• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 1,435 Views, 13 Comments

Huntik: Secrets of Equestria - Fear Ripper

There are enough secrets in Equestria. What happends when you add Titans, Seekers, and a pair of siblings that suddenly get thrusted into Equestria? Mysterious will be uncovered.

  • ...

Mission One: Fallen

Crystal Empire
Thousands of years earlier


A voice boomed through the halls of the Crystal Castle. In what looked like the throne room, the grand doors were thrown open.

Then walked in an ominous looking man. His pitch black hair reached down his back, a red horn protruded from his forehead right below his spiked, silver crown. His eyes were very peculiar. The irises were blood red, surrounded by the green sclera. His body was clad in silver armor and a scarlet king's robe over his shoulders.

Standing in the center of the throne room was a very beautiful woman. She had long pink hair, but near the end, the pink faded into a navy color. She wore a white, royal dress with golden accents. Atop her head was a sapphire crown with a topaz heart in the center, it rested right above her white horn.

She turned to face the evil looking man. "Sombra... So you came." She said in a cool voice. It held no fear or tension like she was expecting him.

The now named Sombra snarled at her. "You knew that this would happen to me! You let me suffer, let me become what I am now! Why?!"

Amore's expression didn't change, but she let out a sigh of pity. "Because just like how the Crystal Heart showed you your future; I saw mine as well. But not just that. It showed me more than just my own, it showed me the fate of Equestria and how I could defend it. There is an evil far greater than you Sombra. I did what I had to do in order to make sure what I saw, doesn't happen."

"Enough with your nonsense! You knowingly let me suffer for years without doing a single thing, actions unworthy of a Queen! The Crystal Empire deserves a new ruler, and now with the Crystal Heart in my possession, that rule shall be me. But first, you need to be out of the picture." His horn started glowing with dark purple energy. "Goodbye, Queen Amore!"

The purple energy hit Amore, and her body slowly started to turn into black crystal from the ground up.

With one last glance she spoke, "I hope when we meet again, you will understand my actions today Sombra. I'm sorry." With that, her body was completely crystal.

With another blast from Sombra, the Crystallized Queen shattered to pieces and scattered across the sky.

"Hmph, ‘Far greater evil.' There is none greater than I." With that, Sombra continued his rule over the Crystal Empire.

Paris, France
Present time,

The long halls of the Catacombs are usually silent. With only the sounds of rats and any other creature that would be dwelling down under to occupy it, and the occasional bout of tourists being kept together in a tight group along with a set course in some areas.

"I say it's this way!" A female voice said, in a slight French accent.

"Why would it be that way? The Cypherdex map says otherwise." A male voice countered. Turning a corner, came a man and a women with a sphere of light following them.

The man looked to be about 19 years old and had short blonde hair and green eyes. He stood at about 6.2 feet tall, and his attire looked like that of a modern detective. He wore navy jeans with black sneakers, And a white dress shirt with a black vest over it. A red tie around his neck as well as a black fedora atop his head. He also had a Crystal, Laptop-like device in his hands.

The woman looked like she was the same age as the man next to her, had long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She was shorter than her male companion, about 5.4 feet tall. She wore a long sleeved, shoulderless, crimson top, and a black short skirt. She had knee socks the same color scheme as her outfit, and atop her head was a pink hat with a red heart on the side.

What both of them had in common was that they both had backpacks and the similar amulets around their necks. Although the woman's looked like a silver fan with a green gem in the middle, while the man had a blue-steel amulet that looked like a dragon's talon grasping a pinkish gray gem.

These two were Leo and Sibella Casterwill-Lambert, twin children of Lok Lambert and Sophie Casterwill. At the moment, both were on a mission together, assigned to them by the Huntik Foundation.

"I'm telling you the Seeker safe house is to the left. Mira told me the exact directions to follow." Sibella nagged her brother.

"But the map says we go to the right. So we should go that way." Leo countered his sister.

"*Scoff* What is with men and following directions?"

"What is with women and following maps!"

"I say left!"

"No right!"

"Rock-Paper-Scissors! Go!"

After one quick game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, which Sibella won, they went down the left corridor.

"Why did the Foundation decide to send both of us on such a simple mission anyways? I could have done this by myself." Sibella said, a bit irritated.

"C'mon sis, we're a great team! We've been on plenty of fun missions together." Leo cheered with a nonchalant smile.

"Almost falling into a spiked trap door in Vlad's castle isn't what I would call fun."

"Hey I said I was sorry for springing the trap, and I got you out fine. Plus that's in the past."

