• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,420 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Trouble In Trottingham

Upon their return from Canterlot, Flurry and Moongleam took the opportunity to enjoy their downtime. They were currently sitting in the courtyard of the Crystal Castle, enjoying some snacks.

“It’s good to be back.” Moongleam smiled, enjoying an ice cream cone.

“Yeah.” Flurry nodded, biting into a donut. “Things may be dull around here most of the time, but it’s still home.”

“Indubitably.” Moongleam agreed. “And, to use a tired old cliche, there’s no place like it.”

“I couldn’t agree more!” Discord suddenly appeared.

“Hello, Discord.” Flurry rolled her eyes. “Nice to see you again.”

“And you too, little Princess.” Discord grinned. He turned to look at Moongleam. “And if it isn’t little Moonbeam!”

“Moongleam.” Moongleam corrected him.

“Eh, close enough.” Discord shrugged.

“And what brings you here, may I ask?” Moongleam frowned.

“Oh, just dropping by.” Discord shrugged. "I figured, 'hey, it's been a while since I've seen little Flurry, so why not check in with her?' So here I am." He flashed over to Flurry's side. "How are things?"

"Not too bad." Flurry admitted. "I've only had one assignment since we last saw each other, but it went okay. There were a few bumps in the road." She smiled at Moongleam. "Luckily, I had Moongleam with me."

Moongleam smiled back.

"How touching." Discord patted both girls on the heads. "There's nothing more beautiful than true friendship, isn't there?"

"Thanks, Discord." Moongleam frowned as she adjusted her glasses, which had been knocked askew by his patting.

"My pleasure." Discord smirked. “And how is that mother of yours, by the way?”

“She’s doing as well as can be expected.” Moongleam said curtly.

“Good to hear.” Discord smiled. “I always liked her. A decent pony, but with a delightful reckless streak that was guaranteed to keep things interesting.”

"Reckless?" Flurry frowned. "Really?"

"Oh, yes." Discord chuckled. "That impulsive mare was always pulling some crazy move. I could really relate to that."

"Guess she must have mellowed out over time." Flurry shrugged.

"Unfortunately, yes." Discord sighed dramatically. "But she still has her moments."

"But those moments are few and far between." Moongleam pointed out. "Thankfully..."

"Ooh, such a downer." Discord pouted. "You really don't take after your mother that much, do you?"

"Not in the way you'd like, at least." Moongleam scoffed.

"Well, I know when I'm not wanted." Discord huffed. "I'd best depart, before little miss serious here drains all the good vibes out of the area." A hat appeared on his head, which he tipped in Flurry's direction. "Until next time, little Princess."

Discord disappeared in his usual flash of light.

"Was that really necessary, Moongleam?" Flurry frowned. "Discord's not that bad."

"He's still annoying." Moongleam snorted.

"True, but, he did help me out on my first mission." Flurry pointed out. "Maybe if you gave him a chance-"

"Can we please change the subject?" Moongleam sighed. "Possibly get back to enjoying our day?"

"Okay." Flurry rolled her eyes, well aware of how stubborn Moongleam could be sometimes. "How about a trip to the library?"

"That sounds wonderful." Moongleam smiled, taking a moment to lick at her ice cream.

"Great." Flurry nodded, glad that Moongleam's bad mood wasn't going to stick around.

For an entire week, things were quiet. But on the following Monday, Flurry was informed of a new assignment from her parents.

"We've got a simple mission for you this time, sweetie." Shining Armor told her. "We need you to take some documents to the Mayor of Trottingham agreeing to a little trade agreement we've just put together, then give the royal okay to his own side of the agreement - which we've already decided to go along with."

"Sounds simple enough." Flurry mused.

"We'd handle it ourselves, but we have to attend the new museum opening today." Cadance admitted. "Trottingham is a nice place, though. If you like, you could take some time after bringing the mayor the documents and explore. It'd be better than just going there then heading right back."

"Sounds good to me." Flurry smiled. "I'll bet Moongleam wouldn't mind coming along either."

Moongleam didn't mind at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.

