• Published 27th Jun 2017
  • 1,745 Views, 141 Comments

Until Fairer Skies Beckon - totallynotabrony

Rainbow is kidnapped and forced into a mercenary air force in an African civil war.

  • ...

Chapter 28

Rainbow’s first mission as wizzo was apparently close air support. Or, it was going to be, anyway.

They were just clear of SA-6 range and still headed north when the radio rang with decidedly sinister laughter. Rainbow had heard enough of it in her time to recognize it.

“Patriot...this is Death.”

Here we go, thought Rainbow.

“I hope you’re ready to fight,” Death went on. “You can’t choose your end, because it’s been chosen for you.”

The voice sounded female. It was hard to tell. The radio was scratchy.

Rainbow felt the L-39 bank slightly, keeping up with Wind Rider’s Mirage as it changed course. Did that mean he had a radar contact? The lack of encrypted radios was now more than ever a burden; they couldn’t talk without being overheard.

“Patriot, pull back inside the missiles,” said Wind Rider, turning the formation around.

“Do you think the SA-6’s can differentiate between us and them?” Rainbow couldn’t help but say.

Death laughed again. “Oh, is that Rainbow Dash concerned about friendly fire?”

A shot of panic went through Rainbow’s chest. How did they know!? Not just her name, but how could they have found out about…

“Rainbow Dash isn’t flying,” tried Kiel. “The jet was wrecked.”

“Oh, you don’t need to lie to me, Kiel Kielbasa,” Death purred. “I know she’s here. I recognize her voice.”

“What the hell is going on?” Striker muttered through the intercom.

Rainbow wanted to know that, too, but tried to focus her thoughts and work through the puzzle. Did Death really recognize her? If so, how did they know her name and associate it to the sound of her voice? She tried to do the same with Death, but came up blank. There was something familiar about the voice, but enough distortion that she couldn’t place it.

Who could possibly know? Was it the operator of the mysterious radio station out east? Rainbow considered it, but ultimately couldn’t say for sure. She wasn’t convinced, but couldn’t bring herself to dismiss it, either, because she had no other ideas. Besides, weren’t they trying to help her?

The UTA jets pulled back at Wind Rider’s order. Rainbow noticed him flying a racetrack pattern in an effort to keep his jet pointed north as much as possible.

“Yeah, I thought the missiles would stop them,” he said, apparently taking radar measurements.

Death chuckled but didn’t reply.

“So...are you going to tell us what we’re up against?” Pug asked.

“I will, Pugachev Cobra,” said Death. “There are two of us. MiG-23’s. Air-to-air pure.” A moment passed. “Well? Any takers?”

A three-to-one numbers advantage was good. But the Floggers carried much better missiles than all of them except maybe the Mirage. Even if the two enemies probably wouldn’t survive a dogfight against all the UTA planes, they had a good chance of giving better than they got.

“We won’t get another chance like this, just handed to us on a platter,” said Lightning.

“If that’s what you think, Lightning Dust.”

Rainbow would have advised caution. The L-39 she sat in could undoubtedly out-turn an MiG-23 in a close quarters fight, but it would be vulnerable at any other distance.

“So are we doing this or not?” said Pug.

“Don’t give it to them,” said Wind Rider. Rainbow reluctantly admitted that his caution might perhaps be due to something he knew that the rest of them didn’t.

Still, she privately agreed when Pantera uncharacteristically burst out, “Are you a coward or something?”

“No, I’m just not expendable,” Wind Rider replied cooly.

“You wouldn’t want to take any unnecessary risks, Pantera Prowl,” said Death. “Owing to your final mission coming up.”

“I’m calling it,” said Wind Rider. “No point in wasting the fuel.” He turned back for Katange. Death’s laughter followed.

“Not that I mind staying out of trouble,” said Striker over the intercom, “But if we let them go, they might come back with more next time.”

“Well, maybe Wind Rider will keep chickening out,” said Rainbow.

“I guess we’ll see.”

After a moment, Rainbow asked, “Is it just me or did Death sound familiar?”

“Maybe,” Striker said. “I’m not sure if they’re using some sort of voice modulator or if they’re hoarse or whatever.”

Maybe that was it. But then, if the voice should be even more recognizable, it again raised the question of who it could be? If she could only hear it unmodulated.

Thoughts of the mysterious voice went out of her head as she spotted smoke on the horizon. They hadn’t even been gone a full hour, what could have happened?

Arriving overhead, it looked like the airport was nearly consumed in the flames. The grass wasn’t thick enough to support that kind of fire, was it? Had it somehow grown thicker just to burn - were the different facets of magic cooperating now?

Despite the situation, that was actually kind of amusing. The fire had even waited to start until the planes were gone. But, Rainbow realized, the fire wasn’t smart enough to know that without access to Katange, they didn’t have enough fuel to go anywhere else.

“We may have to land, get fuel, and leave again,” said Wind Rider.

“Do we have that kind of time?” said Lightning.

“It’s either that or try to land on the ashes where the fire’s already burned.”

There were no good options. The jets descended through the smoke.

It wasn’t quite as bad as it seemed on the ground, Rainbow thought. Striker made a good landing, but she kept her oxygen mask on. It seemed like a good idea.

Down at the end of the runway, she saw the wind sock moving. As she watched, it turned completely around. Within seconds, the smoke seemed to get thinner. Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief. The magic was still watching out for them.

The same could not be said of the UTA. It seemed like few soldiers had remained at their posts. They began to arrive back at base after running from the fire, but all were clearly shaken. The burned grass had reached to mere feet from some of the buildings.

Rainbow quickly apologized to Striker for not helping him put the plane away, but she had something more pressing to do. As the plane came to a stop, she climbed down and hurried for the other hangar.

Soarin’, Pantera, and Pug all looked up as she came in. Soarin’ was closest. He said quietly, “Hell of a day.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed. “I wish you could have been there. I feel like I know who Death is, but just can’t quite place it. Do you think they’d let you ride with someone like I did today?”

“That might push the bounds of me being not fit for duty,” he said, indicating his hand for emphasis. “Besides, I’m needed here. After what happened today, I think they were just about ready to cut their losses. Instead, I think they’re going to move the base again.”

“Cut their losses, what do you-”

“The aviation program is causing too much trouble, he said. “I’ve heard that no other base or unit has been having problems like this.”

Rainbow got the point. Their timeline was now even shorter than ever.

She opened her mouth to ask him something else when a soldier came over and shoved her. “You aren’t supposed to be here.”

Soarin’ started to move, but stopped himself. Had he been just about to intervene? For her?

Rainbow gave him a look. Not yet. This is about more than us. She let the soldier escort her away.

Back to Wind Rider’s hangar.