• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Friendship is the Future! - Fear Ripper

The boundaries between the Earth and the worlds parallel will be shaken when the Great Fiend, Yamigedo revives to devour them all. Their only hope is if our heroes and the buddies find the Omni-lords to defeat it. Get Ready for, Buddyfight!

  • ...

The Laughing Dungeon!

“And that’s about all of it.”

It was the next day after Twilight’s Buddyfight with Skidmark. The trio of Brave Heart, Twilight, and Pinkie was sitting at the side of a lake at the local park. The night before the trio went to Twilight’s families apartment to patch up Brave’s injured arm as well as explain the situation to Pinkie.

They completed their first objective, but the latter was interrupted by Twilight’s family always being around. They even invited the two guests to have dinner with them, and by the time they finished, it was late. As a result, they decided to wait till now to tell Pinkie in a more out of the way place where no one would overhear them. Then brings us to the present.

Brave and Twilight had explained the history of Yamigedo and the Omni-lords, as well as the present mission to find them and buddies for the other generals. To which the Generals came out of their cards in their mini forms, except for Asmodai. As a result, Pinkie gushed over how cute they were. It took quite a bit of effort to separate them from her bone-crushing hugs, although she kept a hold on Blade. Said bird monster was resting in her lap as she continued to pet his feathers, and the others returned to their cards.

“So if you guys don’t find these Omni-lord guys, then a giant monster is gonna gobble up the world like a huge cake?” Pinkie asked.

“Yep. Pretty much the gist of the whole situation.” Twilight answered.

“But Buddyfight looks so fun and exciting! How can a game like that be associated with something so scary and sad?”

“We may be battling this evil through Buddyfight, but that is not the games true nature!” Blade suddenly announced from his position on her lap.

“What Blade says it’s true,” Brave added. “Yes, Buddyfight is how those in the parallel worlds settle their disputes and defend themselves, but it’s a game to bring others together. That’s why, even if they’re possessed by the Hundred, I’ll always try to befriend my opponents. Because that’s what Buddyfight is all about. Although, with Yamigedo still at large, that’s a bit strained.”

“That sounds fantastic!” Pinkie cheered, throwing Blade into the air before catching him.

“How ill-mannered, young lady!” Blade yelled flapping his wings in an attempt to escape her arms. “Don’t just toss things into the air so suddenly! Especially if that something is a living being!”

“Oopsies! Sorry Blade.” Pinkie apologizes, petting him again to calm him down. “Hey! Hey! Brave! Can I learn how to play too?”

Brave, Twilight, and Blade looked at her surprised.

“You want to learn how to Buddyfight?” Twilight asked. “You did hear the part about fighting demons and a world-eating monster right?”

“Oh, course I heard you silly! And I don’t know about the whole saving the world thing, but I do want to play. Like Brave said, he wants to befriend all his opponents, so if we play with each other we’ll be even better friends! We can make even more friends in the future through Buddyfight, cause it’s the most fun game ever!” Pinkie cheered.

Everyone stared at her shocked. To hear such a story and see what she has, she answered in the most cheerful and nonchalant way. None was more surprised than Blade.

‘What a peculiar human. She is more focused on making friends rather than the dreaded situation at hand. Turley a strange girl.’ Blade thought.

Brave smiled brightly, “Hell yeah! That’s what Buddyfight is all about! You wanna learn, then I’ll teach you.”

“Yay! Thank you Brave!” Pinkie thanked as the two of them high fived.

Twilight sweatdropped. “*Sigh* It’s exhausting dealing with them individually. Now I have to hang out with both of them together.”

Suddenly, Asmodai appeared behind her dancing. “Come one Twilight! Take a page out of their book and let go! Having fun with your friends is all you need to know! Yo! Yo! Yo!”

“And you’re not making it any easier!” Twilight growled.

When the group had calmed down a bit, it was time to get to business. Brave dug around in the back that he brought with him and pulled out a metal toolbox.

“A toolbox?” Pinkie asked.

“Not exactly,” Twilight said before Brave opened the box revealing dozens upon dozens of cards on each layer of the box. “Over his time of dealing with the Hundred, Brave’s acquired quite the collection of cards. This is how we built my ‘Magical Grimoire” deck.”