"Ah, Trottingham." She smiled. "It's one of Equestria's most historic towns. I've always wanted to visit."

"Then it's a good thing you have a best friend with connections." Flurry joked.

The next morning, the two mares took the train to their destination. Trottingham was really a picturesque little town. Looking at it was looking at a picture in a history book; The cobbled streets, rustic homes, and remarkably well-preserved old buildings. Many thought of the town as the last surviving example of a bygone era, relatively untouched by modern times.

"Incredible." Moongleam remarked as she and Flurry walked through the streets. "Like history come to life."

"Yeah, it is a nice little town." Flurry admitted. "Not as fancy as Canterlot and the Crystal Empire... which isn't a bad thing at all."

"Let's hurry to the town hall." Moongleam urged. "The sooner you deliver those documents, the sooner we can explore."

"You know it." Flurry nodded.

They quickly made a beeline to the town hall, meeting with the mayor of Trottingham, Ballot Box. He was a middle aged, peach-coated stallion with a blond mane and matching moustache, brown eyes, a blue top hat and waistcoat, and a Cutie Mark of an actual ballot box

"I think you'll find this is all in order." Flurry declared, bringing the documents out of her saddlebag. "And we're already to go on the Crystal Empire's side."

"Thank you, Princess." Ballot Box smiled. "I feel a little bad that you had to come all the way out here just for this..."

"That's okay, your mayorship." Flurry smiled. "Just doing my duty. Besides, it's good to get out of the castle every once in a while."

"I'll have to take your word for it." Ballot Box joked. "Thanks again, though."

"Any time." Flurry nodded. "Now, if you'll excuse us, my friend and I have some sightseeing to do..."

"And how." Moongleam smirked.

"I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit." Ballot Box declared as they departed.

For the next couple of hours, the two young mares explored Trottingham, enjoying the sights and sounds of the town.

"I hear the old clocktower has been constantly maintained since it was first built two hundred years ago." Moongleam noted as they gazed upon the monument.

"That would explain why it looks so good for its age." Flurry grinned. As she looked around for their next destination, she spotted an old book store nearby. It was a two-storey building, the upper level used as living quarters. Above the door, in peeling gold paint, were the words "Greyfeather Books".

"Hey, look!" She pointed. "Wanna grab some antique books?"

"That's not even a question." Moongleam smirked.

As they headed over to the store, they saw a newer sign in the window, proclaiming "Mrs Greyfeather, proprietor". As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of shelves filled with books.

"Wow, look at all this stuff." Flurry looked. "A first edition of Haycartes' Theory of Magic.

"A Brief History of Enchantments." Moongleam glanced at another book. "Charms and Amulets for Beginners..."

"Aunt Twilight would love this place." Flurry chuckled. "In fact, I think I'll buy a couple of these books. They'd make the perfect gift for her next birthday."

"And I know dad would love some of these, too." Moongleam declared.

After selecting a few books, Flurry and Moongleam made their way to the counter, where an elderly Pegasus mare with a grey coat, a short white mane, blue eyes and a Cutie Mark of a book with a feather on the cover was standing.

"My word." The mare looked upon Flurry with awe. "Royalty, in my humble store..."

"Mrs. Greyfeather, I presume?" Flurry asked.

"That's right, your highness." The elder mare smiled. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Okay..." Flurry shrugged. "We'd like to purchase these books."

"Wonderful." Mrs. Greyfeather grinned. "It's so nice to see young ponies these days interested in reading."

"I'd say we're more than interested." Moongleam joked, as she and Flurry passed the books over.

"That will be... twenty-four Bits total, please." Mrs. Greyfeather declared after checking the books.

"Here you go." Flurry handed over the money. "So... you run this place all by yourself?"

"Not until recently." Mrs. Greyfeather sighed. "I used to run this place alongside Mr. Greyfeather. But he passed away a few months ago."

"Oh." Flurry's face fell. "I'm so sorry."

"So am I." Moongleam said sympathetically.

"It's alright." Mrs. Greyfeather declared. "I do miss my darling husband, but this store was our life. As long as I keep it going, I feel like Mr. Greyfeather is still with me."

