• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 6 – Know You

Hau entered through one of the double doors and held it open from inside, motioning the ponies in with a wave of his other arm.

“Come in,” he said with typical eagerness, “please!”

Starlight and Fluttershy stepped inside, amazed by its size and grandeur. It was built in the manner of a traditional thatched hut, complete with curved, pointed ceiling, but was made out of light brown wood that allowed the room itself to reflect the light coming from the ornate, wooden electric chandelier hung high above in the center.

“The bathroom is the first door to your right. If you want to rinse off the dirt and sand, feel free. I’ll go prepare us some food.”

It wasn’t much longer until Sam and Alice stepped in, also marveling at Hau’s spacious and decorative home.

“Wow, Hau,” Sam said, “this is where you live?”

“Sure do!” He began stepping towards the door to left near the front of the room. “It used to belong to the last Kahuna, and the last Kahuna before him and so on.”

“Cool.” Alice ran her fingers along the smooth, finished walls, appreciating the craftsmanship behind whoever made the house. “That must make you like a king!”

“I don’t tend to think of it like that. I like to consider myself one with the people and Pokémon on the island. Hey, do you like malasada?”

Sam and Alice were caught off-guard by the quick change in topic, but were equally confused by what exactly he said.

“What’s malasada?” Alice asked.

“What’s malasada?!” Hau almost seemed a bit offended by the response. “Hold on, I’ll make you all some!”

Hau slipped inside the door and slammed it shut, clearly excited to make whatever he was talking about. Sam and Alice turned to talk to Starlight and Fluttershy, but they were no longer in the living room. Sam and Alice relaxed themselves once they heard the running water in the bathroom tub.

Sam and Alice walked together to a wood couch at the center of the room, plopping themselves and their backpacks on the plush blue cushions.

“I mean, I’m glad we know her other friends are close.” Sam leaned back and looked directly above at the chandelier, staring directly at one of the lights. “Now we need to know how we plan to find them.”

“They’re probably wandering around, frightened like Starlight and Fluttershy were,” Alice sat up and turned to face her brother, “meaning we should hop on a ferry to the next island and go looking for them.”

“That sounds really noble of you, but there are so many things that we have to consider. Not counting the time it would take to comb out three other islands, two of which are larger than Melemele, by the way, if the other island guardians found them already, do you think we’ll have to fight them to earn their trust?”

“We didn’t even have to fight Tapu Koko.”

“I think we got lucky there, if I’m being honest.” By now, Sam stood from his seat and began pacing around the couch. “And there’s also the possibility that some other trainers found them before that island’s guardian did.”


“I highly doubt that they’ll just hand them over to us, even if we prove that Starlight and Fluttershy are with us.”

“Sam, I swear to God…”

“Hell, they may want to complete their collection by taking them from us, or best case scenario, they want the honor of returning all the ponies back home!”

“Sam, stop it! You’re being stupid.”

“I’m not being stupid! If something like that happens, we need to be ready to face it!”

“Then we’ll fight if we must,” Alice now stood, stopping her brother in his tracks. “but I don’t want you getting the ponies all worked up because you’re getting worked up!”

Sam and Alice turned their heads to the bathroom door upon hearing the water shutting off. They waited a few moments, waiting for Starlight and Fluttershy to start raising concerns, but only heard the water turn back on, hearing Fluttershy’s humming voice sing out through the walls. Alice turned to Sam, who looked a bit frightened and embarrassed for his outburst.

Alice sighed. “Listen. I can tell that you take protecting them seriously, but worrying about every little thing that may happen won’t help anyone. As a Pokémon trainer, sometimes, and this is unfortunately the case, you’ll find yourself in a situation you never prepared for that you may have to face with the odds against you.”

“But why would I do that to myself?” Sam hissed, ensuring the ponies wouldn’t hear. “Why would I do that to Honedge? Why would I do that to them?”

“Because you may not have a choice, bro! For once, just please take my advice on this! I’ve been around the block longer than you have on this, and from experience, I know that there’s a difference between thinking you’ll win…” She pointed and tapped at her temple, “…and knowing you’ll win.” She made her point by then patting her chest. “Tell me, when you blocked Starlight from Tapu Koko, did you really think that would have stopped it?”

“I…” Sam rubbed his neck. Being put on the spot by his younger sister only made the answer that much harder to spit up. “I honestly didn’t know what I was thinking.”