"It was last month!"

Leo raised his hands in defense. "Okay, geez, at least we got some cool Titans out of it. Can you believe Mom and Dad missed them when they were there?"

Sibella relaxed a bit, "Yes, it is a real shame. I would have thought Mother and Father would have found them on one of their excursions. Although mine was a bit aggressive for my taste, she has calmed down a bit."

"C'mon Hellynx is like a nice little cat when you get past the spikes. Same with my Heirospecter. Hmph, I would have had the Hitokiri Amulet if that Battle Axe didn't swipe it before me." Leo grumbled.

Sibella smirked. "Oooh, I'm telling Zanta you called her that." She laughed as Leo started to sweat.

After a while of walking and small talk, they reached a chamber with multiple gargoyle statues.

"Oh look, I was right all along," Sibella said smugly.

"Okay, fine. You were right. Let's just find the safe house and find out what's going on here." Leo sighed, then mumbled, "I need to get this thing updated." Before putting his Cypherdex away.

"Right, we're here to figure out why there have been random quakes lately. We've been told that they detected remnants of titan energy in the catacombs after the quakes so they pointed is here."

Leo walked up to the one statue holding two items instead of one like the others. "From what I remember from Dad's stories, we pour water into here." He poured water into the broken vase and flowed into the saucer in the gargoyle's hands. Which made the statue move, revealing a secret passage.

They walked into a secret chamber, filled with different artifacts and books.

"So, this is where Joan of Arc rested before she went to battle," Sibella mumbled.

The two of them looked around the chamber but hadn't found anything worth while.

"What are we looking for anyway? This is the only place in these catacombs that would have any kind of titan power, but there isn't anything in here that hasn't already been discovered." Leo stated.

Sibella kept looking through the books in hopes to find some clues. "There must be some kind of clue here. The Foundation wouldn't have sent the two of us here without reason." She accidentally dropped the book she was reading next to the desk. She bent to pick it up but noticed that the pages started to turn themselves. Curious, she placed her hand near the bottom of the desk and felt a slight breeze.

"Leo, there's a breeze coming from this desk. Help me move it."

The two of them pushed the desk out of the way and found a hole in the ground with light shining at the bottom. The both of them suddenly felt a wave of energy over them.

"Whoa! This must be where the titan power is coming from, why couldn't we sense it before?" Leo asked.

"When we moved the desk we felt the power. It must be made up of a magic resistant material that dampened the power. The Foundation must have only been able to sense it during the quakes is because it was too unstable to be contained." Sibella explained.

Leo smirked. "Well, time to check it out."

"Wait, Leo! We don't know what's down there." Sibella warned.

"We were sent here to figure out what's causing the quakes, and this is pretty much the only lead we have. So we got to investigate. That's what the detective side of me says." With that, he jumped down the hole.

"*Sigh* You're just as boneheaded as Father!" She said before following her brothers lead.

"Feather Drop!"

The twins landed softly at the bottom of said hole. They ended up in a stone cavern, that leads to a cave where the glowing was. When they reached the cave, they saw a tall, blue, glowing monolith. There was a visible crack on the base of the monolith, with some sort of green energy sparking around it.

"What is this thing? The amount of power its radiating is almost overwhelming." Leo said.

Sibella stared at it in amazement, "There's only one thing this could be. It's only referenced slightly in our families tomes, but this has to be a Nexus."

"A Gateway to Huntik? A place where Lord Casterwill was said to create the amulets? This is one of them?" Leo conveyed his shock.

“Correct, Brother. As you know, Huntik is another dimension separate from our own. It is the Spirit world where the Titans and Nullifiers originated. Not much is known about that world because no human has ever entered and come back to tell the tale.” Sibella disclosed.

Suddenly the monolith started glowing brighter, but out of the crack, the energy started shooting out. Shaking the whole cave in a powerful quake.

"OverShield!" Leo grabbed his sister and put up a barrier to protect them from any debris falling. After a moment, the quake stopped and Leo dropped his shield. "Well, I think we found the source of the quakes."

"A stalagmite must have fallen on it at some point and created that fracture. We must fix it, but with that big a fracture it's probably going to take the both of us." Sibella told him. Her brother nodded in agreement as they both held their hands up to the monolith.

"Findshape!" they both chanted as their hands were covered in a purple aura. Said purple aura surrounded the damaged Nexus. After a few moments, the Nexus returned to its undamaged shape.

