• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Friendship is the Future! - Fear Ripper

The boundaries between the Earth and the worlds parallel will be shaken when the Great Fiend, Yamigedo revives to devour them all. Their only hope is if our heroes and the buddies find the Omni-lords to defeat it. Get Ready for, Buddyfight!

  • ...

A Buddy's Origin Story!

“*Huff! Huff!* We made it.”

The party of Brave Heart and Twilight Sparkle had made it to their destination. Albeit tired and sweaty. Canterlot High School looked to be the run of the mill high school. Three stories tall, white building with windows all across the sides.

“And with ten minutes to spare. Funny how fast you can go when you’re in a rush.” Brave joked. Only for Twilight to glare at him.

“Well we did make it, but don’t forget you still have to explain what happened back there. What was that demon guy? How did you summon those monsters? Why did you have to play that game to set us free!?”

“Yo! Yo! Let’s calm down a little, ya know?” The voice of Demon Lord Asmodai could be heard when a speck of light hovered between the two.

“Asmodai?” Twilight questioned.

“That’s right, Twilight!” Asmodai rapped. “Sorry we had to do the fight and run! Why don’t we save this talk for when school is done!”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “I think he means we should wait until after school to talk. It’s kind of a long story after all. Why don’t we meet here when classes are done?” Brave answered.

Twilight eyed him suspiciously. “How do I know you’re gonna show up and not just leave me hanging? I barely know you after all.”

Before Brave could answer, Asmodai interrupted. “Trusting in a stranger can be pretty hard, so as a show of faith-!” Asmodai’s light suddenly turned into a card with a picture of him and his card effects on it and landed in Twilights hands. “Why don’t you hold on to my card?”

Brave looked surprised, “Asmodai? Are you sure?”

“It’s alright homes! She needs to trust us, so this is a good first step.” He stopped his rapping.

Brave hesitated, “Are you okay with it Twilight?” he asked.

“Hm… as long as he doesn’t cause me trouble it’s fine. This will make sure I get my answers.” She put Asmodai’s card in her shirt pocket.

“Then it’s agreed.” Brave finished with his usual smirk.

While the duo came to an agreement, they didn’t notice a cheerful, pink haired, young girl skip right by them. She was wearing the same uniform as Twilight, but she had pink and white striped knee socks and stood a good 5.6 ft in height to Twilights 5.3. She stopped in her tracks as she noticed the two new students.

“Heeeeeey there!” The curly pink haired girl approached the both of them and started roughly shaking their hands. “You two are new, right?”

“Huh? Uhm… yes, I’m new.” Twilight introduced awkwardly.

“Yeah, so am I. How did you know?” Brave asked as the pink girl let go of their hands. Twilight rubbed her hand uncomfortable, but Brave seemed fine.

“Because I know absolutely EVERYONE in this school. So what are your names? Mine’s Pinkie!”


“The name’s Brave! Also known as the Heartful Fighter!”

“Oooh! Nice. To. Meet. You! Twilight! Brave! I’m sure we’ll be good friends in no time!” She went back to shaking their hands.

“Me too. I can already tell you’ll be a blast to hang with.” Brave said optimistically.

“Thanks! Oh, I have a great idea! This weekend I’ll throw you guys a big welcome party!” Pinkie suggested.

“Awesome!” Brave cheered. “Sounds like a great way to make friends.”

“I know right?” Pinkie agreed before turning to Twilight. “Nice surprise eh? Eh!?”

“Um.. yeah, but I’m not really the loud kind. I’m more of a nice, quiet place kind of girl.” Twilight replied.

“What? That’s silly. What kind of party could be had in silence? A boring one! With a party like the one, I’m thinking of you’ll make a lot of friends! You won’t have to be a sad, lonely girl, but instead a happy one with lots of friends!”

‘Does this girl ever stop talking?’ Twilight thought annoyed, and Brave was just smiling beside her. Enjoying their conversation with their new pink friend.

