• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,513 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Samurai Throw Down

In the Turtles lair, the shadowbolt girls, Juniper, and Starlight were making the most of the time they had while the others were out. Sunny Flare was playing against Sour Sweet on the hockey table, and Lemon was playing the pinball game. Indigo was doing some self martial arts exercises. Sugarcoat, Juniper, and Starlight were watching some of Space Heroes the Next Generation, "I can't believe Captain Ryan treats his crew so poorly. Especially Crankshaw Jr." Starlight said in disbelief.

"The first series was less lamer than this, but still left room for improvement." Sugarcoat answered.

"I hope the guys get back soon," Juniper began, "I feel awkward being here while they're not around."

"I actually like it this way," Lemon replied, "I mean we got a whole super cool lair to ourselves."

"Hey, girls, we're back!" Donnie called.

"And we brought a friend." Mikey added.

The girls looked and saw their friends and the mutants enter, and noticed Usagi. The samurai looked around while feeling astonished, "Your lair is underground? How ingenious."

"Thanks. It's perfect so none of the humans above can find us." Leo explained.

"Though how do you handle the smell?" the rabbit asked while feeling repulsed.

"You get used to it after awhile." Rainbow replied.

"Girl's you're back," Starlight began, "And you brought another mutant?"

"What's with the samurai garb?" Indigo asked.

"This is our friend Usagi," Leo began, "And he's not a mutant. He's from another dimension."

"Another dimension?" Sunny asked curiously.

"Yeah, where animals are the dominant species apparently." Spike answered.

"Based off his attire, I assume he's from a Feudal era?" Sugarcoat guessed.

"Precisely." Donnie confirmed.

"Usagi, meet our new ninja trainees," Leo began, "This is Starlight Glimmer, Juniper Montage, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest."

"I am delighted to meet you ladies," Usagi bowed his head in respect, "I cannot think of better individuals for you to learn ninjitsu from than my four allies."

"Yeah, we've been realizing that with how they've been teaching us." Starlight admitted.

"So what happened up there?" Juniper asked.

"Usagi came to our world in pursuit of a weasel thief named Itachi. And the only way for Usagi to get home is to get something from the thief." Sunset explained.

"And I made a promise I would bring Itachi in." Usagi finished.

"Sounds like you got your work cut out for you." Sour said while crossing her arms.

"Which is why we're helping him." Twilight added.

"Any of you have an idea on where he'd go?" Starlight wondered.

"Itachi is a collector. He'll go where there's lot's of civilians for him to steal from." Usagi explained.

"This is the big apple, it's like that everywhere." Casey noted.

"But if you really want to go to where more people are, there may be a spot that stands out." April began, as the turtles caught on.

"Time Square!" they said together.

"Then that is where we must go." Usagi said.

"Can't we come this time, we really want to help." Lemon pleaded.

"Sorry, girls, but it's too dangerous." Leo denied.

"Come on!" Sour grumbled.

"I agree with them, Leo. The best training is on the job." Rainbow reminded him.

Leo saw the Rainbooms siding with Rainbow, and knew they didn't have time for this, "Very well. But you girls are to follow our lead and not engage unless we say so."

"Deal." Indigo said.

And so the turtles dawned some trench coats and fedora's to hide their appearances. Pinkie spoke with a grin, "Perfecto!"

Rarity inspected them, "Not quite my cup of tea, but this is for undercover work."

"And what about me?" Usagi asked, as he walked up while dressed like a monk with the hood up.

"You're like Friar Tuck." Sugarcoat answered.

"And it's so awesome!" Mikey cheered.

"But I don't understand why I have to wear a disguise, but the Professor here does not?" Usagi motioned to Fugitoid.

"Because he is posing as a robotic assistant." Twilight explained.

"And I have that part down to a T." Fugitoid added.

"All right team. Let's go up top." Leo instructed, as they headed to the surface.