"Well, that takes care of that. Come, brother, we should report this to Dante that we completed the mission." Sibella stated as she started to walk away before Leo grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

"Sis are you crazy? We're standing in front of something that even to us Seekers is a fairy tale. You're really just gonna walk away?" Leo argued.

"That's why we should report it to the Huntik Foundation. They will have the Nexus fully investigated and that's that."

"Sibella, this could make our career as Seekers!" Leo exclaimed. This caught Sibella's attention. "What do you think will happen when we are the first ones to actually get data on the Nexus? We'll be famous, not just for discovering it but we would be the first ones to research it. We won't just be the son and daughter of Lok Lambert and Sophie Casterwill, the heroes of the Spiral War. We'll make a name for ourselves."

Sibella looked like she was very lost in thought, trying to decide whether she should follow her brothers lead or not. "Leo, I don't know-."

"Sibella, I can't do this without you. You are the smarter one out of the both of us after all." Leo sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

Sibella sighed, "Alright Leo, but only for ten minutes. I have to get back to my classes before the week ends."

"Great!" He cheered.

"So where do you want to start?"

"Well, the only expert on dimensions I can think of is Janusea the Gatekeeper, and she is your titan." Leo hinted.

"So that's why you wanted me to stay?" Sibella asked suspiciously.

"No, no, it isn't the only reason. We found it together so we should both be credited. Plus you're my sister and I love you." He defended quickly.

"*Sigh* Fine." She pulled out an oval shaped light gray amulet with red highlights near the bottom region, a set of yellow flame-like crown designs all pointing up just above and an elliptical blue gem that also had a yellow highlight that encircled it and connected with the yellow flame crown design. "Open the Door between Dimensions! Janusea the Gatekeeper!"

"Janusea. What can you tell us about the Nexus?" Sibella asked her titan. Janusea turned towards Sibella, but no words were said. "Really? Are you sure?"

"What did she say?" Leo asked.

"She said that she could sense a presence from inside the Nexus, one that feels similar to ours."

"Similar to ours?" He thought for a moment before his eyes widened. "You don't think, could it be…?"

Sibella's eyes widened also. "No, it couldn't be possible. He disappeared long before we were born."

"If Janusea said she senses something then we have to try. Can she try and locate the presence?"

Sibella looked to her titan, before returning her gaze to her brother. "She says she needs a focus, something that could be used to track it or else it won't work."

"A focus huh? Well, she did say that the presence was similar to ours." He thought, before taking off his fedora. "How about this?"

"But Leo, that's the hat dad gave you."

"If we can use it to actually get information on Grandpa, then I think it'll be worth it."

He took off his hat and placed it in front of the Nexus. Janusea then began to work her magic. She got into a meditative pose and her spheres started to spin around her. Green energy started surrounding the spheres as well as the hat as it flowed into the Nexus. After a few moments of silence, A ghostly figure appeared in front of the Nexus.

He was a middle aged man with short brown hair and blue eyes. A thick mustache settled upon his lips. He wore what looked like the garb of an archeologist. This was Eathon Lambert, the twins' grandfather and former seeker of the Huntik Foundation.

Both Leo and Sibella cautiously walked up to the ghostly man.

"Grandfather, is that really you?" Sibella asked.

Instead of speaking, Eathon turned away from them, walking towards the Nexus.

"Wait, Grandpa!" Leo yelled chasing after him.

Leo tried to reach out for his grandfather, but before he could Eathon phased right through the Nexus. But the moment Leo touched it, he started to go through it. He tried to pull his hand out, but some kind of force was pulling him right in.

"I could use some help sis!!" He called out his sister.

"I'm coming!" Without a second thought, Sibella grabbed her brother's hand and tried to pull him out. But it was no good as the Nexus began to pull them both into itself. Eventually, the both of them we fully emerged into the Nexus. Janusea reverted into a wisp and followed them into the Nexus, leaving only Leo's hat.

Unknown Location

"Gah… Anyone get the number of that truck?" Leo stirred awake, sitting up on his stone bed. He saw that he was in some sort of cave, but not the same cave he was in prior. The Nexus was nowhere to be found, and because of the darkness, he could barely see anything.

He stood up, dusting himself off. "Boltflare!" He raised his hand and a small sphere of light appeared next to him, illuminating the cave. Which now revealed to be completely made of Crystal. Nearby, he saw the unconscious body of his sister lying a few feet away.

"Sibella!" He rushed to his sister's side and shook her awake."Sibella! Wake up. Are you okay?"

She started to stir awake, fluttering her eyes a bit until she sat up facing her brother. "Leo? What happened? Where are we?"

