• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,420 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

A Princess Without A Purpose

Princess Celestia's sun rose over the Crystal Empire. Its golden rays glanced off the crystalline buildings, illuminating the surrounding area. It truly was a sight to behold. But for those who had lived within the Empire all their life, it could get a little dull.

Princess Flurry Heart was one of those ponies. Having just awoken, she gazed drowsily out of her bedroom window. She was currently seventeen years old, the spitting image of her mother at that age, albeit with her mane being shoulder-length, and ending in twin curls on either side of her body. Her Cutie Mark was a crystal snowflake with a heart-shaped hole in the center.

"Another day in the perfectly predictable life of me." She sighed. "Yay..."

Flurry had grown tired of her life as of late. Days in the Crystal Empire seemed to have become tediously routine. She knew full well that there was a whole world beyond the Empire's borders, and felt as if she was missing out.

"Well, time to get into the royal routine." Flurry muttered. "Same old, same old..."

After washing up, brushing her teeth and brushing her mane, Flurry made her way downstairs, joining her family for breakfast. Her parents, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were already there, as was her little brother Anthem.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Shining Armor smiled.

"Good morning, dear." Cadance beamed.

"'Mornin', sis." Anthem said through a mouthful of food.

"Morning, everypony." Flurry took her seat at the table. "What's for breakfast?"

"Your favorite: rubyberry pancakes with cinnamon whipped cream." Cadance smiled.

"Yum." Flurry smiled, the mention of her favorite food perking up her spirits a little. "That's always worth getting out of bed..."

As Flurry eagerly dug into her food, one of the Crystal Guards entered the room.

"Your highnesses." The Guard bowed. "I'm afraid we've received word from the Saddle Arabian delegates, saying they must meet with you tomorrow afternoon rather than this Friday, due to unforeseen circumstances."

"But tomorrow we're expecting Prince Rutherford and his ambassadors." Shining Armor frowned. "And you know what will happen if we ask them to drop by another time..."

"I guess we're just going to have to squeeze in our meeting with the Saddle Arabians right after the yaks." Cadance shrugged. "So much for having a nice, quiet afternoon to ourselves..."

"Hey, maybe I could take care of one of those meetings?" Flurry offered, eager at thought of something breaking the monotomy.

"You?" Anthem snorted.

"Anthem." Shining Armor glared at his son, wiping the smile off his face.

"That's sweet of you, dear." Cadance smiled at Flurry indulgently. "But I'm afraid you're not quite ready for something like that."

"Why not?" Flurry frowned. "I'm a Princess, aren't I? I should be able to handle some royal duties."

"But these talks are very important." Shining Armor declared. "Saying the wrong thing could cause an international incident."

"I won't say the wrong thing..." Flurry countered. "Just give me a chance! Just one chance, to actually do something around here! To not just sit around, like a piece of furniture!"

"Flurry, what's gotten into you?" Cadance frowned.

"Sorry, mom." Flurry sighed. "I'm just... sick of not being able to pitch in around here. I never get to perform any important royal duties."

"Of course you do." Shining Armor smiled. "You attend all the royal functions and peace summits with us, remember?"

"Yeah, and all I do is just stand there and look... princessy." Flurry scoffed. "What if I want to do something more? Something that really makes a difference? I'm seventeen, and I've barely done anything with my life!"

"What's the big rush?" Cadance asked. "There's plenty of time for you to do things that matter. You're still young, sweetie."

"I'm not that much younger than aunt Twilight was when she and her friends saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon!" Flurry pointed out. "And she sure didn't need her parents' permission for that..."

"That was different." Shining Armor retorted. "For one thing, the fate of all Equestria was hanging in the balance back then. Not so much now."

"Exactly!" Flurry nodded. "So why do I never get the chance to, like... handle diplomatic negotiations, or something?"

"Well, mostly because important diplomatic events don't just happen every day." Shining Armor pointed out. "And your mother and I are more than capable of handling them."

"Oh, so I'm not even needed around here at all?" Flurry scowled. "Gee, thanks, dad!"

"Your father didn't mean it like that, dear." Cadance threw her husband a disparaging look.

"So you just think I can't handle it?" Flurry frowned. "Because I can! Just look at me! I've got magic, I'm smart, resourceful..."

"Don't forget modest..." Anthem smirked under his breath.

"So why can't I try some actual important royal duties?" Flurry pouted. "Or at least something that actually helps ponies?"

"Just be patient, dear." Cadance tried to soothe her. "You'll have your chance to do something important."

"But when?" Flurry groaned.

