• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,682 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 2- Comfort and Conversation

Chapter 2 – Comfort and Conversation

The journey up the stairs and back to your apartment took longer than you ever remembered, even during times when you felt so sick or tired that you could barely stand up straight. You knew why you felt this way, the girl who came in from the storm named Twilight. Part of your mind was wondering where this girl came from and why of all people did she choose you. There was something else in your mind, almost like a feeling of welcomed relief after Twilight arrived. Here she was, the person who had just disrupted your nightly routine and added a little mystery and adventure in your life, something that you wanted for so long but never had the courage to seek. There was something else about your guest, but you could not put it into words. The only way you mind could best describe it was she was enchanting.

As you finally entered the apartment, you realized that your place was definitely not ready for guests to come over. It wasn’t that you kept a messy house, but there were certain things that were out of order. Books and magazines littered the coffee table in front of the couch as well as papers scattered on your computer desk. The dishes from your previous dinner were piled near the sink in haphazard towers. But as Twilight surveyed your space, you noticed that she barely flinched at the disorderly areas, like she was used to it in her own way.

“Thanks for letting me in,” she said as she followed you into the living room leaving a trail of water in her wake from her dripping hair and clothes, “I think I might have drowned if you weren’t there!”

“No problem,” you said laughing at her comment, “I’m sure you’d do the same thing if you saw me in a storm like this.”

She gave you a faint smile that warmed your heart before shivering a little, sending droplets of water around.

“Are you cold?” you asked her, although regretting the question as you knew the obvious answer seeing her standing there soaked to the bone with her clothes clinging to her body.

“A little,” she said clearly trying not to seem like a burden. You knew that you had to help her, but at the moment there was only so much you could do to ease her discomfort.

“Let me get you a towel so you can dry off,” you replied and headed straight towards the bathroom to gather a few large ones. You soon returned and gave one of them to her.

“Thanks,” she said as she began to wipe down the exposed parts of her body, starting with her massively long hair and face before quickly wiping down her arms and legs. You felt a little weird seeing her doing this, like she was going to think that you were imagining her toweling off after a shower. You pretended not to pay attention and set to the next phase by spreading out several towels on the couch.

“I think that’s about as good as it’s going to get,” Twilight finally said as she tugged at the collar of her t-shirt which make a sucking sound like someone trying to remove a wet bathing suit before letting it cling back onto her skin. You knew what she was implying, that the only way for her to be truly comfortable was to remove her soaked clothes and get drier ones, something that you knew she wouldn’t ask to do in the house of a total stranger.

“Do you want to have a seat?” you asked as you motioned to the couch now covered in towels. For a moment she stood there as if debating whether to stay and sit or to venture back outside. Another rumble of thunder that shook the apartment made her shake her head as if to scatter the former idea.

“That would be nice,” she said taking a seat on the couch, “maybe at least until the storm passes, if that’s not a problem for you.”
“Not at all. I enjoy having company here. Do you want something to drink, like milk or tea?”

“Tea would be nice. Hopefully that can warm me up more.”

You set to work filling the tea kettle and setting out two cups with bags in them before joining her in the living room once more. Although the couch was typically your spot to relax, you didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable sitting next to her. You were about to move to the chair next to the couch when she gave you a strange look.

“Are you ok?” she said, “You look like you’re afraid to sit next to me. This couch looks big enough for both of us. Or are you shy? It’s ok if you are. One of my friends is… or was shy, but she’s better now.”

“No, I’m not shy,” you said, “I wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable having me sit near you.”

“Oh, I see,” she said before giving you a smile, “Well, I give you permission to sit by me without any worry of me being awkward!”

“Great,” you said before hearing the tea kettle whistle, “I’ll be right back. Oh, and what do you like with the tea?”

“A little milk and honey, if you have it,” she said as she grabbed one of the towels under her and started dabbing her wet clothes in an attempt to dry them as best as she could. You returned with the two mugs in hand and set hers down in front of her.

“Thanks,” she replied as she took a sip before replying, “Wow, I have to say that you sure know how to make a good cup of tea. I should know, I drink a lot of it to stay up when working on things!”

“Same here,” you said, “I think I drink more tea than anything else!”

With that the girl let out a little giggle before taking another sip.

“So, can I ask you a question?” you asked trying to help her more and get to know your guest.

“Sure,” she said without hesitation.

“Well, for starters, why were you out in the storm?”

“Well, I was wandering the street when the storm started quickly. I tried to find someplace to hide, but I couldn’t find anywhere. It was like every place I went to was closed or wouldn’t let me in. Then I found your apartment with the light on and I figure you’d try here.”

“So, you don’t have a car?”

“No,” she said as you noticed that she started to look a little nervous.

“What about a place to stay like an apartment?”

“I…I don’t live around here.”

For a moment you wondered what she meant. She certainly didn’t look homeless, so she could be visiting someone before getting trapped in the storm. Looking at her, however, you couldn’t help but notice how nervous she was and yet how receptive she was for your help. You felt like you needed to know more about her to help her.

“Ok, so where are you from if not here?”

It was then Twilight’s face turned from cheerful to depressed as she said, “I think, I better go now. It’s been really nice meeting you, and I thank you for your help.”

She set her tea cup down and got up from the couch as if ready to leave when you said, “Wait, Twilight, don’t go! Listen to it out there! The storm is still raging, and you’ll only get soaked again if you try to make your way around town without a car.”

She stopped as she reached the top of the steps, knowing that you were telling the truth but still looking reluctant to return to the safety and comfort of your couch. You knew if you didn’t say the right thing you could lose her forever, and there was something about this girl that made you want to have her stay. It was as if that you knew that her entering into your life was not something to take lightly.

“Look, I’m sorry if I upset you by asking you where you live. I was just trying to help you get to where you need to be. Please don’t leave yet.”

“I’m sorry too,” she said with a sigh as she returned to the living room, “You helped me get out of the storm, but all I’m doing now is just being ungrateful. I’m usually not so secretive, especially to my friends, but there are things about me ad how I got here that I don’t think I can tell you. It’s not like my secrets are bad or anything like that, just that they might be a little…strange.”

“Strange huh?” you said as she sat back down, “Well, if or when you want to talk about it, I’m a pretty good listener. Plus I’m not one to judge what’s strange and what’s normal whatever those two things mean.”

“Thank you for caring so much,” she said taking your hand in hers, “You’re so kind to me, a total stranger.”

As you held her hand, you felt a strange sense of calm wash over your body, like what you were doing was something very natural. Just when you were getting used to this girl being in your house, you felt a strange sensation pass through your body, almost like electricity. As you struggled to understand what was going on, the power suddenly cut off, plunging the room in darkness. You looked out the window behind the couch and noticed that the street lights and houses across the way were still lit.

“Huh, that’s strange,” you said as you still felt the remaining surge of energy through your body.

“What is?” Twilight voice could be heard in the dark.

“Never mind, just the power outage that’s all. Guess I should be expecting it with this weather.”

“Oh, right,” she said almost as if she was expecting you to say something else, “Do you need me to do anything?”

“Nah, just give me a moment to round up some candles and flashlights,” you said as you disappeared into the bedroom, but not before you could have sworn you heard her say to herself, “Was that magic I felt from him? Can he help me get back?”