"I'm not sure. I remember the two of us were being sucked into the Nexus, but that's about it." Leo worried as he helped his sister to her feet.

"You don't think we are in Huntik do you?" She asked.

"Not sure. I just woke up in this cave and found you."

"Well, we should probably start by getting out of this cave. CypherCall!" Blue energy gathered around Sibella's hands, and a CypherDex appeared. "CypherDex, scan the area."

The CypherDex beeped in response. In moments a hologram of the area around them appeared. Two red silhouettes, who appeared to be them, appeared to show where they currently were.

"It seems we are in some sort of underground cavern. Since the Cypher Dex's range is limited and there doesn't seem to be an exit in sight, these caverns are quite extensive. We'll probably have to walk quite a ways to find a way to the surface."

Leo sighed, "Man, I don't want to walk that long." He then gained a thoughtful look on his face. "How far does the CypherDex say we are from the the surface?"

"Well according to the data the surface is just one level above us." She then saw her brother with a big smile on his face. "What?"

"We have to get to the Elements of Harmony!"

Running through the streets of Canterlot were 6 girls with some strange features about them.

The first was a girl that had long, violet hair with a pink streak through it with matching purple eyes, and a purple horn rested upon her forehead. She wore some sort of school uniform consisting of a white blouse with a purple vest and a matching skirt with a picture of a pink star surrounded by smaller stars on it.

The second was another girl with a horn on her forehead, but a white one this time. She had long lavender hair and blue eyes. She wore an elegant white dress with an image of three diamonds on the hip.

The third was a girl with sky blue wings on her back. Her hair was long and every color of the rainbow tied into a ponytail, and she had magenta eyes. She wore a sky blue t-shirt with an image of a cloud shooting out a tri-colored lightning bolt and navy jeans.

Next was another girl with wings, but hers were yellow. She had long pink hair and deep green eyes. She wore a long-sleeved, yellow turtleneck sweater and a long skirt that reached her knees, which also held an image of three butterflies on it.

The fifth was a normal looking girl, no wings or a horn. She had long blonde hair tied into a single braid, with a Stetson cowboy hat atop her head, and she had green eyes. She wore a long plaid blouse and jeans, which had a picture of three apples on the back.

Last was another normal girl. Her long, poofy, pink hair reached down her back, and she had baby blue eyes. She wore a pink t-shirt with three balloons on the front, with a matching pink short skirt.

These were Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, the inheritors of the Elements of Harmony.

At the moment they were running through the streets of Canterlot, trying to get away from these strange humanoid creatures. They all looked the same with withered horns on their heads, green hair, blue bug eyes, and tattered wings. These were the changelings.

The Mane Six were just at the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor until Twilight found the real Cadance and revealed the one being married was the Changeling Queen Chrysalis. She had been draining love energy from Shining Armor for some time, allowing her to overwhelm Princess Celestia when she tried to vanquish her. Princess Celestia asked the Mane Six to get the Elements of Harmony, for they were the only things powerful enough to defeat Chrysalis now. So that's what they did.

While they were running they had to dodge every incoming changeling until they were stopped by a sudden horde of Changelings surrounded them.

"Looks like we have to do this the hard way!" Rainbow said cracking her knuckles.

The girls and the Changeling horde squared off, about to engage in battle.


Suddenly, the ground between the two sides suddenly imploded, kicking up dust covering the area. If one was to look close, they would see a giant stone fist protruding from the ground until it faded away into the light, giving way to a now highly noticeable hole in the ground. The dust settled revealing a large crater in the ground, and climbing out from said crater was Leo and Sibella.

"See, I told you it would work!" Leo cheered triumphantly while dusting off his clothes.

"No! You said ‘I have an idea!’ And used Undergolem to smash through the ceiling! That was so irresponsible! What if someone was right above us!?" Sibella chastised her brother.

"Hey, it worked out didn't it? Look, we're on the surface and… oh." Leo finally took into account the mane six and the Changeling horde.

His sister looked confused before she noticed them as well. "Oh… it seems like we are interrupting something."

Both sides stared at the twins confused, no one bothering to say a single word.

"Well, let's analyze the situation.This looks like some sort of battle of good and evil." He pointed to the Changeling Horde. "There's a bunch of ominous, grunt, looking characters." Then to the Mane Six. "And a bunch of cute girls," making them blush slightly. "So I'm guessing you girls are the good guys?"

"Um, yeah," Rainbow stated slowly.

