• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 3,351 Views, 100 Comments

Melody for my Dear - FerociousCreation

After a rescue from Big Macintosh, Fluttershy forms emotions for him; however things get in the way

  • ...

Awaiting an Answer

Melody for My Dear
Ch 13

Though the thick black clouds spotted the sky, light from the sun still managed to shine through. Because of the many clouds, the light from the burning sphere seemed brighter than usual as it glared into Applebloom's eyes as she and her friends followed Penelope.

“Ah think we are headin' back to where ma sister was,” Applebloom called to her friends. “You sure you saw them come this way Penelope?” The wasp turned its head and nodded with a squinting smile because the sun was glaring in its eyes as well.

“Wait, I see them just up ahead,” Sweetie Belle spoke as she leered her eyes to see Big Macintosh and Fluttershy walking right below the sun. “We need to pull the line so the fish in the barrel don't bite the bait.”


“We need to stop running.”

Taking the unicorn's advice, the Cutie Mark Crusaders slowed down to a steady paced walk.

“I think we need to cut the spy talk for now and work on it some other time,” Scootaloo spoke as the caught her breath.

“Yeah, even I don't know what I just said...”

“Look girls,” Applebloom exclaimed as she pointed her arm in front of her. From afar was Fluttershy and Big Macintosh standing at Applejack's stand. “Let's stay back here an' just watch where they go.”


“Ah see that yall got yer groceries done,” Applejack smiled as her friends approached.

“Yup,” Fluttershy responded with a smile.

Hey, that's ma line, the stallion thought with a bit of a grunt.

“So whatcha get? Corn? Hay? Beans?”

“Oh..., well I did get some beans, but we also got some eggplants, bird seeds, acorns, baby squash, and... umm... hmm... What else did I get?” Popping out from the basket was Angel holding a pear in his paws. “Oh, thank you Angel.” Taking the fruit from the rabbit, she held it in front of Applejack. “We also got some yummy pears.”

“Ah, pears... hehe. Lovely.” Even though Fluttershy bought Applejack's enthusiasm toward the fruit, the earth pony slightly flinched as the pear came in her direction. “Well, where yall headed off to now?”

“Angel here wanted to go sit down for some lunch, and I am a bit hungry myself. But I spent all of my bits for the day and cannot afford a sandwich at the food court, so we were going to head home to cook up some of our groceries.”

“Ya know you are more than welcome to take some apples here fer free.”

“Oh no... that would be rude to mooch off my friends by taking things for free.”

“Pff, don't stress yourself, sugar cube. These things pop up faster than Granny Smith gettin' out of bed.”

“Well, since you insist, I guess I would not mind a few. What do you think Big-” Without hesitating, the red stallion already had a brown sack halfway filled with apples. “Oh, thank you, but don't you think that is a bit too much?”


“Ah agree. That is a good amount. Wouldn't ya say so brother?”

“Eeyup.” And with that, Big Macintosh tied a knot on the sack of apples tight and placed it on his back, balancing it very easily.

“We better get going, Angel looks like he needs his belly full.” The rabbit had a bit of an uncomfortable look on his face due to hunger.

“Then get on home safely, ya hear?”

“I am sure Big Macintosh will get me home safely.”

“Eeyup,” the colt smiled.

“Just make sure you watch out fer fallin' trees,” Applejack joked a bit. “The winds are pickin' up again.”

“Oh my, are they!? Fluttershy said in a concerned tone. “We need to hurry home!”

“Don't be all worried like that, it's just a breeze.”

“I guess, but it's not something do joke about. After all, a tree did come down on Big Mac.”


“Yeah, yer right.” Applejack appologzed to her brother before saying farewell to Big Macintosh and Fluttershy. “Yall have a safe walk home. And Big Mac, jus' so ya don't worry yer sister and ah, make sure you hustle on home before sundown. Got it?”


“Alright, have a good time!”

“We will,” Fluttershy smiled as she and Big Macintosh began to walk away. “Goodbye.”
“Looks like they are headed off,” Scootaloo spoke.

“Then what are we waitin' for? Let's go!” Applebloom was about to dart off after Fluttershy and Big Macintosh when her two friends shook there head. “What's wrong?”

“Well... I kinda promised Rarity that I would be home early today to help her with some 'inspiration' she had earlier today. And I am not looking forward to going home after the mess I made before I left.”

“That's fine! Me and Scoot can continue spyin.'”

“I kinda want to go home too...” the pegasus said in a bit of a tired tone.

“But how come?” The yellow pony's eyes glassed up a bit trying to convince her friend to stay.

“I hardly got any sleep last night and I want to get home for an early rest.”

“Oh, okay...”

“Aww cheer up!” Sweetie Belle was not about to let the day end on a sad note. “We got a lot of crusading done today with spying and had some suspenseful moments.”

“It was kinda fun,” Applebloom replied.

“Kinda? It was great!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “I think we will have our cutie marks in spying in no time.”

“Yeah, and all we gotta do is keep at it!”

“We need to keep in touch on this if we want to keep the fish in the barrel alive,” the white unicorn said while her friends rolled their eyes at Sweetie Belle's spy terminology.