“So you want to Buddyfight right? The first thing you need to do is choose a world, so we know which kind of cards to put together.” Brave explained.

Pinkie struck a thinking pose. “Hm, what to choose?” She then looked down at the bird in her arms. “What world is Blade from? I’ll use that one.”

“I am a monster of Dungeon World, Miss Pinkie.” Blade answered.

“So Dungeon World it is.” Brave took out the cards specific to Dungeon World. “And I’m guessing you want Blade as your Buddy as well?” Pinkie nodded, and he closed his eyes to think. “So we’re building a deck for Blade. It’s imperative that a deck is well balanced so the player can do what they want with the cards they have. The synergy between the attributes of the cards is important to so they work well together.”

As Brave kept thinking, he didn’t notice Pinkie messing with the cards in front of her.

“Done!” She yelled, holding up the deck she just threw together.

Brave snapped out of his rant surprised. He sighed before taking the cards out of her hand to look through them. “Pinkie, you can’t just through cards together randomly.” He began looking through the deck. “You have to take into account attributes, abilities, and… and...” he looked at the cards confused, before shuffling through the deck more fiercely with wide eyes.

“Um, Brave? Is everything alright?” Twilight asked curiously.

“The balance and synergy of this deck, it’s perfect!”He said shocked. “H-how did you put together such a well build deck in an instant!?” He asked their pink friend.

Pinkie just laughed nonchalantly, “I just picked the coolest looking ones.” Was all she said.

Her two friends just laughed nervously at her relaxed attitude.

Brave shook his head and smiled. “Well, now that you have a deck there’s only one way to test it out! Let’s Buddyfight!”

“What do you mean I’m off the team!?”

An outraged yell rang through the air of Ponyville. Two people stood at the edge of the baseball field, while a team was practicing on the actual field. One was an adult man wearing a red tracksuit with a white cap. Standing in front of him was an enraged teen boy about fifteen years old, who is presumed to be the one who yelled.

The teen was wearing a white and black striped baseball uniform and a navy cap on top of his blonde hair.

“Answer me, coach!” The teen demanded of the man.

“It’s just as I said, Home Run. Your bad attitude towards your teammates is beginning to make trouble. If you can’t change that then I can’t let you hinder the team anymore.” The coach lectured.

“My attitude!? They’re the ones not taking the game seriously.”

“It’s because you keep trying to be a one-man show.” The coach countered. “Always trying to hit it out of the park and not following any of the deciding plays. Always blowing up on your teammates for mistakes that could have been avoided if you just worked well with the team. Not even having fun out there.”

“What’s fun got to do with this?” Home Run growled. “We’re trying to get scouted right? To get into the big leagues and be real pro’s.”

“But like you said before, it’s a game. Sure getting scouted in great, but games are supposed to be fun. Having a good time with your teammates at the opposing team, because you couldn't even participate without them. Sorry, but until you fix that attitude of yours, I can’t have you on my team.” With that, the coach walked away to join his team. Leaving an enraged Home Run, shaking in anger and stomping away.

Back with our heroes, Brave, Twilight, and Pinkie were casually walking through the park they were currently at. After some time of teaching Pinkie out to Buddyfight, they decided to take a break and grab a snack. Conveniently they bought ice cream from a passing by ice cream truck.

“You’re a natural with Dungeon World Pinkie.” Brave complimented while eating his fudge bar.

“I know right!? I even beat Twilight a couple times.” Pinkie bragged waving around her rocket pop.

“Hey! We’re both rookies, and we’re tied with two wins and two losses!” Twilight grumbled, enjoying her soft serve vanilla.

“Now, Now Twilight, we both had fun right? Besides, neither of us beat Brave.” Pinkie said as both girls lightly glared at their male friend.

“Hey, just because you two are beginners doesn’t mean I can go easy on you.” Brave puffed his chest out in pride. “That would be disrespectful to you, me, and Buddyfight!”

“Says the guy that doesn’t lose.” Pinkie joked and Brave stuck his tongue out.

“Damnit!” They suddenly heard an angry yell. They looked for the source, to see Home Run sitting on a nearby park bench. With a dejected look on his face.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, “What’s up with that guy? It’s probably best to leave him be.”

Although when she didn’t hear a response, she turned to see that her two friends had vanished from her side. She then saw her friends making their way towards the angered Home Run.

