• Published 19th May 2018
  • 2,963 Views, 72 Comments

Corruption - PixelMoon

Twilight Sparkle finds herself being led to question things she's never questioned and try things she'd never tried by Rarity. But slowly Twilight begins to feel like she's being corrupted, and begins to wonder if Rarity is a vampire.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Applejack had begun to grab Twilight's bags when given the approval. Turned out she could carry a whole lot! She had twice as much on her back and most of the rest thrown into her wagon. It was good she did have a wagon, she just saved Twilight from having to rent one and money would be tight now.

The two of them walked together for a little while, Applejack going on and on about apples and the country, Twilight going 'uh huh' every now and then. It was kind of boring, but Twilight couldn't seem to change the subject. Twilight had read extensively about apples, mind you, and could talk about them at length, but it was a little boring. And as her mind drifted, she became distracted away from what Applejack had said entirely.

In her mind, Twilight played back everything Rarity had said to her over and over. Rarity had somehow managed to sear herself into Twilight's mind after just a minute or two. Every little thing about her was stored in Twilight's mind perfectly. Her voice, her face, her every little move and her words. What was wrong with swearing? Why was it bad?

Because it hurt people's feelings, that's why! Twilight wished she had thought of that during the actually conversation. This always happened to her. She'd always think of the perfect thing to say, but always too late to actually say it, making her look stupid. That's why she hated face to face conversations!

“Listen,” Applejack said, breaking the silence. She didn't look at Twilight, but kept her eyes facing forwards. “About those three. They're-”

Applejack stopped in her tracks and stopped speaking for no apparent reason. As if breaking her out of her train of thought wasn't jarring enough, stopping like that threw Twilight for a loop. She also stopped in her tracks and stared at Applejack.

“They're what?” Twilight glanced in the direction Applejack was looking, but saw nothing.

“Well they're, uh...” Applejack closed her eyes and thought to herself for a minute, like she was struggling to find the right words. “They're- well they're bad ponies, okay? Just be careful around them is all I'm saying. Rarity liking you ain't a good thing.”

That was a relief. For a second, she thought Applejack had seen the dreadstalker or something.

“Like they're going to prank me or something? Are they bullies?”

“Worse. They won't harass you, but Rarity messes with your head,” said Applejack. “She acts like she's helping you by asking these questions and doing you 'favors', but really all she wants is to corrupt ponies until they're just as bad as she is.”

Twilight wasn't sure if they were as bad as Applejack made them sound. They were rude, sure, but Applejack was talking like Rarity was pure evil, like some kind of comic book villain or something. She didn't that out loud, though, not wanting to be too confrontational.

“I wasn't planning on spending much time with them,” said Twilight. “Cause, you know, after all that cursing and violence and public hugging and disregard for train station safety and, uh – maybe they are pretty bad.”

“That's good!” Applejack started walking again and Twilight scrambled to follow behind. “But that's enough talk about Rarity. How's about you tell me what made you decide to move to Ponyville?"

Why did everypony have to ask her that today?! Didn't they know Twilight didn't want to think about this right now? To be fair, moving into a new town that would be the most obvious question to ask and all, but still!

“I don't want to talk about it,” Twilight muttered.

“Ah don't be shy!” Applejack ran ahead just a little so she was just in front of Twilight, looking back. “We're neighbors! No reason for none of that.”

Twilight just made a nondescript noise of displeasure. Applejack just ignored the grunt and pressed the matter again. She was just going to keep pestering her until Twilight answered, wasn't she? Ponies could be so annoying sometimes. She decided to answer just to get this over with.

“It's cheaper here,” said Twilight, trying to keep her voice from being too harsh. “My, uh, family kind of died. I guess I'm on my own so... you know.”

Applejack frowned and nodded. “My parents died when I was about your age.” She took her hat off and put it over her heart. “Had to take over the orchard myself. I can relate to what it's like.”

Twilight's ears perked. Now she felt bad for getting upset so fast a moment ago. She reminded herself that other ponies had problems too. Applejack might actually be a big help.

“Our lives are short and fleeting,” said Applejack, her eyes closed in that way ponies did when they were talking about Celestia. “But you know what isn't? Celestia! She's the one true immortal, the only truly eternal entity. Whatever happens she'll live on in the world we create for her. That's why we need to work hard every day to make the world a better place for Celestia. And you know what else? Even the smallest actions will have ripples that last forever! Your parents actions will live on forever and Celestia will appreciate them forever.”

