• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 1,945 Views, 13 Comments

Sine Qua Non - Android

Spitfire falls in love with a god.

  • ...

III. The Cream in the Coffee

Soarin glanced down at the letter he received. Spitfire wanted to meet up and go out for the day around Canterlot’s downtown. And apparently, a certain someone was going to be joining them. He smiled. Since high school ended, Virgil had effectively dropped off the face of the world. Thankfully, Spitfire still saw him occasionally but as of recently, despite her close ties with the guy, even she had trouble in interacting with Equestria’s only human.

Well, up until now. It was going to be nice to see an old friend again.

He folded up the letter and replaced it into his saddlebag, trotting up to the castle gates. Leaning against the wall, with a pen and pad in hand, was Virgil. Soarin shook his head. Almost a year since he’d last seen him and the human still kept his nose buried in his work.

A blue and white blur zipped past him, bounding up to the gate.

“Virgil!” A raspy voice shouted.

The human looked up from his notes, his head whipping from side to side in search of the voice before a small blue Pegasus bounced into his legs. He stumbled, falling backward before catching himself with his powers, floating in the air before flipping and righting himself, glancing down at the offending Fleetfoot.

“Oh, it’s you.” He said.

Fleetfoot smiled. “Long time, alien colt.”

“Mane still white as ever I see.”

“Same with you, snow owl.”

Soarin waved a wing. “What’s up, dude?”

Virgil gave him a nod. “Not much. You?”

“Usual, working through school. So, what have you been up to?”

Fleetfoot looked up. “Yeah! Haven’t seen you since graduation!”

He gestured to the castle. “Research.”

“So, you’re the one who built that new tower.” Soarin said. “What even is that thing?”

“Just a telescope.”

“A big one at that.” Fleetfoot said. “So, what made you decide to leave your ivory tower up there? Spitfire finally drag you out of the royal house for once?”

Soarin scoffed. “Obviously. She invited the two of us out here.”

Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Did she now?”

“Yeah. Why? She didn’t tell you anything?”

He turned back to the castle. “That seems to be the running theme as of late.”

“Well, it all worked out!” Fleetfoot smiled. “Don’t worry. It’ll just be like old times. Four of us together again.”

“Well we’re still missing our glorious leader.”

Virgil glanced back to his pad and paper as the sound of flapping wings approached.

“Speak of the devil and she shall appear.” He deadpanned.

Spitfire descended from the sky, swooping to a stop before the palace gates and dropping to the stone street. She ran a hoof through her mane and smirked.

“Virgil! You decided to leave the house today! I’m impressed.”

He gave her a frown. She only grinned in return.

“Surprised you managed to get him out after all this time.” Fleetfoot laughed. “How’d you do it?”

“I got my ways.” Spitfire snickered.

“That what you’re going to call it?” Virgil scowled.

“Shut it you and come out with us today.”

“Seems like I don’t have much of a choice.”

“Oh, you’ll enjoy yourself with us and you know it.” Spitfire said, trotting down the street. Soarin gave a shrug and followed her, chased closely by Fleetfoot. Virgil cocked his head and glared after Spitfire.

“Come on, V.” Fleetfoot beckoned. “You can tell us what you’ve been up to all these months.”

Soarin smiled as the four walked along. The three pegasi stayed ahead of the lone human, who trailed behind them, his nose still buried in his pad as he walked. It was almost as it had always been, though Virgil apparently grew considerably quieter over the last few months. Soarin almost forgot the human was there. Spitfire, didn’t forget.

The pale blue Pegasus couldn’t help but chuckle to himself every time Spitfire paused and turned just to be sure Virgil was still there. He could see it in her eyes, the way she watched the human, almost as if she feared he would vanish on her if she didn’t perform a regular checkup. It was a familiar gaze, one he’d seen her focus upon the human colt time and time again in their youth.

Eventually, the group stopped at a local coffee shop and bounced inside to the ringing of a bell above the door. The group quickly seated themselves and placed their orders, Virgil seemingly oblivious to what exactly was happening around him until a waitress deposited a large cup of coffee in front of him.

He cocked his head and glanced at it.

Spitfire and Fleetfoot both giggle and returned to sipping their lattes. Spitfire lowered her drink, licking the foam off her lips.

“Black with three sugars, just how you like it, right?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, um, thanks.” He said before taking a sip. “How much do I owe you?”

“Relax dude, it’s on me.”

He gave her a frown before reaching into his pocket and removing a small bits pouch.

“Seriously, how much?” he asked, pushing a small pile towards the fire maned mare.

“Dude! I said it was on me.”

“Don’t fight her on this one.” Fleetfoot shook her head.

“I don’t like the idea of mooching off of you. Especially since I could have just conjured a cup myself.”