“Why do I bother?” she sighed before following her friends lead.

Home Run just sat on the bench. His head lowered and hair shadowing his eyes. ‘This is trash! I was the best on the team and they decide to knock me off!? And what’s with this fun crap? This is serious to me, this is my career!’ he thought.

“Hey bud, everything alright?” Home Run looked to his left to see Brave sitting on the same bench.

“Yeah! Why not turn that frown, all the way around!” To his right was Pinkie, also sitting on the bench.

Startled by their sudden appearance, he leaned off of the fence and backed away.

“Guys!” Twilight run to her friend's side, “Don’t just leave me behind!”

“Sorry Twi.” The energetic duo said in unison.

“Who the heck are you!?” Home Run shouted angrily.

“Whoa, calm down, bud. We just wanted to ask why you were upset. I’m Brave by the way, and that’s Pinkie.” Brave said.

Home Run just growled at them. “Why should you care? I don’t even know who you are.”

“We just saw how upset you were, so we came to see if we can help with your mood. Maybe be friends too!” Pinkie cheered.

Twilight sighed, “You two.” She turned to Home Run, “Believe it or not, they’re serious. They are also relentless so it's a lot more effort to just talk.”

The baseball player’s expression softened, only slightly, and he sighed. “Well if you must know, I was just kicked off of my baseball team.”

The trio looked at him with sympathy. “That sucks. Why did they do that?” Brave asked.

“Cause of my stupid teammates!” He started his rant, “Apparently they didn’t like playing with me, even though I’m the best on the team! Then they snitched on me to the coach. He went on about taking all the fun out of the games! What does fun matter when you’re trying to go pro! I’m the only one taking the games seriously, there’s no room for fun in the big leagues.”

Brave and Twilight slightly rose their brows in confusing, while Pinkie giggled. Hearing her laugh, Home Run glared at her.

“Something funny to you!?” He growled.

“It’s just what you said silly!” She answered in her usual cheerful voice. “There’s no room for fun in a game? Games are all about having fun!” Home Run just looked at her confused.

“She’s right you know,” Twilight added. “It’s great that you want to be a pro, but if you can’t enjoy what you do when you do it then is it really worth it?”

“Plus you aren’t the only one out there.” Brave threw his two cents in. “You can’t play baseball without a team, or opponents. You talk as if you’re the only one playing, but that ain’t true. If you take the fun out of a game, then it’ll drive your teammates away. What’s the point of playing a game if you can’t enjoy it?”

Home Run was taken aback by their responses, only to get more frustrated.

“You’re just like the rest of them.” He argued. “The only thing that matters in this world is winning! All this nonsense about fun and friendship? Screw it all!”

Brave put his hands up in defense, “Take it, easy man. We’re only-!”

“Shut up!” He yelled. “I don’t need this. I’m out of here.” In that fit of anger, Home Run stomped away from the trio.

“Geez, he was rude.” Twilight huffed with her arms crossed.

“Yeah, we were only trying to help. He didn’t need to be such a meanie about it.” Pinkie pouted.

“Don’t worry girls. He’s just frustrated, he’ll come around sooner or later.” Brave stretched his arms before taking out his deck. “Well, that’s enough of a break. How about another round!?”

Home Run continued his angry trek while muttering to himself.

“Stupid, whoever they were. The only point to a game is winning, and that’s that.” He muttered.

“You’re anger is delightful, human.” a deep muffled voice came out of nowhere. Suddenly, a card appeared in front the baseball player. “Letting go of such rage is pointless. Use it to make those who wronged you pay! All you need to do is accept my power.”

Said card flew closer to Home Run. Hesitating only for an instant, Home Run grabbed the card. The moment he did, his eyes glowed for a moment before he began radiating a menacing aura.

“I’ll show them all what fun really is.”

“Ah!” Brave dramatically clutched his heart. “You took three of my life points!”

“Hahaha!” Pinkie laughed maniacally, fanning herself with her cards. “I’ve got you this time Brave! Now I attack with Gummy Slime!”

Brave smirked, “Not so fast! I cast! Green Dra-!”


A sudden loud boom interrupted their match.

“What was that?” Twilight asked alertly. Then suddenly Asmodai, Blade, and Drum’s cards started to glow.

