• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,679 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 5: The First Night

Chapter 5 – The First Night

After what felt like an eternity in each other’s arms, you finally separated from the mysterious girl. The two of you remained silent, barely making eye contact with each other while sitting on the couch. You had an idea why she was acting so strangely. She just hugged you, a total stranger, after spending only a mere few hours meeting you. Perhaps she was one to reserve hugs with friends and family. It certainly was an awkward moment when she embraced you, like she knew you for years. There was something else about it, that warm good almost magical feeling when you two were close. It was like how things were meant to be, even if your time together was brief. You knew she felt it too, but you dared not ask.

The fact that Twilight just had an emotional moment pouring out her plight of not being able to return home didn’t help things. You still could barely fathom what she was going through now trapped in not just another town or state but an entirely different world. Now she faced not going home for a long time, and you faced having to take care of her. Of course you somehow knew that Twilight was no shrinking violet, being able to take care of herself. Still you remember what your parents told you long ago about friends, words that still remained true. Friends were a shoulder to cry on, hands to lighten the load, feet to walk beside you, a mouth to laugh, a mind to share thoughts and a heart to care. Although you weren’t quite sure how you would help her, you knew that you had to try.

“Twilight, do you want to stay up and watch TV or just talk?”

“I’m feeling kind of tired,” she said with a yawn to punctuate her feelings, “The events of today took a lot out of me!”

“Yeah, this was a surprise for me, too. I have an air mattress you can sleep on, that is unless you prefer to sleep on an actual bed.”

“No, no,” she said shaking her head, “I can’t kick you out of your bed. The air mattress is fine, thank you. Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure?” you said uncertain what she would ask next.

“Do you have something I could wear to sleep in? These clothes are still kind of wet from the storm and I don’t think they’d be comfortable sleeping with them on.”

“Err… I don’t really have anything that a girl would sleep in,” you said with a shrug honestly not knowing what that was or how it differed from what he wore, “Do you want something like some shorts and a t-shirt? I have to warn you, though; they might not fit you perfectly.”

“Oh, that’s fine. I’m not picky. Usually I sleep naked at home,” she said before realizing her rather intimate confession and immediately looking horrified.

“Well I’m sure they will be fine since you… wait, did you say you sleep naked?” In that instance you imagined a scene of Twilight stepping out of a shower wearing nothing but a towel used to dry her body. Then, without giving it much thought, deposits the towel in a laundry basket and immediately climbs into bed.

“Um… hehe, yes. I don’t know why I just admitted that to you,” she said as her face blushed while shuffling nervously on the couch, “In any case; I think that might be awkward doing so in front of you, so anything you have is fine. You wouldn’t mind if I took a shower, right?”

“Uh… yeah, that’s fine. Let me get you your clothes and I’ll be right back,” you said making your way into the bedroom and rummaging through your dresser drawers to find something for Twilight to sleep in. Normally you had no problem selecting clothes for yourself, simply pulling random things without much thought. But now you found yourself staring at a drawer full of clothes unsure what to do next. You knew that you were starting to care about her more than you did normally when meeting someone new. Maybe it was the fact that she had been through so much and you wanted to help her as best as possible, even if it meant simply blowing up an air mattress and finding her something to wear.

“Are you ok in there?” Twilight called from the living room, “Do you need me to choose something?”

“No, I got it,” you said as you selected a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts. They were a little worn looking but still comfortable in your opinion.

“Here you are,” you said presenting the clothing to her, “Hope these are ok.”

“These will do,” she said, “Do you have a washcloth and a towel?”

“They’re in a closet in the bathroom,” you said, “I’ll go and inflate the air mattress while you’re in the shower. The bathroom is through the door next to my bedroom.”

“Great, thanks. I’ll be out soon,” she said gathering up the clothes and proceeding to the bathroom.

“Take your time,” you said to her as she vanished into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You then set to work pulling out the air mattress from the closet and turning on the pump. As you sacrificed on of the pillows on your bed as well some sheets, you mind still lingered on your new roommate. It certainly was awkward having someone stay with you, especially a girl you only knew for a short time. You still didn’t know how you were to help her get back, but maybe this was enough for now.

“One step at a time,” you said checking on the status of the air mattress. It was then through the noise of the whirring blower of the pump that you heard another sound: singing. Twilight Sparkle was singing in the shower. At first you didn’t know what she was singing, but as you walked closer to the bathroom door and listened you could hear her sing something you never heard before.

“I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache
Oh why, oh why?
Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through to you
Oh why, oh why?”

It certainly was a very fitting song to her predicament of getting stuck here, but to you it almost sounded like she sung this sad song before. What struck you more than the lyrics was her voice. She sung the song so sweetly, so passionately that it tugged at your heart.
“Aah!” Twilight screamed suddenly causing you to pull back from the door.

“Twilight? Are you ok?” you said reaching for the handle, but stopping lest you barge in on her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just got some shampoo in my eyes. I’ll be out soon.”

“Oh, alright,” you said as you returned to making Twilight’s bed. Soon the shower water stopped and then you heard the door open. You looked up from the bed to see Twilight step out in your clothes. The shorts were a little too big even with the drawstring tied tightly, hanging loosely off her hips with the danger of falling off at any moment. The shirt, on the other hand, seemed to fit tightly, riding up and revealing her midriff a little while revealing some cleavage. You had an idea why the shirt was too small, and you quickly tried not to stare at her chest.
“So, how do I look?” she said with a concerned expression.

“Uh, they’re fine. How do you feel in them?”

“Kind of strange, honestly. I never wore a guy’s clothes before, but they’ll do. Thank you for everything you’ve done so far for me.”

“No problem. I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Well, I’m going to go to sleep now. Hopefully I can think of a way to get back home tomorrow.”

“Me too,” so said as you watched Twilight climb into the bed, “Goodnight, Twilight.”

“Goodnight,” she said as she settled into the sheets. For a moment you watched to make sure she was settled before getting ready for bed yourself. For the first time in a while you felt compelled to take your sleepwear into the bathroom and close the door lest she walk in on you. When you entered the room, however, you couldn’t help but catch her earthy smell through the scent of the shower steam. Soon after you exited the bathroom dressed and were about to enter your room and get ready for bed when you stopped and saw Twilight now fast asleep on the air mattress. It brought a smile to your face seeing her in peace. With a smile or reassurance, you retreated to your bed, hoping to find a way to help her in the morning.

Author's Note:

I knew I needed that Teen rating for a reason!

I want to credit MLP Wiki for getting the Lyrics of "I Got to Find a Way" from the season 3 finale.