• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 1,435 Views, 13 Comments

Huntik: Secrets of Equestria - Fear Ripper

There are enough secrets in Equestria. What happends when you add Titans, Seekers, and a pair of siblings that suddenly get thrusted into Equestria? Mysterious will be uncovered.

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After Party!

“Let’s give it up for the newlyweds!”

The DJ yelled as she played another song. After all, that’s happened, they proceeded with the wedding. After a montage of wedding preparations with the actual Princes Cadance plus the reception, the afterparty blew up. Even the Twins were invited to both the reception and party. The Mane Six, the Princesses of the Sun and Moon, and the newlyweds were enjoying the party, talking to friends and family. The twins…

*Munch!* *Munch!* *Munch!*

“Do you have to chew so loudly!?” Sibella yelled ah her brother. She was currently wearing an elegant, sleeveless, blue gown with black heels that Rarity had gotten for her to wear for the wedding. She and her brother were enjoying the after party along with everyone else. More so her brother as he gorged himself on the mini-apple tarts.

After swallowing and wiping the crumbs from his face he faced his sister. “Hehe, sorry sis. Can’t help it though, these apple tarts are amazing!” Like his sister he was also dressed for the occasion, also from Rarity. Similar to his detective-like attire, but with a black blazer and matching slacks along with a replacement fedora.

Sibella sighed while grabbing a glass of punch. “Honestly, you’re too much like father. Good thing Mother was there to teach you some culture or else I would have my own knucklehead to look after. Anyways, shouldn’t we focus more on our particular situation?”

“What’s there to talk about? We already settled things with the Princess and the others.”


The twins, Princess Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, and the Mane 6 were all gathered in the throne room. Celestia was sitting on her throne with her subjects around her, while the twins stood before all of them.

“I believe introductions are in order. I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria. Beside me is Princess Mi Amora Cadenza and Captain of the guard Shining Armor. I assume you already met the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia greeted with her warm, motherly voice.

Sibella bowed, “Charmed. My name is Sibella Casterwill-Lambert, and this is my brother Leonidas.”

Leonidas gave a two-fingered salute. “Sup.” which earned him a smack on the head by his sister.

“We are in the presence of royalty. Be respectful!” his sister chastised.

Celestia giggled, “It is quite alright, actually kind of refreshing not to be so formal nowadays. Now I wanted to thank you two for helping to defeat Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling horde. Were it not for you and your “companions” we would be at her mercy.”

“It is our pleasure, Princess. It is what seekers do after all.”

The Princess then had a serious expression on her face. “Yes, now let us get down to business. I am grateful that you saved my people from Chrysalis, but from what I've seen you used the same type of power she was using.”

“And you want to know if we are friend or foe. Am I right?” Leo finished her thought. “I understand your concern, but I would think that the two of us helping to save you today would be enough to prove ourselves.”

“Forgive me for the distrust. But until now we have never seen powers our creatures like those “Titans,” as you called them.” Celestia apologized.

“You mean you’re people have never seen them before.” Leo interrupted. “But you Princess, you already knew that Titans were in this world, didn’t you?”

Celestia flinched at his statement before Shining Armor stepped up. “Watch your tongue! You will speak to the Pri-!” He stopped when Celestia held her hand out.

“What makes you say that Mr. Leo?” The Princess of the Sun asked.

“There is a Seeker power I know, named Neverlost.” Leo’s eyes glowed blue the moment he spoke the name. “It allows the user to detect energy radiating from hidden amulets or other objects that Titans are sealed in. I activated it before we entered the room. Because since we discovered there are titans in this world, there have to be others. Which I was correct when I saw one sealed in your crown.”

The other occupants of the room looked to their Princess for an answer. Celestia reached for the center of her crown as light engulfed her hand as she did. When she pulled her hand off her crown, an amulet was in her palm. It had a green gem settled in the center with silver and grey metal surrounding it in the shape of a sun.

“Are you talking about this?” she asked.

“Certainly is an amulet,” Sibella said. “And with your reaction, you don’t know much about Titans or amulets, correct?” The Princess nodded. “Well, then I guess we must explain.”

