• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 41 – Three Halves Done

Three Ultra Balls and three regular ones rested inside an incubator behind the center desk of the Pokémon Center, being monitored by a pink-haired nurse in white-and-pink garb. Sam, Alice, and their friends filled half the seats and tables inside the café to the left, Sam and Olivia both sitting at the table closest to the center counter. While the ponies were all sitting at a table made from smaller ones pushed together, the other humans sat around them, listening in on their conversations.

“And then,” Pinkie Pie continued, “Sam made us a big dinner and we had a big nighttime picnic on the beach! Isn’t that awesome?!”

“Pinkie,” Twilight giggled, “we talked on the Pokédex about it, remember?”

“Oh, yeah! It was just kind of weird with you not actually being there and all, but now we’re all here, and we get to go back home to our family and friends!”

The others smiled relaxingly, also deeply gladdened with the thought of home. Twilight was the first to settle back into unease, something her friends picked up immediately.

“Twilight?” Applejack asked. “What’s the matter now? Aren’t you excited about goin’ back?”

“Yeah, but…” Twilight took a sip of her tea from the small white cup sitting in front of her. “I just kind of feel a little bit guilty, is all.”

“What on earth for, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I mean, Team Prism is still running about, I’m sure, and they’ll still probably be after you.”

“Don’t worry about Team Prism,” Gladion sternly interrupted. “Without you on our world, they won’t have much left to do for themselves, and even if they do try and attack us out of spite, we’ll be ready for them. Won’t we?” Upon turning to his fellow friends, they all gave nods and verbal statements of approval.

“Hey!” Spike suddenly shouted over them. “What about Nanu? He stayed behind on that island buying us more time!”

“Oh my gosh, that’s right!” Twilight clopped a hoof to her forehead, cursing herself for forgetting. “I wouldn’t feel right leaving yet without making sure he’s okay.”

“Okay then, how about I just show you!” Guzma pulled out his Pokédex from his pocket and tapped on the screen a couple of times before handing it to Twilight.

To her and Spike’s immediate relief, she looked at an image of Nanu sitting on a bed in his typical grumpy demeanor with his shirt and jacket off and his chest and abdomen bandaged as he held an icepack on the right side of his head. Standing around him throwing up two-fingered hand gestures and other hand symbols were young blue-haired men and pink-haired women in matching black tank-tops and black shorts similar to Guzma’s.

“Yeah,” Guzma explained, “my boys and girls found him lying on that boardwalk at the meadow. Not sure how he did it, but he and his Pokémon must have managed to take out Team Prism and Dexio all by his crazy-ass lonesome. They brought him back to Po Town and fixed him back up until he woke up later in the morning.”

Twilight and Spike both breathed out, happy for the news. “That’s good,” she said. “If we aren’t able to swing over and say hi, could you tell him Spike and I said thank you?”

“Nothing would make us happier, Twilight,” Acerola said.

After Twilight and Spike nodded to her and returned her attention to their other six friends, Acerola glanced over to Sam and Olivia sitting and waiting for their Pokémon to be healed. Scooting her chair back, she weaved around the other chairs and the people sitting on them until she made her way to the two of them.

“Excuse me, Olivia?” She stood beside her chair. “You wouldn’t mind giving me a couple of minutes with him, would you?”

Olivia huffed happily as she pushed her chair back and stepped aside. “Take all the time you need. I was planning on getting something from the café anyway.”

“Alright, thank you!” As Olivia walked to the barista managing his wares, Acerola sat down in Olivia’s seat, Sam silently gulping as he tried to stay cool in front of this new person. “So… sorry. Sam, was it? Your name?”

Sam was broken from his trance and swiftly shook hands with the woman, shocking her by his speed and firm grip. “Oh, yes, sorry! Yes, I’m Sam. I, uh… just get a little nervous about meeting new people.”

“Oh, that's fine. Anyways, my name is Acerola. I’m one of the Elite Four at the Pokémon League and I specialize in Ghost-type Pokémon.”

Sam’s eyes shot further open with realization. “So that’s why you sounded so excited about my Honedge during my last battle.”

“Mmhm! Also, congrats on evolving it into Doublade! That was really something!”

“Yeah, hehe, you’re telling me.”

“Anyways, there’s something I’d really like you to know that I think would be really important to you.” Sam leaned himself in involuntarily, hooked by Acerola’s upcoming words. “Before I became a permanent Elite Four trainer, I used to be a trial captain. My site used to be at this abandoned Thrifty Megamart on the south side of the island. Lots of wild Ghost-type Pokémon like to make their home there, but I know that’s not what interests you, no. There are Dusk Stones there.” Immediately, Sam’s interest was at its peak.

