• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,888 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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E4 – Convergence Point

Dust and dirt still hung in the air. Inside Ten Karat Hill, each human, Pokémon, and Equestrian that was engulfed in Dawn-Wings and Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s combined attack laid unconscious on the ground, most of them scattered along the crater wall. The first among them to awaken was Kukui, who picked his head up off the ground to find Fluttershy, Kaj, Zeraora, and his fainted Snorlax in front of him. Pushing off with his hands with all his might, he found even more of his friends and their Pokémon lying upon the ground.

Looking back to his Pokémon, he was only barely strong enough to pull his Pokémon’s ball off of his belt. Using both hands, he held the Poké Ball up to aim the center button at it so the red beam could return it back inside. As much as he wanted to come to the aid of the rest of his friends and their Pokémon, the only person he cared about finding more than anyone was Burnet. Turning to look in the direction where he last remembered Burnet having stood, he felt his stomach twist into a knot to see that she was no longer there. Spinning back to the direction of the cave entrance, he just barely caught the sight of a black boot as it weakly and slowly slunk in, the person it was attached to now fully inside.

“No…” With several quick breaths, Kukui thrust himself to stand on his feet.

With the burst of adrenaline now leaving him, his cut and scuffed-up legs began to give out, but he managed to catch himself before he could fall back down. Despite his legs wanting to continue resting, Kukui knew that he was Alola’s only hope at that moment, and that to fall again would certainly mean the end of the world. With one foot leading in front of the other, Kukui slowly made his way toward the cave, trying his very best to overtake his wife, who was already well ahead of him.

Even as he heard the sound of a jet approach from the south ahead of him, he kept his sights forward as he finally made it to the cave. Leaning against the wall, he found that the extra support helped savor his remaining strength, allowing him to walk along it at a slightly faster pace. He didn’t know how much farther Burnet had managed to get as light began to fade the further he traveled in, but he was hopeful beyond all hope that he would reach her in time.

With its noise getting louder, a booming whoosh was suddenly heard overhead as Rotomjet appeared over the top of Ten Karat Hill’s crater. Along with the roar of its thrusters, the warm air they blew pushed down on the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians below, causing them to stir and come to their senses rather quickly. As everyone began to look up, their eyes traced the aircraft as it came toward the ground on the north side. The thrusters slowed its descent to gently land, though only served to blow around more dust and loose shards of earth about the crater. At once, the each trainer returned their Pokémon into their balls to keep them from blowing away too.

“The hell is that?” Oliva grunted, trying to keep any dirt from blowing into her mouth. “More grunts?”

As the landing supports came down from the bottom and eased themselves down from the ground, the thrusters whirred down as the engines began to power off. As those inside the crater stood to their feet, they watched as the side door slid down to open before a platform ejected from beneath the doorway. Pinkie Pie and Guzma reached Rotomjet first, standing at the foot of the platform as it drew downward into a ramp. Immediately upon settling, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Sun, Lillie, and Gladion ran down it to meet their friends, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy beaming to see them in one piece.

“Guys!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “You made it!”

“What was that explosion we just saw?!” Twilight panted, forced to ignore her friend’s greeting. “Did Burnet revive Necrozma?”

“Pfft, nah! She just used Solgaleo and Lulana, who she totally corrupted with Necrozma’s influence by the way, to use their strongest attack against us all so she could take us out in one fell swoop! Last I saw her, she was over…” Pinkie Pie pointed where Burnet had once stood, an empty spot in its place. “Oh, poo.”

“She must have used it as a diversion,” Guzma reasoned. “That crafty bitch.”

“Wait.” Lillie’s voice cracked in concern. “What do you mean she corrupted Solgaleo and Lunala?”

“Guys!” Ilima’s voice shouted over at Sun and the others as the rest of the humans and Equestrians ran over toward them, forming a tight semicircle. “We don’t see either Burnet or Kukui anywhere!”

“He must be after her.” Sun and Twilight both hopped off the side of the ramp and made their way over toward the cavern.

“Sun? Twilight!” Acerola loudly wondered as he walked past her. “Where are you going?!”