“Exactly!” This response actually seemed to surprise Sam. “At that moment, you were no longer concerned with whether you’d win or not and cared only about saving her and Fluttershy. Honedge felt the exact same way when he stood up to it. It’s that feeling of putting everything on the line for something you want so badly, and it gets your blood pumping, and those pistons firing, and I guarantee you that will win you more battles than any strategy or plan ever could! You just gotta–”

“Guys?” Alice and Sam turned to see Starlight, a towel wrapped atop her head, which poked out from behind the bathroom door. “Is everything okay in here?”

“Uh, nothing Starlight!” Sam said with a dismissive wave. “Just getting some very… sage advice from my younger sister.”

Starlight could tell Sam was being facetious, but Sam’s fervor still felt a bit off-putting. “Oookay…” She slunk back inside, closing the door just as slowly.

Alice then turned back to Sam, grabbing this shoulders. “Okay, I’m glad we had this conversation now, but please try not to bring any of that up in front of them, okay? They already have enough on their plate without having to think they’re being hunted after.”

“Okay,” Sam gently pushed his sister’s hands off of him. “I still think there’s going to be a lot more to finding the others than just hopping the islands until we find them all.”

“Well, when Hau gets out of the kitchen and the ponies are done washing up, we’ll all talk about it.”

“Fair enough.”

The two of them plopped back onto the couch. Sam kept his eyes on the kitchen door while Alice eyed the bathroom door, hoping one would come out of either soon.

Starlight and Fluttershy came out from the bathroom and sat on the couch besides Sam and Alice. The hairs in Starlight’s mane and tail appeared a bit frayed from lack of proper grooming, though Fluttershy’s mane and tail looked noticeably better brushed than her friend’s.

Starlight’s side rubbed up against Sam’s forearm, and though, he recoiled a bit, feeling his space invaded, he couldn’t ignore Starlight’s sullen, anxious face. He relaxed back into his spot, the two of them practically leaning into each other, and with his hand just over her upper back, he slowly moved his hand down. Suddenly, she shifted over a few inches, forcing him to keep his hand back to himself.

“Sorry.” Starlight honestly looked a bit embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to not give you any room.”

“No problem,” Sam responded.

Just then, Hau burst in through the door, weaving his way around the room balancing a plate of small fried dough balls dusted in sugar in one hand and holding a jug of milk in the other, with five glasses stacked and hugged in his arm.

“Hau!” Alice turned around and jogged up to him. “Do you need any help?”

“Here.” Hau slowly opened his arm. “Please take those glasses.”

Alice tried grabbing the glasses, only for the bottom glass to fall from the stack and towards the floor, making Hau and Alice gasp. Before it could hit the ground and shatter, a turquoise aura coated it and kept it an inch above the ground before it, along with the other glasses Alice held, flew away from her and towards the table. Sam watched, impressed, as Starlight strained to gently place each cup on the table in front of a seat. Once they were set, Starlight panted, slouched in her spot.

“Nice catch!” Hau continued carrying the plate of malasada and milk to the table. “You have some kind of psychic abilities or something?”

“She claims to use magic,” Alice explained, following Hau. “It sounds pretty unbelievable, I know, but she seems proficient enough in it.”

Hau set the plate and the pitcher onto the middle of the table, taking the two straws from his jacket pocket and putting them in Starlight and Fluttershy’s glasses.

“Does it usually take that much out of you?” Sam asked.

“No.” Starlight seemed a bit mournful answering this. “Ever since we got onto the island, using my magic has been very difficult for me. Where I come from, I’m actually very skilled with it. Catching that glass and bringing the others over is actually one of the easiest things for me to do, but I feel like I just tried lifting this entire house over my head.”

“And where exactly do you come from?” Hau asked as he began pouring milk around the table in the glasses. “Sorry, you drink milk, right?”

“Yes, of course. Thank you.” Hau began pouring her some. “My friend and I come from a land called Equestria. While I assume your world is inhabited mainly by you… humans, ours is inhabited by ponies like Fluttershy and I. We also have dragons, griffons, changelings, and so many other types of creatures.”

“We’ve heard of dragons,” Alice said. “Several Pokémon around the world are Dragon-type. For example…”

Alice grabbed one of her Poké Balls and tossed it in the air above the table. The bright white energy that burst from the ball made Fluttershy squeak with fear and slip underneath the table, while Starlight continued watching with amazement as the light formed into Alice’s Noibat. It landed upon the table and walked cautiously to the malasada pile. Fluttershy pulled herself from under the table and peeked over the edge to watch the tiny bat-like creature sniff out a pastry and pull one from the bottom, smiling in excitement over the treat it would soon consume.

“Oh my goodness!” she inhaled. “It’s adorable!” Fluttershy put both hooves and her face upon the table just inches from Noibat, her foreign appearance surprising it. “Oh, aren’t you just the cutest batty-watty!”