“They grow on the walls like mold. The only people who visit that place anymore are people looking to evolve their Misdreavuses or Murkrows, but I know that Doublade evolves when you use a Dusk Stone on it. So, if you happen to pass by it, be sure to go in.”

Sam smiled and nodded, thinking about the detour he’d never take until she mentioned it. “Yes, I will. Thank you, Acerola, that’s extremely helpful.”

Sam shook her hand again, which she was now prepared for, squeezing his hand as tightly as he did hers. “Please, I know you’ll need all the help you can get on the rest of your Island Trials, especially if you want to get far enough to face me!”

Sam, though unnerved by her toothless, wide-lipped smile, was more than charmed by her sentiment. “So it’s a challenge, then!”

“I look forward to it.”

Wrapped up in his conversation with his new friend, Sam didn’t notice the nurse bring six Poké Balls up on a tray to the counter. “Sam? Olivia?”

Sam shot out of his seat and took the tray from her, about to carry it to the table. “I’ll bring it back once Olivia comes back.” Sam’s promise was met with an understanding nod from the nurse as he placed the tray on the table, taking out his regular Poké Balls and leaving the Ultra Balls for Olivia to take once she returned with her drink.

Olivia stepped into her shop, Carly taking immediate notice of her. As the ponies and their human companions also began pooling in, Olivia breathed easy seeing only a couple of people browsing the merchandise on the tables and displays, making room for everyone to enter. As the two customers turned and began to gawk at the ponies all inside, Guzma and Acerola shot them a dirty look that frightened them back to their shopping.

“Thank you all for coming,” Olivia said, “but I just need Sam and Alice right now.”

Both of them, though unsure what or why, looked to each other before stepping up toward her.

“Yes?” Sam spoke curiously. “What is it?”

“I know I only have about a half-hour or so before the ferry arrives, so I just wanted to give you each a parting gift.”

“Parting gift?” Alice watched as Olivia walked down to the far end of the left side of the counter, leading them to gaze at the rocks on display there.

On the bottom, four different types of colored stones were sorted out neatly in wicker baskets, each of them having either a leaf, water drop, flame, or lightning bolt shaped marking inside. Above them on the next rack were four single fossils, each one having the remnants of the creature that formed onto it millions of years ago.

Sam took immediate sight of the two dark blue ones before Olivia began to speak again. “While I’m not sorry for keeping you here until you both defeated my Grand Trial, I am sorry I had to do it. As a token of my apology, I’d like to allow you to take one evolution stone or a fossil for yourselves. Please.” With a sideways wave of her hand, she backed up and allowed Sam and Alice to browse.

Alice had already bent down and looked upon the yellow stone with the lightning inside of it. “I already know what I want. What about you?”

“Yeah, I’m still not sure.” Sam looked between two of the blue fossils, one bearing a resemblance to a turtle’s shell, and the other looking like a flat stone with a rhombic feather on it. “What do you think?”

“What do I think what?” Alice stood back up beside her brother, turning to Carly and pointing down while mouthing the words “Thunder Stone.”

“Either the Cover Fossil or the Plume Fossil.” Sam kept glancing between the two, unsure which he’d like to keep.

“I mean, it’s your choice, bro. After all, whatever Pokémon you get from either one is coming with us, so which one would you rather have in your party?”

Carly reached over and handed Alice her Thunder Stone, and as Sam continued looking through the glass, feeling time bogging down on him with each second, Alice calmly and meditatively ran her finger over the surface of her new gift.

Alice ran north with a Poké Ball and her Thunder Stone in hand, her eyes set on the small harbor just a minute or so of running left ahead. Fluttershy flew close behind as Starlight galloped alongside her. Sam and the other six Equestrians followed behind as Alice reached the entrance to the pier, running down and passing the multiple docked boats until she reached the end looking out to the sea, stopping five feet short of the edge.

Lobbing it out gently, Pikachu formed from the energy that spilled out once the ball hit the floor. Pikachu looked about inquisitively at its aquatic surroundings, but brought its attention to Alice once she knelt down and Starlight and Fluttershy stood close behind her.

“Hey there,” Alice cooed in singsong, slowly holding the Thunder Stone up.

Pikachu became transfixed on the stone, as if naturally drawn to it and the way in gleamed in the sun.

“Oh!” Alice put the stone down on her knee, her Pokémon following it with its eyes. “So, you want to evolve already?”