"Aww, that's really beautiful." Flurry cooed.

"I suppose there is a certain logic to that way of thinking." Moongleam admitted.

"It does get lonely sometimes, though." Mrs. Greyfeather admitted. "Working here on my own can be quite dull. And upstairs, it's just the bedroom, bathroom, and that old spare room that we've never been able to fill."

"You could always place an ad for help." Moongleam suggested.

"You think so?" Mrs. Greyfeather mused. "I suppose I could use the company... but look at me, wasting your precious time." She handed the books over. "Here you go. Happy reading."

"Thanks, Mrs. Greyfeather." Flurry smiled.

"My pleasure." Mrs. Greyfeather nodded. "Feel free to drop by again the next time you're in Trottingham."

"You can count on that..." Moongleam grinned.

After leaving the book store, Flurry and Moongleam stopped for some lunch. They purchased some chestnuts and salad sanwiches, and ate them in the local park.

"What a beautiful place." Flurry smiled as she looked around.

"It is quite a sight." Moongleam admitted.

"Hey, look, there's Mrs. Greyfeather!" Flurry pointed to the nearby footpath, as the elderly mare was walking towards them."

"Hello again, Mrs. Greyfeather." Moongleam said curtly.

"Hello, dears." Mrs. Greyfeather smiled. "Fancy running into you here. I was just on my to drop off the morning earnings at the bank." She held up a purse, bulging with Bits.

Suddenly, somepony emerged from out of a nearby bush, snatching Mrs. Greyfeather's purse and making a run for it.

"Oh, goodness!" Mrs Greyfeather gasped. "My purse! Somepony do something!"

"Say no more!" Flurry leapt into action. "Come on, Moongleam!"

"Right behind you!" Moongleam followed.

As the thief headed for the park's exit, Flurry teleported in front of him.

"Not so fast!" She declared.

With surprising reflexes, the thief turned on a Bit and ran down the opposite path. But he found his path blocked, this time by Moongleam appearing before him.

"I think not." Moongleam sneered.

Instead of changing direction, the thief leapt right over Moongleam.

"Curse my biologically short stature..." Moongleam scowled.

The thief ran out of the park, Flurry and Moongleam in hot pursuit. As he made his way deeper into town, he ran down an alley way the mares had been down earlier.

"Split up!" Flurry told Moongleam. "We'll block his escape from both sides!"

"An excellent strategy." Moongleam nodded.

Moongleam followed the thief, while Flurry flew over the other side of the alley. As the thief raced toward the exit, Flurry descended upon him.

"Hold it right there!" Flurry flared her wings after landing, in a dual attempt to make herself imposing and block her target's path.

The thief stopped his tracks.

"You're a-?" He gaped.

"Yes, I am." Flurry nodded.

Finally getting a good look at him, Flurry saw that the perpetrator was a dull brown Earth Pony in his late teens. He sported a messy black mane, pale green eyes, wore a tattered blue scarf around his neck, and had a Cutie Mark of a pocket with a Bit just above it. He started to back away, but froze as Moongleam caught up to him.

"Nowhere to run this time." Moongleam said triumphantly.

"We're going to need you to hand over that purse you stole." Flurry glared.

"Sure thing." The thief sneered. "Would that be before or after the curtsy, yer highness?"

"The name's Flurry Heart." Flurry growled.

"I'm Dodger." The thief snorted. "And now that we're all acquainted, what say you step aside?"

"And let you get away with a kind old mare's money?" Moongleam scowled. "I think not."

"Hey, it wasn't anything personal." Dodger frowned. "I saw an opportunity, and I took it. End of story."

"No, the end of the story will be you giving that money back." Flurry frowned.

"And what if I don't?" Dodger jeered. "Will her royal highness be mad at me?"

"That's not funny." Flurry growled.

"Seriously, where's your crown? Your fancy gold shoes?" Dodger continued. "You slummin' it or somethin'?"

"That's none of your business, quite frankly." Moongleam growled. "Now, hand over the purse."

"Okay, okay." Dodger held up the purse. "I know when I'm beat..."