Fluttershy moved her right hoof and began scratching behind its ear with the edge. Whether it be her adorably treble voice or if she had hit the sweet spot on its head, Noibat purred as it leaned itself into the bottom of Fluttershy’s hoof, its wings laying limply on the table. Alice couldn’t resist a giggle as Fluttershy nuzzled the tip of her nose against Noibat’s forehead, which it appeared to like very much.

“You must have one special gift to be in Noibat’s good graces so quickly.” Alice crossed her arms with a sense of pride.

“How did you do that?” Starlight’s mouth was still agape over what she had done. “There should be no way that that bat fit inside that ball you just threw. You seriously can’t tell me that that isn’t magic.”

“It’s not,” Sam said. “Our world’s technology has made it so trainers like my sister and I can carry our Pokémon around safely and efficiently. If you were wondering where my Honedge has been all this time, here you go.”

Sam grabbed his Poké Ball from his belt and tossed it up, releasing Honedge from it. Honedge took an excited look at its new surroundings, before noticing the plate of malasada. Starlight continued to look astounded at it as it lowered itself and picked up one of the doughy balls in its cloth arm.

“Is it even comfortable in there for them?” Starlight continued questioning. “They aren’t hurt when they go back, do they?”

“Absolutely not,” Sam answered. “When a Pokémon is inside a Poké Ball, it’s converted into energy, and the inside of the Poké Ball is designed so that it replicates an environment that the Pokémon feels safe in.”

“I don’t know. It just seems very… coercive.”

“Trust me…” Alice replied as she took out her other Poké Ballf from her belt, “it’s not.” She then lobbed the ball up, the energy popping out from it forming into her Pikachu.

“Wow!” Hau exclaimed, his eyes on the yellow rodent as it joined Honedge at the table. “Did you catch him today?”

“I did. He seemed confused when I took him out for the first time, but a couple of pets and Pokébeans later, and he practically melted in my arms.”

“I remember my Pikachu…”

“And by ‘catch,’” Starlight continued, “do you mean that they were once wild and you put them in those Poké Balls?”

“I don’t really see any difference between that and domesticating a pet,” Fluttershy responded, standing up with Noibat perched atop its head. “Besides, these Poké Balls sound rather safe.”

Alice blew a short whistle from her lips. Noibat flicked the malasada crumbs off of its face with the claws on the end of its wings and flew from Fluttershy’s head onto Alice’s shoulder. “Like Sam said, they’re mainly for easier transport, but they are indeed safe, plus my buddies get to stay with me all the time.”

Alice directed a wink and cock of her head to her Noibat, who nuzzled into the locks of her hair, letting out a purring whine from its mouth. Starlight couldn’t help but smile at the two of them together, the love between them clear as day.

“Hey!” Hau’s sudden shift in volume surprised Starlight and Fluttershy. “I made all these malasada. Don’t be shy. Have some before I decide to eat them all!”

Alice and Sam reached for the plate, Sam grabbing two. Noibat flew from Alice’s shoulder and swooped a pastry in its feet, flying just above Fluttershy, letting out a warbling chirp as it swung the treat in front of her.

“Oh, is that for me?” Fluttershy asked it. “Thank you!” Fluttershy took the malasada in her mouth and took half of it in a single bite. Her eyes widened at the taste of it, and she breathed in hard. “Hau, this is delicious. You really made these yourself?”

“It was no trouble, really…” Hau grinned as he put his arms behind his back.

Sam sat down next to Starlight, handing her one of his two malasada. “Did you want one?”

“Oh, thanks!” Starlight held it in her hooves and took a bite, similarly blown away by the taste. “Oh, wow. This is really good.”

Sam took a bite, chuckling as he savored the flavor. “These are perfect. What’s in that cream filling you have there? Cardamom?”

“Great palate, Sam! I also sprinkled just a bit with the sugar coating too.”

Alice kept hold of her malasada, watching contently as Starlight and Fluttershy smiled as the night went on, all thanks to Hau, Sam, and their Pokémon. She took a bite of hers, smiling just a bit wider.

By now, the malasada were all gone, and there was only enough milk in the pitcher for one more person to refill their glass. The energy among the ponies, Pokémon, and humans had died down, but they were all relaxed and comfortable, ready to discuss their next course of action.

Starlight was first to speak. “So, how do we find our other friends?”

“Well, I suggested just going to the other islands and looking, but Sam had other ideas.” Alice turned to Sam, waiting for him to clarify.