"Soon." Shining Armor said firmly. "And while your mother and I appreciate your enthusiasm, our answer for now has to be 'no'. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Flurry sighed.

"Sorry, sis." Anthem whispered, a sincerely supportive smile on his face. Flurry gave him a weak smile of her own before returning to her food.

For the next few minutes, Flurry silently finished her pancakes. Then she spoke up again.

"May I be excused?" She asked.

"Of course, sweetheart." Cadance nodded.

"Thank you." Flurry stood up.

Flurry left the dining room, and made her way to the castle library. As you might expect, being the niece of Twilight Sparkle had given Flurry a healthy liking for books. She had many happy memories that involved sitting in the library, reading a book alongside her aunt. As such, the library was one of her favorite places in the castle.

Unfortunately, not even a good book could shake Flurry out of her melancholy.

'I'm so bored, even "Ancient Ruins of Pongea" can't excite me like it usually does.' She thought. 'And if mom and dad have anything to say about it, I'll probably stay this bored for the rest of my life...'

"Flurry?" A voice called.

Flurry looked up to see a most welcome sight: A young Unicorn mare with a lilac coat (with patches of white on her nose and hooves), a pair of half moon spectacles over blue eyes, a plum purple mane with orange streaks tied into pigtails that hung by either side of her face, and a Cutie Mark of a full moon, light glinting off it.

"I figured I'd find you here." The mare smiled. "Statistically, the library is always the most likely place to find you in this castle."

"Hey, Moongleam." Flurry smiled widely. "Boy, am I glad to see you right now."

Moongleam was the fourteen-year-old daughter of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst; After reconciling their old friendship, the two had gradually fallen in love, married, and bore a daughter. Having known Moongleam's father all her life, Flurry had always thought of Moongleam as an honorary cousin, and over the years, the two had become best friends and confidantes.

"You didn't seem so glad a moment ago." Moongleam noted. "In fact, you looked downright downcast. What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Flurry shrugged.

"Yes, because you'd be moping around like that about nothing." Moongleam said skeptically. "Come on, Flurry. The truth."

"Okay." Flurry sighed. Experience had taught her that Moongleam would never back down when there was a question she wanted answering. "It's like this..."

Flurry quickly voiced her woes to Moongleam.

"...So that's pretty much it." Flurry sighed. "Pretty lousy deal, huh?"

"That is quite a conundrum." Moongleam noted while cleaning her glasses.

"No matter what my folks say, I know the real reason they won't let me try is because they don't think I'm grown up enough yet." Flurry pouted. "They still think I'm just their little helpless filly, I know it."

"It can be difficult for parents to accept their child is growing up." Moongleam pointed out. "Especially when the evidence is there for all to see." She let out a short, haughty laugh. "It seems somewhat ridiculous when you think about it."

"Sure it does." Flurry rolled her eyes. Moongleam had a habit of acting wiser and more mature than her age suggested. But she usually provided sage council, so Flurry took her act in stride. "Too bad my parents can't accept that I'm not a foal any more."

"My father still calls me his 'little spot of moonlight'." Moongleam admitted, half-embarrassed, half-proud. "But he knows I'm not the filly I once was. I'm sure your parents will realize the same about you too... given time."

"Again with 'time'." Flurry scowled. "I've waited seventeen years to do something with my life. I'd say that's more than enough. Way more! I should be allowed to do something! I mean, what are mom and dad so afraid of? It's not like I'm going to cause an international incident! Do they really think I'm that dumb? Because I'm not!"

"Easy, Flurry." Moongleam tried to calm her. "Just relax..."

"...Sorry." Flurry sighed. "It's just so frustrating! I'm a Princess, and a Princess is supposed to help her subjects. And I haven't really done much of that."

"Well, that's not strictly speaking true." Moongleam countered. "You've helped me many times in the past."

"You're my friend, Moony." Flurry rolled her eyes. "I'm supposed to help you. It's in the job description."

"A valid point." Moongleam admitted.

"And I always did a good job helping, didn't I?" Flurry asked.

"Well, I suppose so..." Moongleam shrugged. "But there were one or two slip-ups, you must admit... remember when you helped me build a treehouse? That didn't quite go according to plan."

"It was hardly my fault I'd never used a hammer before." Flurry pouted. "Besides, I was a kid then. Now, I'm almost an adult. I'm more than capable of handling myself, and most problems. Not that my parents could ever see that..."

Meanwhile, Shining Armor and Cadance were in the throne room, discussing the breakfast conversation.

"We really should have seen this coming." Cadance sighed.