She cleared her throat. “Titans are ancient beings that originate from the spirit world, known as Huntik or the Titan Dimension. In their own Dimension they don’t have physical forms, since they are spirit beings. In a sense Titans draw their appearance from the native flora and fauna of the world their amulets reside. Each Titan has one or more special abilities that give it an advantage at something. An amulet is a Titan's home and serves as their anchor to the physical realm, if a Titan's amulet is destroyed that usually means the Titan has lost its link to the physical world and has no choice other than returning the spirit realm, without a titan to balance an amulet's power the amulet breaks down into dust and scatters to the wind. Are there any questions so far?”

Twilight, who have been talking notes, raised her hand. “What about that magic you were using, are those connected to the Titans as well?”

“Correct,” Leo interjected. “You see, when someone comes into contact with an amulet, it automatically bonds that person to the titan within. Unless the titan had a previous owner. When someone is bonded to a Titan, they have the ability to use what we Seekers call powers.”

“I got a question.” Applejack rose her hand. “You said you didn’t know there were Titans in “this world.” what did you mean my that?”

“Because my brother and I are not from this world,” Sibella answered.

The room dropped to utter silence. The occupants in the room all looked at the twins with wide eyes, and no one dared say a word. Until the silence was broken by Rainbow Dash.

“Y-y-you can’t be serious! You don’t seriously think we’d believe something like that?” Rainbow stammered.

Applejack gazed at them, seemingly scanning their faces. “Well, they aren’t lyin’’, still hard to believe though.”

Unlike her friends, Twilight looked elated of this information. “This is amazing! Not only is there new magic for me to study, but beings from another world!” The other occupants of the room sweat dropped at the resident egghead's reaction as she continued to mutter about one thing or another.

“So… um… I have a question. If you don’t mind of course.” Fluttershy said in her usual soft tone of voice. “If you’re from another world, how did you get here?”

“That’s a bit difficult to explain since we aren’t entirely sure either,” Leo said. “The two of us were given a mission by the Huntik Foundation, which is an organization for Seekers, to investigate unnatural quakes in Italy. Then we found something that was thought to be only a legend, a Nexus. A Nexus is a gateway between our world and Huntik, it’s said that there the amulets were created by the first Seeker, Lord Casterwill. While we were trying to study the Nexus, we were suddenly pulled into it, and woke up in the crystal caverns under the city. That’s when we met the ones you call the Elements of Harmony.”

Everyone took a moment to process the information before the Princess let out a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding.

“Well, this has been quite informative.” She sighed.

Sibella stepped up, “I know this is a lot to take in, but please believe us when we say that we have no intention to harm any of you or the innocent.”

Celestia smiled, “I’m glad to hear it. Now I believe it's time we call this meeting adjourned.”

“But I still have more questions,” Twilight whined with a cute pout.

“We can get back to those later, Ms.Twilight.” Leo interrupted with a smirk on his face. “But for now, isn’t there a wedding to get on with? And an after party?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie suddenly cheered. “Party time!” She then suddenly rushed out of the room, only leaving a cartoonish cloud of smoke behind in her own shape.

“... I like her.”

(Flashback End)

“Plus, since we don’t have a place to stay, Twilight offered her guest rooms to us until we figure out our whole situation. Also, she so conveniently lives in a library so we can study up on this world and its lore.” Leo finished, eating another apple tart.

Sibella let out a deep sigh. “How can you be so optimistic? We’re in an entirely different dimension! We can’t contact the Foundation or our parent. We don’t even know if we CAN go back home. Now we know that there are titans roaming around this world too. How can you not be worried?”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t worried.” Leo said in a sudden serious tone. “I understand what your saying sis, and yeah I’m worried too. I mean we’re basically aliens here, two visitors in a strange new land.” His signature smirk returned to his lips. “But that’s what being a seeker is about right? Look around, we’re in a new world with new mysteries and legends to be discovered. Sure our situation isn’t ideal, but we’ll figure it out. Plus I’m not as worried as I usually would be, cause I’m with you. If I were alone I’d probably be dead by now.”

Slowly a soft smile crept onto Sibella’s lips. “True, if I weren’t here you’d probably get into more trouble than you can handle. However, if I were by myself I’d be a nervous wreck. I would probably lock myself in the library for days trying to find a way back home.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Leo muttered, earning a punch in the arm from his sister. “Ow! Hehe! We’ll always have each other's backs, like always. So let’s take this world by storm,” He held out his fist. “Together.”

His sister bumped her fist into his. “Together.”