“Okay girls, I'll see ya around.” Applebloom turned around after finishing her sentence, heading toward the farm, taking the wagon along with her.

“Goodbye Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle spoke as she too began walking away. “You too Scootaloo”

“Later!” Soon, Scootaloo found herself alone with Penelope. “Hey Penelope, where do you live?” The wasp pointed its arm toward where the sun was setting. “I live that way. Maybe I can give you a lift.” Penelope shook her head, but Scootaloo insisted. “Oh don't be like that! I can get you there in a giffy, just like Rainbow Dash.” Taking her word, the insect nodded its head and sat on the filly's nose. “Great!” And with all of her might, Scootaloo ran off toward the setting sun.

Trees began to surround Scootaloo she and her flying friend continued in the direction of the hot sphere.

“And before I knew it, WOOSH! Out of nowhere came Rainbow Dash and saved me!” Scootaloo was telling Penelope an old story as they went along the dirt path. “Sounds like a cool story, hugh?” A nod came from the wasp as it responded to the pegasus' question. “So are you sure you live this way?” Penelope nodded again. “You sure? It seems we are headed back to Fluttershy's place.” Once more, Penelopy nodded. “Oh I forgot; you know Fluttershy! Without you, I don't think we would have found them.” Embarrassed, the wasp blushed and rubbed it's arm a bit. “So you live at Fluttershy's cottage, right?” Another nod came from Penelope. “That's good to know. Maybe I can tell you why me and my friends are... spying on...”

Scootaloo's voice trailed off as she saw two ponies walking in front of her. “Who could that be?” Dashing up into the air, Penelope got a bird's eye view on who was ahead and flew back down to her friend. “Who was it?”

The wasp then pointed at a monarch that was flying by in the distance. “Hey, isn't that she shy monarch we saw earlier?” Penelope nodded. “Wait, shy...” Scootaloo then gasped and wispered, “That's Fluttershy up ahead with Big Macintosh!” Coming to a complete stop, Scootaloo looked at Penelope and said, “We need to keep our distance until they get to the cottage.”


“Thank you again for grocery shopping with me today,” Fluttershy said as she and Big Macintosh crossed the cobblestone bridge. “I think you got me the best produce from the market.”

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh followed closely, trying to balance the sack of apples that rested on his back.

Opening the door to the cottage, Fluttershy called out, “I'm home!” Several animals came out to greet the pegasus as soon as they heard the mare call out. Fluttershy set the basket of food down on the ground and some of the rodent creatures who came to Fluttershy's call began carrying the produce onto the kitchen counter. “They are so helpful, aren't they?”


Even Angel was helping out. However, he was helping himself as he carried the carrots to his bed. “Now now Angel, we need to prepare for mealtime. So mommy has to make you a nice salad.” In response, the rabbit just stuck out his tongue. Big Macintosh blinked for a moment when Fluttershy darted toward Angel. “Are you giving me attitude mister?!”

Woah, where did that come from!? The stallion was in shock because he has never seen Fluttershy act this way.

Meanwhile, fear fell on the rabbit's face and he forfeited the carrots over to the scolder. “Thank you Angel. You know that I want you to be a healthy bunny, so I want to make sure you have a healthy diet.” The pegasus' voice was now calm and sweet as she spoke to Angel. “Now, why don't you go rest while I make you a yummy salad. Mmm.”

A salad does sound nice actually, Big Macintosh thought to himself.

Fluttershy now hummed to herself as she went to close the front door and then proceeded to the kitchen.

Thinking to himself, Big Macintosh thought, Ah guess this is ma leave.

As soon as the stallion reached for the knob, Fluttershy spoke in a panic, “Wait!” Big Macintosh flinched as the mare spoke in an outburst and drew his attention to her. “Oh... I'm sorry for shouting but... c... can you stay for a late lunch?”

Big Macintosh scratched his chin in thought. Ah don't see why not. Never got to try out anythin' Fluttershy has made, and ah am a bit hungry. “Eeyup,” he finally answered.

“But you don't have to! I mean... I just want to treat the one who saved me...”

Now ah can't resist yer offer, the stallion chuckled inside.

“So, do you want to stay? AND BE HONEST!” Fluttershy's last sentence was blurted out quickly as the mare had a bit of a nervous and terrified look.

“Course ah do.”

Taking a few steps forward, Fluttershy asked, “P... promise?”


“Yeay!” Fluttershy cheered lightly but excitedly. “Why don't you take a seat while I make you something to eat, okay?”

“Eeyup.” Finally, the stallion stepped away from the door and walked toward the couch.

Beside the door was a round window; and on the other side of the window was Scootaloo. “Wow, did you see that,” the filly said to her wasp friend. “Fluttershy got all flustered when she wants Big Macintosh to stay. I need to write this down.” Meanwhile, Penelope flew off around the corner of the cottage and out of view. “Where are you going?” Scootaloo wanted to write down her newly found information, but decided to follow her friend. But when she rounded the corner of the house, she couldn't see Penelope. Left and right the pegasus looked, but no eye nor antenna could be seen. Suddenly, Scootaloo heard a harsh buzz come from above and caused her to look up; and when she did, she saw Penelope on a small hive nest with holes that littered the nest. On the nest were several white dots and some were moving. “Haha, there you are!” As soon as Scootaloo spoke, it startled the wasp and caused Penelope to point its barb at the filly. “Wait wait wait Penelope! It's me.”