"Good." Flurry smiled, stepping forward to take back the purse.

"...But that's not today!" Dodger kicked some dirt into Flurry's face.

"Ahh!" Flurry yelped, rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry if I ruined your royal makeup, Princess!" Dodger sneered as he rushed past her.

"Oh no, you don't!" Moongleam fired a bolt of magic after Dodger. The bolt hit the purse, levitating it out of Dodger's grasp and over to Moongleam.

"Why, you..." Dodger snarled momentarily, before deciding to continue his flight.

"Good work, Moony." Flurry smiled, the last of the dirt out of her eyes. "You get that back to Mrs Greyfeather. I'll go after Dodger. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

"Are you sure about that?" Moongleam frowned.

"Definitely." Flurry growled. "Somepony needs to put that crook in his place..."

Flurry took off into the sky. From her high vantage point, she managed to spot Dodger running through the back alleys of Trottingham.

"You're not getting away that easily." Flurry smirked as she trailed the thief from above.

Dodger made many more twists and turns as he ran over to the outskirts of the town. He stopped at a condemned house, and entered through the doorless doorway.

"So this is your little hideout, huh?" Flurry declared. "Hope you've got snacks handy, because you're about to have a guest..."

Flurry landed, and followed Dodger inside. She found that the house was just as much a mess on the inside; what little furniture there was lay in shambles, while dust seemed to cover every surface.

"Nice place..." Flurry frowned.

A creaking noise filled the air, emanating from the upper level. Flurry went upstairs, which was even more dilapidated than the ground floor, with large holes in the floor and walls. There was only one room readily accessible to an Earth Pony, no doubt the room Dodger was in. Flurry marched over and pushed the door open.

"Aha!" She yelled.

"What the-?!" Dodger turned around, shocked that Flurry had found him.

"Didn't think you'd get away that easily, did you?" Flurry smirked.

"Oh, will you just leave me alone?" Dodger groaned. "You come barging into my home-"

"Wait, you live here?" Flurry looked around. The room contained a single old bed with a threadbare blanket, and sported a massive hole in the ceiling. "In this wreck?"

"Not like I have a choice..." Dodger muttered.

"...Where are your parents?" Flurry asked.

"Don't got any." Dodger said flatly. "I've been on my own for long as I can remember."

"Oh." Flurry cringed. "I... I'm sorry about that."

"Whatever." Dodger snorted. "I'm sure you didn't come all the way out here just to hear my sob story."

"I came out here to have a word with you." Flurry growled. "Who do you think you are, stealing money from sweet old mares?"

"Like I said, it wasn't anything personal." Dodger retorted. "I needed the money. Unlike your royal highness, I don't live in a fancy palace, with everything I could ever want handed to me on a silver platter."

"That may be, but you don't have to steal to get by." Flurry retorted. "You could, I don't know... get a job?"

"Yeah, like all the good places in town are looking to hire a colt off the streets." Dodger snorted. "Besides, it's not like you know anything about that, your royal highness." He sneered. "You don't have to work to get anything. It's all given to you, free of charge. Meanwhile, I have to swipe Bits day by day to survive. So where do you get off, talking down to me?"

"Oh, like you've got the moral high ground here?" Flurry scowled. "You're a thief. I'm sorry you're an orphan, living on your own, but that doesn't justify your crimes!"

"So what are ya gonna do?" Dodger jeered. "Have me thrown into a dungeon? That would be the typical royal thing to do. All you crown-wearers, lording it over normal ponies, thinking you're better than everypony else..."

"I don't think I'm better than anypony else!" Flurry snarled.

"Says the stuck-up Princess lecturing me about my life choices." Dodger spat. "Trying to tell me what to do, just like the rest of your kind."

"My kind?" Flurry growled. "Why, you..."

"Why don't you just go back to your fancy castle?" Dodger declared. "I'd hate for you to sully your royal reputation by being around a lowly pauper like me."

"Okay, I will!" Flurry yelled. "Have fun with your lousy life!"

Flurry stormed out of the room, and the house.

