• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 15,261 Views, 99 Comments

Turtles of Equestria - Wildcard25

The turtles and their human friends have been to New York, Space, and Camp, now they enter a whole new world populated by pony folk and many other types of creatures.

  • ...

Ninjas on the Farm

One morning at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, and their friends from New York were seated at the dining room table enjoy a pancake breakfast served up by Spike. As the bros were eating, Raphael spoke, "I got to hand it to you, Spike. You're a good cook."

"Thanks, Raph. One of my many talents aside from being the best assistant anypony could ask for." Spike boasted, as April and Twilight giggled.

"I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal this good." Karai admitted.

"I'll say." Sunset agreed.

"Shame we can't have every food we could have back home." Casey sighed while craving for a burger meal.

"I know it's a lot to take into, Casey, but don't worry you'll adjust." Twilight assured him.

"Yeah, when I first went to the other world I discovered a whole new diet myself." Sunset agreed.

"So, Twilight, any plans for today?" Leo inquired.

"Well, Spike, Starlight, and I were going to go over to Sweet Apple Acres to help out Applejack." Twilight answered.

"Sweet Apple Acres?" Mikey asked, as he downed his pancakes.

"It's an Apple farm owned by the Apple Family." Twilight explained.

"Yeah. Applejack's family practically founded Ponyville." Spike added.

"Seriously?" Shini asked.

"Oh, yeah." Twilight confirmed.

"Well this I gotta hear about." Donnie said.

"Oh, great history." Raph said in sarcasm.

"You should take interest in history, Raph. You could learn a lot." Twilight replied, as Raph could only roll his eyes.

Later on, Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were leading their friends out to the Apple Farm. Mikey looked out at the wide orchard of apple trees, "Whoa. I've never seen so many apples in one place."

"That's why it's called an Apple Farm, Mikey." Leo reminded him.

They walked to the entry way to see Applejack waiting for them, "Morning, ya'll." she greeted the group.

"Good morning, Applejack." Twilight greeted.

"How're you this morning?" April inquired.

"Doing fine, April. How about the rest of ya?"

"We're doing great." Leo answered.

"Good. Cause there's a lot of work to be done around the farm today, and we could really use the help." Applejack said.

"Well, then let's get to it." Sunset replied.

The group Applejack to the house, where they saw her siblings and grandmother. The honest pony began, "Everypony, meet the fam. This here's Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and you already know Applebloom. Apples, this here's Sunset Shimmer, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Karai, and Shinigami."

"It's nice to meet you all." Leo greeted them.

"Same here, sonny." Granny Smith replied.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"It's nice to see ya'll again." Applebloom greeted.

"We heard you could use some help around the farm." April noted.

"We sure do. We gotta harvest them apples for cider season next month." Granny explained.

"Cider season?" Mikey asked.

"It's when we distribute one of our top selling products to ponies of Ponyville and elsewhere." Applejack explained.

"What product is that?" Donnie wondered.

"Sweet Apple Cider. And trust me, it sells fast." Applejack answered.

"Wow, then you guys must make a fortune." Mikey gasped.

"It's not about the profits for us, boy." Granny replied.

"It isn't?" Raph asked.

"Nnope." Big Mac shook his head.

"What makes us feel good is seeing the happy faces of satisfied ponies." The elder pony explained.

"Well, we get where you're coming from," Leo admitted, "My friends and I do a lot of good where we're from, but we don't do it for a reward or fame. We do it because it's right."

"Now that's being good folk," Applejack smiled, "Well, we best get started." everyone agreed and soon they split up to help out.

All throughout the orchard, the Apple sibs and the others were busy picking the many apple trees. Twilight and Starlight were watching Applejack demonstrating to Karai, how to buck apples, "You raise 'em high and give the tree a nice buck!" Applejack bucks the tree making all the apples fall from it and land in various baskets.

"Whoa." Karai gasped.

"It's that simple. Wanna try?" Applejack offered.

"All right." Karai took a position by a tree and repeated what Applejack did. As a result half of the apples fell into the baskets.

"Not bad for a first try, Karai." Applejack commended her.

"Thanks, A.J. I didn't realize I could do this with my hooves alone."