Despite the stares he received all-around, Sam appeared confident. “I have to imagine the trainers and Pokémon on the other islands are very strong. I don’t think it would be the best idea to run onto the next island unprepared for what will lie ahead. I shouldn’t expect Fluttershy to fight on our behalf…” Fluttershy reinforced this with a quick shaking of her head. “…and Starlight’s magic is still very weak.”

“We can wait and see how it is in the morning,” Starlight added.

“That’s fine, but I don’t want you two to do all the heavy lifting. Alice and I should be getting stronger too, and I don’t think we should go to the other islands quite yet.”

“And what do you think we should do in the meantime?” Alice sounded quite peeved in her response.

“I’m sorry,” Hau said, “but I have to agree with your brother on this one. I’ve never seen you two in battle yet, so I can’t speak on your training experience, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to train some before you go on to the other islands.”

“Okay. And how should we train then?”

“Well,” Sam said with a shrug, her eyes on Alice the whole time, “I was thinking we do what we originally came here to do. Take the Island Challenge.” Alice sat straighter, having earned her attention. “I mean, we’ll have to travel throughout the island anyway, so why not get our Pokémon stronger in the first place?”

“Not to mention,” Hau butted in, “without the proper stamps in your Trainer’s Passport, riding the ferry can get very expensive. It’s free if you prove you beat the island’s grand trial. Also, there are certain parts of the islands you can’t access unless you go in for your trial. You shouldn’t want to leave any stones unturned.”

“Huh…” Alice actually seemed to be stumped for once.

“Excuse me.” Fluttershy raised her hand. “What do you mean by ‘battle?’”

“Pokémon get stronger through Pokémon battles,” Hau explained eagerly. “If you’re nervous that battling entails hurting or even killing Pokémon, you shouldn’t. Pokémon are very competitive creatures by nature, and battling with other Pokémon is one of the best ways for them to get stronger.”

“I’m still not sure that sounds very nice…”

“You don’t have to worry about it, really.” Sam’s confident answer seemed a bit surprising to her, especially with him standing up to face his sister, his Honedge following quickly after. “In fact, Alice, do you want to have a quickie outside? Show them how it’s done?”

Alice was a bit thrown off by the request, but her Noibat and Pikachu looked excited and ready to accept his challenge.

“Now, guys!” Hau laughed. “As happy as I am to see you so geared up and ready to go, you and your Pokémon shouldn’t get so worked up before bed. It’s already very late as it is, and you have a busy day ahead of you. You should consider getting some sleep.”

“Oh, true that!” Alice shot off the couch, and grabbed the pitcher of milk. “Sam will still probably wake up at five tomorrow, won’t you?”

“Yeah, probably…” Sam smiled in his response, earning a chuckle from her sister before she poured the rest of the milk from the pitcher into her mouth. “At least let me wash the dishes. I still feel like I got off easy from lunch today.”

“If you want,” Hau replied with a shrug, standing up as well. “Come on, Starlight, Fluttershy. I’ll show you to the bedroom.”

As Hau took the ponies into a room on the right near the back, Sam took the empty plate from the table and went to the kitchen with Alice, their Pokémon tagging along.

Fluttershy and Alice were both passed out on their beds, which were set across from each other, lit amply by the blue moonlight that shone through the window wall behind them. Her Pikachu was curled up against the thigh of her shorts while Noibat laid spread out on her white shirt, the four of them sleeping soundly.

Starlight curled up onto her mattress and laid her head down on her pillow. Her horn glowed as the covers folded at the other end glowed the same color. With a grunt, Starlight’s magic pulled them just a few inches over her back hooves.

“Here, let me help with that.” Sam walked over to Starlight’s bed, and pulled the covers completely over her save for her head, making Starlight frown forlornly.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she mumbled. “…But thank you.”

“Again, not a problem. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help you regain your magic, and you won’t need my help.”

“I can only hope. Goodnight, Sam.”

“Goodnight, Starlight.”

Sam stepped backwards as he watched Starlight hug the covers into herself. He turned around to see Honedge lying at the edge of Sam’s bed, tucked away in its sheath. Getting in on the opposite side, he slipped under his covers and turned himself around to face his Pokémon. Gently slipping his hand underneath Honedge and flipping the covers up, he set it back on the mattress and folded the covers back over it without disturbing its sleep.

“And goodnight, Honedge,” he whispered.

He turned over onto his stomach and supported his head with his hand under his pillow. With the seven of them all asleep, the large shadow of Tapu Koko outside was able to slink out from the corner of its vision and spy on the humans and ponies, staying there for quite some time.

Hau, dressed in only his black shirt and a pair of orange board shorts, settled himself on the couch, laying on his back with two fluffy pillows under his head. As he snuggled in and prepared to close his eyes, a bright light went past the large, tall window in the back of the room, alerting him up. He seemed to know what this meant, as he got out of bed and walked to the front door.