“Heads up Twi, I’m sensing a monster nearby.” Asmodai spoke from his card.

“It must be one of the Hundred Demons!”

“We got to go after it.” Blade and Drum as well.

The trio nodded in agreement before grabbing their decks and rushing to the scene.

At the baseball field, Home Run’s former teammates were all huddled and backed against the fence including their coach. The field around them was completely wrecked. Craters and burns completely covered the field around them.

Who stood straight across from the team was Home Run. He was covered in a thick violet aura, and in his hands was a demonic-style greatsword. It was a dull grey and the blade was scared with multiple scratches in the metal. On the hilt was a bat with a single glowing red eye.

Home Run smirked sinisterly at them. “So, what do you think of my attitude now coach?” He rose the sword and slashed to the right, sending out a wave of energy that only narrowly missed his former teammates.

“Yes, take out your rage on those who have wronged you!” The hundred demon ordered.

“Alright, it’s time I stop messing around and get serious. Just like how it I was in the games!” Home Run rose his blade again, only for his swing to be interrupted by someone grabbing his wrist. Before he could react, said person flipped him over their shoulder and threw him quite a ways away. Home Run landed on his back, but when he looked up he saw that who flipped him was Brave.

Brave stood firm defensively in front of the baseball team, and Pinkie and Twilight ran to his side.

Home Run’s former team stared at them confused before Asmodai appeared in front of them.

“Sorry, Y'all. But you’re gonna have to go to sleep.” The demon waved his hand over them, and they all drifted off to sleep.

Back with the trio and Home Run, who had recovered from the throw.

“This has gone too far!” Brave announced. “Do you really think this is the way? I know you’re upset, but accepting a demons power and hurting people isn’t going to make you feel any better.”

“Oh really? I’m feeling pretty good right about now.” Home Run counter smugly. “Seeing them cower like the weaklings they are, it makes me sorry that I ever offered them my skills! I just showed them what they’re missing out on, the skills and power that could have made the whole team champions!”

“This isn’t right!” Pinkie suddenly shouted. “They were your teammates, weren’t they? You played games with them and won with them! It couldn’t have meant nothing to you! Didn’t you have at least a little bit of fun?”

Home Run only smirked at her. “They were only a means of getting to the top to me. I only played with them cause I wanted to win and get scouted. But you’re right about one thing. I was having fun seeing them cower before me! Hahaha!” He laughed maniacally.

The trio glared intently at him, and Brave took out the proto-sphere.

“I’ve heard enough. We have to end this right now!” Brave said preparing to toss the Proto-sphere, but he was stopped by Pinkie. Surprisingly, her usual cheerful expression was replaced with a much more serious one.

“Brave, let me fight this time.” She requested.

Both Twilight and Brave looked at her surprised.

“What do you mean, Pinkie? You know what’s at stake right?” Twilight asked.

“And once you start, you can’t back out,” Brave warned. “I only have so many Core Deck Cases, and once it registers you as its user then it will only work for you. No one else. Do you really want to join our fight?”

Pinkie was silent for a moment, her curly pink locks shadowed her eyes. In an instant, she looked up with a confident smile.

“I’ve only ever wanted to make other people smile. Even though I know how much sadness is in the world, or when others push me away, I never want to stop trying. These demons will only make things worse, and make the world sadder. If beating these guys will make the world a happier place, no matter how small of a change, that's enough of a reason for me to fight!”

Her friends were shocked at her speech before Brave smiled. “If that’s your choice, then I can’t deny you that. And I know you’ll be a great fighter.”

“I completely agree!” Blade suddenly appeared in his mini-form.

“Blade?” Pinkie asked.

“Miss Pinkie, I will not lie when I first laid my eyes on you, I thought you were an impatient, hyperactive, uncouth girl. But the more I spent time with you, the more I realized you were so much more. A girl with solid conviction to make those around her smile, no matter how much they pushed you away. Always wanting to spread happiness and laughter, and honed the true meaning of Buddyfight! I would be honored if you would accept being my buddy.”

Pinkie started to tear up, never before hearing such kind words said to her. She wiped her tears away and nodded in agreement.

“Of course, Buddy!”

“Pinkie! Catch!” Brave threw her a blank Core Deck case.