"Being an earth pony does give you certain strength." Twilight noted.

"Let see if I can get the rest down." Karai bucked the tree again, resulting in the remaining apples to drop into the baskets.

"Good job, Karai." Starlight applauded.

"Thanks. This kinda work is actually good for me." Karai admitted.

Further through the orchard were the ninja brothers using their hands to punch the trees causing the apples to drop into the baskets below, "Oh, yeah, boy!" Mikey cheered.

"That didn't even hurt as much." Leo admitted.

"Our hands are obviously strong as our hooves in these pony bodies." Donnie stated.

Raph turned to Big Mac, "Is this good, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." the eldest sibling nodded.

"Pony a few words? Or is that all you were taught as a young pony?" Mikey asked, only to get smacked by Donnie.

"Mikey, don't be rude!"

"I was just asking." Mikey groaned.

Big Mac spoke up, "It's all right. I'm used to being judged by it."

"Whoa, you can talk?" Mikey gasped.

"Well, of course I can. Trust me years ago all I ever did was talk," Big Mac explained, "But I talked too much it kept me from ever listening to my sister who had so many ideas about how to make the farm better. So I decided to limit my vocabulary so that I wouldn't be running my mouth off and look like I never listen."

"Huh? Not bad," Raph turned to Mikey, "Mikey, maybe you should start limiting your vocabulary so then maybe you'll listen to us more."

"No way, fool! You can't silence Michelangelo!" the party dude declared, as his bros sighed.

Big Mac laughed, "Oh, you're a lively bunch of ponies. Reminds me of me and my sisters." The four brothers smiled sheepishly while feeling embarrassed.

In another part of the orchard, Sunset, April, Shini, and Casey were helping Applebloom. April, Sunset, and Shini were using their magic to levitate the apples off the tree, while Casey was flying atop a tree picking off various apples before dropping them into the baskets. April looked over at her friend and spoke, "Not bad, Jones. At least you're not falling flat." Shini giggled at April's joke.

"Yuck it up, Red," Casey replied, "Flying's just like riding a bike. Keep at it, and you'll have it down."

"Just don't go up any higher than the tree." Shini ordered.

"Don't worry. Until Rainbow Dash teaches me some flying lessons I'll stick to the ground level." Casey replied.

Applebloom who had bucked a few trees herself spoke up to the four, "So this other world you're from. What's it like?"

"Well, it's like Equestria, but different," Sunset began, "The dominant species there aren't ponies, they're called humans. And they walk on two legs and have appendages called hands. I've lived amongst them for years and it took me awhile to understand them. Oh, and I should point out, in that world there's a different version of just about everypony in Equestria. Even you, Applebloom."

"Really?" the young Apple asked with curiosity, "Do I have the same cutie mark there?"

"Well, humans don't get cutie marks." April explained.

"No cutie marks?" Applebloom gasped, "But how do ya know what you're special talent is?"

"We don't really need them to tell us what our specialties are." Shini answered.

"We just know it." Casey added.

"That must be a strange world where ya'll are from." Applebloom said feeling puzzled. The four could only chuckle to themselves.

Later that day, the whole group was gathered in the farm house and sitting around a table. Coming in was Applejack and Big Mac carrying apple pies, "Who's hungry for pie?"

"I love pie!" Mikey cheered, "Especially pizza pie." he salivated.

"Well, you'll have a new craving once you try our family's apple pie." Applejack said, as the older sibs sat the pies down on the table.

"Mm, smells so good." April took a whiff.

"As always." Twilight added.

"Working out in that orchard for so long has me famished." Karai said.

Applejack started cutting slices and passed them around the table until each one had a slice, "Dig in, everypony." she said.

The ninjas took a bite of their pie, and their faces lit up, "Wow! This is delicious!" Raph gasped.

"It's like I've never eaten an apple before." Casey added in equal joy.

"Mm, it's almost better than pizza," Mikey said, before clarifying, "I said 'almost'."

"But he's right. This is some tasty pie." Donnie agreed.

"One taste of the Apple family pie and you won't stop until you're done." Applejack declared.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed.