Stepping outside, slowly opening and closing the door to mute the creak, he looked up to see Tapu Koko hovering five feet out and above him, looking down at him expectantly.

Gladion and his Charizard swooped through the Vast Poni Canyon, landing near a large, dead tree that stood before a cavern entrance. Once the draconic Pokémon’s feet were set, Gladion hopped off and grabbed its Poké Ball from his Ride Pager.

“Thanks, Charizard,” he whispered, aiming the ball at it.

The Charizard purred as it was brought back into the Poké Ball, leaving Gladion alone. Pulling two Poké Balls from his belt, he lobbed them in the air, bringing out his Crobat, along with a creature that resembled a blue and black bipedal jackal with a furry beige chest.

“Lucario,” he said to the jackal creature, “is there anything here?”

The Lucario set its feet back in a lunging pose and touched the spike in its chest with its paw, the four black appendages on the sides of its head rising as it sensed around the area. It slowly turned its head to the left, clearly sensing something. The appendages settled back down and it stood straight, walking forward to the south. Gladion and Crobat followed close-by.

“Again, be careful,” he continued instructing. “If you find anything, try and immobilize them first.”

From high up in the canyon walls, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie crept out of a small hole and crawled out to the edge, getting a better look at the human and his two mysterious creatures.

“You think they’re looking for us?” Pinkie Pie’s question was quickly responded to with a grabbing of her head from Rainbow Dash’s arms.

“If he is, you need to be more quiet!” she hissed. She then let go of the pink pony’s head, allowing her to breathe and get back to her safe and comfortable vantage. “It’s okay, though. I don’t think he can find us all the way up here. Even if he could, there’s no way he can beat my speed.”

On the ground, Lucario continued leading Gladion and Crobat towards the end of the canyon, Lucario’s eyes glancing to the top of the canyon where he found the two faint, unfamiliar shapes he had seen before. Before even Gladion could react, Lucario’s head-appendages shot out to the sides and brought its arms in to the right of its waist, a blue ball of energy forming in its paws.

Within the same split second, Lucario continued winding to the right, the aura sphere following beneath its right paw before it threw it out at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s spot with sheer speed. Rainbow Dash’s eyes could only widen as the blue energy ball struck the canyon wall just beneath them, sending them both flying into the air with a thick cloud of dust surrounding them. Both of them slid down the wall back to the floor, the both of them coughing the loose dirt they had inhaled.

“Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I think they found us.”

“No, really?” Rainbow Dash’s sarcasm was heightened by the residual amazement she felt at being upended the way they did. “Hold on…”

With a flapping of her wings, Rainbow Dash cleared the air, but both of them screamed and leaped back to see Gladion there before them, his Crobat flying behind.

“Wha…” Rainbow Dash stammered. “What in the hay are you?”

“So, you speak the same language I do.” Gladion did not seem the least bit impressed by this. “If that’s the case, I’d like to ask the two of you to come with me back to Aether Paradise.”

“Why should I trust you?”

“The same reason I’m trusting you to come with me. We can get a better idea of what you are, where you come from, and why you’re here.”

“You first, pal.”

“No, me first!” Pinkie Pie jumped in. “Me first! My name’s Pink–”

Her voice was cut off once again by Rainbow Dash’s constricting arms. “Don’t tell him anything.”

“Please, forgive me for such a… violent introduction. I promise not to harm you anymore if you agree to follow me back to Aether Paradise. We’ll even allow you to help find the others that landed on the other islands.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and her mouth came open a bit, but she suddenly smirked, knowing all that she needed to now. “I think we’ll take our chances.”

With a beat of her wings, she blew dust and dirt at Gladion and Crobat, forcing them to shield their eyes. Crobat’s wings blew away the small cloud, leaving it and Gladion astounded that they were now both gone, virtually no trace for them minus the chunk of canyon Lucario’s attack left behind. He grunted as he grabbed hold of Crobat’s body, gliding with it back down to the ground where Lucario waited.

“Lucario,” he shouted, “where did they go?”

Lucario positioned itself to sense them, its appendages rising. After a few moments, it jerked its head around, clearly unable to find them. Standing straight and facing its trainer, Lucario could only shake its head.

Gladion sighed and petted its head between its ears. “You did well, Lucario. Thank you.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wireless white earbud with a black tip on the end. Clicking a small button on it, he began walking back south with his two Pokémon following him.

“Mother…” he said. “I found two of them… No, they had escaped… I don’t know, not even Lucario could track them. One of them was pink… the other was blue, and apparently very fast…”

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