“Maybe.” Soarin said. “But there is something magical about the freshly made stuff.”

Spitfire pushed his money away. “Just consider it a tiny way for me to say thank you for helping me with my studies.”

He sighed. “Alright, if you insist.”

“I do.”

“Ooh, so you’re helping her study?” Fleetfoot smirked.

Virgil glared at the Pegasus. “Yes. I am. Just studying.”

“Sure, you are.”

“Oh, dear Celestia, Fleets!” Spitfire groaned, placing her head into her hooves.

Soarin smiled, but still took the hint and turned to Virgil.

“So other than helping this dumb filly here through her maths, what else have you been up to?”

He sipped his coffee. “Well I build a new observatory and designed a new telescope to go in it. I’ve basically been just conducting astronomy research.”

“You know, there was just a meteor shower outside of Ponyville the other night. You catch it?”

“Yeah, I did. Wasn’t on the schedule which was kinda weird.”

“Where’d they come from then if the Princess didn’t make them?” Spitfire asked.

“Well, I don’t know exactly where, but I did get the direction. Funny enough, I’ve been tracking a new star in the sky recently. You actually might be able to see it soon enough without a telescope.”

“A new star? What color is it?” Fleetfoot asked.

“Red. And it’s been getting brighter. Still not sure exactly what it is yet, but I’ve been studying it as much as I can.”

“Is that why you’ve had your nose buried in your pad since we met up?”

“Uh, yeah, uh, sorry about that. Just kind of engrossing.”

“To you, I’m sure.” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Nerd.”

Virgil scowled at her, raising his hands and snapping his fingers. In a brilliant flash, a medical cone appeared around her neck. Spitfire’s eyes went wide and her face turned a bright red as she struggled to pull it off. Soarin couldn’t help but laugh alongside Fleetfoot at her plight. After a few long seconds struggling, she squeezed her head through the hole and tossed the cone to the floor.

Virgil grinned at her and sipped his coffee.

“That wasn’t fair.” She said, her face still blushed red.

“Not much you can do to stop me.”

“Screw you.”

“No need to be rude.” He said.

“I think that was a request.” Fleetfoot giggled.

Virgil glared at her before snapping his fingers again, another cone appearing around Fleetfoot’s neck.

“Aw dude!” She groaned, struggling to pull her head out.

Virgil turned. “Soarin?”

He raised his hooves. “Hey don’t look at me. I’m not making that mistake.”


“I hate it when he does that.” Fleetfoot muttered, finally prying the cone off.

Spitfire turned to face him. “Why don’t you use your unicorn powers on somepony who deserves it? Like, say, that cousin of yours, Blueballs.”

“The thought has crossed my mind before, don’t you worry. And he’s not my cousin! We’re not even the same species, let alone related!”

“Adoptive cousin then. Still a relative.”

“If I shared any blood with that creature, I think I would throw myself into the sun.”

“You can actually do that too, can’t you?” Soarin asked.

“You can’t survive the sun!” Fleetfoot scoffed. “Can you?”

Spitfire raised an eyebrow. “That’s a good question. Just how indestructible are you?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, nothing else has really posed much of a threat to me over the years. Maybe I could do the sun with no problem. Hmm. Maybe that’s what I’ll do this weekend.”


“Yeah. Take a trip to the sun, see what happens. Might be fun.”

The three pegasi gaped at him.


Spitfire sighed and planted her hoof over her face. “You are the only one I know who would think walking across the surface of the sun would be fun.”

“I said it might be fun.”

“Still giving it more credit than I would have.”

“Speaking of fun.” Fleetfoot said. “The Gala’s next month. Everyone got their tickets?”

“Got mine.” Soarin said.

“Mine too.” Spitfire nodded. “Wonderbolts are gonna be there too. Might be a good chance to do some networking. What about you, V?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t go to the Gala because it comes to me every year.”

“Will you be attending then, you royal pain in the ass?”

“My mother didn’t exactly give me a choice.”

Fleetfoot titled her head. “Was that a royal degree or did she just mom-tell you to go?”

“There’s very little difference between those two things. She wants me to go and socialize, whatever the hell that means.”

“You should go.” Soarin said. “It’ll be good for you. After all, we haven’t seen you in months, my friend. It would be good for you to get out.”

“Out of what? His high tower or his bedroom?” Fleetfoot laughed. “The Gala’s at his house, he won’t be getting out very far.”

“No. But there will be plenty of young ponies and others there. Good opportunity for you to… you know… socialize.”

Soarin grinned as he watched the human’s right eye unconsciously twitch. In his periphery, he watched Spitfire shift in her seat before placing a hoof on the table.

“Hey, I have an idea.” She said. “Why don’t we all go together?”

“Hmm?” Fleetfoot asked.

