• Published 6th Nov 2017
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Star Wars: My Little Sith Lord - Justice3442

Strife runs rampant throughout the Galaxy! Powerful weapons of war roam the cosmos and beings with power of a tremendous scale move about the galactic stage. Even now a once ally of Twilight searches for the key to finally end this conflict.

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Chapter 2

Tempest did her best to keep her anger at the forefront of her swirling mind as the guardsman walked past, lest the embarrassment she likewise felt spoil the dark emotion she thrived on, like unwanted dairy watering down a pitch black cup of caf. The door behind her was now open and, wordlessly, the guardsman made his way back to the singed pilot seat. Dark shapes shifted slightly behind that now open door, but Tempest did her best to keep her focus towards the front of the ship.

A handful of crimson-painted TIE Defenders could be seen from the shuttle’s front window, the ships having taken escort formation around her shuttle along with the rest of their squadron. These TIEs were notably longer than the stock TIE/LN fighter models. Though they sported a familiar pilot module with a ball cockpit, it, in turn, sported three crescent-shaped wings mounted to an aft section, two angled downward and diagonally away from the module and another affixed above it. Each wing was similar to those used on the TIE Interceptors; ending in two points, but with solar panels arranged to curve outward rather than in.

The ships of the galaxy never ceased to enrapture Tempest, even if just a bit. Despite its past reliance on quantity over quality, the Empire also had the best starships. As well as the most attractive designs, if Tempest said so herself.

Tempest’s brow tightened in annoyance. Her mind was wandering. She once again fell into a restless trot back and forth behind the ship’s pilot and co-pilot seat, her armored hooves clicking lightly against the bare durasteel floor. She needed to re-center, or perhaps rather, de-center her emotions before planetfall. She reached out with her senses, but only to the immediate vicinity.

Those behind her were a slow, simmering mix of emotions that were rapidly coming to a boil as the shuttle continued an approach vector to a large green gas giant’s first moon. ‘Excitement’ might qualify as the core emotion, though with a mix of ‘trepidation’ at the upcoming battle? Perhaps ‘anticipation’ was a better word for it? It wasn’t as if a giant sign in her mind was flashing her a word in turn, more that she could touch upon and feel what her troops behind her was going through. Professional and well-trained soldiers that they were, they still couldn’t help but broadcast both fear and eagerness as they concentrated on the upcoming mission from the back of the shuttle.

Tempest shifted her attention forward and watched as the guardsman lowered himself back into his previously smoldering seat and looked down at the controls in front of him. He was borderline impossible to read, his surface thoughts almost entirely concentrated onto whichever task was at hand without any emotion one way or another bubbling to the surface. Tempest found her inability to get even the briefest glimpses of his psyche mildly infuriating, which was keeping her angry, which was a good thing in this case.

So long as the shuttle could get close enough to the surface without any further mishaps.

“Twelve X-wings launching from the fifth moon’s surface,” the guard reported. “They’ve entered the upper atmosphere and are holding steady.” He turned ever so slightly, the first hint that anything he had just said was the least bit of a concern to him. “It’s Rogue Squadron.”

Tempest could hear faint clicks and murmurs from the room behind her, a sign that the troops behind her were discussing this revelation over their com channel. She merely smiled darkly at the news that the Rebel’s most accomplished fighter squadron was to be present. What little additional anxiety she experienced from her troops was quickly overrun with excitement amongst the group. They had, after all, the superior starfighters and quite likely the superior pilots on their side, and the men in the room behind had been hoof picked by herself personally. Perhaps they weren’t all the greatest soldiers forged by the Empire like the man at the helm of the shuttle, but none were cowards.

“I suppose that follows,” Tempest mused, “Skywalker himself must be still accompanying the Princess.” Her smile dropped as anger flashed across her eyes. “The Emperor shall have his vengeance this day…”

“Shall I engage after Shadow Platoon has been deployed?” The guardsman’s stoicism fading ever so slightly as the hints of enthusiasm entered his tone and his emotions.