"See ya, Princess..." Dodger sneered.

Flurry angrily made her way back to the park by air. Seeing Moongleam from above, she touched down beside her.

"I returned Mrs Greyfeather's purse." Moongleam declared. "How did your... efforts go?"

"They didn't." Flurry growled. "That rotten thief is a total jerk who hates me just for being a Princess!"

"Somehow, I'm not surprised about the 'jerk' part..." Moongleam deadpanned.

"Let's just go." Flurry sighed. "The further I am from that crook, the better."

"I suppose this place has lost its charm for the moment." Moongleam sighed. "A picturesque town, sullied by the presence of a thief..."

As they made their way back to the train station, Flurry couldn't help but keep fuming about Dodger.

"I mean, the nerve of him!" She spat. "The way he was talking! It was like he thought all royals were uncaring tyrants!"

"He is a pickpocket." Moongleam pointed out. "They aren't exactly known for their insight."

"He just makes me so... GAAHHH!" Flurry yelled.

Discord suddenly appeared, floating in front of them.

"Is something wrong, ladies?" He asked. "I could have sworn I heard what sounded like a dragon who had just stubbed his toe."

"Not the best time, Discord." Flurry pouted.

"Now that's not the greeting I was expecting." Discord pouted back. "What's the matter? Tell your uncle Discord what's ailing you."

"Since he probably won't go away otherwise, I think you should." Moongleam told Flurry.

"Okay, fine." Flurry sighed.

The girls quickly filled Discord in on what happened.

"Can you believe what he said?" Flurry spat. "He lives in a wreck of a house, stealing from other ponies, and he thinks he has the right to judge me?"

"Sounds like this thief has quite a mouth on him." Discord declared. "Which I have to actually respect..."

"Not the word I'd choose." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

"Still, it sounds like the kid's had it pretty rough." Discord mused. "Aren't you royals supposed to be all about helping ponies in need? Or are you trying something different?"

"He doesn't deserve my help." Flurry snapped. "He's a rude, uncaring piece of scum!"

Discord was silent for a moment.

“...You know, I consider your dear aunt Twilight one of my closest friends.” He finally declared. “Even so, we’re never quite going to be on the same page. I mean, she's all about schedules and plans. She couldn't be spontaneous if her life depended on it!”

"What exactly is your point here, Discord?" Moongleam asked.

"Just that Twilight and I happen to be friends in spite of our differences." Discord shrugged. "And while I do enjoy getting under her skin, Twilight has never hesitated to provide me with help when I needed it, though I wouldn't have blamed her for doing otherwise. And I've helped her more than once, despite being bored to tears by her micro-managing tendencies. Funny, isn't it? How two beings so different can help each other so much... even when they're not on the same wavelength."

Flurry fell quiet as Discord's words permeated​ her mind. Her anger faded as she came to an epiphany.

"I think I just made a big mistake." She realized.

"You have?" Moongleam frowned.

"Head over to Mrs Greyfeather's store." Flurry instructed. "There's something I have to do!"

With that, Flurry took off once more.

"Wait, what?" Moongleam frowned.

"She's certainly in a rush, isn't she?" Discord chuckled. "And just when you were about to leave. How unfortunate..."

Moongleam chose to ignore Discord, rushing off to Mrs Greyfeather's​ store.

"Um... Bye?" Discord said haughtily. "Kids these days..."

Flurry returned to Dodger's ramshackle home.

"Dodger!" She called as she entered his bedroom.

“Hello again, Princess.” Dodger scoffed. "Changed your mind about the dungeon thing?"

"I have changed my mind." Flurry admitted. "But not about that. About you. I may have been too quick to write you off before."

“Don't tell me this is the part where we become ‘best friends forever’?” Dodger sneered.

“Honestly, I’m not sure I even want to be your friend.” Flurry admitted. “You’re rude, and insulting...”

“Don’t hold back on my account, yer highness.” Dodger glared. “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?”

“Right now I feel that, as unpleasant as you are, you’re still a pony in need of help.” Flurry said softly. “And I’d like to give you some help.”