“I’m going to find Burnet and Kukui and help him.” Spinning around to walk backwards, he faced Gladion and Lillie and pointed out at them. “In the meantime, I need you two to get everyone on that jet so you can escape in case the worst comes to pass.”

“Wait, guys!” Rainbow Dash shouted to him. “Let us help you too!”

“It’s alright,” Zeraora said to her. “Burnet is already weak, and that last attack probably took more out of her. The three of them should be capable enough to stop her now.”

Sun and Twilight nodded to the legendary Pokémon, thanking him for his defense. Turning back around, he broke into a light sprint, only hoping now that he, like Kukui, was not too late. Rainbow Dash nodded, able to stomach Sun’s advice.

“Alright,” she ordered, “you heard the guy, everyone on the ship, let’s go!”

Lillie and Gladion both gasped, shocked by the grave mistake the pegasus made. “Rainbow Dash, wait!”

Pinkie Pie, Trixie, and Guzma were the first to rush onto the ramp, and as Pinkie Pie swung into the cabin, her body froze up upon seeing Chrysalis still inside of it. As the two looked at each other, Guzma and Fluttershy were blocked from entering further by the pink mare as she continued staring and sweating bullets.

“Yo, Cotton Candy!” Guzma shouted. “Get a move on–”

“AAAHH!” Trixie’s scream hit Guzma like bullets in both ears, slamming his palms to the side of his head. “It’s Queen Chrysalis!”

Loud murmurs and gulps of worry sounded out among those gathered around Rotomjet.

“Pinkie Pie!” As Gladion and his sister ran up the ramp, Trixie and Guzma were already being shoved outside by her.

She then budged between them and tried to push Gladion and Lillie back, only for both of them to stop her. “Stop! It’s not safe!”

“How the hell did that thing even get in there?” Guzma shouted back.

“Pinkie Pie, stop!” Stunned by his bark, Pinkie Pie put her hooves off of Lillie and Gladion.

“Why’s Chrysalis on that ship?” Thorax loudly questioned from the group. “How did she get in there?”

“Team Prism attacked us on the Aether Paradise. At one point, Chrysalis ended up injuring herself and Twilight chose to save her instead of leaving her to go down with it.”

“Go down with…” Guzma was clearly putting the pieces together in his head, but it still seemed too crazy a conclusion to come to. “You mean they…”

“They rigged the basement with explosives and sunk it. In any case, Chrysalis got herself a change of heart and is now on our side. In fact, if it weren’t for her, it would be Twilight who would be at the bottom of the ocean now instead of her!”

“You really expect us to believe a word of that?” Nanu growled. “Even coming from you guys, that sounds extremely fishy.”

“Again,” Gladion spoke, “we hoped to explain the situation before we revealed that she was here, but someone decided to jump the gun.”

“Well, sooorrry!” Rainbow Dash sneered. “I’m still getting used to one of our arch-nemesises being on our side myself!”

“So…” Shining Armor was having trouble processing this himself. “Queen Chrysalis…”

“Yeah, she’s really a good guy now!” Spike responded, then turning to his Equestrian friends. “Come on everypony, you were willing to give Thorax a chance, so why not her?”

As the Equestrians all began to ponder the dragon’s words, a bright shimmer and ring began to stream up through the ground near the center of the crater. As the people and Equestrians turned toward the light one by one, they then watched in amazement as the arcane circle that Starswirl had drawn began to trace itself along the floor, an equal brightness shooting up from the outline.

“Who’s this now?” Sophocles asked.

Once the circle had completed, the entire space inside it began to light up in a single solid disk that swirled up into a short pillar. As the luminance likewise swirled out of existence, it revealed Sam, Alice, Dexio, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno, Capper, Skystar, and Cocoon inside of it. While everyone was easily able to spot and identify the three humans, the ponies, namely those in Twilight’s close circle of friends, found their sights drawn to the other Equestrians standing inside of it.

Skystar frowned at the sight of the battle-ruined crater. “I’m still not too sure what ‘gone to hell,’ means, but this place sure looks like it fits that description.”

“Oh my GOSH!” Rainbow Dash darted at Celaeno, who distinctly recognized the pegasus’s voice. Turning to her, the two long-separated friends locked their arms around each other’s backs, pulling themselves into each other hard. “What are you guys doing here?!”

