• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,679 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 17 - The Ritual

Chapter 17 - The Ritual

You and Twilight left the apartment as the sun began to disappear for the day over the horizon. It was a surreal experience leaving the place you called home for a year for what you knew would be the last time. Your apartment was a major part of your life, a sanctuary when you needed to get away from life for a while or simply to wind down from the toils of the day. But the more you felt about it, the more you realized that your place was just a space. You were the one that mattered to make a place your home, and now you had another person who would influence your world.

There was no doubt as you followed Twilight to the park that your mind was filled with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, moving to this new world and abandoning everything you knew and loved scared you half to death. In fact you felt like a person facing their own death. Of course you doubted this trip to the other world would cause your death, but it certainly would be a rebirth of your life. You wondered if this was a good idea, and yet with every thought encouraging you to the safe route and abandon this whole plan, you only had to look into her eyes to make you realize why you were doing this in the first place. It was her, it always her that guided your heart and made you feel that this was not only the right decision but that everything would work out in the end.

At last you made it to the park just as the moon began to rise. There Trixie and Starlight stood patiently awaiting your arrival while looking over some old tome, most likely a spell book. There was a circle surrounding the statue, formed by several quartz crystals and four pedestals like cardinal directions on a compass, each with unlit pillar candles on them.

“We were wondering when you would come,” Trixie said, “We had the circle set up a half hour ago.”

“We got here as soon as we could,” you said, “Anyway, it takes longer for us to get here than you two.”

“Aww don’t worry, I’m just kidding you,” Trixie said, “Anyway we’re ready to start and get you home, Twilight.”

“Actually,” you said giving a sigh before resuming, “I made a decision. I’m going with Twilight to her world. I’m…we’re in love.”

“I had a feeling that you’d make that choice,” Starlight said with a smile even with a tear in her eye, “I could tell that you two had feelings for each other. Promise me that if you could, when you could, come visit us some time, ok?”

“Deal,” you said, “Can you keep some of my stuff safe like my magical things and my computer? The rest you could do whatever you want with.”

“Done,” Trixie said as you tossed her your keys, “You know we’re both going to miss you, right? You are our best friend, and we can’t thank you enough for being there in our lives.”

“I know, and I’ll never forget you two. Don’t worry, when Twilight and I find a way to get back here safely, we will see you.”

“Alright, sorry we can’t say our goodbyes longer,” Starlight said, “but we need to get this ritual started. Who knows how long this will take to get this portal open? I don’t want to waste any moonlight on this as I think this might take some time. One thing is for certain, when we get that portal open you two need to jump in as soon as possible since we probably won’t be able to hold it open for long.”

“Right,” you and Twilight said almost in unison as both of you mentally prepared yourself for the ritual. It didn’t take much for you to get ready as the desire to get Twilight home and get you to being with her in this new world. It was your love for Twilight that wanted to help her in any way you could, and you were certain that her love for you and yours for her would see this ritual complete with the help of your friends.

“Ok, first we need to cast the circle and call the Quarters,” Starlight said, “Trixie, you take Fire. Twilight, you take Air which is that pedestal with the yellow candle. I’ll take Earth, which leaves you with Water.”

The four of you parted as you took your positions at the designated pedestals. It was interesting how Starlight chose you for Water, an element known for emotions, and Twilight claiming Air, an element for the mind. Quickly Starlight cast a circle with her athame to create a dome of energy and protect all from any negative energies before assisting Twilight in the calling of the Air Quarter. As each quarter was called, you could feel a sense of energy rising within the magical dome of energy. With the proper safeguards in place, Starlight continued.

“We call upon the guardians tonight, to serve us in our blessed rite. We seek to open a door in this space to another time and another place. With our powers may we open the door, so our friends can return home once more.”

As she concluded the intent, Starlight said, “The energy is rising here, and we are the conduits. Draw upon this energy and direct it towards the statue with your minds and hearts fixed on creating a portal to Twilight’s world. Think of a door opening as you direct this energy, and do not hold back until it manifests.”

The four of you stood facing the granite edifice and raising your dominant hands at the structure began to pour your energy towards the structure. All the while you thought about you and Twilight coming home as your energies mixed with hers and your friends within the magical space. As their powers increased so did yours as you directed all you could toward the gate.

“Twilight,” you said, “Think about your world and your friends there. That way we could connect there.”

“I’ll try,” she said as she poured more waves of energy towards the statue. The once unmoving structure began to give off a glow. You watched as once again Twilight floated into the air, once again having those ethereal wings and horn as she did in the magic shop. As the energy surged towards the structure with the goal firmly planted in each person’s mind, Starlight noticed that the side of the statue facing hers began to ripple as if the hard granite was being turned to water.

“It’s working everyone! Keep pouring your energy into the statue.”

You could feel your energy depleting and your body becoming tired, but you knew if you quit now there might not be another chance for Twilight to get back until days maybe months later. With a surge of energy, you focused on the emerging portal with all you had until suddenly you felt like something give, like a stone once in the road is cleared.

“The portal is opened,” Starlight said as she spoke to you and Twilight, “Now’s your chance. Both of you continue directing your energy at the statue but slowly move closer to me.”

You and Twilight continued focusing on the portal with your energies as you inched closer. Finally the two of you stood on each side of Starlight facing the portal. What you saw was an amazing display of swirling colors like a kaleidoscope you had as a kid.

“Ok you two,” Starlight said clearly exhausted, “When I say go, I want you to run as fast as you can to the portal. I don’t think Trixie and I have much energy left to hold this gate open. Farewell, you two, and thank you for being our friends.”

“Thank you, both of you,” you both said to Starlight and Trixie as you and Twilight joined hands.

“Now go,” Starlight said as she sent one final surge of energy at the gate. The two of you took off running towards the portal, hoping that it would remain open and that you would get back to where you needed to be. You could see the portal starting to shudder like it was about to collapse.

“Jump!” Twilight shouted, and without a second guess you leapt with her into the unknown, right before the portal closed on the world you knew.

As the portal shrank and dissipated, Starlight and Trixie collapsed to the ground, exhausted in their efforts. Slowly Trixie crawled over from her position on the circle to Starlight before embracing her.

“We did it!” Trixie said panting from the lack of energy.

“Yes, we did,” Starlight said. “I didn’t know we could, but thanks to Twilight’s energy we opened that gate. One thing’s for certain: I’m going to miss them.”

“Me too,” Trixie said wistfully as she started at the now solid granite side of the statue. “Do you think they made it home?”

“I hope so, Trixie,” Starlight said as she slowly stood up. “I hope so. Now, let’s close this circle and clean up before we get seen. Tomorrow we’ll go over to his apartment and see about what to do with his things.”

Author's Note:

So, our two lovers have crossed through the gate. Did they make it home together or will they be scattered across different worlds? Find out soon in the last chapter of The Thirty Moon Roommate!