Pinkie pulled out her deck and nodded at Blade. “It’s time to fight Miss Pinkie.” Was all he said before turning back into his card and adding himself to the deck.

Pinkie took a deep breath, before inserting her deck into the case.

“Register User: Pinkamena Diane Pie! Recognized!”

The Core Deck Case light up before its grey color changed into a bright pink hue. Pinkie smiled before nodding towards Brave.

He also nodded, “Proto-barrier activate!” he threw the sphere into the air, and it let loose the green energy.

Pinkie and Home Run were standing atop their individual pedestals across from each other in the proto-arena.

A screen appeared beside Pinkie, which showed Brave and Twilight in the Pit.

“Okay Pinkie, this will be your first real fight. Are you ready for this?” He asked.

Pinkie winked at them, “Don’t worry guys. I’ll show him what fun really is! Right, Blade?”

Blade in his mini-form appeared, “Let’s be rid of this ill-mannered mongrel!” He announced before turning into his true form.

“Wow! So that’s what you really look like? So cool!” Pinkie cheered before pouting. “But I like your mini-form, I can’t cuddle you like this.”

“Ahem!” Home Run caught their attention. “If you’re done, I have the fight to win.” He bragged smugly.

“You ill-mannered mongrel!” Blade yelled. “The winner isn’t named until the fight is over, and I can assure you that you will not be it!”

“Yeah, yeah whatever fried chicken. Let’s get it started.” Home Run rose his Core Deck Case as it turned into a black gauntlet, same as the ones before. “Ravenous fiends walking a wicked path! Witness their awesome power! Luminize! Hundred Legends! Plus, my Buddy is Corpse Spirit, Draogul!” What appeared behind him was a humanoid monster that shared the same style as the sword he was wielding.

Pinkie smirked as she also rose her case. “Traps, surprises, and monsters around every corner! I’m the final boss of this dungeon, and you’ll be smiling all the while! Luminize! Laughing Dungeon!” She announced her deck as her case transformed into a bouquet of pink balloons with the center balloon holding the blue, oval gem.

“It’s time to raise the flags!”

“Legend World!” Home Run announced with the Flag levitating behind him.

“Dungeon World!” Pinkie stabbed her own flag into the ground behind her.

Turn 1: Home Run
[Home Run: LP-10 G-2]
[Pinkie: LP- 10 G-2]

“I’ll be taking the first move.” Home Run rose one of his six hand cards. “Charge and draw! I call Waweldrache to the center!” In the center appeared to be an ominous, dragon monster that looked to be made of black vines.

“Now Waweldrache, attack the fighter!” He ordered.

Waweldrache flew straight towards Pinkie, slashing her with its claws and reducing her life by 1.

“End of move!”

“Huh?” Brave sounded confused.

“What’s the matter Brave?” Twilight asked.

“Well, even with a bad hand one point is pretty weak. Something’s up.” He explained.

Twilight struck a thinking pose, “Is he just that overconfident to go easy on Pinkie?”

“If he is, then this will be a short fight.”

Turn 2: Pinkie
[Home Run: LP-10 G-3]
[Pinkie: LP- 9 G-2]

“It’s my turn now!” Pinkie cheered, “Draw! Charge and draw! I call Fledgling Warrior, Ocker Glaser to the center! Gummy Slime to the right, and Scout Criticizing Kirwa to the left!” In the center and left appeared two humanoid monsters wearing adventurers garb, and to the right was a pink, gelatinous monster with eyes and small wings.

“And as a finishing touch! I pay 1 gauge and set, Mission Card: Defeat Monsters!” A sphere with the card’s name appeared and hovered next to Pinkie.

Home Run rose his brow, “And what does that do?”

Pinkie smiled, “Mission Cards are set spells that are specific to Dungeon World. If I complete the requirements, then I get a bonus! For this one, I have to defeat two for your monsters, and I’ll start with Waweldrache! Ocker and Kirwa, attack the center!”

Ocker slashed through Waweldrache with his sword and Kirwa attacked with his wipe, destroying the plant monster.

“And since Ocker link attacked with Kirwa, he gains the Penetrate ability!” True to her word, Ocker charged towards Home Run and struck him with 1 damage.

“Why did she link attack?” Twilight asked confused. “Ocker could have destroyed Waweldrache on his own. If she attacks individually then she could have cleared the center and attacked with both Gummy Slime and Kirwa.”