Pikachu squeaked loudly with a wide, open-mouthed smile and nodded. Reaching with her left hand, she began to pet the side of Pikachu’s face and scratched gently along its back to its enjoyment, savoring its final moments in its current state.

“Yep, you’re a cutie.” Alice took her hand off and began to reach for Pikachu with the Thunder Stone in her other hand. “Alright then, hold still…”

Fluttershy and Starlight stepped closer with rising interest as Pikachu leaned forward and tapped its forehead against the tip of the stone. At that moment, it began to glow bright in Alice’s hand before Alice’s hold broke through it, disintegrating the stone into bright sparkles that began to settle all over Pikachu’s skin, rendering it a shape of white. The brightness began to settle down, showing Pikachu’s body flowing with the same green aura that had transformed Sam’s Honedge.

As Sam and the other ponies approached the four of them, they too began to watch as Pikachu’s body grew nearly twice its size, becoming a bit plumper as well. It’s ears began to inflate and round as another flap of cartilage curled around the outer center, pressing flush against the ear. Pikachu’s arms and hands became stubbier as its feet grew longer and bigger. Finally, the base of its tail began to stretch out into a long rope, the bolt shape of it becoming wider, flatter and rounder as it slipped underneath its feet.

Pikachu’s body glowed bright white again before the light exploded off of it, replacing it with a light-brown rodent with a cream-colored belly, white, fuzzy tips on its hands and feet, and beady cyan eyes. Her new Pokémon began to rise up off the ground, using its tail like a surfboard, Alice slowly standing to meet its gaze.

“Wow, Alice!” Fluttershy gasped. “What did Pikachu just turn into?”

Alice chuckled over the sheer adorableness of what floated before her. “Raichu.”

On hearing its name, Raichu let out raspy “ai” before swinging itself into its trainer, trying to wrap as much of its small arms around her chest as possible. Alice also hugged her Pokémon back as if it were a large doll, and given how plush its body felt on her hands, she couldn’t help but squeeze tight. Once they both let go, Raichu began to fly about on its tail, riding the air like ocean waves before swooping down toward Starlight and Fluttershy.

As they looked up, also hoping to get a closer, personal look at it, Raichu let out a happy scream as it soared the bottom of its tail just inches above their heads, the static throwing their hair up in tall, messy tents. As Twilight and Spike ran to them to see if they were alright, Spike began combing Starlight’s hair back straight, unable to stifle the giggles he felt come on.

Alice, Sam, and the Equestrians all watched with wonder as Raichu excitedly and passionately weaved around the masts of the sailboats and skating just above the surface of the ocean. It then soared back high up and got a good look of its new sights, able to see the entire western side of Akala Island to its left, right, and beneath it. As it looked back down where Alice and her friends were all waiting, Raichu’s eyes lit up and it let out a shrill cheer before shooting back down to the ground.

Alice confusedly watched her Pokémon pass over her, the Equestrians, and even Gladion, Guzma, Acerola, Lillie, and Burnet, who gathered outside the harbor to follow her. “Raichu? Raichu!”

As Alice ran back from the harbor to the city, she weaved around the ponies, failing to avoid bumping into Rainbow Dash and Rarity as she went past. The other humans stepped to a single side to let her pass on the other side, allowing her to go on and find her Raichu getting petted by a young woman.

Though her sky-blue t-shirt and pristine white shorts weren’t familiar, her brown hair and brand-new straw hat certainly were. “Kaj?”

Upon hearing her name, Kaj turned and beamed upon seeing her friend approach her as happily as she looked. “Alice!” The two hugged tightly for a moment before Kaj returned to Raichu. “Check out this Alolan Raichu that came up to me! I didn’t know they were wild here!”

“Yeah, about that… remember Pikachu?”

“Pikachu? Of course I remem– …Wait! No!” Alice nodded, confirming her suspicions. Kaj squealed and gave Raichu a tight hug. Though it was caught off guard by the gesture and began to charge sparks along its body, Raichu kept itself under control. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Alice! I assume you got your Thunder Stone from the jewelry shop!”


As Sam, the ponies, and the rest of his friends returned from the harbor, Sam and Gladion both gasped to see the same girl they met two days prior standing with Alice. The first to react were Starlight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, who all galloped out to her with Lady and Comfey.

“Kaj!” Pinkie Pie leapt out, beating her other friends as she clung to her in a tight embrace. As she set herself back down, the other three ponies and Pokémon all surrounded her, bombarding her with greetings. “What are you doing here? Did you come all this way just to say bon voyage?”