"Well, it looks like you could use some help. RayPulse!" Leo spun around to face the Changelings and fired a bolt of energy towards them. The impact took out a few of them on the front lines.

"How can he cast magic? He's not a unicorn. And what is with those chants?" Twilight asked shocked.

The Changeling horde continued their attack, but now focusing on Leo seeing that he is the bigger threat. Three Changelings charged at him ready to attack. "HonorGuard!" Leo put up a shield in front of him, making the Changelings smack right into it. Unfortunately for Leo, the shield dropped the moment they hit it. "OverSlam!" A blue aura covered half of Leo's body as he charged at the changelings. He slammed right into them, making them fly back a good distance and knocking them out. Another group of Changelings came from behind and tackled him down. More and more Changelings dog piled on, hoping to keep him down.

"DragonFist!" The pile of Changelings started to rise slowly, revealing Leo lifting them all up while his hands were covered in a red aura. When he got to his feet, he threw the Changelings onto another group of Changelings.

"Whoa! That guy is strong!" Rainbow was amazed.

"Well, he ain't no slouch. He'd be good at apple buckin'" AJ agreed.

"Haha! Is that all you got?" Leo cheered and didn't notice more Changelings closing in from behind.

"BoltFlare!" A BoltFlare suddenly came from the side, knocking away the incoming Changelings. Said BoltFlare was fired from Sibella. "Don't let your guard down, brother. You always need someone to watch your back, don't you?" She chided with a smirk.

Her brother matched her smirk. "Well, that's why we make a good team sis. Now I could use a hand here."

"Very well. DoubleSpell! AugerFrost!" Sibella's hands were covered in a blue aura and shot a multitude of blue spheres towards the Changelings. She continued firing her attacks while her brother continued fighting them head on.

"Wowee! Those two are amazing. They're mowing them down as fast as I eat cake!" Pinkie cheered.

Sibella caught sight of a few airborne Changelings, diving down towards the distracted mane six. "HyperStryde!" Her legs were covered in a blue aura, and she ran towards the six with enhanced speed. When she reached the six she through her hands upwards. "HonorGuard!" A purple barrier formed around the group, blocking the incoming Changelings. The barrier dropped after they hit. "Touchram!" Green energy shot out of Sibella's hand, throwing the Changelings away.

"Oh my, thank you, darling. That could have been bad." Rarity thanked her.

"No problem," Sibella replied.


Before she could return to the fight, her brother came flying in and landed right in front of the group. He got to his feet, panting slightly of fatigue

"This is getting kind of difficult," Sibella said. "We keep taking a few down, but there are more closing in."

"I guess we need reinforcements of our own." Leo yanked off the amulet from around his neck. "Ready sis?"

Sibella took off her own amulet. "Ready Bro!"

They both raised their amulets in the air.

"Fight with honor, Cavalier!"

A wisp flowed out of the amulet and a bright light shined. An armored figure appeared. Its armor was ash gray with a blood red dragon symbol on its chest, along with a pair of dragon wings sprouting from its back. In its hands were two flaming swords with golden handles.

"Fight with grace, Fan Dancer!"

Just like Leo's amulet, a wisp flowed out of her amulet with a bright light. What appeared was a red armored, samurai woman appeared. Her hair was long and tied into a but with two hair sticks in them. She wore a white basket with only two eyes holes that showed her red glowing eyes. In her hands were two white fans with dragon images on them.

"What in Equestria!?" Twilight was shocked.

"Who are they?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"That armored guy looks awesome! Look at those blades!" Rainbow cheered.

"Oh my, she's so beautiful. She gives me an idea for a design." Rarity said staring at Fan Dancer.

"What's going on around here?" AJ wondered.

"Whoopty woo! Now I need to throw a party for four new friends!" Pinkie exclaimed, being Pinkie.

The twins stood next to their Titans, ready for round two.

"Take them down, Cavalier!" Leo ordered his Titan.

"You as well Fan Dancer," Sibella ordered

Nodding to their Seeker, the warrior-class Titans flew towards the Changeling horde. Cavalier, swinging his flaming swords, mowed down anyone who got in his path. While Fan Dancer, thematically, danced across the battlefield with grace and beauty. Slashing at the changelings with her fans, and even taking others down by throwing her fans.

"Come on sis, we can't let them have all the fun. BattleForge!" Leo chanted, as a blade formed out of orange energy appeared in his hands.

"Quite right, brother." She looked around and found a discarded metal pole from a pile of debris from the battle. "FormStaff!" She took the pole in her hands, and it was suddenly surrounded by a purple aura which formed into a hooked staff.