April smiled as he looked around, "This reminds me of the dinners we used to have at the old farm house."

"You have a farm house too, April?" Applebloom asked.

"Well, yeah. But our family hasn't used it in years. My friends and I used it as a safe house months ago when things got too crazy back from where we're from." the girl explained.

"Spent three months up recovering from a fight." Casey added.

"And I spent that time in a coma and with a broken leg." Leo added.

"Seriously?" Starlight asked.

"Oh, yeah. But even there we still ran into some trouble." April put in.

"But nothing the ninja team couldn't handle." Mikey boasted, as they all agreed.

As Leo ate he spoke to the elder pony, "So, Granny Smith. Is it true the Apple's were responsible for the founding of Ponyville?"

"Ya darn tootin' they were, Leonardo," Granny Smith answered, "I should know. I was there."

"Could you tell us?" April asked.

"Of course, Dearie," Granny Smith began explaining, "When I was just a filly me and my family traveled Equestria searching for new seeds and sellin' the old. Then during a visit to Canterlot, Princess Celestia offered my pa a patch of land near the Everfree Forest where we had us our first orchard. Problem was they don't grow over night and we were nearly plum out of food. I took it upon myself to venture into the forest hoping to find food myself. Instead I happened upon a special rainbow colored apple. I took the seeds home and we started planting our on Zap Apples which we made into a special jam. We sold it to various ponies who traveled far and wide. One of which being a business feller who bought a heapin' helpin' of our produce to start his own business market. And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town, bustling with all kinds of ponies. And that, child, is how Ponyville was founded."

"Whoa. A whole town was founded all because of one product?" Raph asked in disbelief.

"Ya darn right." Granny Smith confirmed.

"That's actually incredible." Raph admitted.

"That's history for you." Twilight replied.

"And that's how the Apple Family's been for generations. And now I got my grand kids to pass on the family history and traditions to so that one day they'll be able to keep the farm going for many moons." the elder one said.

The brothers looked at Granny Smith and couldn't help but seeing their own father in her. The ninjas continued to eat their pie, until it got late and it was time for them to go.

As they were heading back for the castle, Twilight spoke up, "So have fun working on the farm?"

"It was a challenge." Karai replied.

"But it was fun." Mikey added.

"It kept us in shape, that's for sure." Leo put in.

"And it felt good. Reminds me of the times I'd help out the A.J I know." Sunset noted.

"Made me feel like I was back on my own family farm." April said.

"And learning about Ponyville's founding was a nice piece of history." Donnie said.

"Even I found it good to know." Raph added.

"And that pie was tasty." Casey licked his lips.

"Sure was." Spike agreed.

"So what're we going to do tomorrow?" Mikey asked Twilight.

"Funny you ask, Mikey. I already know." The Princess asked.

"What's that?" Shini inquired.

"Tomorrow we're all going to meet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in Canterlot."

"Princess Celestia?" Sunset Shimmer asked in a nervous tone.

"She's the one we ran from that time we had to stop Krang and Subprime." Mikey recalled.

"I know. After I returned from our trip into space I informed her of what was going on. She was very confused of course. But she eventually came to terms with it."

"Well, we got to know her Principal self from our world." April began.

But how is she as a Princess?" Casey asked.

"You'll never find a more benevolent ruler like her and her sister." Spike answered.

"Yeah. I should know." Sunset admitted, while feeling guilty.

Twilight comforted her, "I know it may feel sudden, but I've told the Princess all the good stuff you've been doing in the other world. And trust me when I say she really misses you."

"She does?" Sunset asked, as Twilight nodded in confirmation, "Well, I always knew I'd have to come back and face her some day."

"Plus you can make up for when you ran from her when we were last here." Mikey said, only to get smacked in the back of the head by Raph.

Raph in turn spoke to Sunset, "Don't worry, Sunset Shimmer. We'll all be there to support you."

"Yeah. Like we always have." Leo added.

Sunset looked at her friends giving her looks of support. She eventually smiled knowing her friends would always have her back, and thought to herself, 'They're right. Princess Celestia wanted me to be better as a student and as a pony. And I'm going to show her that's exactly what I've become.'