“Oh, come on, you really thought we wouldn’t finally find you guys?” Celaeno sobbed.

Capper and Rarity locked eyes, the sight of her standing there leaving the cat sinking to his knees. “Rarity…”

“Capper?” Rarity galloped forward to him as well upon realizing her eyes were not tricking her. “Capper!”

Capper reached his arms out as far as they would go, Rarity diving into him and allowing him to catch her and hug her close to his heart, his tears freely flowing.

“I was so worried I’d never see you again…” he breathily wept.

“I never lost hope that I would,” Rarity squeaked.

“Princess Skystar!” Pinkie Pie bounded off the ramp and over the gathered humans and Equestrians, galloping over to the hippogriff who positively beamed to see her. “Oh my goodness, Skystar!”

“Pinkie Pie!” Upon pulling her in for an embrace, Skystar twirled around in excitement as she cuddled her head against her pink friend’s. “You’re really okay!”

“This is so wonderful, I’m almost actually speechless!” She then turned to Sam, Alice, and Dexio, who were very content watching their friends reunite. “I can’t believe you guys went all the way to Equestria to bring our friends here!”

“Not by choice!” Sam awkwardly chuckled.

Starlight and Fluttershy both kept staring at Sam and Alice, their eyes also moist and ready to burst. With sniffling sobs, the two began a trot that quickly broke into a full on gallop. Kaj also ran out to follow them as Sam and Alice turned and noticed their friends approaching. With relieved breaths, the two of them turned to face their equine companions, awaiting their inevitable embrace.

“Guys…” Alice put her arms up and let Fluttershy fly into them, the sounds of the pegasus’s cries into her chest making Alice tear up as well.

Sam sunk to a knee and caught Starlight as she crashed into him, crying over his shoulder as she began squeezing the air out of his lungs.

“Burnet told me what she did to you,” Starlight wheezed. “I thought you were dead!”

“Guys!” Kaj nearly fell over stopping in front of them. “What happened to you guys?!”

“The fu…” Alice and Fluttershy let go to allow her to approach her other friend and give her a hug. “Kaj! What are you doing here?!”

“I came with Olivia! I thought Burnet threw you guys into a wormhole! What the hell else happened?”

“All I can say is,” Dexio said as he approached her, “we couldn’t have ended up in a better place.”

From the window of the jet, Chrysalis spotted Cocoon as she watched the reunion of the other Equestrians with their other friends. Despite the reformed appearance she now took, Chrysalis couldn’t have felt prouder or smirk wider for her sister. Even as the other humans and Equestrians gathered around the arcane circle to meet this new group of Equestrians, Chrysalis only cared about doing a single thing. Trotting to the open door, she stepped outside on the ramp before flying herself over to the circle. As she began to descend, everyone looked up to see her come down, filling each of them with intense dread.

“Dammit…” Gladion pushed their way through their friends to get to the front, Lillie getting as close behind as she could.

Once Chrysalis landed before her also-shocked sister, Pinkie Pie stood in front of Skystar with her arms still around her neck. “Look out, everyone! It’s Chry–”

“It’s alright, Pinkie Pie,” Cocoon interrupted softly enough to instill a strange calmness in the pony. “I can handle this.”

“Wait!” Applejack exclaimed, stepping forward with Gladion and Lillie. “Who are you? How do you know–”

“My sister has told me much about you and your friends, Applejack. We plotted to take Equestria over shortly after your disappearance, and I’ve accompanied the three humans back to their world to tell you that my hive and I are no longer going to be enemies to Equestria.”

Chrysalis kept a brave face as Cocoon approached her. “Chrysalis, I will always love and respect you as my sister, but these humans have made me realize that if our world and our hive is to ever survive, we must learn to live and love with these ponies. It’s the only way–”

Cocoon’s mouth was stilled by Chrysalis’s hoof placed over her lips, leaving her to look up and face her sister, whose eyes glistened with tears. “I know. They’ve helped me realize this too. And I want to let you know that I no longer just love and respect you as my sister, I love you as a friend.”