Realizing who it was, the wasp wiped a few sweat specks off its forehead. Sighing in relief, Scootaloo said, “So this is where you went.” Penelope nodded. “Well, I guess you are done for the day, so I will leave you to what you are doing. But before I go, can I ask you one more thing?” Instead of nodding, Penelope turned its head. “Are you a girl?” This time the wasp nodded. “Alright, that's good to note down. Anyways, goodbye.”

Parting from the wasp, Scootaloo made her way back to the window she was spying into. When she looked inside, there was a table all set up with some food that sat on the table and Big Macintosh was facing away from Scootaloo's perspective.

Inside of the cottage, Big Macintosh looked at the variety of salad toppings that lay before him. Ah didn't know she goes this far just to make a salad. There were various fruits sat inside their own bowl and a large bowl that was filled with greens.

“Sorry Big Macintosh... I was just cutting up the last fruit.” Fluttershy briskly walked into the living room as Angel followed her. She placed it along with the other assorted bowls of fruit. While she was placing the bowls on the table, Angel hopped onto the seat that was right next to Big Macintosh. “Looks like your friend wants to sit next to you.”

Even though the stallion made a sour smile when Fluttershy said “friend,” Angel happily smiled and nodded toward the pegasus. What'er you up to small fry, the stallion thought as he looked down at the rabbit.

“There we go.” Fluttershy finally finished arranging the bowls on the table and sat on the opposite side of Big Macintosh. “Take what you like.”

As the pegasus began placing greens on her plate, the stallion looked at his options. Ah haven't had any salad in a while, but ah don't know what would go good with what... Big Macintosh lifted his hoof to reach over to a bowl of diced green fruit. It looked like apple slices to him, so he decided to use that for his salad.

“Oh, I see you are going to use the diced pears I prepared,” Fluttershy spoke as she noticed her guest was reaching for a bowl of fruit. The word “pear” caused Big Macintosh to flinch his arm back to him. “Is... something wrong? Was there a piece of hair in it!? I hope I didn't get any of my mane in it! Oh, it would be rude of me if that were to be the case...

As fearful thoughts ran through Fluttershy's head, Big Macintosh shyly replied, “N...nope.”

“Oh, good!” Relieved, Fluttershy then asked, “Well, why did you pull your arm back like that?”

“Umm...” The stallion looked down at Angel who already had some leafy greens in his bowl and was now taking the bowl of sliced pears.

“Do you not like pears?”

“Y... yeah...”

“Well, you don't have to have pears. In fact, I may have a suggestion that might help you choose. Would you like to hear it?”


“Okay. Let's see... You might like using these apple slices and pecans in your salad.” As she suggested her ideas, Fluttershy gently pushed the ingredients toward Big Macintosh. “Would that be okay?”

“Eeyup!” Wow, that is a good idea. Never thought of using nuts in my salad.

“I hope you like my suggestion.”

Ah already do. Big Macintosh was now happily readying his salad as Fluttershy began eating hers. It didn't take long for Big Macintosh to finish making his salad. But something was missing. Something to go on top of the delicious meal that he made. Then something caught his eye: a small bowl of cranberry sauce. That would go very well with my salad. Reaching over to grab the bowl, he didn't realize Fluttershy was reaching over to the cranberry sauce as well and brushed up against her hoof.

“Oh, sorry,” Fluttershy spoke in a panic as she wasn't watching where she was reaching. She pulled her arm back to herself as she said, “You can have it.” Big Macintosh smiled and pushed the bowl in her direction. “I- I don't need it.” But the stallion was persistent and pushed it closer to her. “Are you sure?”

“Eeyup. Ah can use somethin' else.”

“Alright. Thank you...” Instead of smiling, Fluttershy turned away as some of her hair guarded her left eye. What's wrong with me?! Why do I feel like I am losing my composure? I thought I could have a nice dinner with Big Mac, but I don't know why I feel scared...”

Without Fluttershy knowing, Big Macintosh found himself staring at her, lost in a gaze. Why does she look so frightened? Did ah do something wrong? He looked at Angel who looked right back up at him. The rabbit didn't seem to have any emotion toward what had just happened, but continued to look back at Big Macintosh for some odd reason. Looking back at Fluttershy, Big Macintosh somehow found his eyes unable to look away. Ah wish ah could help her out. Maybe ah should say something, but what?

Time seemed to have frozen and all sound was void as the two ponies sat without moving or talking. Then the sound was broken when Big Macintosh asked, “Are you alright?”

“Y... yeah...”

“Ya don't seem like it.”

“Well, its just...” I just have to tell him...

“Jus' what?”

And through the window, Scootaloo who was pressing her face against the window, awaiting Fluttershy's answer.