Tempest smirked at the guard. “Just so long as Shadow Platoon is defended and you can keep my ship in one piece. If you wipe out Rogue Squadron before the Princess is suitably engaged, she’ll have very little reason not to start blasting entire sections of the sky.”

“All pilots present are the Emperor’s Royal Guard and all would gladly lay their lives down to end Skywalker,” the guardsman informed with a hint of verbal and mental pride.

Tempest nodded. “Unfortunately, Skywalker is not our objective. We’ll need at least one ship that can carry a passenger if we want to succeed.” She dwelled on this for a moment. “Though the Millennium Falcon is likely present, it would do me little good to have you disintegrated, guardsman. Have Glaive Squadron engage and proceed with the mission.”

“As you wish, my Lord.” The guardsman flipped a switch on the shuttle’s console. “Glaive Squadron, you are free to engage.”

There was at once a chorus of terrifying screaming as TIE Defenders accelerated and the signature sound of the twin-ion engines rang out around the ship.

Tempest smiled darkly to shrieking choir.

She and the Emperor would have their vengeance this day.

The sky was set ablaze with explosions and fire as the first round of concussion missiles and proton torpedoes were blown out of the sky, a sight so common for Commander Wedge Antilles, he considered it two groups of enemy fighters saying hello. Of course, things were far from casual above the surface of the pretty little moon his friends and fellow alliance members had set down on. Wedge banked left as lances of blaster fire flew past his canopy. He pulled the triggers to his own weapons and sent scarlet tagged bolts of magnetically wrapped plasma back towards his aggressor. An aggressor whose ship was out of the path of said energy before it arrived.

It was going to be one of those days. While not being outnumbered would have been a nice change of pace, the fact remained that the ships that he and his team where up against were better armed, faster, and more maneuverable.

A small splattering of green energy danced outside Wedge’s canopy in a dome shape causing his ship to lurch, him to swerve away from the blaster fire, and his R5 unit to spit out annoyed and irritated beeps in that order.

“I know! I know!” Wedge said as he throttled back on his speed and attempted to turn his ship to face the enemy craft. This effort was rewarded with a few more bolts of energy hitting his deflectors, more screaming from his droid, and a string of expletives from himself. He changed his vector and pointed the nose of his ship downward towards the forested surface below.

It was also quite possible the enemy pilots out-classed his own… Not a pleasant thought in the least. He flipped a switch to his right. “Luke! I got one on my tail!” Wedge informed as he jerked his X-wing hard to the left across his opponent’s fight path, a move that, in theory, barely gave the enemy an opportunity to hit his ship. Still, that short snapshot of an opportunity for a couple more stray bolts spit energy across his shields.

“Already on him, Wedge,” Luke replied in an even tone. Wedge noted scarlet bolts as they flew past his cockpit into the forest below. This was followed by the all-too familiar scream of a TIE engine as he watched one of the triple winged Defenders peal way to his left, its right inward folded crescent-shaped double-pointed solar panel smoldering as black and red bits fell off into the sky.

Well… At least there’s always the Jedi factor. mused Wedge. “Thanks, Rogue Leader,” Wedge replied.

“No problem,” Luke replied as a few more emerald tracers scorched the sky. “Do you mind returning the favor?”

“Roger that.” Wedge frowned as he switched his scanners to the Defender now on Luke’s tail. If the trouble he and Luke were having was any indication, then it was only a matter of time before—

“This is Rogue Seven!” A near panicky male’s voice called out. “I’ve got a trip on my tail! I can’t shake him!”

“Copy that!” Luke’s voice called through the channel as Wedge continued to maneuver his fighter and hopefully get Luke’s attacker in sight. “Rogue eight! Varalas, what’s your status?” Luke asked.

“I’ve also got one on my six!” a female voice informed with a degree of irritation.

Wedge fired a few harassing shots at the crimson defender trailing Luke. It seemed to quickly take the hint and broke pursuit. “Luke, you’re clear!”

“Copy that. Wedge, assist Quan.”

His frown deepening, Wedge broke away from Luke. “Acknowledged, but under protest, General. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather I stay?”

“Don’t worry,” Luke replied. “I’ll keep our new friends occupied.”