Cocoon sputtered a breath as her lips curled into a smile, tears also forming in her eyes. Slowly, the sisters leaned into each other and put their arms around each others’ necks. The audience of humans and Equestrians around them felt a wave of relief wash over them as Chrysalis’s newfound benevolence was laid bare for everyone to see.

It didn’t take long for them all to notice as the chitin around Chrysalis’s body where Cocoon’s arms touched began to glow brightly. As it spanned the rest of her body and her body was lifted into the air, Chrysalis broke her hug apart to see the glow travel down her arms, feeling the intense, yet soothing warmth that was filling her entire being. The light intensified to the point that her entire body was now a ball of floating brightness, leaving everyone around it to take a cautious step back as bright beams shot off and spun in multiple directions.

The ball of light began to settle back toward the ground, quickly dimming as Chrysalis’s transformation was revealed to everyone. Chrysalis now bore a similar appearance to Cocoon, her body the same cream color and her hair the same visible silky smoothness. Unlike her sister, her mane and tail was a turquoise green that faded into a brighter lime at the ends. The tuft of fur on her chest was a vibrant orange and her flawless dragonfly-like wings were a lighter-shade of purple than the shell covering them.

Chrysalis looked down on her new body before glancing behind at the changes made from the neck down, her mouth pried open by her wonder. As well, Pinkie Pie and the other ponies who saw the transformation with their own two eyes were equally slack-jawed and wide eyed, though none were more staggered than Thorax or Shining Armor.

“So,” Cocoon said to her, “how do you feel?”

Chrysalis looked back to her, her lips quivering and her eyes flooding over with joy. “The best I ever have!”

The two changelings came back to hug each other, only for Pinkie Pie and hang her arms down from both of their necks and join them. “Welcome to the gang, Chryssy!”

Despite the volume of her voice and the invasion of her familial moment, Chrysalis felt completely solaced by Pinkie Pie’s presence. One by one, Spike, then Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all joined in, hugging legs and chests as they granted their affectionate forgiveness to the redeemed changeling queen.

Starlight could only stand and watch as Trixie, Thorax, Discord, and Shining Armor joined her side, neither of them certain of what to do. Upon sighting them, Chrysalis took herself off Cocoon and approached them. Despite her new welcoming appearance, Starlight and her friends still couldn’t help but feel and appear concerned.

“Starlight, Thorax…” She found facing the stallion whose life she nearly ruined to be hardest of all, “Shining Armor. I’m so terribly sorry for everything I’ve done to you all. If my transformation won’t convince you of my goodwill, then I can only hope I’ll prove myself in time and that I may earn your forgiveness.”

Though relaxed by her words, neither of the Equestrians could find it in them to either accept or deny her apology. It wasn’t until Shining Armor approached the steadfast changeling that their unfavorable opinions of her were beginning to melt away. All he had to do was say the words or do the thing that would convince them to let any sense of animosity towards her go.

Shining Armor put his arm around Chrysalis’s neck and rested the front of his head and face against hers, their horns crossed together. “I forgive you, Chrysalis…”

And that was all it took. At once, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord smiled, happily and eagerly surrounding the changeling to join Shining Armor in the group hug. With the other humans all witness to the bond now formed between them, they could now rest easy with the undeniable alliance they had formed with one of Prism’s former admins.

Acerola slunk up beside Nanu and nudged him in the gut, the shock nearly making him collapse. “Really tugs at the heartstrings, right old man?”

Nanu could only pant in reply. With the Chrysalis situation handled, Gladion and Lillie made their way back through the crowd and near Rotomjet’s ramp.

“Okay, enough chit-chat!” Gladion shouted. “Everyone get on the jet now!”

It took a few moments for everyone within earshot to comprehend, but with Flannery and Mallow, being the first to get a move on and ascend the ramp, the others began to catch on as well, following them up and into the jet. Starlight and Fluttershy ran back for Comfey and Lady before joining the others in converging toward the ramp. As a line was formed, the other humans and Equestrians briskly getting on, Fizzlepop and Grubber stepped away as she scanned the line a couple of times over, only to not find whom she was looking for. Seeing her away from the group, Sam and Alice discreetly stepped out themselves.

