• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,554 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Itachi Senshi

Author's Note:

Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday, I know I did. This is my Christmas present to all my fans.

Down in the Turtles lair inside the dojo, the turtles and Rainbooms were training the Shadowbolts, Juniper, and Starlight in the art of the ninja. April was practicing with Starlight, and spoke, "Come on, Starlight, punch harder!"

Starlight was punching April's palms as hard as she could, "I'm starting to see what Twilight had to go through when she first came here." she panted.

"If she can survive this then so can you." Leo replied, as he and Twilight were training Juniper who was looking just as tired as Starlight.

Indigo Zap was busy mimicking Raph's movements, "This is good for the body. I should've been a ninja years ago."

"We're just getting started. The real training has yet to begin." Raph warned her with a smirk.

"Bring it on!" Indigo called with determination.

Off to the side sat Casey, Fugitoid, and Spike. The robot spoke up, "The girls are certainly holding their own against more experienced combat fighters."

"Yeah, but wait till the guys really step up the girls training. They'll be in for it then." Casey chuckled.

Eventually training came to an end, and the seven ninja trainees collapsed to the floor tired, "I can't feel my legs." Juniper groaned.

"And I thought Phys Ed was a real boot camp." Lemon added.

"I'm too tired to even complain." Sour put in.

"You guys seriously know how to push someone to their limits." Sugarcoat said, while drinking some water.

"That's how we do." Mikey replied.

Suddenly Donnie came into the dojo looking frantic, while holding a scanner, "Guys, big news!"

"What's up, D?" Rainbow inquired.

"My tracker is picking up a powerful surge of energy over the city." Donnie showed them the readings on his tracker.

"Oh, my goodness! That's off the charts." Fugitoid gasped while looking at the readings.

"Think it's Kraang related?" Leo wondered.

"Or even Equestrian magic?" Sunset wondered.

"We won't know unless we check it out." Raph said, as he grabbed his sais.

"Agreed. Let's go team." Leo said, as he sheathed his swords.

"What about them?" April motioned to the newbies.

"You stay back and rest. Feel free to do some more self-training." Leo instructed.

"What you're leaving us out?" Sunny asked in outrage.

"It's best we don't get you involved in this situation until we know what we're dealing with," Leo replied, "Come on team." so the ninjas headed up to the surface.

"We've been jiffed." Sour grumbled.

"I actually don't mind it." Juniper replied, as she and Starlight sat back to back leaning off each other.

Out in the city, the ninjas were roof jumping while making sure to keep themselves hidden from any pedestrians. As they jumped to another roof, Donnie was checking his scanner, "I should be able to track the signal with it."

"Don'tcha think that's where it's coming from?" Mikey motioned to a roof top in the distance with a dark cloud and lightning hovering above it.

Donnie face faulted, and answered, "Of course."

"Come on, we need to find out what it is and hopefully contain it." Leo said, as they picked up the pace.

Meanwhile on the roof with the cloud above it, lightning was cracking until a portal appeared out of thin air. Stepping out from it was a brown furred anthropomorphic weasel. His attire included wooden sandals, dark red pants, a black sash tied around his waist, and a dark red robe. Strapped to his waist was a katana, and on the other side of his waist was a drawstring pouch bag.

He looked around at his surroundings, before looking out into the city with a grin, "Oh, ain't that a pretty sight? I could do so much looting here," He looked at a green diamond charm hanging around his neck, "That wizards magic charm worked perfectly. And when I'm done stealing here I'll try another world."

Before he could do anything, shadows fell over him and he spun around. He spun around and saw the turtles and their friends armed and ready to fight, "You don't look like you're from around here, are you?" Leo asked.

The weasel looked surprised at the turtles "Turtle men?" the turtles were confused by his choice of words, until the weasel looked down at Spike, "A primitive canine?"

"Primitive?" Spike asked in confusion.

The creature then looked to the humans with curiosity, "Hairless apes?"

Rarity gawked, and spoke in outrage, "Apes? How dare you compare us to primates!"

"I think this here critter's not so right in the head." Applejack said.

"And check out his clothes." Casey noted.

"Wait a minute," Leo began, "I recognize that look. You're from another world aren't you?"

"Huh?" The Rainbooms asked collectively.

"That I am. My name is Itachi Senshi." the weasel identified himself.

"Weasel Warrior?" Leo asked.

"What're you doing here?" Raph demanded.

"Looking for a good steal," Itachi answered, before noticing their weapons, "And I think your weapons will make quite a good price."

"Not gonna happen, hair ball." Rainbow twirled her weapon.

"Being difficult, I see," he began, "Well, I could use a challenge." he drew his katana.

"Get him!" Leo ordered, as the group engaged their opponent.

Itachi moved so fast, the turtles were almost unable to keep up with him. He was about to strike at a Twilight's blind spot, until Leo blocked his move, "You're not touching her." he pushed him away.

Rainbow used her speed and ran circles around Itachi, who calmed himself, before sticking his leg out and tripped Rainbow off her feet. She rolled onto the ground and groaned, "Ok, that was embarrassing."