Now armed, the twins went to fight by their Titan's side. The battle had raged on, the seekers with their Titans took down Changeling after Changelings until they all fell. The battle had ended, with the twins panting in fatigue.

"Thank you for the assistance Fan Dancer. Take a rest." Sibella thanked her Titan as Fan Dancer returned to her amulet.

"You too, Cavalier," Leo recalled his Titan.

The Twins walked towards the dumbfounded Mane Six, who stared at them in amazement.

"Are you all okay?" Leo asked.

They stood in silence before Twilight hit them with a barrage of questions. "Who are you? What were those things that came out of your jewelry? How can you cast magic without a horn?"

Before any more questions could be asked, Applejack came up and put her hand over Twilight mouth. "Slow down their sugar cube. Don't overwhelm them. Sorry about that, Twilight can be a bit excitable when she's seen magic that she doesn't know about."

"It's quite alright," Sibella dismissed.

"Anyways, thanks for savin' us there…"

"Oh, my name is Sibella Casterwill-Lambert. But you can just call me Sibella." She pointed towards Leo. "And this is my brother."

"Leonidas Casterwill-Lambert, but just call me Leo." He introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you both. I am Twilight Sparkle.These are my friend's Rarity, Applejack Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy." Twilight stated.

"It's nice to meet you all," Sibella greeted.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet such cute girls," Leo greeted slyly, before being smacked on the back of the head by his sister.

"Okay, now that introductions are over," Rainbow interjected. "We need to get to the Elements of Harmony. Remember? We gotta hurry."

"Oh, that's right! We have to hurry!" Twilight panicked.

Sibella looked confused, "What is going on?"

"Princess Celestia, Cadance, and my brother Shining armor are being held captive by the Changeling Queen! We need to get to the Elements of Harmony, they are the only things powerful enough to defeat Queen Chrysalis!" Twilight quickly explained.

Leo and Sibella looked at each other as if having a wordless conversation with each other. They had already guessed that they are not in their own world anymore, so they didn't know any of the people Twilight just mentioned. But they did know that Twilight and her friends are trying to save people, and considering the number of enemies they just fought they could use some help.

"You mind if we tag along? It looks like you all could use some help." Sibella offered.

"Really? Are you sure? It's gonna be dangerous." Twilight warned.

Leo just smirked. "You just saw us take down that entire horde of those Changeling things, we'll be fine. We Seekers live for danger."


"We'll explain later, right now we need to get to these Elements you talked about. Lead the way." Sibella suggested

Twilight agreed and led her friends and the twins to the Elements of Harmony. The journey there was quite, a bit too quiet. They arrived in front of a pair of pristine doors.

"So they are in here?" Sibella asked.

"Yes, and we need to hurry. We can't leave the Princesses waiting with that evil queen." Twilight added as she began to open the doors.

"I don't know, it seemed kind of too easy to get here," Leo worried.

The moment the doors open, they were facing a much larger horde of Changelings waiting for them there. They all tried to back up, but another horde of Changelings appeared behind them.

"You just had to say it didn't you?" Rainbow voiced sarcastically.

Throne Room

The throne room was in tatters. It was all set up for the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, but not everything was ruined.

Princess Cadance was stuck to the ground with her feet bound by green slime. She looked to be in her early twenties, her hair was a combination of pink, purple, and blonde streaks. She wore a tattered pink dress with purple accents on it. Also, she had a pair of pink wings with a matching horn on her head.

Next to her was the brainwashed form of her fiance Shining Armor. His hair was navy blue with a lighter blue streak and reached down to his shoulders with a white horn on his forehead. He wore an official red guards shirt with black slacks. His eyes were green and staring off into space.

And in the center of it all was an evil looking woman. She had long emerald hair that reached down her back, and a long, tattered horn protruded from her forehead. She had a dark green and black dress with holes along the sides. On her back was a pair of tattered, insect like wings. In her hands was a strong looking wooden staff with a crystal orb on top. This was Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings.

"You won't get away with this!" Cadance yelled. "Twilight and her friend will-!" She stopped her statement when the doors to the throne room open, revealing the Mane Six and the twins. The twins arms were cuffed behind them by the same green slime Cadance was stuck in, it was also over their mouths so they couldn't speak any spells.

"You were saying?" Chrysalis uttered smugly, but then her eyes settled on the twins. "Who are they? Why are they bound?"