“Excuse me?” Approaching Lillie and Gladion, Fizzlepop made her presence known to them. “Where is Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?”

Lillie looked down to answer her. “She’s inside the cavern with our friend Sun to stop Burnet. She’ll be fine, but you need to–”

“I’m sorry, but…” Fizzlepop began to back away, alarming Lillie, Gladion, and even Grubber. “I have to find her!”

Spinning around, she galloped off toward the mouth of the cave, leaving her longtime hedgehog companion behind. “Fizz, wait!”

“Grubber,” Alice said, following Fizzlepop with her gaze, “you get on the jet with the others. We’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“We?” Sam’s question was answered by Alice darting off to follow Fizzlepop.

With a facial contortion of realization, Sam hopped into a run, quickly gaining on his sister. Lillie and Gladion were left along with Grubber as the back of the line of people and Equestrians reached the bottom of the ramp.

“Come on.” Lillie calmly scooped Grubber up into her arms. “Let’s wait inside for them.”

Gladion and his sister quickly got behind Capper and Rarity, their eyes squarely on the cavern entrance that Fizzlepop was about to run inside. Upon entering, Fizzlepop was nearly blindsided by Sun and Twilight running in from the left. Closing her eyes and charging her horn, Fizzlepop teleported from her spot just as Sun and Twilight slid to a stop right on top of it. Upon reappearing behind them in a sparkling flash, Sun and Twilight spun back around to face the unknown creature.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as her mouth came open, recognizing her immediately. “Tempest? Wha… what are you doing here?”

Fizzlepop, elated to see her good friend in the flesh once again, could only approach her and give her a hug. “You helped me once before. Now I’m here to return the favor.”

“Wait,” Sun stammered, “who is this?”

Sam and Alice slid into the cavern themselves, Sun and the two ponies turning back around to see them, Sun now expressing the same shock that Twilight had just done.

“Sam, Alice!” he exclaimed. “You’re alright!”

“You could say that.” Sam knew he had to speak quickly. “You’re looking for Burnet?”

Sun grimaced. “Twilight and I have checked everything behind us. We haven’t checked behind you guys then.”

“Then let’s go!” Alice spun on her heel and sprinted off into the passageway left of the cavern entrance.

Sun and Sam both ran after them, followed by Twilight and Fizzlepop right behind.

“I am still very glad to see you,” Twilight whispered to her.

“Hmph.” The irony was not lost on her. “Look who’s talking.”

As they ran deeper inside, they zipped around each corner expecting Kukui and Burnet with each sharp turn.

Burnet grunted as she squeezed herself through the narrow passageway to her final destination. With her foot catching on the bottom, she stumbled into the chamber and fell to her hands and feet. Upon her sore, aching neck picking her head up, the sight that graced her eyes was almost too beautiful and too good to be real. Necrozma’s body, still frozen inside the rock, was made visible as waves of dark blue light converged up down its arms and head and up its legs, converging at the chest where a chip in the wall marked where she had to put the obsidian still hung around her neck.

After snapping the chain with a single tug, she then bent the top corners of the frame holding the stone in, managing to pull it out from the bottom. With the gem now safely in hand, she forced herself onto her feet, each joint in her legs feeling like they were weighed down with anchors. Now all that was left was to go just a few feet forward and place the stone into the hole, and her new world would be all hers. With her feet sliding on the floor, she came toward the alluring ripples of energy inside the rock, getting faster and more intense with each small advance.

Upon reaching the halfway point, Burnet reached her hand up, the stone pinched inside her fingers and aimed at the slot, a bright ring of light now shining around it. As she took another step forward, the sound of a Poké Ball opened up behind her. Ignoring it, Burnet took another step forward, only for Kukui’s Magnezone to slip in between her and the rock wall, which only continued its tantalizing lightshow.

Burnet slowly turned around, finding as Kukui slid the rest of his body out from the narrow passageway, leaning against the wall. “Give it up, honey… It’s over.”

Burnet bared her teeth. There was no way her journey could end with only inches to spare. Turning back around, she faced her husband’s Magnezone, showing no evident reservations about fighting it herself should she need to. As she took a step forward, the Magnezone charged the three magnets beneath it, ready to attack.