Again, both were unaware of another girl running towards them at a tremendous speed. Although she didn’t show signs of stopping and would have probably knocked them over. Were it not for Brave being the first one in her path. The moment she collided with the Heartful fighter, she was immediately stopped in her tracks. Brave didn’t budge, but the girl was stuck cartoonishly on his back before slowly descending to the ground on her back. Brave curiously looked down at the person who had ‘bumped’ into him.

She looked like a little girl with long rainbow hair and magenta eyes. She stood at about 4.8 feet tall, wearing the same uniform as the other two girls with him. Except her vest was open, she didn’t wear the ribbon around her neck, and a rainbow sash around her waist.

“Did somebody get the number of that truck?” the fallen girl shook her head out of her dizzied expression. She looked up to see Brave offering his hand to her.

“Are you okay little girl?” he asked.

“LITTLE GIRL!?” she suddenly shot to her feet. “I’ll have you know I’m thirteen years old, bub!”

“Oh, sorry about that. My mistake.” Brave scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“That’s right it’s your mistake! Don’t judge a girl by her size! You’ll regret making fun of me when I’m super famous! Remember the name Rainbow Dash!” she yelled.

As she kept ranting, yet another girl casually walked by. She was about the same height as Pinkie while wearing the same Canterlot High uniform. Only she had a yellow sash around her waist and a Stetson cowboy had on her back. She had long blonde hair reaching down to her back, green eyes, and her cheeks were lightly dusted with freckles.

She continued to walk while nose deep in the book in her hands. She was so engulfed with her book, that she didn’t notice she knocked over Rainbow Dash while she walked by.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” Rainbow yelled at her.

The blonde turned around to see who was speaking to her, but she didn’t look down enough to see Rainbow. “Hmm, nobody’s here.” She said dismissively as she walked away, continuing to read her book.

“Nobody!? How dare you!” Rainbow yelled. But she was suddenly knocked over by a generic looking female student. “Why is everyone knocking me down today!?”

“Make way for our beloved class president!” the female student commanded.

Following her was another, more eye-catching female student. She stood at about 5.7 ft. in height. She had long, flowy, lavender hair, and a matching lavender scarf around her neck, flowing behind her like a tail. She was also wearing the same female uniform.

“Come on now everyone, it’s school time! May everyone have a fabulous day!” the lavender girl announced to everyone in a French accent. As she and her entourage made their way into the school.

“Who’s that?” Twilight asked.

“That’s Rarity.” Pinkie answered. “She’s the most popular girl in school and elected the class president. Oh! She’s into fashion as well.”

“She seems nice.” Brave Heart added. “Her entourage, not so much.”

Yet another girl closed in on their location, but she was more focused on Rainbow Dash. She was just as tall Rarity and wearing the female uniform with a pink sash around her waist. Her long, light pink hair flowed behind her while her green eyes were fixated on the rainbow-haired girl.

“What are you doing down there, Rainbow?” The light pink haired girl asked.

Rainbow sighed as she stood back up. “Nothing at all. Let’s just get to our classroom, Fluttershy.” She commanded as she and the now named Fluttershy walked into the school.

‘What a timid girl.’ Twilight thought.

“Speaking of classrooms,” Brave interjected. “We should probably get to ours. The class is gonna start any minute.”

“Oh! That’s right!” Pinkie ran off into the school building. “See you in class you two!”

“W-Wait!” Twilight followed her lead.

“I’m comin’ too!” Brave Heart also followed. ‘Finally, the start of a new adventure!’ he thought to himself.

(After School)

“*Yawn* Well, classes are as boring as ever.” Brave talked to himself as he made his way to the front entrance. “So, anybody in this school looks like potential buddies?” This time he voiced his question to his bag. Which started to shin lightly.

“It’s too soon to say young Brave.” The elderly sounding voice spoke. “Although, I can’t say the same for that Asmodai! How ill-mannered! To offer his own card up like that to a stranger!”

“Easy there Blade.” Brave stopped the voices rant. “Even though this is a Demon Lord we’re talking about, I trust Asmodai. Plus, Twilight isn’t really a stranger. She already knows about us, so we can trust her with that much.

Blade grumbled a bit before sighing. “Alright young Brave, I can at least trust your judgment. But I suggest we end our conversation here. Others are beginning to stare.”