“Yeah, the four of us. We can all attend the gala as a party or a double date if you will.”

“Double date?” Virgil’s brow wrinkled. “Who’s dating who here? I miss that much since graduation?”

“No! No, uh, no. No one’s dating.” Spitfire sputtered. “Just a suggestion is all. These are formal events after all. Be kinda weird to show up stag.”

“Plus…” Fleetfoot smirked. “Rumor has it that your mother wants you out of the house.”

Virgil sighed and turned to Spitfire. “How much did she tell you?”

“Who?” Fleetfoot and Spitfire said in unison.

“Both of you.”

“Enough.” They both answered back, before sharing a perplexed glance.

“Please stop doing that.” Soarin said.

“What?” The two mares replied.


Spitfire cleared her throat. “So, are you in?”

Virgil rolled his eyes and glanced out the window at the sun. “It appears I have no choice.”

She grinned. “Excellent! Fleets, you and Soarin can pair up and me and Virgil will be a pair! Try to do matching outfits if you can, it’ll look cool that way.”

“You seem awfully animated about this.”

“The Wonderbolts are going to be there. Of course I’m excited. The fact my friends will be there with me is a great bonus.”

“Gee, that makes me feel great.” Fleetfoot rolled her eyes.

“Oh, you know you’re just as excited as I am.”

“Maybe.” She said. “But I’m not above enjoying a nice night out with my friends.”

“You think I won’t have fun at the Gala?”

Fleetfoot smirked. “Maybe. You seem more excited about the Wonderbolts than anything else right now.”

“What do you want me to do? Prove it to you?”

“Yes, actually.”

“What do you want?”

“Hmm.” She put a hoof to her chin. “How about this? Twenty bits if you manage to prove it to me. But if you can’t twenty bits for me.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Now if I told you right now that would ruin the fun.”

“A blind bet?” Virgil said.

“Sounds fun. Do it.” Soarin said.

“What?” Spitfire titled her head. “Why?”

“It’ll be fun. Do it. Do it. Do it.” He chanted.

Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Fine. Better not make it impossible though.”

“It isn’t.” Fleetfoot grinned. “Shake on it though.”

She held out her hoof. Spitfire scoffed and grasped her hoof and gave it a shake.

“Alright.” Fleetfoot said. “Now come here. I’ll tell you what I want.”

Spitfire leaned across the table and Fleetfoot whispered into her ear. Spitfire listened carefully for a brief moment before her eyes went wide and she reeled back to her spot, shaking her head and crossing her hooves in front of her. From her expression, she seemed very close to taking on her namesake, her mane close to bursting into flames atop her head.

“No! N. O. No!” She said. “No!”

Fleetfoot’s grin only grew larger. “A bet’s a bet, Spitty. We already shook on it.”

“Bet’s off, filly! No! I refuse!”

“What’d she ask you to do?” Virgil perked up, genuinely curious.

Spitfire’s face flushed red. “Shut up! No!”

“Geez, sorry I asked.”

“Come on Spitty, you promised.” Soarin added.

“Oh, you too now? You idiots plan this or something?”

“Plan what?” Virgil asked.

“Stop talking!” Spitfire shouted. “You just shut up for a moment.”

He rolled his eyes. “K. I’ll just go fuck myself then.”

Fleetfoot laughed. “Why do it yourself when Sp-”

Spitfire’s latte cup flew across the table, smacking the cyan Pegasus in the nose.

“If you say another word, I’ll end you.” She seethed.

“Alright, here’s the new proposition. Either you agree to this bet or I open my mouth again. A little wider than the last time too. I think you know what I’m talking about Spitfire. And you only have so many coffee cups before they throw you out of here.”

“I hate you.” She sighed.

“Look at it this way, you have a choice here. Either you do it yourself, or I’ll do it for you.”

“Fuck you.”

“That a yes or a no, Spitty?”

“Fuck you.” She repeated, crossing her hooves.

“Just take it as a yes.” Soarin chuckled.

“Awesome. And best of all, if you do it, you’ll get twenty bits on top of it!”

“Fuck you.”

“If she does what?” Virgil asked.

“Fuck you.” Spitfire turned to him.

“That a statement or a request?” He deadpanned.

Spitfire turned red and stood up, rushing out of the café.

“Fuck you!” She shouted down the street.

Fleetfoot, Soarin, and Virgil all stood up.

Soarin shook his head. “Come on, we better catch up with her before we lose her again.”

“What did you do to her?” Virgil asked.

Fleetfoot winked. “A favor. I did her a favor.”

The three bounced out of the café, following a yellow and orange form bolting through the sky towards the Canterlot shopping district. The three leapt into the air and zipped after their fiery friend. Soarin smiled. Life was good.