“I don’t need your charity.” Dodger snarled.

“What you need is a real home, not this mess.” Flurry declared. “You can’t possibly like living here, can you?”

“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter.” Dodger retorted. “I don’t have a choice. This is the best I’ve got.”

“Look, I know it must be hard living like this-” Flurry started.

“What would you know about living like I do?” Dodger spat. “You grew up in a castle. You never had to want for anything. You got everything your spoiled little heart ever desired, no fuss, no muss. You don’t know what it’s like to go to sleep every night cold, alone and hungry.”

“...You’re right.” Flurry sighed. “I don’t know what that’s like. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still sympathize with you.”

“Save your sympathy, your majesty.” Dodger scowled.

“Sorry, but I can’t.” Flurry said firmly. “You may resent the fact that I was raised a Princess, but it was during that upbringing that I was taught to always help those in need, and make life better for those less fortunate than me.”

"Yeah, right." Dodger snorted. "Nopony's ever cared about me before. Why should you?"

"Because, believe it or not, I once wanted more than I had." Flurry stated.

"Yeah, right." Dodger rolled.

"It's true." Flurry insisted. "Not too long ago, I spent my days just sitting around, not doing anything important. But I wanted more. I wanted to get out there and make a difference. So I stepped up and made it happen. Sometimes, that's all you have to do: step up. You want a better life? Then get out there and make it better. Better yet, make something of yourself."

"Easier said than done." Dodger scoffed.

"You have a choice, Dodger." Flurry said firmly. "You can either stay here, alone and destitute, spending your days stealing hooffulls of Bits from random ponies, or you can try and be something better. It's all up to you. So, what's it gonna be?"

Dodger looked the floor, considering his options.

Not long after, Moongleam was standing in Mrs Greyfeather's store.

"So she told you to wait here?" Mrs Greyfeather asked. "Whatever for?"

"Probably because it's better than just waiting outside." Moongleam surmised.

Moments later, Flurry returned, but to Moongleam and Mrs Greyfeather's surprise, she was joined by Dodger.

"What is he doing here?" Moongleam frowned.

"Why would you bring the ruffian who stole from me here?" Mrs Greyfeather asked​.

"Because Dodger has something he'd like to say." Flurry smiled. "Go on, Dodger."

Dodger stepped forward, an awkward expression on his face.

"I... I'm sorry I stole your purse." He told Mrs Greyfeather. "I just needed the money. But that doesn't make what I did right."

"Well... It's very good of you to say that." Mrs Greyfeather nodded. "Apology accepted, young colt."

"Is that why you brought him here?" Moongleam asked Flurry. "So he could apologise?"

"Half." Flurry smiled. "I was also thinking that maybe Mrs Greyfeather could give Dodger a job."

"What?" Moongleam, Mrs Greyfeather, and Dodger said in unison.

"You want me to hire the colt who robbed me?" Mrs Greyfeather frowned. "I've never considered that hiring policy."

"Dodger only steals because he has nothing." Flurry pointed. "He has no parents, and he lives in a house with no roof."

"You do?!" Mrs Greyfeather gasped in Dodger's direction.

"That's right." Flurry nodded​. "And you've got that spare room, so I figured..."

"Oh, you poor dear." Mrs Greyfeather told Dodger​. "You probably must be starving."

Dodger's stomach suddenly growled.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." Mrs Greyfeather chuckled. "In fact, I'd wager we're all a little hungry. Why don't I make us all some nice oat stew?"

"Yes, please!" Dodger grinned.

"I could eat." Flurry nodded.

"I suppose..." Moongleam sighed.

Shortly after, the four of the were sat around a table​, eating from bowls of stew.

"Mmm, this is soooo good!" Dodger grinned, holding the bowl up to his face, his elbows on the table as the stew flowed into his mouth.

"Manners, please." Mrs Greyfeather said firmly. "No elbows on the table, and no talking with your mouth full. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." Dodger said sheepishly, withering before her steely gaze.

"So whattaya say, Dodger?" Flurry asked. "A roof over your head, and three square meals a day, and all you have to do in return is sort a few books. Not a bad trade, huh?"