"No kidding." Shining Armor agreed. "All those years we spent, telling her stories about her amazing aunt Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, and all her heroic exploits... we should've known Flurry wouldn't be satisfied living a nice, quiet, boring life after hearing those tales."

"Not one bit." Cadance shook her head. "Maybe it's our fault. Maybe if we'd been more open to the idea of letting her pitch in before today, she wouldn't be so desperate to now."

"But she's only seventeen." Shining Armor frowned.

"'Only'?" Cadance snorted. "She's on the cusp of marehood, Shining."

"She's not quite a mare just yet." Shining Armor said stubbornly.

"I know how you feel." Cadance admitted. "But the fact is, Flurry's not our little filly any more. We both knew this day was coming."

"Feels like it came too soon..." Shining Armor bowed his head.

"It seems like just yesterday she was this sweet little foal, not a care in the world..." Cadance sniffed.

"And all we needed to calm her down when she got grouchy was her Whammy." Shining Armor added, his eyes tearing up. "Where did all those days go?"

"Gone. Melted away like so much snow." Cadance sighed. "Our little foal has grown up. And like it or not, we've just got to accept it."

"I know." Shining Armor bowed his head. "But it doesn't mean I have to like it..."

Back in the library, Flurry and Moongleam were still discussing Flurry's woes.

"Think about it." Flurry told Moongleam. "Mom's the Princess of Love, aunt Twilight's the Princess of Friendship, and Celestia and Luna handle the sun and moon. But what responsibilities do I have? None! And probably never will, if my parents have anything to say about it..."

"To be fair, it seems like all the major responsibilities have already been handed out." Moongleam noted.

"One chance, is that really too much to ask for?" Flurry pouted. "I mean, what is the point of me even being a Princess if I never actually do anything?"

"You have a point there." Moongleam admitted. "But I'm sure you'll get your chance sooner or later."

"Yeah?" Flurry snorted. "Well, I'd prefer 'sooner' over 'later'."

At that point, Sunburst entered the library.

"Ah, there you are, Moongleam." He smiled. "Hello, Flurry."

"Hi, daddy!" Moongleam squeaked, her father being one of the few ponies she dropped her "mature" facade around.

"Morning, Sunburst." Flurry beamed, always pleased to see her Crystaller.

"I hate to interrupt, but I'm afraid Moongleam and I have to get moving." Sunburst declared, turning to Moongleam. "We're going to that new restaurant with mom, remember?"

"Oh, right." Moongleam nodded. "Sorry, Flurry. We're going to have to postpone our talk for now."

"That's okay." Flurry smiled. "You go enjoy your day."

"Hang in there, Flurry." Moongleam gave her a supportive grin as she and Sunburst walked out of the library.

"Oh, I'm hanging." Flurry sighed. "It's the only thing I can do right now..."

As noon approached, Flurry joined her family for lunch. She barely acknowledged her parents, sitting down beside Anthem without saying a word.

"Uh... hey, sis." Anthem said awkwardly.

"Hey, Ant." Flurry smiled.

Shining Armor cleared his throat.

"Flurry, your mother and I have been talking about what we discussed at breakfast." He announced.

"Have you, now?" Flurry said flatly.

"Yes, we have." Cadance nodded. "And we've decided that... you're right."

"I am?" Flurry gaped.

"She is?" Anthem asked, also surprised at their parents' change of heart.

"Yes." Shining Armor nodded. "You're not a little foal any more, Flurry. You're almost an adult, and you do deserve to have the chance to make a difference."

"And we're willing to give you that chance." Cadance smiled.

"Really?!" Flurry squealed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret this, I swear! I'll be the best-"

"Not so fast, little lady." Shining Armor cut her off. "Before you get any ideas, this doesn't mean we'll be letting you handle either of those diplomatic meetings."

"What?!" Flurry spluttered. "But you said-!"

"That's kind of an advanced problem." Cadance declared. "We'll be starting you on something a little more... Beginner level."

"Oh." Flurry frowned, her joy deflated slightly. "And when will this be happening?"

"Just as soon as we hear of a matter that requires a royal touch." Shining assured her. "Does that work for you, sweetie?"

"... Well, I guess it's better than nothing." Flurry smiled. "Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad. I promise I won't let you down."

"We know you won't." Cadance beamed. "Now eat your lunch, dear."

Flurry started eating her food with a renewed vigor. At last, it seemed like her chance had finally come. Whatever royal task was coming her way, Flurry was confident she could handle it. It was what she had been hoping for, after all; a chance to prove her mettle. But as they say, you should be careful what you wish for...