“Bon voyage?” Kaj questioned. “What are you talking about?”

Sam and Gladion then walked up with the remaining half of the Equestrians, Sam motioning his hand to her for the ponies and dragon. “Guys, this is our friend Kaj. We met and hung out a couple nights ago while we were on our way here. And how are you doing, Kaj?”

“Oh! Great, Sam! How about you?”

“Thanks to you, I’m already halfway through my Island Trials.”

“Huh? Thanks to me? What did I do?”

“I used your Focus Sash to help me beat Olivia.”

“Really? Oh, cool! So when you become champion, you can say I helped you get there!”

Sam chuckled, unable to deny it. “And, not to steal Alice’s thunder or anything, pardon the pun, but she’s not the only one who evolved someone today.”

Before Kaj could continue acting excited over her role in Sam’s victory, Sam tossed a Poké Ball from his belt, letting his Doublade out for Kaj to see.

“Whoa!” Kaj yelled out. “No way! Your Honedge is already a Doublade?”

“Mmhm! Literally evolved in the middle of getting crunched by Olivia’s Lycanroc.”

Kaj was suddenly distracted by the three ponies and baby dragon that she did not recognize, falling into a squat to look at them, Spike specifically, at eye level. “Oh, wow! Are these the rest of their friends?”

“Yes ma’am!” Applejack said. “All eight of us accounted for. We’re actually just waitin’ for the ferry to sail us to this Aether Paradise place so we can go back home.”

“Go back home?” It suddenly hit her, the realization saddening her. “Oh… that’s what she meant by bon voyage.”

“I’m sorry we have to leave so soon,” Twilight said, “but I do want to let you know I greatly appreciate your kindness toward my friends, and I’m certain they won’t forget what you’ve done for them.”

“Speaking of forgetting,” Pinkie Pie jumped in, “what are you doing here?”

“I just decided to spend the day in Konikoni City, and then Alice’s Raichu noticed me, and then, here we all are, I guess… How much longer until the ferry comes?”

Lillie looked onto her Pokédex, seeing the tracker on her screen just a mile or so south of the corner of the island. “About fifteen or so minutes.”

“Oh, bummer! I was kind of hoping you’d get to stay a little longer.”

“I’m afraid not. I’m sure you can understand how homesick they all must be.”

“No, of course! Hey, while you’re all here, can I get a selfie with you?”

Gladion stepped up. “Kaj, I thought we went over this. You can’t be sharing pictures of the ponies with–”

“What? No, silly! I wanted to get a picture with you, Sam, and Alice! That’s okay, right?”

“I think so,” Alice remarked, walking up to her with Raichu beside her. “Wouldn’t you, Sam?”

“Oh, yeah!” Sam joined her side with Doublade. “Sounds fine. Right, Gladion?”

Their pressurizing stares cornered Gladion, and after a few short moments, he blew out a sigh and shrugged. “I suppose.”

Gladion stood behind Kaj while Sam and Alice stood ahead of him on both sides, their Pokémon floating behind them. As Kaj readied her phone, the screen pointing at them and revealing their expressions, Gladion relaxed into an uncommon smile just as she pressed the button, getting a delightful snapshot of the six of them.

Kaj giggled as she studied the individual perfections in virtually every pixel. “Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you guys so much!”

“Hey! Are we taking pictures?” Pinkie Pie appeared over Kaj’s shoulder before she zipped back to join her other seven friends. “Be sure to get our good sides!”

“Pinkie!” Gladion glowered. “I already told Kaj that–”

“Oh, come on, Gladion!” Lillie gently backhanded his upper arm. “The ponies can have a keepsake before they go back.” She then turned to Kaj. “Listen, would it be okay if you sent whatever picture you take to me for me to print when we get back to the Paradise?”

“Oh, sure! Anything for them!”

Pinkie Pie bounced in place, excited to capture the moment.

“Just a couple of things.” Gladion’s stern voice brought Pinkie Pie to a halt, awaiting his conditions. “First, be sure not to share that picture with anyone. Keep it on your phone, whatever, just make sure it stays there.” Kaj nodded, understanding. “Lastly… she’ll be here any moment to see us off one last time. Would you mind waiting for Olivia?”

Kaj backed up and examined the line of humans, ponies, and Pokémon all gathered together. In the foreground were all eight Equestrians with Lady standing beside Starlight and Comfey resting on Fluttershy’s head with its body the crown jewel directly centered there. Sam and Alice stood beside them with Doublade floating next to him and Noibat perched on her shoulder. Gladion, Lillie, and Burnet stood to the very right with Silvally, Starmie, and Reuniclus, while Guzma, Acerola, and Olivia sat atop of Palossand with Golisopod and Lycanroc standing in front of them.