“Burnet!” Sun’s voice echoed. “Stop it!”

Spinning back around, she saw as he, Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop all made their way into the cave from the passageway, forming a line between Kukui and Burnet. Kukui felt new life enter him upon seeing the siblings together before his eyes, but Burnet was horrified by their appearance.

“But how!” she huffed. “I threw you into a… don’t tell me you–”

“Yeah,” Alice interrupted, “we landed in Equestria, and now we’re back, bitch!”

“Just stop it, Burnet!” Sun demanded. “You’ve got a healthy-looking Magnezone blocking your way, and as far as I know, all of our Pokémon are healthy as well.”

“Yeah,” Sam added. “Ours are.”

Burnet hissed at Sun and his group, which didn’t unnerve either of them. “I don’t care how fit for battle your Pokémon are. There’s no way you can defeat the four of us.”

“Especially since we know it only takes two of us to beat you!” Alice exclaimed.

“Yeah…” Sam felt much more confident by this point.

Burnet’s fist trembled, unable to face her adversaries as her victory quickly slipped away from her. “It’s not fair… I was so close! So many worlds in the palm of our hands! I’m barely even a yard away; it’s so cruel! How could this have happened?!”

“Burnet!” Twilight could almost feel Burnet’s corner-eye glare. “Just what use do you think Necrozma will need from you once you return its powers back? Do you really think that it cares about your desires to see other worlds? If it cared about anyone… anything at all, it would never allow you to do any of this!”

Burnet looked away again, unable to accept this either. “No, you’re wrong! He wouldn’t have chosen me if he didn’t want to share the reward that we’ve both earned!”

“I know what that feels like!” Fizzlepop stated, stepping forward for her to see. “I, like you, served a master I thought could grant me what I’ve always thought I wanted, but the second I gave him what he wanted, I was no longer of use to him! This Necrozma is in no way different from my master! If you do this, you will make the gravest mistake anyone has ever made! Please, just end this now for our sake, for everyone’s sake… for your sake.”

As Burnet looked away again, this time with a shameful expression, her arm shifted down a couple of inches, raising Kukui, Sam, and Alice’s hopes. Her breathing began to choke up and her eyes began to water.

Sun put his arms back up. “I realize that things seem desperate for you right now, but the worst hasn’t come to pass yet. All you have to do is put your arm down, and come over here. We can still make this right. Just please, take our hands…”

Burnet’s top half rose and fell with each breath she took. The remainder of Necrozma’s presence burned behind her, begging her to return and finish what was only right there. But as Twilight and Fizzlepop’s words lingered in her mind, she felt the urge to fight Kukui’s Magnezone get weaker as uncertainty clouded her thoughts. With each exhale, everyone weakly smiled to watch as Burnet began to lower her arm down to her side.

Kukui took a sigh of relief as he stepped towards his completely defeated wife. “That’s it, hon–”

With his legs as weak as they had become, Kukui felt a shooting pain rack his ankle and calf, sending him collapsing onto his other knee. The three other humans and two Equestrians jolted their attention toward him as they immediately contemplated helping him back up. Burnet then noticed Magnezone shift a foot to her right to check on the well-being of its trainer.

The ultimate flaw.

With the slot now unguarded, Burnet mustered every ion of strength into her feet and right arm as she dove back and spun around to the left, reaching her arm out for where she knew the spot would be. Kukui looked up as Burnet’s body blocked Mangnezone just as it realized its empathetic mistake, and with a final shout and thrust of her arm, Burnet jammed the stone into the slot.

“NOOOOOOO!” Kukui screamed.

Twilight and Fizzlepop whimpered in fear as the cave began to rumble around them. Sun, Sam, and Alice watched as bright light began to fill the wall like blood dampening and staining a clean white cloth. A similar blue energy that had coursed the walls was being fed from Burnet and through her hand as all of Necrozma’s powers were fed into it inside the rock.