Wedge adjusted course and threw power into his thrusters. It wasn’t long before he caught up to Quan and the Defender doing a number on his X-Wing. Scorch marks already decorated the hull of the ship, informing Wedge that the shields had been knocked out and one of the quad sublight engines seemed to be flickering on and off. Wedge flicked a few more switches, rerouting power to his blasters from his engines and decelerated to keep his target in sight for as long as possible. He let loose with a torrent of scarlet energy that splattered across the shields of the Defender.

It broke its pursuit, but not before firing off a glowing red projectile.

“QUAN!” Wedge exclaimed. He watched as the concussion missile slammed into the X-Wing just behind the nose cone, the insuring explosion breaking the bow apart as both pilot and droid ejected.

“Sith spawn…” Wedge cursed to himself as he watched fiery pieces of the X-Wing fall to the forest and hills below. No telling if Quan was alright or not but there was no time to worry about that.

A light on Wedge’s console let him know he was now being targeted for a missile lock. Either his new friend or another TIE was attempting to say hello.

Then Wedge heard it, a clap of thunder that never failed to bring a smile to his face every time it rocked the sky.

Geez!” Rainbow Dash’s voice came to life over Wedge’s com unit. “What would you guys do without me?!”

Wedge turned his control wheel and allowed his X-Wing to flip over. The crimson TIE Defender was now tumbling out of control diagonally away from the planet’s surface and away from him as something that looked much like a mechanical quadruped with metal feathered wings flew up towards his canopy. Of course the truth was there was an organic quadruped with actual feathered wings inside that heavily armored environmental suit.

Wedge’s droid spat out a series of whistles and buzzes.

“I’m going to assume that was a ‘thank you’,” Rainbow Dash quipped.

Wedge glanced down at his translation screen. “And I’m going to let you assume that. Did you see—”

“—Quan? Yeah. He’s a little shaken up, but he ejected alright.”

“Copy that. Luke needs—”

“This is Rogue 8! I’m starting to take heavy fire! Requesting assistance!”

Valaras needs your help!” Wedge said. “I’ll assist Luke!”

“Roger that!” Rainbow Dash said. “Can’t believe you guys are having trouble with these slow pokes…” she muttered.

“Cut the chatter, Rogue 13,” Wedge Ordered. “And remember you have blasters on that thing! Over!”

“Yeah! Tiny blasters! My shock hooves are far more effective and you know it!” griped Rainbow Dash as she punctuated her statement with a brusque “Over.”

“Just get over there and help Valaras! Over and out!” Wedge got his ship pointed in Luke’s direction and once again rerouted power to his engines. He could already make out Luke’s stream of scarlet blaster fire as two streams of emerald blaster fire took turns harassing the lone X-Wing. It was definitely going to be one of those days.

Glancing behind her, Tempest took one more look towards the front of the ship as the hum of the engines died down and a ramp above her began to descend, letting a bright beam of daylight inside. Between her and the cockpit was open space flanked by a score of troopers, their armor nearly identical to Stormtroopers’ down to the helmet except for the fact their armor was a shining black instead of white. Tempest’s guard had turned towards her, the narrow black slit of his visor set in his crimson helmet pointed directly at her.

“You have your mission, Guardsman, Troopers!” Tempest thrust a forehoof into the air. “For the Emperor!”

“For the Emperor!” a boisterous chorus of shouts sounded out as fists were thrust into the air by both the Shadowtroopers and the Royal Guardsman. The ramp now nearly fully descended, Tempest jumped, catching glimpses of lush, greenery and distant hills before her crystal horn flared crimson and she hit the ground with a flurry of sparks, burnt grass, and dirt that flew in all directions.

An eerie smoke hung around Tempest like the wayward spirits that haunted her thoughts. She pushed herself back up to her full height and stepped out of the small crater she had created as well as the ghostly haze. She had been taught by a former master of hers that entrances were important, and she never missed an opportunity to make a good first impression if given the chance.

Twilight Sparkle waited for Tempest on the other side of the smoke screen, a magenta shield encasing the alicorn that was unceremoniously lowered allowing errant clumps of smoldering earth to fall to the ground. Twilight seemed to regard Tempest with a perplexed, confused, and somewhat hopeful demeanor. Tempest, in turn, glowered at Twilight, feeling her rage once again boil towards the surface.