Meanwhile above ground, the heroes had walked through the city before reaching Time Square. The girls marveled at all the shops and food places, while Mikey looked in a window seeing many anime figures on display, "Oh, I want them!" Raph smacked the back of his head.

"Stay focused, will you?" he pulled him along.

Usagi looked all around at the buildings, "Remarkable structures. I've never seen anything like them."

"Welcome to the 21st century, rabbit-dude." Lemon replied.

"Yes, even I can't get enough of how marvelous this city looks." Fugitoid added.

"So far no sign of that varmint." Applejack looked around.

"Keep your eyes peeled. Itachi is a swift one." Usagi warned them.

As they continued to look around, Itachi was in fact there and currently pick-pocketing from many civilians. He was so fast the people didn't see or feel him. The weasel samurai hid in an alley and looked at a sack with wallets, fancy watches, rings, earrings, necklaces, and phones. He held up one cellphone and spoke to himself, "I'm not sure what these trinkets are, but I'll bet they're worth something," He looked around before spotting the Rainbooms, "It's those girls again! Which means Usagi is here too. I better go elsewhere," he suddenly noticed the necklaces the Rainbooms were wearing, "Those necklaces. They must be the source of those powers they demonstrated. With their powers I will be unstoppable." he vanished.

As the group sat down for a break, Juniper spoke dismally, "At this rate we'll never find him."

"Maybe he's elsewhere?" Starlight suggested.

"Wherever he is we better find him." Raph said getting bored.

April suddenly concentrated, "Behind you!" she called to everyone.

They spun and saw Itachi come up behind them. Usagi quickly grabbed Itachi's hand before he could grab Rarity's necklace. Rarity got away, as Itachi got out of Usagi's grip, "We meet again, Miyamoto." Itachi greeted the rabbit.

"Once again your incessant appetite for thievery has led you to this." Usagi answered.

"Is he some kind of ferret?" Lemon asked.

"Actually, he's a weasel." Fugitoid corrected her.

Itachi answered Usagi, "I have stolen quite an assortment of objects from these creatures," he held up his sack, "But now I seek something far more valuable."

"And what's that?" Raph inquired.

"The girls necklaces."

The Rainbooms gasped, as they held their necklaces close, "Well, you're not laying a paw on them." Applejack replied.

"I am Itachi Senshi, I always get what I want!"

"Sounds like you were spoiled." Sour said, as she and the Shadowbolts got ready.

"Ninjas, take him down, you girls lead the civilians to safety." Leo gave their orders.

"All right." Juniper said, as she and starlight led the panicking civilians away and to follow the line to safety.

The ninjas fought Itachi using their own skills against him, while the weasel was dodging and knocking them aside. Rarity fired diamond disks at him, and managed to get him in the back, "Bulls-eye!" Rainbow cheered.

Itachi got up, "I don't fall so easily!" he engaged his sword against Rarity and Rainbow's weapons. The weasel managed to overpower them, but before he could grab their necklaces, Leo jumped in with Usagi and using their swords started driving him away.

"When this is over I'm taking you back and you are going to pay for your crimes!" Usagi warned him.

"We'll see." Itachi answered, as he engaged the heroes.

Watching from a corner was Abacus Cinch, who pulled out her phone, "Yes. Once I get this footage I will expose those monsters to the world, and once I prove the existence of magic I can get my job back!" she began recording the fight.

As Itachi pushed Leo and Usagi back Mikey jumped with nunchucks a-swinging, "Cowabunga, boy!" he swung his weapons around.

Itachi deflected it with his sword before whipping out throwing stars, "Special delivery!" he launched them.

Mikey swung his chucks around while screaming, as his weapons deflected the stars. Unfortunately one of them was flying right in the direction of Cinch. Luckily for her it didn't hit her, but it impaled her phone breaking it.

"No!" Cinch growled, "My evidence!" she picked up her broken phone and frowned, "So help me I will get my evidence." she left.

Fugitoid used his arm blasters to shoot at Itachi who ran around to avoid the shots, before getting up close. Fugitoid using his new programmed fighting moves was able to fight Itachi hand to hand, but the weasel jumped onto his head and used him to propel himself above them and released smoke bombs.