Brave was confused until he saw some of the fellow students looking at him weirdly. He realized to them he was practically talking to himself.

‘Great, now I look like a weirdo.’ He thought.

Brave had exited the school and saw Twilight waiting for him at the front gate. She was talking to someone on her cell phone so she didn’t notice him yet. He quickened his pace and waved at her.

“Hey, Twilight!” he shouted. She turned towards him and waved, but she still had her phone up to her ear.

“Hello, Brave.” She responded.

“Hehe, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your phone call.”

“Hm? Oh, no I’m actually talking to Asmodai.” Twilight revealed Asmodai’s card over her phone. “I wanted to speak to him more about that ‘Buddyfight’ you had, but I didn’t want to be seen talking to a card like a weirdo.”

“Ehehehehehe~.” Brave laughed awkwardly.

“Anyways, let’s go.” Twilight lead the way.

“Mom! Dad! I’m home, and I brought a classmate!” Twilight shouted through her family’s apartment.

Twilight had lead Brave straight to her family’s apartment so that he could finally explain the situation she got wrapped up in.

They had both walked into the living room, only to hear someone in the kitchen.

“Oh, a classmate you say?” A woman's voice came out of the window to the kitchen. She learned to look out the window, revealing a middle-aged woman that looked like an older version of Twilight. Only with light purple hair with white stripes. He pleasant smile was replaced with a mischievous one. “Oh-ho-ho! Bringing a boy home on your first day? What would your father think of his little bookworm?”

“Mom!” Twilight yelled with a blush on her cheeks. “We’re only classmates! He just asked if I could help him study.”

“If you say so~!” she turned towards Brave. “Hello, young man. I’m Twilight mother, Velvet Sparkle.”

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. My name is Brave Heart. Your daughter is a big help, and a great friend.”

“My, my, how polite. Well, I’ll leave you kids to it while I prepare dinner.” Velvet leaned out of the window frame. “Oh and you’re father is working late tonight, Twilight. Just so you know.”

Twilight sighed and started walking to her room. “C’mon Brave.” she beckoned.

The both of them were standing in front of the room with Twilight’s name on it. She was about to open the door.

“Wait.” Brave stopped her.

“Hm? What’s the problem?” Twilight asked.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Brave said awkwardly, and his cheeks were a bit red. “I’ve… never really been in a girls room before.”

Twilight’s cheeks also started to blush. “D-d-don’t make this any weirder than it already is! It’s weird enough I have a Demon in my pocket! You still have a lot of explaining to do. Now come on.”

She opened the door to a very clean and well kept purple room. Although, sitting at the desk in front of a laptop was a young boy with short green hair. He looked to be about thirteen years old, standing at about 5 feet tall, his eyes matched the color of his hair, and he wore a white shirt with purple jeans.

“He-Hey Twilight.” The green haired boy greeted nervously.

“Spike! What are you doing in my room!?” Twilight yelled as she pulled on the young boy’s face.

“I was just using your computer!” He whined.

“You weren’t snooping around were you?” She asked suspiciously, letting go of his face.

“No, I just needed to look something up for a class.” Spike dismissed before he noticed brave. “Who’s this?”

“This is my classmate Brave Heart. He asked me to help him with his studies.”

“Hmm.” Spike eyed Brave suspiciously. “Alright… but you better not try anything funny with my sister. Ya hear me?” He tried to look intimidating, but the obvious difference in height made that difficult.

“Spike!” His sister yelled.

“Nah, it’s cool Twilight.” Brave dismissed, before turning to Spike. “You’re just looking out for your sister. Nothing but respect, little man. Wanna be my bud?” He rose his fist for a fistbump.

Spike stared at him in confusion before smiling. “Sure!” He accepted cheerfully, returning the fistbump.

“Oh, good your friends. Now, get out of my room!” Twilight swiftly shoved her little brother out of the room.

“You’re family’s nice,” Brave said nonchalantly.

“Ah great, he’s gone.” Suddenly, Asmodai’s card flew into the air before it turned into Asmodai himself. “Being in my card all day cramps my style.” He stretched his limbs, but due to his size, it was a bit difficult since he was almost as tall as the ceiling.