“It’s because she’s thinking strategy all the way,” Brave answered.

“What kind of strategy could she be thinking of?”

Brave chuckled, “C’mon Twilight, you should give Pinkie a little more credit. It’s still the very start of the fight and they both have full hands, so there’s a chance that Home Run has a counterspell to increase Waweldrache’s defense. By doing a link attack it ensures that the attack goes through, and does damage by Ocker’s effect.”

Twilight looked surprised, “Wow, she really did think this one through.”

“And now, Gummy Slime attack the fighter!” Pinkie ordered.

“Gummi-mi!” Gummy Slime called as it bounced its way to Home Run. It smothered his face and reduced his life points to 7.

“End of move!”

Turn 2: Home Run
[Home Run: LP-7 G-3]
[Pinkie: LP- 9 G-2]

“I hope you liked those free shots, cause that’s all your gonna get!” Home Run said confidently. “Draw! Charge and Draw! I call King of Forest Zlatorog to the center, and Waweldrache to the right!” Waweldrache appeared in the right position, and a green beast monster appeared in the center.

“Waweldrache, attack the Ocker in the center!” Waweldrache slashed his claws sending out a slashing wave of wind towards Ocker, destroying him. “Now Zlatorog, attack the fighter!”

Zlatorog let out a fierce roar before charging at Pinkie and wiping her with its tail.

“Gah!” When the attack hit it send Pinkie falling on her backside comedically. With it’s critical, the attack dealt 2 damage.

“End of move!”

“Your Move!”

Turn 3: Pinkie
[Home Run: LP-7 G-3]
[Pinkie: LP- 7 G-2]

“Hahaha! How do you like that girly?” He gloated, but he didn’t expect her response.

“Hahaha! That was a good move! Now we’re tied for life points.” Pinkie laughed nonchalantly. “But now it’s my turn! I call another Gummy slime to the center!”

A second Gummy Slime appeared, but this one was orange instead of pink.

“Now Kirwa, attack Zlatorog!” Kirwa attacked with his whip, destroying Zlatorog as well as sending the top card in Pinkie’s deck into “Defeat Monsters” soul. “And now that I’ve destroyed two of your monsters, my mission is complete and I get two cards!”

The Set spell disappeared and true to her word, two cards added themselves to her hand. Increasing her hand cards to 5. “Now Gummy Slimes, attack the fighter!”

Both Gummy Slimes pounced onto Home Run, reducing his life to 3.

“End of move!”

“He’s not using any counterspells?” Twilight asked suspiciously. “He’s at quite a disadvantage, but at least now Pinkie has the upper hand.”

“I don’t think so,” Brave interjected. “If he’s not worried about his life points dropping further than something else is coming.”

“Your Move!”

Turn 4: Home Run
[Home Run: LP-3 G-3]
[Pinkie: LP- 7 G-3]

“Well, it’s been nice toying with you, but now I’m gonna end this! Draw! Charge and Draw! I cast, Elixer of Aesculapius, and increase my life and gauge by one!” His life points increased to 4, and his gauge to 5. “Now I pay one gauge to call Wind Fairy Sylph to the left!”

In his center appeared a very small fairy monster, with pink hair, fairy wings, and wearing a white dress.

“Next I Buddy Call, Corpse Spirit Draogul to the center!” Draogul switched from his place behind Home Run to the left position. “Finally, I pay three gauge and cast, Decree of Dullahan! Giving all my Wydar Sarkal monsters Double attack!”

All of Home Run’s monsters started to glow with a blazing orange aura around them.

“Now Draogul, attack the center Gummy Slime!” With one swing of his blade, Draogul cleaved right through the slime. “Double attack the fighter!”

“Feel my wrath, human!” The hundred demon yelled before slashing Pinkie, reducing her life points to 5.

“Now Sylph!” Wind Fairy Sylph seemed to cast her own spell, sending furious winds Pinkie’s direction. Reducing her life by 1. “Double attack!” He commanded.

“I pay one gauge and cast, Divine Protection of Shalsana!” A shield appeared to protect her and increased her life to 5.

Brave cheered, “Nice! Not only did she stop the spell, but she gained another life point as well.”