One Changeling grunt spoke up, "These two came to their aid when we were stopping them from reaching the Elements of Harmony. They are very powerful, taking down a good number of our forces. Although we were able to wear them down with our numbers. They used some strange magic using their hands and enchantments, as well as summoning some sort of beasts."

Chrysalis's eyes widened slightly before returning to her smug smile. "Oh really?" she walked off to Leo and trailed her fingers under his chin. "You two may be worth keeping around after we take over." She then turned to her soldiers. "Go my subjects. Feed on!" The Changeling soldiers then flew out of the room, leaving only the Mane Six, the twins, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Chrysalis.

"It's funny really. Twilight was aware of my plans the whole time, but you were all too busy with your wedding plans to see it." Chrysalis boasted.

"We're sorry Twi, we should have listened to ya," AJ expressed her regret.

"It's alright, she fooled everyone," Twilight said.

"Hm, I did didn't I?" Chrysalis chuckled as she walked over to the window wanting to watch her plan unfold.

Twilight took this chance to use her magic and free the twins from their bounds and gags.

"*Spit!* Man that stuff is nasty," Leo spat.

Now Twilight slowly made her way to Cadance and freed her. Cadance walked to her zombified fiance and tried to break him out of his trance, but to no avail. With one last attempt, she embraced her love. Her horn started to spark, and a small red heart appeared and floated to Shining Armor. It popped like a bubble upon contact and snapped him back to normal.

"Huh? Wha? Is the wedding over?" He asked confusedly.

"It's all over!" Chrysalis bragged.

"Your spell! Use your spell!" Twilight yelled.

"What good will that do? My Changelings already roam free!"

Shining Armor attempted to use his magic, but he fell to one knee when he tried. "It's no use, I don't have any power left. I can't perform my spell."

Cadance embraced her love once again. "My love will give you power."

Chrysalis laughed. "What a sweet, but ridiculous sentiments."

Cadance and Shining Armor put their horns together, and it started working. Magic and light swirled around them as it started glowing brighter and brighter as they started to levitate off the ground. Chrysalis saw this and started to look panicked. But it was quickly replaced with a smirk?

In the climax of the spell, the light disappeared and the two of them fell to the ground.

"Wha!? What happened? It should have worked." Cadance panicked.

"Hahahaha!" They all looked towards Chrysalis. "Did you really think I would let you do that? I had a backup if you regained your senses." She directed towards her staff, which was glowing green. "My staff is able to disrupt all magic in the immediate area."

Twilight started to panic. "I've never heard of an artifact like that before!"

"Well if it disables all magic, that means it disrupts your magic too," Rainbow added, charging straight at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis was suddenly surrounded by a purple aura. "BladeStorm!" suddenly, blades of purple energy shot towards Rainbow, fortunately, was able to dodge.

Sibella and Leo looked at her in shock. ‘That's a Seeker Power!' they thought.

"Hey! You said magic was disabled!" Rainbow yelled.

"Like I would leave myself defenseless. This magic is of a different nature, one that you all can't possibly comprehend." Chrysalis turned towards Shining Armor and Cadance. "Now, to get rid of you thorns in my side." She charged up and launched another BladeStorm towards them.

The blades were closing in, Shining Armor stood protectively in front of his fiance as they both waited for the imminent death.

"HyperStride! HonorGuard!"

The twins swiftly intervened and thrown up a barrier to protect them.

Chrysalis was now the one in shock. "You! You have the power as well?"

"That's right! Now, we outnumber you." Leo threatened. "You can surrender peacefully and call off your Changelings, or are we gonna have to do this the hard way?"

Chrysalis growled. "I didn't foresee this outcome. I wanted to keep this in reserve, but you've forced my hand." The sphere on her staff started to disappear and reveals an amulet that looked like a set of four gray open flower petals with a blue oval gem that had a yellow highlight.

"That's an amulet!" Sibella voiced her surprise.

Chrysalis grabbed the amulet and raised it in the air. "Feed and Grow! Archwarder!" Then appeared a titan that looked like a rotating three legged walking plant with a bud for a head and a pair of root like arms.

"There are Titans in this world too?" Sibella asked.

"We can figure that out later," Leo replied taking out Cavalier's amulet. "Right now, we gotta take care of Evil Queen here."

"Right!" She took out her Fan Dancer.

"Fight with honor/grace! Cavalier/Fan Dancer!"

Both their Titans appeared and stood by their seeker's sides.

Shining Armor and Cadance just watched in awe.

"What in the world is happening?" Shining Armor asked, his guard was up as he gazed at the Titans.