“Hah~, if it wasn’t for yesterday I’d be more surprised.” Twilight sighed. “So are you going to start explaining NOW?” She said as she pulled out a notebook and pencil.

“Yeah, it’s about that time,” Brave spoke, this time with his serious expression. “You may not believe this, but our world is actually connected to other parallel worlds.”

Twilight was shocked. “Other Worlds? Is that even possible?”

“Of course it is,” Asmodai answered. “I don’t see any demon lords in this world after all.”

“Remember the name of the flags from my fight yesterday?” Brave asked.

“Yes. Dragon World, and Ancient world I believe.” Twilight answered.

“Those are only two of the worlds that are parallel to our own. As far as we know, there are ten different worlds besides our own. All filled with a multitude of different monsters and inhabitants.”

“Really!? Highly fascinating!” Twilight scribbled down on her notebook. “And what are these worlds exactly.”

“I think it’ll be better for them to explain it to you.” He gestured to his bag.


“I think he means us.” Blade’s voice rang before seven lights flew out of Braves bag, before forming into seven miniature monsters.

First was a child-sized ninja, wearing a black uniform with a silver helmet that had a crescent moon in the center and two golden horns.

Next was a small bipedal, orange, dragon wearing a red leather vest.

Then there was a light blue, jester-like monster with blades for hands.

Surprisingly, Drum appeared in a miniature form of himself.

After that, a spherical, green owl-like monster wearing a helmet where a blade rested.

A three-headed, white-furred, canine monster. One had a full visor, another had a visor over one eye, and the center didn’t have one at all.

And last was a green dragon with white mechanical armor over his body.

“These seven, plus Asmodai, are all from different parallel worlds.” Brave introduced them.

Drum stepped forward first. “You already met me yesterday, but I’m Drum Bunker Dragon Fang Slade Terrestrial XIV. Just call me Drum for short. I’m from Dragon World, where a wide variety of Armor Dragons and Dragon Knights inhabit.”

“You know me, homegirl,” Asmodai spoke next. “Demon Lord Asmodai is who I am. Magic World is where you can find me and the rest of my Demon Fam! The 72 Pillars demons are my peeps, while Wizard and Witches will put you to sleep! Yo! Yo! Yo!” Asmodai started break dancing along with his rap.

“Nin.” Was all the little ninja said before unraveling a series of scrolls, which altogether read, “I am Nanomachine Ninja Tsukikage. I hail from Katana World. The Sereine world where Cyber Ninjas, like myself, and Skull Warriors call home.”

“Hey girly! Ki!” The little orange dragon spoke out. “I’m Dragon Kid Ricky! Ancient World is my stomping grounds! Ki! Filled to the brim of the most powerful dragons in all the parallel worlds. Ki! Like Dragon Lords, Wild Dragons, and Dragon Chiefs. Ki!”

“It’s my turn!” The little jester interrupted. “The name’s Ice Blade Joker. Ice to meet you Twilight! I just want to be gla-sure you understand me, cause Legend World monsters are pretty cool! With monsters stemming from your worlds myths and legends! Like heroes, knights, fairies, and Asgardian monsters like m-ice-self.” He kept firing off puns, making those around him groan in annoyance.

“How ill-mannered Joker!” The Green owl lectured. “This is a serious manner of introducing our worlds to a newcomer! Your poor sense of humor can wait for later! At least those of us from Dungeon World has more tact! From Adventurer’s who go through the dungeons for great adventures to Dungeon Enemies, such as I Bladewing Phoenix, who stand in their way. All in the name of adventure and well-mannered fun!”

“*Bark!*” the three-headed canine caught their attention with his bark. “Stop wasting time so we can get to the point. I am Armorknight Cerberus, hailing from Danger World. A world where only the strong can survive. Monsters like the Duel Dragons who hone their skills through hellish training, to us Armorknights who choose to cybernetically enhance our bodies to perfection!”

“And finally, there is me.” The green dragon announced. “I am Star Dragoner, Jackknife. But just call me Jack. Star Dragon World is a more futuristic version of Dragon World, consisting of Neodragons like me. Also the Dragonarms, who are cybernetic lifeforms that are created to fight alongside us, or enhance our abilities.”