“But she’s still got Waweldrache to deal with, so it’s safe to assume that they’re gonna be tied with 4 life points.” Twilight speculated.

“Waweldrache, attack the Gummy Slime and Kirwa!” They heard Home Run through the screen.

“What? Why did he direct his attention to her monsters?” Twilight asked.

“It’s because of her counterspell. He wanted to drop her life points more than she already has, but because of her counter, he couldn’t. He destroyed Gummy Slime and Kirwa so she will have a harder time dealing with all his monsters next turn.” Brave explained.

Twilight sighed, “It looks like I underestimated both of them. I didn’t think he would be thinking strategically as well.”

Brave nodded, “But still, Pinkie is at a disadvantage. All her monsters are gone, and he’s got a full field.”

“End of move!”

Turn 5: Pinkie
[Home Run: LP-3 G-0]
[Pinkie: LP- 5 G-2]

“You got lucky with that counter, but come next turn you’re finished!” Home Run shouted irritated. He grew even more angered when he saw Pinkie continuously smiling. “What’s with that look on your face?”

“Because I’m having so much fun!” She cheered. “Buddyfight is the most fun and exciting game ever! I get what Brave was saying about the rush he gets.”

“Fun?” Home Run clenched his fist. “What are you talking about? Do you even know what’s at stake here?”

“Of course I do, but even with the circumstances, I’m having a blast. I can tell you’re having fun too, even a little. No matter how serious the game gets, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s something I enjoy and love to do. Isn’t that how you feel about baseball?” She asked.

Home Run was about to rebuttal, but the words got caught in his throat. He didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. Even after all his talk, that was just him being stubborn and angry. Truthfully he did enjoy the game, it’s why he chose to go pro in the first place. His ambition got the better of him though, making him more aggressive towards his goal and in turn his teammates. Leading to him being kicked off the team.

“Human!” Draogul called out to Home Run. “Don’t forget why you accepted my power. You wanted vengeance on those who wronged you. Do not forget your goal!”

“Hey! Corpse guy!” Pinkie shouted at Draogul. “So you’re the Hundred Demon that’s been making him do bad things?”

“Don’t be foolish little girl. I am not forcing him to do any such thing. I am merely encouraging him to take his revenge on those who have wronged him. With the rage, he is exerting and the fear he caused from the other humans, he’s providing quite the bounty of negative energy for me to take. Once we are finished here we will spread even more fear, enough to revive Master Yamigedo!”

“Sorry, but I can’t let that happen. Draw! Charge and Draw!” Pinkie countered confidently as she looked at her 5 hand cards. “First I’ll Buddycall, Bladewing Phoenix to the right!”

The blade flew from his position behind Pinkie to the right. “It’s about time I get to ruffle some feathers!” Blade taunted.

“Now I discard one hand card to equip, Brave Equipment, Glory Seeker!” A navy and gold shield appeared in her hand with a matching sword.

“Next, I cast Reset Button! If there are one or more cards in my gauge, I can put them all back into my deck and set four new cards into my gauge!” She explained as her gauge increased from 2 to 4.

“Yes! She’s setting herself up perfectly!” Twilight cheered.

Brave smiled and nodded, “She must have drawn her impact. Looks like she’s ready to finish it up.”

“Final Phase!”

Pinkie rose the last card in her hand.

“Impact! Phoenix Radiation! Since I have a Dungeon Enemy monster in my field, and I have an adventurer item equip I meet the requirements for this Impact. Not only can I destroy all the monsters on your field, but I can also deal you 3 damage!”

Blade’s body suddenly burst into green flames. “I am the undying bird of flames that will wipe out all! Phoenix Radiation!” Blade opened his beak and let loose a fierce stream of green flames, burning all of Home Run’s monsters to cinders.

Home Run covered his face because of the intensity of the flames. When he uncovered his face, he saw Pinkie charge towards him with her flame coated Glory Seeker.

“Game Over!” Was the last words she said before slashing Home Run, dropping his life points down to zero and destroying his flag.

“Game Over! Winner: Pinkie Pie!”

The fight had ended and deactivated the Proto-barrier, returning all the teens to the real world. Home Run was on his knees with scattered cards around him, and a broken Core Deck Case.

“Yay! I won!” Pinkie cheered, pulling her two friends into a group hug.