Twilight lowered her head. That kind of talk never really comforted her. She understood that most ponies found comfort in Celestia, in knowing their achievements would live on through her. But to Twilight it just didn't make any sense. Her parents were still gone. Even if they did make some contribution to society and the princess, it didn't change the fact she'd never see them again. How could other ponies think like that?

“Is it wrong for me to care more about my parents than what they did?”

“Yes,” said Applejack. She shook her head when she saw Twilight's reaction to it. “Now don't give me that look. You know what I mean. It's not that our lives are unimportant, just that they last such a short time compared to what we did. Something so short can't compare to something that lasts forever. Forever, Twilight, think about that. Compared to infinity we don't even exist, just what we send out into the world.”

Twilight knew Applejack was right. Everypony knew Applejack was right. They always said that the finite was literally nothing compared to the infinite. Everything was nothing compared to Celestia, and thus you only existed in relation to her, like it or not. It was just something everypony knew was the truth. It was just something you had to accept.

If everypony was wrong, Twilight couldn't imagine how. They were right, after all. She still didn't like it, but she couldn't say Applejack was wrong, either.

But that just wasn't something that comforted Twilight at all. Apparently most people just thought of Celestia and soldiered on when these things happened, Celestia being their rock in any storm, their greatest comfort. Life had meaning because Celestia had meaning, they'd say. Twilight, though, just missed her family and she didn't see how Celestia could help with that.

“I know.” Twilight hung her head in defeat. “It just isn't fair.”

“Don't say that,” said Applejack. “I know it don't seem that way, but it is. Celestia is what really matters. Why, if you can't accept that, then you're no better than those delinquents.”

“I guess you're right,” Twilight muttered, trudging ever onward.

“You know, most ponies feel better after that.” Applejack looked off to the side. “Sorry if I didn't help much. I don't like seeing you so down about it much. Hey, maybe I can give you some stuff to read about it? I know I don't always say this stuff right."

“Thanks.” Twilight smiled and gave a nod.

That did comfort her a little. Twilight loved books, and with money being tight right now, free books on any subject would be more than welcome.

“Think that's your house up there!” Applejack pointed to the top of the hill where a small building stood.

Twilight could tell it was the right road, at least. Also that it was the only house on said road, so it had to be the right one.

It was a small house, practically a shack. It had all the rooms you needed, a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room and even an ante chamber. Of course, half of those were the same room and all of them were very small.

Before leaving, Applejack gave Twilight a bobble head of Celestia to show her that the only immortal was the only thing that mattered.

Unpacking was a chore, but Twilight did it. It only cost her the entire day. The next year or so would not be comfortable for Twilight. After selling all of her possessions, save the bare essentials, she had just enough money to move somewhere cheaper to live. She would be able to make it through the year and finish school, but just barely. She'd have to eat nothing but carrots and grass and spend nothing on luxury, but she could just barely make it.

Before going to bed, Twilight looked at the bobble head of Celestia. She did kind of like the way it looked. Maybe she'd put it in her window after all. And who knew? Maybe it really was magic or something. Twilight chuckled to herself.

Twilight turned on a lamp and took out a book to read. No matter how bad things got, you could always hide in a book.

She didn't get very far before a thump was heard from the window, then another, then another.

Curious, Twilight moved to the window and opened it. Outside she saw two of the ponies from the gang she had run into earlier standing a good distance from her house. Rainbow Dash was one of them, holding a rock in her hoof as if she was about to throw it, but pulling back as soon as she saw Twilight.

“Twilight!” Pinkie called up to her. “Come out and Play! Twilight! Come out and play!”

“What? It's nine!” Twilight shouted back. “It's bed time, not play time!”

“What are you, six?!” Dash shouted up at her. “The boss told us to come get you, so come out!”

“No!” Twilight shouted. “Why are you even here?! Didn't you think I was the L-word?!”

“I just told you!” Dash shouted. “The boss wants you so we're here to get you!”

Twilight grumbled. This was a terrible way to have a conversation. Her voice was already getting tired from this.

“Look!” Twilight shouted. “My house only has one floor! Just come over here so we don't have to keep shouting!"

Pinkie whispered something into Dash's ear and laughed. Dash chuckled and pushed her away.

“You come out here!” Dash shouted. “We ain't budging.”

The nerve these two had! Twilight grumbled to herself as she trotted out of her room and over to the front door. They weren't in front of the door, either, but several yards away. Pinkie playfully beckoned to Twilight to come out further. Twilight rolled her eyes and trotted out a bit farther.