“Fizzlepop! You’re alive!”

“No thanks to you!” Tempest spat out. “And It’s Tempest Shadow, or Darth Tempest!” Tempest fixed Twilight with a simmering gaze from her twin yellow splattered irises surrounded by turquoise. “I would have thought that was obvious.”

Twilight grimaced. “Fizz-Tempest! We tried to find you! We wanted to look for you!”

“You abandoned me!” Tempest accused, her words coming out as a nice frothy fury.

“NO!” Twilight insisted. “We… we had to abandon the Death Star! Our section was falling apart!”

Tempest knew this, of course, but being reasonable and rational would only diminish her full strength with the dark side and it’s not like such paths had served Twilight all that well. “So you felt it best to abandon one of your own students? So much for the magic of friendship, hmmm, Princess?” Tempest’s body began to shake almost involuntarily on the final word.

“It doesn’t have to be this way!” Twilight cried. “We can help you! It’s not too late!”

“Predictable… Always the diplomat.” Tempest shook her head and fixed Twilight with a glare that seemed like it could possibly melt durasteel. “It’s too late for a lot of things, Princess.”

Twilight shook her head. “Come with us, please!” Twilight pleaded, her tone becoming increasingly desperate and pathetic from Tempest’s standpoint. “Together we can—”

“What, Twilight?! What?!” Tempest raged.Reclaim the Elements of Harmony and somehow synchronize them with the Force until Equestria is no longer a scorched cinder?”

“Tempest, I—”

Let me out…

Tempest somehow caught the voice, though it was not her own. So, her suspicions were confirmed. Twilight was every bit was dangerous as the rest of the Princesses. Possibly even more so. Tempest’s fury was suddenly bolstered by this new revelation. There was no telling if Twilight could keep her emotions in check. Luckily for Tempest, she herself would benefit from doing just the opposite.

Tempest hastened her pacing, her eyes focused on Twilight like a predator ready to strike, yet somehow she forced a disingenuous smile. “Then, amidst the sparkling rainbow, all the dead will miraculously come back to life and we can all go back to having Pinkie parties and insipid concerts that celebrate friendship!”

“Tempest… I know things have gotten bad, but—”

“Bad?!” Tempest shouted. “’Bad’ is what you can come up with for a world that’s been enslaved and burned?!” She narrowed her eyes. “You Princesses really are all the same.”

Twilight gave Tempest a hurt look. “You can’t mean that…”

Let me kill her…

“Can’t I?!” Tempest replied as she continued pacing. “You may have your friends fooled, but I can feel your fear, Twilight… You fear what’s inside you.” Tempest shook her head and steeled her gaze in Twilight’s direction. “You’re just another disaster waiting to happen that the galaxy doesn’t need.” With a pulsating red glow of her crystal horn, Tempest’s lightsaber flew from her side, ignited with a ‘snap-hiss’, and fell towards Twilight with the speed of lightning.

Twilight’s own azure saber was in front of her in an instant, blocking the path of the crimson blade. Twilight looked surprised, yet somehow instinctively blocked the attack.

Impressive… Tempest thought. Had she relied on her magic instead, she’d likely be dead… Well… Let’s see just how much she’s trained. Her saber held in a dim-red glow, Tempest stepped forward and swung the blade a few more times at Twilight, each time the blade spat an angry hiss as Twilight’s own lightsaber blocked again and again. Twilight, in turn, backed away, maintaining the distance between her and Tempest.

Tempest took note that Twilight couldn’t keep her eyes off Tempest’s crimson saber, a distraught “No…” passing between her lips.


“Problem, Princess?” Tempest purred out.

Twilight took a deep breath. “So, you have fallen…”

Tempest nodded. “Yes. That crystal is reborn of blood and my own suffering. My saber bleeds…” Her smile grew both darker and larger. “And it’ll have your head!” With that, Tempest swung again and again towards the alicorn, Twilight maneuvering her own saber to deflect each blow.