Twilight, all the while, was jotting down almost every world they were saying. “Aaaaand there! I got it. Wait, you said there were ten worlds. I only see eight of you.”

Brave rubbed his neck nervously. “Well, you see the other two worlds are a bit difficult. The first is Hero World, which is as the name says, is full of Superheroes, and Brave machines. But also Dark heroes that do what they need to get the job done. And last is Darkness Dragon World, not a very friendly world as you might have guessed. A darker and more ominous version of Dragon world. Full of Death dragons, black dragons, etc. The reason why none of them are represented here is that neither world was there during the Omni-war.”

“Wait, Omni-was? What happened then?” She asked.

“Well, that takes us to the next part of our story.” Asmodai chimed in with a serious voice for once... “Which is also pretty much the reason why we’re in this world. You see, long before the Earth’s recorded history, there was a great evil threatening the existence of all worlds.”

Twilight was a bit frightened, seeing Asmodai so serious for the first time. “A-a great evil? What would that be?”

“Great Fiend, Yamigedo.” Blade answered, “Devourer of Worlds.”

Jack continued, “It was a powerful and evil monster of unknown origins. It leads an army of a hundred demons to lower the world's defenses before it devoured them.”

“It was horrible! Ki!” Ricky clenched his fist. “It consumed entire civilizations just to fulfill its insufferable hunger for power! Ki! It would have continued to eat until someone decided to do something. Ki!”

“Armordeity Dynamis.” Drum spoke the name with immense respect. “Ruler of all Armordragons, and master weaponsmith. She knew something had to be done, but one world itself couldn’t stop Yamigedo. So she sought help from the most powerful beings in each world, which later were known as the Omni-Lords.”

“She created what was known as Omni-Lord Emblems, which enhanced their powers even more,” Joker spoke, also in a surprisingly serious voice. “The Eight Omni-lords and their generals were to stop Yamigedo at the next world it stopped at. Which so happens to be Earth.”

“Though Dynamis knew they couldn’t destroy Yamigedo, so they needed to seal its power on Earth. But knowing that, she warned the Omni-lords and their generals that if they chose to fight they couldn’t return to their worlds in fear of Yamigedo would one day break free. So they decided to seal themselves on Earth, waiting for the day that Yamigedo would be awoken.” Cerberus finished.

“And that’s why they are here now.” Brave added, “Everyone in this room, was the general to their Omni-Lord of each world. Although, they are only awake because the seal trapping Yamigedo had been broken”

“What!?” Twilight yelled in shock. “If a monster like that is running about right now then why isn’t the world devoured by now!? And why aren’t those ‘Omni-Lord’s doing anything about it!?”

“It’s been millennia since any of us have been first sealed Twilight.” Asmodai put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Yamigedo needs time to regain its power. As for the Omni-Lords, they also sealed themselves off until we find them and release them.”

“Us generals were supposed to be the first line of defense against Yamigedo when it was awoken. We volunteered ourselves to be sealed along with Yamigedo so we may find our Omni-Lords immediately. Our Omni-Lords gave us these.” Blade explained as he pulled out an orb-shaped object. “These are the Omni-Lord Emblems, which are to be used to unseal them from their bonds to fight Yamigedo once again.”

“Great!” Twilight perched up. “Then you guys just need to go get the Omni-Lords and seal Yamigedo again, and the world will be saved! Right?”

“Ehehe, that’s where our problems begin homegirl.” Asmodai laughed. “We don’t exactly remember where the Omni-Lords sealed themselves.”

“How can you forget something as important as that!?” Twilight grabbed Asmodai’s collar and started shaking him.

“Calm down! Ki! Like we said, it’s been millennia since we’ve all been out and about. Ki! So it’s no surprise that our memories are shot! Ki!” Ricky argued.

“But not all hope is lost.” Drum interjected. “The Omni-Lord Emblems can also be used to locate the Omni-Lords. Plus, thanks to Brave’s connections, we were able to zero in on this town! Which is why we’re here in the first place.”