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Flurry?" Moongleam frowned.

Flurry looked at Dodger, whose expression was equal parts concern and defiance.

"...Yes." She nodded. "I do."

"So, you'd really let me live here?" Dodger asked.

"So long as you're willing to earn your​ keep." Mrs Greyfeather nodded. "You can work in the store, help me with the new stock... Of course, I'll be keeping an eye on the till for a while, just to be sure."

"...That's fair." Dodger admitted.

"Then it's settled. Right?" Flurry grinned​.

"Right." Dodger nodded.

"Wonderful." Mrs Greyfeather beamed. "How about some more stew to celebrate?"

"Yes, please." Dodger held out his bowl.

"A healthy appetite." Mrs Greyfeather chuckled. "Now there's the hallmark of a hard worker..."

After finishing a second helping of stew, Flurry and Moongleam decided it was time to depart. Mrs Greyfeather and Dodger saw them off.

"Look, Prin- Flurry." Dodger said awkwardly. "I just wanna say... y'know, for all this."

"Are you trying to say 'thank you'?" Flurry smirked.

"Yeah, that." Dodger cringed. "Nopony's ever stuck their neck out for me like this."

"No need to thank me." Flurry declared. "I'm just doing what's right."

"Good." Dodger grinned. "'Cause I was really having a hard time saying that."

"If you ever find yourselves in Trottingham again, feel free to drop by for a visit." Mrs Greyfeather chuckled. "Who knows? I might just have straightened out this young ruffian by then."

"We can only hope." Moongleam said drily.

"Ha-ha, very funny." Dodger grumbled.

"Come on, Moony." Flurry chuckled. "Time to head home."

"Sadly." Moongleam sighed. "This really was quite a trip. I'm sorry we have to leave."

"Me too." Flurry admitted. "But there's always next time."

"And hopefully, that will come sooner rather than later." Moongleam admitted.

Flurry and Moongleam made their way back to the train station.

"As usual, things didn't turn out quite as expected." Flurry summarised.

"Well, you can't say it wasn't eventful." Moongleam added.

"Yeah, it's not every day you chase down a thief, then help said thief turn his life around." Flurry admitted. "And to think, I was ready to just up and leave. If it weren't for Discord..."

"You don't really think Discord meant to do that?" Moongleam scoffed.

Discord suddenly appeared.

"Didn't I?" He smirked.

"Of course not." Moongleam sneered. "You were just rambling nonsense that happened to reflect our current situation."

"Or perhaps that's what I wanted it to look like." Discord said cryptically.

"Either way, you did help... again." Flurry admitted. "Thanks, Discord."

"Well, isn't that what friends do? Help each other?" Discord shrugged.

"Exactly." Flurry nodded. "And if it weren't for your help, things might not have turned out so great today."

"I helped too, remember?" Moongleam pouted.

"I know." Flurry smiled. "We wouldn't have caught up to Dodger in the first place without you helping me."

"All I ask is that my contributions are recognized." Moongleam smirked.

"And they always will be." Flurry nudged her best friend.

"Look at us." Discord pulled the two mares into a hug. "We're like a regular dream team. I provide the wisdom, of course. Flurry provides the sheer gumption. And Moongleam provides... everything else."

"Stop, you'll make my head swell." Moongleam said sarcastically.

"Well, if you insist." Discord sniggered as they reached the train station. "Ugh, trains aren't really my thing. I'll see you both later. Enjoy the ride!"

Discord vanished.

"Perhaps I wouldn't have been so keen to accept your offer if I knew it meant having to deal with him." Moongleam told Flurry.

"But if you hadn't, you wouldn't have seen Trottingham." Flurry declared.

"Fair point." Moongleam admitted. "I suppose you could call having to deal with Discord a necessary drawback. One that I'm willing to live with."

"Glad to hear it." Flurry smiled. "You know this wouldn't be the same without you."

"Thanks, Flurry." Moongleam grinned.

The two mares boarded the train, fond memories of the day they'd had, and the new friends they'd made, keeping their spirits up all the way home.