“Ohh! That’s so beautiful!” Rarity’s voice suddenly squealed. The twins saw the Mane Six walking towards them all dressed in their bride made dresses, and following them were the newly weds Shining Armor and Cadence. “The bond between brother and sister. How heartwarming.”

“It is when we aren’t at each other's throats.” Sibella giggled. “And thank you for inviting us to the wedding your highness.” she bowed to the Prince and Princess.

“Yeah, thanks. This party’s hopping, and might I add that all you ladies look lovely this evening.” A chorus of blushing and eye rolls swept across the group. “You look good too dude,” he said to Shining Armor.

Cadance giggled, “Oh it’s not a problem, we’re glad to have you both here.”

“Yeah, it’s the least we can do.” Shining Armor added. “I mean, without your help, there wouldn’t have been a wedding in the first place.”

All of them started to engage in small talk, most of it was Twilight wanting to ask more about the twins world. During the conversation, Leo caught sight of another group of bridesmaids stealing glances at him while blushing.

“Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” He said to the group before walking towards the bridesmaids. “Ladies…”

Sibella pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed at her brother's usual behavior.

“He really is just a big ol’ flirt isn’t he?” AJ crossed her arms disapprovingly.

“That he is, uncle Dante made sure of that whenever he visited when we were children. It’s just the off chance that when a girl flirts back is the problem.”

Rainbow raised her brow in confusion. ‘What’s that mean?”

Sibella gained a mischievous smirk. “Let me give you an example. Pinkie, come here for a second.” She whispered her idea into the cotton candy haired girl.

“Oh, okay. That sounds fun.” Pinkie agreed.

Moments later, Leo returned to the group, leaving behind a group of heartstruck bridesmaids behind. “I’m back, sorry I couldn’t help myself but talk to such cute bridesmaids. One of the perks of being single at a wedding.”

“So you're single then?” Pinkie said getting close to Leo, which made him flinch a bit.

“Unfortunately yes, but I wouldn’t mind being in your company my Pink Party Princess.” Leo flirting in a most alluring voice.

Red dusted Pinkie’s cheeks as she giggled at the compliment. “I wouldn’t mind that one bit if you want to be my prince.” Pinkie flirted back.

Leo froze as he and Pinkie gazed at each other. Slowly his smile faltered and his whole face started turning red. It was then that his face turned as red as an apple while steam started flowing out of his ears.

“W-w-w-why look at the time! I have to go do something. I’ll see you all later!” he swiftly ran off in a random direction. Leaving the Mane Six, the newly weds, and his sister to laugh as he ran.

“He loves to flirt, but when it comes to girls flirting with him he’s a nervous reck. He has a lot of trouble at parties.” the female Seeker continued to laugh.

“That’s adorable!” Rarity cooed.

“But also pretty lame.” Rainbow chuckled.

“I agree.” Shining armor agreed with Rainbow. “A real man should own it. Not run at the slightest compliment from a woman.”

Cadance eyed her husband accusingly. “Oh really? Should I tell everyone about the first time you ‘tried’ to ask me out on a date?”

It was Shining Armors turn to blush in embarrassment. “Hey! You swore that you wouldn’t bring that up again.” The group began to laugh again.

Leo, now less flustered, returned to the group and glared at his sister. "You had something to do with that didn't you?"

"Maybe." She said teasingly and stuck out her tongue.


In the distance, they saw fireworks explode in the air. Creating a beautiful, iridescent display of light and wonder. Everyone in attendance cheered at the show, marveling at them. With the end of this day, marks the start of a new adventure for not only Sibella and Leonidas but for their new found friends as well.

In the distance, a mysterious figure was watching the same fireworks display atop of a hill. It looked to be a man wearing a fine business suit, complete with a black blazer with a white undershirt, red tie, and black slacks. Over his eyes were sunglasses, and he was wearing a pure black fedora on his head.

Just below him was the attendants of the after party. He gazed down at them but focused solely on the Casterwill-Lambert twins.

"So there are more. The Society needs to know about this." He said to himself. He pulled out an object from his coat pocket. It looked like a metal, bronze cockroach with a red circular gem embedded in it. The similarities could only mean one thing.

It was an amulet.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating this story for an uber long time. Life was getting in the way. But here it finally is. The second chapter, and more soon to come.