“Okay, this looks awesome!” Kaj put her thumb up as she looked at her phone screen.

“It sure better be,” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“Hey Kaj!” Alice threw her hand back, beckoning her over. “Why don’t you get in here?”

“Huh?” Kaj peered over her phone. “But how am I supposed to take the…”

Her question was promptly answered by Twilight holding the phone in her magic and giving the girl an assuring wink. Letting out a shuddering huff that sounded like a mixture of a laugh and a sob, she ran to the group and wrapped her arms around Alice’s back, careful not to disturb Noibat.

“And then just push the small button on the top!” Kaj instructed with a mimed tap of her finger.

“Got it.” Twilight steadied the camera as everyone got ready. “Okay, on the count of three, say ‘Cheese!’ One, two, three!”

Twilight’s magic pressed the button.

Lillie looked at the photograph with Twilight standing next to her and Spike on her back, each of their friends, their Pokémon, and the Equestrian’s shouted out with wide smiles on all of their faces. Hearing a revving sound in front of them, they looked up and saw Acerola and Gladion floating on their jet skis from the starboard of the ferry, following it out as it slowly rolled passed the last pier in the harbor.

“Sorry we can’t join you,” Acerola called. “We have an old man who slipped and fell on Ula’ula Island we need to take care of.”

“Acerola!” Twilight shouted exasperatingly.

“I’m joking! Just joking, Twilight!”

“Well, it’s been a blast!” Guzma flicked them a two-finger salute. “You all take care! Say hi to your mom and pop for me!”

Twilight chortled. “Okay, Guzma. Thank you!”

“Bye guys!” Spike screamed out. “Thank you too!”

With a twist in the handlebars, Acerola and Guzma sped off, rounding the western side of the island before the ferry began to. On the stern, Rarity and Applejack both waved Olivia and Lycanroc farewell as they stood on the edge of the pier farthest to the sea, waving them off as the ferry turned away to leave them behind.

Before the coastline buildings could block off their sight, Lycanroc let out a howl that neither pony possibly couldn’t hear. As Rarity savored the final sights of her friend, she heard a loud sniff beside her, turning to see Applejack hide the upper half of her face with the brim of her hat, unable to conceal the tear that rolled down her cheek. Rarity immediately turned to her friend and they both hugged each other, allowing themselves to miss Olivia and Carly together.

On the ship's bow, Sam stood at the very front, watching Acerola and Guzma bank to the southeast. Sam sighed, knowing that they would be long gone by the time the ferry got to that point. Alice, Burnet, and Gladion came up from behind him with Starlight, Lady, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy with Comfey, though he didn’t appear to acknowledge them.

“I was thinking, Alice,” Sam said, turning his head to the side where his sister stood. “When this is all done, the ponies going back to Equestria and everything, I mean… why don’t we go home for a couple of days before we go off to Ula’ula?”

“Home?” Alice seemed genuinely confused. “As in, home on Hau’oli, or–”

“Of course home on Hau’oli!” The clarification was dumbfounding enough for Sam to break his concentration looking forward, turning to look his sister in the eyes. “I’m sure Hau would like to know about our collective successes too! If he isn’t aware already, that is.”

“I’m sure Sun or Lillie will tell him,” Gladion responded. “In the meantime, we have a long ways away until we get to the Aether Paradise.” A shadow suddenly cast over his head, and looking up, Rainbow Dash and Raichu were both sailing against the wind and following the boat from twenty feet or so above. “You should make the most of your time left.”

Gladion walked to the ferry’s cabin as Starlight and Pinkie Pie both approached him. They were just a few minutes until they were to face open ocean on all sides except behind them. “So,” Starlight began, searching for a topic, “what’s so special about the front of the boat, anyway?”

“Oh, would you like a turn?” Though Starlight was about to answer negatively, Sam stepped aside and motioned for her to take her place.

Humbled, Starlight stepped slowly up until her chest was pushing against the railing, nothing in front or beside her other than the ocean and the southwestern coast of Akala Island. Breathing in and out, she smiled bravely, finding her new vantage exhilarating.

“Does it really feel like flying, Starlight?” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Not quite…” The boat began to sail past the corner of the island, leaving Starlight with nothing but blue seas and skies, and the very faintest sight of a white tower up ahead. “…but pretty close.”

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