“!yeS” Burnet’s eyes turned black as the remainder of Necrozma’s essence returned to its body. “!YES”

Finally, the last of the dark-blue energy left her palm and fingers, and as Burnet came back to, she attempted to let go from the wall, only to find that her hand was stuck to it. As she attempted to pull herself free, she found that more waves of energy, now colored white, began to feed into the rock wall. As she breathed in to scream, she felt that the ability to do just that was nearly impossible, her entire strength leaving her body.

Kukui gasped anxiously as Burnet could only sling her head behind her shoulder in a vain attempt to look behind her as her life force was drained to be used as fuel for Necrozma’s existence. As her limbs gave out, her body began to slide down to the ground, her hand still clung to the wall and hanging her from there. Falling to all hands and feet, he crawled at her as fast as he possibly could.

By now, light had filled the entire back wall and began to cover the walls beside it along with the ceiling and floor. Once the last of Burnet’s white energy was siphoned out of her, her hand slid off the spot as her body collapsed. Diving at her, Kukui managed to catch the back of her head before it could hit the floor. With a groan, he sat himself up and pulled her upper body onto his lap, resigned to the fate his wife had set for him.

“Professor Kukui!” Sun ran toward him and stood over the two. “Are you alright?!”

“Just perfect…” Kukui’s voice was only a whisper now as he returned Magnezone into its Poké Ball. “I’m just where I need to be.”

After putting Magnezone's ball back onto his belt, he unclasped his clip of Poké Balls from it and lifted them up to Sun, who couldn’t believe what his most respected mentor was implying.

“Prof– Kukui, no! You can’t go like this! Twilight! Temp– Razz– Please do something!”

Twilight tried to charge her horn, only for the dimmest flicker to appear on the tip. Try as she might, it was all she could possibly do, making Fizzlepop feel more dreadful.

“Guys!” Twilight turned to Alice and Sam. “Payapa Juice! Hurry!”

Sam and Alice already tore open their bags, and as they pulled out the bottles the juice was kept in, their hearts sank to find them bone dry and empty.

Sam felt his fingers unclasp his bottle as it clattered to the ground. “No… We gave the rest to Starswirl and the others after we first met…”

“No! NO!” Alice threw her bottle against the wall, shattering it into two small pieces. “I knew I should have taken those pills dry, god dammit!”

“There isn’t enough time!” Kukui put all his energy into his voice, the only power he still had left. “Just save my Pokémon and yourselves and let me be with my wife!”

“Save…” With the tremors surrounding them, Kukui could hardly hear Burnet’s voice, but he felt as her arm shifted, placing her hand onto her Poké Balls. “Save…”

Sun, sobbing over what he was forced to do, knelt down bedside Kukui and Burnet as he reached over and unclasped her ball clip from her waist. After handing both clips to Sun, Kukui took one last look at the trainer he watched grow into one of the strongest trainers he’d ever seen, savoring his last seconds with him.

“Professor…” Sun was so overcome with grief that he nearly began to fall over himself.

“Run!” Kukui finally shrieked. “Make like an Extremespeed and get out of here now!”

With one final sob of futility, Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop filed their way into the passageway, sliding through it as fast as the narrowness would allow them. Sun then took one last glance at the man who helped see through his first Pokémon journey and taught him everything he knew.

Sun could only think of two final words for the man he respected almost more than anyone. “Thank you.”

With a sudden turn back, Sun slithered his way out of the passageway to catch up with Sam and Alice. As the front wall became infected with Necrozma’s sinister glow, spikes of light jutted through the lights on the floor and ceiling. Necrozma was almost ready to free himself.

Burnet looked up into Kukui’s eyes as she climbed her hand to the top of her stomach, wanting her last moments to mean more than they ever have the past seveal years. “Sor… Sorr…”

“It’s okay.” Kukui clasped both his hands around hers, smiling as genuinely to her as he always has. “I know.”

As the last of the light filled the entire room, the space began to warp toward the center as a low-pitched boom sounded off at that point. Finally, light and space exploded out, engulfing Kukui and Burnet entirely in its otherworldly force.

Lillie and Gladion heard the explosion from deep within the walls of the mountain as they stood on Rotomjet’s ramp, shaking the ground on which the aircraft waited. The force was tremendous enough to cause them both to tumble back to the ground at the bottom. At once, hundreds of small blue bats began to fly out from the cavern, taking to the sky for their lives.