“What?” she asked them to their faces. Now that she was up close, she noticed that the two of them were still wearing those sunglasses, even though the sun had gone down completely some time ago. “Why are you wearing those at night?”

“Cause we're that awesome,” Dash said, but took them off to look Twilight in the eyes. “I got good news for you, Sparkle. Our leader decided she likes you, so we're gonna take you out partying.”

There was just something about the way the moonlight reflected off Dash's mane and eyes that made her look so pretty all of a sudden. Her colors popped out more in the dark than it had at day, they almost glowed. She had this draw to her similar to what Rarity did earlier today. It was strange, really. This morning Twilight was almost repulsed by Dash's leather cloths and crass attitude, but now having her attention felt great.

“A party?” Twilight asked. “Like now? But it's nine. That's too late for a party!”

The two of them laughed. “It's never too late for a party,” said Pinkie Pie, lowering her sun glasses. “In fact, my parties only take place at night and my parties are the best parties!”

“I dunno,” said Twilight. “I really don't think it's a good idea to go out with strangers at night. My parents warned me about stranger danger.”

“Look, you want to hang out with us or do you want to be alone like a dork?” Dash asked.

“This is your big chance to make some friends, Twilight,” said Pinkie. “Don't you want to be super best friends? We're the best friends you could ever find, trust me. You don't want to miss the chance to be Pinkie's friend!”

Make friends? Twilight had vowed to do that just a few hours ago. But did she really want to be friends with ponies like these? Twilight frowned and blushed. Her head said no but her heart said yes.

“I'm not sure if you two are really the sort of ponies I want to be friends with,” said Twilight.

“There's gonna be more than just the three of us there,” said Dash. “Look, I don't think you have what it takes to be friends with us, either. But we got orders from the boss and you can meet other ponies there. It's a win-win.”

“Come on, Twilight!” Pinkie leaped to her side and leaned in closer than Twilight was comfortable with. “You gotta take a chance if you wanna have fun! And trust me, there's tons of fun to be had if you follow us!”

“Maybe,” Twilight said. “Maybe we can try being friends. But you have to promise not to say any more bad words and maybe we could meet up tomorrow afternoon instead? We could play the quiet game or something.”

“The what?” Dash laughed, but gave Twilight a rather painful looking frown when she realized she was being serious. “Your childhood sucked, huh? You poor, poor thing. I can understand why the boss pities you. Look, we curse as much as we bucking want and we only go out at night. If you want to hang with us you just gotta deal with it.”

“I just don't really like parties is all!” Twilight insisted. “They're kind of boring, you know? I always end up sitting in the corner, not doing anything.”

“First of all,” said Pinkie, “at my parties nopony just sits in the corner, I make sure of that! And second, if you're ever bored for one single second then it's partially your fault! It means you're not trying hard enough to make things fun.”

Twilight scrapped her hoof across the ground. She did like their manic attitude a little and she wanted to act on what Fluttershy told her. She might actually be able to make a friend there, even if not one of these two.

“Come on!” Pinkie winked. “You know you want to.”

Pinkie walked back to Dash's side and beckoned Twilight to follow. Twilight felt herself trembling.
She wanted to go but she also didn't want to go! Would somepony else ever even invite her to a party again? Twilight didn't know anypony so she may never get this chance again.

And yet going out with strangers? Who cursed? At night?! The fact that she was tempted must have been that peer pressure thing she had read about. Twilight needed to resist temptation and do the thing a good filly would do- stay home and study!

“If you don't want to it's your choice," Dash shrugged. “Come on Pinks, you know the rules.”

Pinkie made a disappointed sound, but followed Dash as she began to trot away, glancing back at Twilight sadly as she began to leave.

Twilight was going to be alone again, wasn't she? Forever, maybe.

“Wait!” Twilight called. The two stopped and looked back at her. “There's going to be other ponies there, right?”

The two nodded.

Twilight bit her lip. She just didn't want to be alone right now, was all. She needed some company and she wouldn't do anything bad there. That's how she justified it to herself anyway.

With her head lowered and knees shaking, Twilight trotted in between the two mares. In excitement, Pinkie gave a victory leap into the air.

“Hurray!” Pinkie called. “See, Dashie? I knew Twitwi would be our friend!"

"Twitwi?” Twilight asked under her breath. She'd read about nicknames like this. "Yeah...don't call me that."