Twilight placed a hand on her brother's shoulders. "Don't worry BBBFF. I know this all looks very strange, but I can promise you that those two are on our side. Along with their "friends" Twilight reassured. Shining Armor hesitated before nodding to his sister.

There took place a battle between the Seeker siblings and Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis tried to keep the twins at a distance by a series of BladeStorm's, but the twins slowly made their advance towards the Queen.

On the other side of the room, Cavalier and Fan Dancer were battling against Archwarder. Both Warrior-titans tried to attack plant Titan, but with Archwarders ability to disrupt a Titans connection with their seekers it made it difficult. Said ability made the Titans weaker in turn cause they draw power from their seekers as well.

With the twins and Chrysalis, the twins were also having a bit of difficulty because of Archwarder. During their battle, their amulets started to discharge energy making it difficult to fight, but they pushed through. During the battle, Leo and Sibella cast their BattleForge and FormStaff spells to arm themselves.

Sibella rushed forward with her staff raised, and swing down towards Chrysalis. The Queen blocked the attack with her scepter that used to hold Archwarder. After exchanging a few blows Sibella flipped away when Chrysalis tried to attack her. Not long after Leo rushed forward and slammed into the Queen, knocking her away a bit. Without hesitating, Leo charged once again and readied his energy blade. But Chrysalis regained her composure and locked his blade with her scepter.

"Just surrender boy." She snarled at Leo. "It is only a matter of time before Archwarder completely disrupts your Titans enough for you not to control them. Then you'll have to fight both of us without your Titans."

Leo just smirked at her. "Sorry, we can't do that. The wedding needs to go on after all." He joked. "By the way, you are very beautiful. I would take you out to dinner if you weren't, well, evil."

Chrysalis blushed slightly, before pushing harder against Leo's blade. "Flattery will get you nowhere boy!" She jumped back and raised her hand that was radiating energy. "DarkWave!" A stream of dark energy shot towards Leo. He was able to block it with his blade in time, but the force of the attack knocked him away where his sister was standing.

"We have to finish this Leo," Sibella suggested helping her brother to his feet. "The more time we waste, Archwarder is closer to disrupting our Titans."

"You're right, sis." Leo agreed. The two of them observed the battle field, Chrysalis was in front of them, ready for another round. Although, behind her were the three titans battling each other, with Archwarder looking like it had the advantage. Just then, he had an idea, and when he looked to his sister they gave each other a knowing look. They both sent mental commands to their Titans, which made them stop and nod to their seekers.

The twins squared off to Chrysalis. "Well, we'd love to continue this dance, but we have to end this now, Queen Chrysalis," Sibella declared, readying her staff.

"Then let's make this quick. I have a Kingdom to take over after all." Chrysalis sneered.

They all charged at each other, both sides readying their weapons for one final strike. As they were about to collide, the twins swiftly jumped passed the now confused queen. In the same instance, both Fan Dancer and Cavalier knocked towards their Seekers. The twins raised their weapons and slashed the Queens Titan, making it dissolve back into a wisp of light and flowed into its amulet.

"No!" Chrysalis yelled.

Leo turned to Cadance and Shining Armor. "Now! Do your spell!"

The (soon to be) married couple came together and performed their spell once more. The light started to surround the two until a pink barrier started to rapidly spread around them. Everyone phased through it, except for Chrysalis and her Changelings. The barrier forced them miles away from the city.

When the light died down there stood Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, both melting in each other's embrace. The Mane Six relaxed finally now that the action was over, while Twilight went to check on the now free Celestia.

The twins returned their Titans to their amulets, panting in exhaustion.

"Well, that chalks up another victory for us," Leo cheered.

"Quite. But still, I can say for sure that we are not in our world anymore. So how is it that there are titans in this world as well? We're they called here like Lord Casterwill called them to our world?" Sibella wondered.

Leo smirked. "Sounds like a mystery. Something right up our alley."

Sibella smiled at her brother's optimism. "Right, that is a seeker life after all."


The twins turned around to see Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and the Mane Six looking at them. Expecting an explanation of what had just happened. Silence plagued the room until Leo decided to speak.

"So… are we invited to the afterparty?"

Author's Note:

What is up everybody?!

Welcome to my new fic. Huntik!

I remember enjoying this show when i was a kid and i recently rewatched the series so i thought hey why not make a fic about it.

Now for those of you who are questioning Leo's character, but don't worry he's not gonna be some douche bag. He just likes flirting, but here's a hint of his character in the next chapter.

Like, fav, follow and all that stuff. I hope you like it!

Take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals. Peace out!