“Eg– g– gadzz zz zzzt!” Rotomjet shouted. “What on Earth wazz that zzzzzt!”

As Gladion and Lillie stood back up on the trembling ground, they saw as Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop ran out of the cave, which was glowing brightly behind them. Though they continued running, Sam and Twilight couldn’t help but glance back hoping to see Sun emerge shortly after. To their minimal relief, Sun sprinted out from the cavern and made a beeline for the jet.

Once the energy from the light explosion reached the cavern entrance, it exploded outward, the force blowing Sun off his feet and throwing him onto his stomach hard.

“Sun!” Sam and Alice stopped, prompting Fizzlepop and Twilight to stop and look back too. “Fizzlepop, help me!”

Alice and Twilight stood frozen as Sam and Fizzlepop ran back to Sun’s aid. “Sam! What are you–”

“Just get on the jet!” he shouted back. “Just go!”

Alice and Twilight could only turn back and run toward Gladion, Lillie, and Rotomjet, who also watched Sam and Fizzlepop’s rescue. Sun picked himself up to his knees before looking back at the cavern entrance, which still continued flaring with Necrozma’s energy. As well, white, bright roots began to crackle through the walls of the crater on both sides, quickly spreading and branching out as they tore through the rock and destroyed it.

Sam and Fizzlepop rushed to both of Sun’s sides, Sam helping Sun onto his feet and helping him to mount Fizzlepop. With the light roots already spanning half of the crater’s interior, Sam and Fizzlepop turned back around, running as fast as they could toward the ramp where Alice and Gladion were waiting, Sun’s arms wrapped around Fizzlepop’s neck.

“Get it up!” Sam screamed, throwing his arm up. “Get it up now!”

Gladion fought Alice into the jet as she struggled to see them make it. At once, the ramp began to lift up off the ground, Sam and Fizzlepop only a few feet away. Fizzlepop bounded onto the ramp and nearly slid off the edge on the other side as Sam could just barely catch the left side of it by the ends of his fingers. Upon coming in straight, Sam was bounced up, allowing him to swing his leg over onto the surface and climb on. Once the ramp receded in, Sun dismounted Fizzlepop as Sam and the two of them entered the jet.

With the three safe and sound, Grubber ran to Fizzlepop and hugged her leg as Alice and Lillie embraced Sun and Sam. With the bottom thrusters quickly whirring on, it wasn’t long until everyone inside felt the subtle upward push of the jet as it went up.

“Hold on, everyone zzzzzzt!” Rotomjet shouted. “It’zzz time to blow thizzz taco zzztand zz zzzt!”

Rotomjet reached the top of the crater just as the roots on both sides converged in the center in the north. Rotomjet leaned forward as it flew away from Ten Karat Hill, each human and pony spreading out to the nearest window to see what was happening. The roots began to rise out from the rim of the crater before they melded into an ever-growing ball of light that floated above the center. Then, to everyone’s horror, they watched as the entire mountain, the roots of light no longer supporting it, began to completely collapse from the base down.

Sun was already well aware of what was happening, turning to face the cockpit. “Rotomjet, fly us to Hau’oli City! We have to warn the people before it’s too late.”

“Yezzz zzzir!” Rotomjet shouted.

Dexio forced himself to look away from the destruction. “It’s already too late.”

With the back thrusters revving, Rotomjet picked up speed toward the city, the citizens of whom no doubt already began to suspect something was horribly wrong. As the last of Ten Karat Hill fell, the rest of the light melded into the orb that shone like a small star over Melemele Island. Slowly, features began to form on the sphere of light as the creature made from it unfurled itself.

Two pairs of wings unrolled from the front as a long, thick tail uncoiled down around its front and to the back. Stretching its large, gold-armored feet claws down, it picked its head up from its gold-armored chest and rolled its neck back, feeling its first true movement in several hundred years. With Necrozma’s ultimate form complete again, it rotated itself to face Hau’oli City and its enemies who were no doubt headed there.

Necrozma threw its wings out and let out a triumphant screech, one that could be clearly heard over all of Alola.

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