Truth be told, Twilight was putting up a decent defense, but Tempest wasn’t here to flatter Twilight. She suddenly leapt forward, parrying Twilight’s lightsaber to the left as she placed her face almost directly in front of the alicorn’s. “Your saber work is sloppy,” Tempest informed.

Kill her and you can dissect her and see if Sith organs ALSO change color and perhaps function!

“Wha-what?!” Twilight exclaimed, possibly either in reply to Tempest or the voice inside, her. Tempest couldn’t tell.

Tempest gave Twilight a smug smirk. “And I thought I lacked fine control when it came to telekinesis.”

I swear! Release me and Tempest will be nothing but a series of jars held in preservative flui—


Tempest felt the psychic blow that came off Twilight like some sort of angry wave. It seemed to silence the voice inside her, but did little to harm or even dissuade Tempest from her goal.

Twilight’s gaze hardened as she stepped back, and this time Twilight went on the offensive, taking a few swings with her blue blade in Tempest’s direction.

Tempest blocked each blow easily, then let loose with a torrent of electrical energy from her horn. The magenta glow of Twilight’s horn increased too little, too late. The blast caught her in the chest and propelled her backwards onto the ground, Twilight’s saber falling harmlessly by the spot she once stood.

“All too easy…” Tempest uttered with a satisfied smile as she trotted up towards Twilight

Twilight let out a pained moan in response.

Tempest raised her saber high above her. “Sorry, Princess. But for the good of the galaxy, you must die!”

“After you!~” a female’s voice warbled out.

Grimacing, Tempest leapt a good several meters into the air as a beam of electric blue energy blazed through the spot she had just occupied moments before, the beam flying off the plateau and drilling into some unexpecting hill off in the distance.

Twilight got to her feet and turned to shoot a glare at the new arrival. A lilac unicorn mare with two tone mulberry-violet mane with an electric blue streak through it coiffed into a curve that hung over her left eye. A satisfied smile on her face, and two silver sabers floating in front of her, their hilts even more utilitarian than Twilight’s, lacking the focusing dish at the front or even a visible switch. She walked in front of Twilight and held the two sabers parallel to the ground about a half-meter from each other, the blades forming a sort of shield that resembled a floating bright silver equal sign in front of her and Twilight.

“Starlight?! What took you so long?!” Twilight barked.

Starlight kept her eyes focused on Tempest as she answered Twilight. “Well, I would have attacked sooner, but I had to wait to make sure she tried to kill you!”

“WHAT?! Why the heck would you wait until that happened?!”

“Because you’d get mad and YELL at me if I disintegrated her before then!”

Twilight shot Starlight an unamused glare, a look Starlight was more than accustomed to receiving.

Starlight risked a glance to catch the dirty look. “Hah! You know I’m righ— Wha!”

Without warning, a cascade of lighting nearly consumed Starlight, only stopping as it hit a magenta barrier. A barrier the same color as the magical aura around Twilight’s horn. “Stay focused!” Twilight commanded even as the lightning danced across the shield.

Starlight refocused her attention on Tempest and pointed her lightsabers in the mare’s direction. “Oh, I’m focused, alright…” she growled out. She began to spin her sabers rapidly creating two 2-meter silver circles of cutting power. She quickly launched one saber directly at Tempest like a sort of energy saw-blade. Tempest ceased the electrical storm from her broken crystal horn and simply backflipped high out of the saber’s path. As the saber whirled under her, Tempest found herself in the path of Starlight’s second spinning lightsaber.

In a crimson blur, her Sith weapon swatted away the silver saber and Tempest completed her flip to land back on the ground facing her opponents. “Your saber work is somehow worse than Twilights.”

Starlight’s face tightened as her lightsabers turned and headed towards Tempest like a cross between energy boomerangs and missiles locked onto a target. Without bothering to turn, Tempest leapt to her left out of the path of the first saber as it swung at her ineffectually, passing by with an angry hum and the sound of Starlight’s frustrated snarl. As the second saber closed in, Tempest’s crimson blade swung wide behind her, knocking the ‘projectile’ off course. Tempest shook her head. “And you’re still trying the same tired tricks.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re every bit as predictable as Twilight.”