The group remained still and concentrated, until Itachi tried to strike Twilight who felt he was behind her. She swung around and used her weapon to block his strike, "Sneaky move." Twilight said.

"And quick reactions to you." Itachi admitted, as he fought Twilight before the smoke was cleared by Fugitoid who used a built in fan to blow it away.

"Good job, Fugitoid." Sunset smiled.

"Like a robot do." the Professor boasted.

"You must secure the charm around his neck." Usagi noted, as the ninjas tried to snatch it.

"Sorry, but me and this baby are quite attached." Itachi snickered.

As Itachi battled the ninjas, the shadowbolts watched as Lemon gasped, "Girls, I got an idea." she huddled them together.

Rainbow used her magic to match Itachi's speed, but her weapons skill wasn't up to snuff with his. Itachi disarmed Rainbow Dash, and aimed his sword at her, "Let's see your speed help you now."

"How about strength instead?" Applejack asked, as she jumped in and using the power of her necklace combined with her claw gauntlets was able to push Itachi back a few times.

"Your gauntlets and necklace will be quite collectible." Itachi tried to attack her only to freeze in mid air, courtesy of April's power and was sent flying into a wall. The weasel peeled off the wall and got himself together.

"Hey, weasel face!" Indigo called.

Itachi looked over seeing the Shadowbolts holding their phones and wallets out, "We got something worth stealing." Sunny tempted him.

Itachi driven by his stealing craves, ran at them, "Stop him!" Leo called, as they tried to grab him, but he kept dodging. As he was about to pounce the Shadowbolts, Casey skated in with his taser ready.

"Time to fry!" he jabbed it into Itachi who got shocked.

The weasel groaned, before Lemon came up behind him holding her headphones, "Here's a rad beat for you!" she placed them onto his head like she did Twilight, and Itachi's ears got a taste of loud rock music that made his ears ring.

"Now while he's down!" Juniper called, as the turtles ran at Itachi holding chain ropes. They dog piled him and bounded him up.

"Good job, guys." Starlight commended them.

"Itachi is now in custody all thanks to you my friends." Usagi told them.

"No prob, Usagi." Rainbow answered.

Leo turned to the trainees, "I gave you explicit instructions to not act unless given an order."

"What?" Indigo asked in shock.

"You're lecturing us?" Sour growled.

"However," Leo continued which got them curious. Leo smiled and spoke, "That was quick thinking on your part. Good job." The girls smiled seeing they weren't going to be getting an earful.

"Well, dudes and dudette's, looks like we've popped the weasel!" Mikey joked and laughed, while everyone else groaned.

"Lame." Raph groaned.

Afterward the girls turned Itachi's bag of stolen goods to the cops and they were able to return them to their rightful owners. And up on the roof, Usagi stood with Itachi still bound in chains and mouth gagged, "It's time for me to go my friends, and with this it'll be possible." he held up the charm Itachi stole.

"Wish you could stay longer, Usagi." Mikey said.

"I am a traveling Ronin, Michelangelo. I am always needed elsewhere."

"So what're you going to do with that charm once you get back?" April asked.

"I think I'll hold onto this. Just in case I ever need assistance." he winked at his friends.

"We'll always be there should you ever need us." Leo promised, and the two bowed their heads in respect.

The Rainbooms and the rest of the girls said their farewells to Usagi, until Fluttershy was the only one left, "You be safe, Usagi."

"I shall, Ms. Fluttershy." Usagi answered, as he embraced her much to her joy.

Usagi opened the portal and turned back to his friends, "Your ninja trainees, they're quite clever aren't they?" he asked before taking Itachi through the portal that closed.

Leo turned to the trainees and smiled, "Yeah. They sure are," the girls smiled knowing they were making a good impression, "Come on team, let's go." the ninjas left knowing tomorrow was another day no matter how crazy it was going to be.