Twilight stopped shaking Asmodai to take a deep breath, which left the demon lord with swirls in his eyes.

“Okay. So if the other parallel worlds are able to come to Earth, how come we haven’t seen or heard of any of them?” She asked.

“After we all sealed Yamigedo, the Parallel Worlds came into an agreement.” Asmodai started. “That they would leave the Earth on its own until the Omni-lords or their generals return. They didn’t want to risk any remnants of Yamigedo’s followers trying to unseal him.”

Twilight nodded, still scribbling down notes. “And what about the card game? What is that about?”

“Unlike in the Parallel Worlds, we don’t have access to our full powers for a long period of time,” Jack answered.

“Except in a Buddyfight, which is a mutual style of battle shared between all of our worlds.” Drum continued. “In a Buddyfight, our powers and the powers of the cards are at their full potential, even on Earth. That’s why for us to defeat Yamigedo and his hundred demons, we need buddies to fight alongside us. Like Brave and I.”

Brave sighed tiredly. “Alright, Twilight. I think that’s enough for tonight.”

“B-but I still have more questions. Like about your Core deck case, and that proto-barrier dimension, and how are you involved in all of this?” Twilight stammered.

“That’ll be a story for another time. We’ve done enough storytelling for tonight.” Asmodai dismissed.

Before Twilight could press on, Her door suddenly starts to open. It was Spike with a tray of tea and cookies.

“Hey Twilight, Mom told me to bring you some snacks, but I ate some.” He said although he didn’t notice the slight flash of light before he entered the room fully. He saw that his sister and their guest sitting on the floor, which had cards scattered everywhere. “Hey, you guys don’t look like you’re studying.”

“Ah, well… we were…” Twilight tried to come up with an answer.

“Alright Spike, you caught us.” Brave threw his hands up in defeat.

Twilight looked at him shocked, ‘What!? Is he gonna tell him?’ She thought.

“We weren’t studying, Twilight just wanted me to teach her how to play a card game so she can make more friends.” Brave chuckled, ignoring the glare he got from Twilight.

“A card game?” He questioned before looking at the cards on the floor. “With these?”

“Yup, it’s called Buddyfight.”

“Buddyfight? Never heard of it.” Spike set down the tray and started picking up the cards.

“Yeah, it actually hasn’t come out yet. Let’s just say I have friends in high placed, and they asked me to beta test the game with the “Younger Generation.” Or so they say. You know before they release it to the public.”

As Spike picked up the last card, his gaze landed on the last card, which was Jack’s card. “This guy looks awesome! Star Dragoner, Jackknife?”

Brave smiled. “Why don’t you take a seat Spike? I’ll show you how to play as well.”

“Brave?” Twilight interrupted, “Is it really a good idea to teach him? Shouldn’t you, you know, ‘keep it a secret’ for the company?” She hinted.

“There’s nothing to worry about Twilight.” He reassured. “Buddyfight isn’t just about defeating the enemy, it’s also about making friends with your opponent. Buddyfight his a great way of making new friends.” He turned his attention to Spike. “And if we fight, the two of us will be better friends!”

“Yeah!” Spike cheered, while his sister just sighed.



The sun had gone down, so Brave and the Omni-generals decided it was time to leave the Sparkle family to their devices. Brave had just exited the apartment complex and began walking to his own home.

“Well, that was nice,” Brave spoke to the generals in his bag. “Now we have someone to talk to about the mission. It would have been tough with the whole, super secret mission thing without another comrade.”

“I agree.” Drum spoke from his card. “But do you really think it was a good idea to leave those two with them?”

“I must concur, young Brave.” Blade interjected. “I understand you think of them as friends, but you have only just met them. Are you sure they are trustworthy?”

“Of course.” Brave immediately answered. “Twilight is already involved in this because of our mistake, I’m sure we can trust she would keep our secret. Plus, Asmodai and Jack chose to stay behind.” He took one last glance towards the Sparkle families apartment complex before smiling. “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of Twilight and Spike.”

Blade sighed. “Alright then, I can at least trust your judgment.”

“Thanks, Blade.” Brave then activated his Core gadget and strapped it to his heart. “Ready Drum?”