"Try some of these." Rarity fired some diamond discs at Itachi, who used his quick reflexes to avoid the strikes.

"Very curious. What are these powers you possess?"

"Power that's not fit for someone like you." Sunset answered, as she started fighting Itachi.

The weasel managed to block a move of Sunset's before pushing her back, and was ready to strike her. Unfortunately, for him, Applejack jumped in and spin kicked his side. Itachi landed on the ground looking defeated. The country girl went up to him to see if he was truly defeated. To her shock, Itachi looked up and reached into his sack before throwing powder in her face. Taking advantage of Applejack's blind moment, the weasel tripped her up and fought the rest of the ninjas one by one. As the group stood looking tired, Itachi looked ready to finish them, "And now to take what I want." he was about to make his next move only for a dagger to almost nail him.

Everyone looked to the still opened portal, and out came a familiar anthropomorphic rabbit wielding a katana, "That is as far as you go, Itachi!" the rabbit warned him.

"Miyamoto. You may have followed me here, but you will not be taking me in." he readied his katana.

"I promised I would bring you to justice, and I stand by my word!" the rabbit declared, as the two samurai animals engaged in a duel of the blades.

"Look at them go." Twilight gasped.

"Now this is an action scene straight out of a classic samurai movie." Rainbow said with a grin.

April noticed the turtles were overjoyed, "You ok, guys?" she asked.

"Never better, April." Donnie answered.

The two samurai pushed each other back and Itachi spoke, "Sorry to cut this fight short, but I have a lot of stealing to do." he used a smoke bomb to escape.

"Man, that's our thing!" Mikey complained.

The rabbit sighed, before sheathing his sword and turned to the turtles smiling, "Greetings, Turtle Ninjas. It is good to see you again."

"Usagi!" the turtles cheered, before running to the rabbit samurai and patted his back and shoulders.

"It's good to see you again." Leo greeted.

"As it is to all of you," Usagi answered, "I just wish our reunion was on better terms."

"Are we missing something here?" Casey asked.

Leo spoke up, "Guys, this is our friend Usagi Miyamoto. He was the samurai we met in the other world."

"The world populated by anthropomorphic animals?" April recalled.

"That's right." Donnie confirmed.

Usagi noticed the humans, "Such fascinating creatures, are they some primitive monkeys?" Rarity huffed at his words.

"Sort of," Leo answered, "These are called humans. The dominant species of our world. And they're our friends. This is April, Casey, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and... Fluttershy?"

They noticed Fluttershy staring at Usagi with wide eyes, while the rabbit samurai was confused. Suddenly a smile started forming on the girls face and hearts surrounded her head. She suddenly squealed with happiness, before dashing over to Usagi hugging and nuzzling against him, "So cute!"

Usagi who was confused by the girl's excitement spoke to his allies, "Are all humans this affectionate?" he blushed from the nuzzling.

"Sorry about this," Sunset answered, "Fluttershy just loves animals. Four legs or two legs."

Fluttershy realizing how she was behaving removed herself form the samurai feeling embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, sir. I just love bunnies."

"Clearly," Usagi replied, before speaking to his allies, "I apologize for you being caught up in my affairs like before."

"Hey, it happens, Usagi-dude." Mikey answered.

"So what's with Weasel Face?" Raph inquired.

"Itachi Senshi is notorious thief whose stolen countless priceless artifacts and goods," Usagi started his tale, "When he stole from a Daimyo I was fortunate enough to be in the city when he made his escape. I promised the lord I would bring Itachi in to face punishment, but he evaded me using a stolen charm he got from a wizard. A charm that allowed him to travel between worlds."

"That would explain the portal there." Fugitoid noticed as the portal closed.

"That charm is my only hope of returning to my home, but I need to get it from Itachi." the rabbit continued.

"Sounds like you could use some help." Sunset noted.

"And we just happen to love helping." Pinkie added.

"You are willing to help a complete stranger?" Usagi asked in disbelief.

"It's kinda what we do." April admitted.

"And if you're a friend of the turtles then you're all right by us." Rainbow added.

"So what do you say, Usagi. Friends?" Twilight extended her hand to him.

Usagi looked to Leo who nodded in assurance. The rabbit smiled and locked his hand with Twilight, "Thank you. I feel with our combined talents we can catch Itachi together."

"That's what I'm talking about, yo!" Mikey cheered.

"We best make haste and look for him." Usagi was ready to head off, only for Leo and Donnie to pull him back.

"Hold up, Usagi." Leo warned him.

"Leonardo-san, we cannot waste time."

"We know, but you can't go out there like this." Donnie warned him.

"Why not?"

"Our world is not accustomed to talking animals in public." Leo explained.

"Yeah. Why do you think I have to keep silent so much?" Spike asked.

"So what do you suggest?" the samurai wondered.

"Let's head back to the lair, and get some more supplies and disguises." Donnie answered.

"Let's go, team." Leo ordered, as they all headed back.

Somewhere in the city, standing atop a water tower was Itachi looking out into the city, "I will loot all that I can from this place, and take my rightful place as the best thief that ever lived." he snickered.