discord asks.

"I'll have some haystack fries," Sunset asked. That was the same for the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rainbow Dash.

"Right away ladies." Discord opened a ripple of reality so he can pour out the haystack fries on 5 different plates to give to his friends. He then closes the ripple to prevent chicken fries from falling down.

"Fluttershy, what would you have?"

"I'll have a salad please," Fluttershy said.

"Want any dressing to go with that?" Discord said holding onto the ranch, blue cheese, Italian dressings.

"Ranch would be lovely." As soon as Fluttershy asked for the ranch, the bottle itself came to life. Walk towards Fluttershy. Discord snapped his claw and a big bowl of salad appeared. Then the bottle shook itself and jumped into the bowl giving Fluttershy the right amount of ranch dressing in her salad. The bottle was never seen again as it poofed away.

"I'll have a chocolate fudge cake please." Pinkie said.

Discord took his cotton candy cloud and burped the chocolate fudge cake out of its mouth. "It's ok now, you are no longer sick my pink fluffy cloud."

"I'll have a fruit salad Discord," Twilight said along with Rarity.

Discord went into his pockets and pulled out two bowls of fruits for Twilight and Rarity to eat.

"As for me Discord, I'll have some apple fritters." Applejack said. Being the last one to order.

"Alright then." He opened a pocket dimension and took out an apple tree. He picked off the apples one by one. Then closes the pocket dimension and crushed the apples with his claw and paw. After squeezing a little and rubbing the apples, he made freshly warm apple fritters for Applejack to eat.

"I hope your hands are clean mister." Applejack stated before eating her food.

"My hands are clean as ever Applejack." He showed Applejack his claw and paw. Cleaned as ever. "You forget, my magic runs differently than most ponies I've encountered."

"That's true. My bad Discord." Applejack said apologetically.

"It's fine Applejack. I'm used to it by now. Now I'll be eating a chocolate mousse filled with cotton candy." Discord used his magic and the chocolate mousse came on his plate.

Everyone in Discord's house was enjoying their meals. Whenever Discord uses his magic, the food he brings to the table has always been top-notch. The best of the best in all the land. Nopony can stack up to Discord's fine cuisine. After a while of eating. Discord teleport everypony, Spike and even himself back to Ponyville. The day is not over. There is something on Sunset's mind that she wanted to do. She then turned to Discord.

"Hey Discord, I know it's still early and all but can you come to the Castle of Friendship now and drain the magic from the portal so that way, Twilight can close the portal."

"Sure Sunset, I think now would be a good time to cut the ties between dimensions." Discord teleported everyone into the library where the portal was at.

Upon seeing the portal, Sunset started to think about the good she did on the other side but quickly got mad at all the negatives that world brought to her. Twilight used her magic to turn on the portal one last time.

"Alright Discord, time to do your stuff," Twilight said, looking at her friend getting ready to do what is necessary now.

"Well Twilight, here I come." Discord approaches the portal and stuck his claw deep inside. The portal dragged him a little bit inside. There he began to drain the magic out of the portal. As he was draining the portal's magic, something malicious appeared in front of him which terrified him. A necromancer appeared smiling at him.

"How wonderful. The only creature from its species is here to divide the worlds from connecting each other. This will not last long as I will gather enough power from the other side to make my way back and take everything away just like I have done to your family all those years ago." The necromancer laughed.

Discord went into a state of shock. Staring into the one creature he'd feared the most ever since he was young. The necromancer went up to Discord. Using his magic to knock Discord out of the portal. By doing so, the necromancer decided to drain the leftover magic himself making his way back to the other side. Discord came out of the portal and crashed through the crystal walls of the Castle of Friendship. Everypony got worried and rushed over to him. When the got to him, he was already knocked out. Nopony knew what could have done this to him. Twilight went back to the portal and shut it down. The magic inside the portal has been taken away. Was this a side effect for draining the mirror? Nopony knows but Discord.

Discord is now dreaming about his time as a young Draqonacuus. He's with his mother Eris having a fun time together as mother and son. At the city of Draqonacite, the species of Draqonacuus roamed free to do whatever they want. No rules, no regulations, just peace within their chaos. Discord came up to Eris creating his first ever cotton candy cloud with chocolate milk pouring out just like the way his mother would have done it. As the two were having a fun time together, an army of necromancers showed up. They wanted the chaotic powers of a Draqonacuus to feed on and grow. Without hesitation, the necromancers start to devour a Draqonacuus for its divine power enhancing them with magic far beyond anypony could have dreamed of. After devouring one they devoured more. Due to the feast of the necromancers, they went to war with the Draqonacuus species. Unfortunately, they wind up winning the war. The Draqonacuus were useless against a necromancer's power. Their dark magic, black magic, rituals and forbidden magic made them overpowering against the chaotic nature of the Draqonacuus species. Eris was the last of their leaders to charge into battle for her son Discord to live. Discord didn't want to see her mother go but she did. Since then, Discord ran away as far as he could. Not wanting to look back. He wanted to live. He didn't want to die.

A few months later after the war, Discord is now the only species left. Everyone else including his mother have been devoured. One necromancer found Discord and made his way towards him. He's the leader of the Necromancer army. Discord was shaking a lot and covered his eyes until it spoke.

"Don't be afraid. Be enlighten. Instead of joining them in the afterlife, you'll get to live your life as the last of your kind. Enjoy your life as it's been given to you. I hope to see you soon for when I do take something more precious than your life away!" The necromancer laughed as it walked away. To never be seen or heard from again.

After a few hours, Discord woke up from his memory dream. He blinked twice and saw where he was at. He's in the nursery at Twilight's castle. Everypony was waiting outside of the door. Spike peaked in and alerted everyone that Discord's awake. Soon after, everypony came in to see how Discord's doing. He wasn't sure how to explain and he didn't want to talk about the necromancer so for the time being, he told a lie so that nopony could go after the monster that plagued him throughout his entire life.

"I'm fine everypony. Really I am. I guess it was the portal's side effect for draining all the magic disconnecting the two worlds from each other." He said trying not to think about the necromancer he saw in the portal.

"Well, I'm glad it's all over and I do apologize that you were hurt because I wanted the portal to remain shut forever." Sunset Shimmer sad, with her head down.

"Hey look, nopony knows the side effect and I'm fine. Just a little bruised up. I'll be fine tomorrow and it'll be like it'd never happened at all." Discord said. Trying to cheer up Sunset Shimmer which it worked.

"Alright girls, I think we should leave Discord alone. He needs his rest." Twilight stated.

"Girls, can I ask you something? They turned and nodded. "Can I have a glass of water?"

Someplace across from Equestria, there's a pony who lives on his own. His eyes were closed until he opened it sensing a dark energy force.

"So, he's come back after all this time...This should be quite interesting now I can end him once and for all" The pony got up and looked at the stars at the sky. Making a promise that he'll end him for good this time.