“You got it, buddy!”

“Buddy skill! On!” His core gadget said before the jewel shined.

Suddenly, blazing red energy started firing out of the palms of his hands and the souls of his feet, as he started to fly like a certain genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

“WooooooHoooo! This never gets old!” our hero cheered, flying through the night sky.

(Back at the Sparkle Residents)

Twilight had changed into a purple night dress for the night. At the moment she decided to read a book before going to bet. Although she seemed pretty distracted with something.

“So… any reason you decided to stay?” Twilight shifted her focus to a stack of cards sitting on the desk, as the top card slightly glowed.

“Well for one, it’s to keep an eye on you. Just to make sure you don’t go blabbing to anyone about our mission.” Asmodai’s voice rung through the room.

“I already promised I would keep quiet. It’s not like anyone would believe me even if I told them.”

“Second, is just because I find you interesting.”

“Interesting? I’m just a normal, high school girl. What could be interesting about me?”

“There’s just this certain… Magic about you. Which is ironic since I’m from Magic World. For a girl who says she’s not that sociable and friendless, you readily welcomed Brave into your home.”

“T-that was just to get the explanation about this morning.”

“And when he was teaching you and Spike how to play, you seemed to really enjoy it all. You still gonna say that Brave isn’t a friend?”

“We’re just classmates who met in unfortunate circumstances. That’s it. I’ve moved around with my family a lot in the past because of either my father or sister’s jobs. I learned pretty quickly it's better to just reject any attachments so it doesn’t hurt as much when it’s suddenly gone.” Twilight frowned.

Asmodai sighed. “Twilight, you shouldn’t reject someone who actually wants to be your friend. Especially when all they want to do is make you smile. And knowing Brave, he’ll stop at nothing before he sees it. Just try the whole friend thing, alright?”

Twilight hesitated for an answer, before sighing and putting her book down. “Alright. I’ll try.” she shuts the lights off in her room and got into her bed. “Hey, Asmodai. Thanks… for the talk. It’s been a while since I’ve had a heart to heart talk like that. Not even my own parents or siblings talk like that most of the time.”

“No problem, homegirl.” Asmodai then thought, ‘What are buddies for?’

“Good night.”

(In Spike’s Room)

Spike was sitting at his room’s desk, looking through the cards that were given to him by Brave.

“So if I crossnize Cavalier with Jackknife, he gains penetrate? Awesome!” Spike said to himself. Although, he was unknowingly being watched. At the corner of the desk rested the card of the real Jackknife Dragon.

‘This boy… he’s quite peculiar. I sense something within him, his spirit feels like that of a dragon. May he be my true buddy?’ Jack thought silently.


In a very familiar alleyway, one of Steel Club’s underlings was hanging out. But he seemed irritated.

“Damnit. The boss decided to go straight and leave us, then Deviant decided to go too. But what about me? How could they just drop me like that!? Grr! It must be because of that ‘Heartful Fighter’ guy. Next time I see him or his little girlfriend, I’ll show them who’s boss.”

“Oh really? Is that what you desire?” Suddenly, another card appeared next to him. “Then how about I offer my aid, Skid Mark?” The card flew straight into the lackey’s body. He was surrounded by a dark aura before an ominous, evil smirk settled on his lips.

“Sure, I’ll show that ‘Heartful Fighter’ who’s in charge around here.”

“Welcome to Brave and Twilight’s, Buddyfight Corner!” Twilight and Brave stood in a classroom setting with a monitor behind them.

"Where we'll be teaching you all about the world of buddyfight!"

"Today, we'll be discussing the great, First Crimson Chieftan, Greatest General!

"It's a monster of Dragon World. Its size is 3, power 7000, defense 4000, and a critical of 3!

"When you call it to the field it costs 2 gauge, but you can also put 2 cards in its soul for the Soulard ability.

"It also has the Penetrate ability, and given its 3 critical it can do quite the amount of damage."

Twilight winked at the camera, holding up a booster pack of Buddyfight cards, along with Brave who stood beside her holding his Core Deck Case.

“That’s all for now class.”

“Can you open a Buddy Rare card?”