After a moment of celebration, the group approached Home Run.

“Man… I messed up.” Home Run sulked.

Pinkie just smiled and crouched to his level, “Yeah, but hey who hasn’t?” She giggled. “Sure you did some bad stuff, but now that you’ve seen the error of your ways you can make it up. Maybe starting with your teammates and playing with them again?”

He sighed, “Probably, if they ever forgive me for attacking them.”

“You don’t have to worry about that dude.” Suddenly, Asmodai walked up to the group. “While all of you were in the Proto-barrier, I used some of my magic to wipe their memories. They won’t be remembering anything about the attack when they wake up.”

Home Run looked at them with hope-filled eyes as he stood up and bowed to them. “Thank you, for saving me and my team.I owe you guys a lot.”

“No problem! It was a fun fight anyways, so you don’t owe us anything. Now go play some ball!” Pinkie cheered, with Home Run nodding and trotted towards his teammates.

Another fight won, another crisis averted, but one question lingered in Brave’s mind.

“Wait, Asmodai, you can wipe memories this whole time?” The Dragon World Fighter asked.

Asmodai scoffed, “Of course. It’s only a small foot for a Demon Lord like me.”

“Wha-! Then why didn't you do that before!? We could have kept other people from getting involved!”

“Ahem” He turned to see Twilight and Pinkie glaring at him because of his implication.

Brave shook nervously, “N-not that I don’t appreciate you girls for joining the fight. I’m just saying…”

While the trio of heroes was bantering, they didn’t notice they were being watched.

In a tree a distance away, there on the branches sat a girl. She had short, navy hair and amber eyes. She wore dark blue jeans with a black tank top with a black and yellow vest over it. Around her neck was a black scarf that split into two sides behind her.

“Another demon down the drain. Doesn’t matter though. As long as they do their job and collect negative energy from Lord Yamigedo and Master Crimson, then they are disposable.” She said to herself. She suddenly pulled out a card, it began to shine as a portal opened below her. She dropped from the branch she sat on and fell in, making the portal disappear in an instant.

The sun started to set as Brave was walking home.

Brave sighed, “Now that Pinkie’s joined, our small army is growing stronger.”

“That’s a good thing.” Drum suddenly appeared in his mini-form. “Now you have comrades you can rely on. No use not wanting them not to get involved now.”

“I know partner. I just hope they’ll be ready for the dangerous and demons ahead.”

Drum halted the both of them. “Speaking of Demons, don’t you have something to do with the demon the pink human defeated?”

“Oh right.” Brave pulled out Draogul’s card and handed it to Drum. Brave closed his eyes and pressed the palms of his hands together.
“Heart-clan Secret Art! Purify!” He thrust his arm forward and pressed his thumb on the demon symbol on the card. After a moment of silence, the Symbol had disappeared. “Well, that takes care of that. Time for you to go home Draogul.” The card flew out of Drum’s and disappeared in a flash of light.

“So, are you ever gonna tell the others about your clan? Or how you found all of us?” Drum asked his buddy.

Brave hesitated before sighing. “I prefer to wait till we get the other’s buddies first. I don’t exactly want to repeat my story over and over.”

“I’m just saying Brave, they are going to get curious about your story and the amount of technology we have. It’s better to tell them sooner than later, but I guess it not my place to tell you what to do.” Drum then turned back into a card and flew into Brave’s holster.

“Welcome to Brave and Twilight’s, Buddyfight Corner!” Twilight and Brave stood in a classroom setting with a monitor behind them.

Suddenly, Pinkie entered the frame.

"Where we'll be teaching you about the world of buddyfight!"

"Pinkie!? What are you doing in our classroom?"

"Because I heard that you're gonna talk about my new buddy, Bladewing Phoenix!"

"That's right Pinkie. This is Bladewing Phoenix! He has a power of 5000, defense of 1000, and a critical of 2!

"He also had the Double Attack ability, which lets him attack twice during a turn."

"My buddy's so cool! When he's not nagging me about homework."

Twilight winked at the camera, holding up a booster pack of Buddyfight cards, along with Brave who stood beside her holding his Core Deck Case. Pinkie was standing beside Twilight, holding up another booster pack.

"That;s all for now class!"

"Can you open a buddy rare card?"