“Oh! I’ll give you predictable!” Starlight frothed.

“Starlight, please!” Twilight pleaded. “We should work toge—”

“How’s THIS for predictable?!” Starlight shouted as a cascade of electric blue energy was fired out, the beam expanded into a cloud like blast that stormed in Tempest’s direction.

Tempest just smiled as she leapt out of the way of the electric blue force storm and used her saber to swat the pair of silver sabers launched in her direction immediately afterwards. The roiling clouds suddenly stopped a few meters behind Tempest and collected into a ball before it lurched forward as a vortex that seemingly tunneled through the fabric of reality, consuming and destroying all in its path.

“That’s predictably helpful!” Tempest chirped. She fired off a dome of electrical energy that went up and out away from her. Twilight quickly put up a barrier around herself and Starlight as the unicorn pulled her lightsabers towards her. The magical barrier up, the energy arced across the magenta surface.

“A force storm! Really?!” Twilight fumed turning towards Starlight.

“It’s just a small one!” Starlight insisted, but her and Twilight failing to notice that the storm in front of them and behind Tempest was changing from electric blue to fuchsia as it came into contact with Tempest’s electric tendrils. Starlight continued, “This is nothing like that time on Nar Shaddaa! I have complete control!”

The fuschia color spread as the front turned a brilliant vermillion and arced up and above Tempest.

“Starlight, we talked about this!” Twilight scolded.

Starlight tossed a forehoof into the air. “Look, that entire moon is just one big hive of scum and villainy anyway! Sure a few buildings were torn apart, their occupants lost to the void that destroyed them at a molecular level while they screamed in agonizing terror—”

—“Aaah!” Twilight screamed. “Why would you even add that detail?!”—

“—but really? What or whom of value was lost?”

Twilight continued to glare out at Starlight as the raging squall of energy collected in a massive ball of swirling black and crimson fury above Tempest, her lightning now focused upwards as the storm grew into something truly imposing that churned maliciously as lightning flashed inside the coiled sphere.

A scarlet shadow now cast over their position, Twilight and Starlight focused forward and grew silent, the only sounds being the hum from their sabers and the crackling from the big ball of destruction above them. Twilight’s jaw dropped as Tempest gave her opponents an icepick smile not unlike a child with a magnifying glass crouched in front of a line of ants on a sunny day.

“Okay, so bad news,” Starlight said. “Tempest is really good at controlling Force storms now!”

Twilight glared at Starlight and motioned in front of the mares. “How could you think Darth Tempest would not be good at controlling Force storms?!”

“Yeah, I’m in the wrong here,” Starlight admitted with a nod. “I suck.”

Twilight groaned as her own horn began to blaze with magenta energy, Tempest’s ball of destruction descending upon her domed barrier and chewing at it even as Twilight poured more energy into it.

“Okay, so new plan!” Starlight said enthusiastically as the very ground around the barrier began to disintegrate. “I create an even bigger Force storm to consume Tempest’s and then we—“

Twilight let out a sharp cry, a mix of frustration and alarm as her shield began to crack like a cooled glass suddenly exposed to boiling water.

“—try not to die!” Starlight exclaimed, her tone suddenly becoming frantic.

The shield shattered and a blot of brilliant white light was fired directly up from Twilight’s horn into the falling storm. The deadly hurricane evaporated at its center and the rest dissipated in a mere moment.

Twilight huffed and puffed as she attempted to catch her breath, the ground beneath her and Starlight a near perfect circle of green surrounded by smoldering and blackened earth carved around it in a wide ditch about a foreleg in length deep. She shot Starlight an aggravated look. “No more Force storms!” she demanded.

“Well, you’re no fun!” retorted Starlight.

“Corpses rarely are.”

Twilight’s and Starlight’s eyes snapped back to their fronts a moment before Tempest dropped in front of them. With her crimson lightsaber pointed towards Twilight and the point of her jagged crystal horn pointed towards Starlight, she let loose with twin lightning sheathed vortexes of doom that launched forth to consume the mares._