• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,682 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 10 - Of Portals and Power

Chapter 10 - Of Portals and Power

“So, you’re telling me that you two are together?” Twilight said still stunned by the revelation between Trixie and Starlight Slimmer.

“Well, yes, we are,” Starlight said, “You seem surprised by this after meeting us for the first time?”

“Wait, she isn’t one of those homophobic people, is she?” Trixie said aiming her question both at you and Twilight.

“No, she isn’t,” you said although why Twilight was acting funny about it perplexed even you.

“It’s fine that you are together, as I know a few couples like this,” Twilight said, “It’s just you two remind me so much of two… people I know that are very similar to you. Seeing you together kind of answers a few questions about the two I know.”

Trixie and Starlight merely shrugged at Twilight’s reply before Trixie returned to the matter at hand saying to you, “So, you and Twilight aren’t here necessarily to shop or get a reading but you said that it’s something important. What are you looking for?”

“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain,” Twilight said looking nervous as she tried looking around at anything else besides the two store owners. She could see Starlight was confused having just joined the conversation but Trixie was getting perturbed.

“Let me try to explain,” you said before turning to the owners, “Trixie, Starlight, what do you know about portals?”

“Portals?” Starlight said, “You know, if you wanted to talk about some video game or scifi stuff, you could have just called me.”

“No, not the game or something from another book, I’m talking magical portals.”

“Oh, well why didn’t you say so?” Trixie said, “As you know, when one creates a magical circle, you are essentially connecting a portal to another plane of existence such as attempting to contact a deity or with a loved one who passed from this world.”

“Yes, but what about to another world?” Twilight said sounding frustrated that they were getting nowhere.

“Excuse me?” Starlight said.

“You know, like a portal to another world, well, not another world but…”

“Another universe, similar to that of our world but different,” Starlight said now seeming engaged in the conversation, “Theoretically, it is possible for there to be many versions of this reality, although none have been able to prove or disprove this.”

“Err…and say you wanted to explore one of these worlds,” you said, “could you create a portal to this world with magic?”

“I think you’re grasping at too many theories here,” Trixie said rolling her eyes, “Even if there were other worlds, how could we possibly know without connecting to them with a portal? Besides that, how would we know which one to connect to? And before we go back to the beginning with this conversation, do you realize how much magical energy it would take just to see if another world existed? You already have to put the brunt of your energy into casting circles to connect with deities or the dead. Imagine the amount of energy needed to open one up! So no, there is no way one can open a portal. Now that we got that silly question out of the way, why not talk about something else that isn’t wasting my time?”

You looked over to see Twilight’s face go from hopeful to sad in a matter of seconds. Soon she couldn’t hold back her feelings any longer as tears started to flow her eyes. She made no attempt to hide it from you or from Starlight Glimmer or Trixie as they stared amazed at her outburst. Without giving it a second thought you walked over to Twilight and embraced her. Her body shuddered for a moment in your embrace, but soon you felt her relax.

“What?” you heard Trixie say, although you weren’t sure if this was directed towards you and Twilight or Starlight.

“Nice going honey,” Starlight with her words laced with venom.

“Hey, I didn’t know that this was something really personal for her, ok? I mean portals? Other worlds?”

“You better apologize to her.”

“You have to be kidding me? I only told the truth.”

“Apologize to Twilight, or you can sleep on the couch until you do.”

“Fine,” Trixie said with a huff knowing the implications of being stubborn. You heard footsteps approaching and knew it was the store owner, but you still felt like you should hold Twilight as she was still crying hysterically.

“Uh… Twilight?” Trixie said unsure how to approach the crying girl. “Look, I didn’t mean to get you upset, although I still don’t know why.”

You could hear Starlight clear her throat as if to tell Trixie that what she was saying wasn’t helping. Then Trixie continued saying, “All I want to say is I’m sorry. Maybe there is something that I can do to help with something else. I can give you a Reiki massage, or we can talk about what you know about magic.”

“I don’t want a massage,” you heard Twilight say through her sobs, her voice growing from a whimper to one of anger, “I want to go home!”
At the moment she said that, you felt a surge of magic that in your short time meeting the mysterious girl had never felt before. It was like that of a growing ball of power that collided with your energies and grew outward. Suddenly the lights in the magic shop began to flicker like they were candles in the wind as the floor began to vibrate.

“S…Starlight, what’s happening?” Trixie said as her voice became shaky.

“I..I don’t know,” Starlight said, “Ground, shield, and brace yourself!”

Suddenly the ball of magic exploded outward, surging throughout the store and knocking you loose of Twilight. As you fell to the floor, you heard all sorts of items falling to the floor like stones and books. You then heard some items shatter as it impacting the floor, presumably on the bottles of oils or some scrying mirrors. You looked up to see Twilight suddenly lifting off the ground a few inches into the air, her eyes glowing white with power. Although you were unsure what you were seeing, you could swear that the energy around her was forming into some odd shapes, namely a pair of feathered wings on her back and a spiral horn emerging from her forehead.

“What’s going on?” you heard Starlight shout.

“Make it stop!” Trixie exclaimed.

You were about to say something to Twilight to break her from her power overload when suddenly the energy dissipated. Her eyes returned to normal and the ethereal appendages vanished. You ran to her side just as she collapsed. For a moment you struggled with the sudden weight that dropped into your arms, but you managed to cradle her and set her down on the floor safely. You knew that there was nothing you could do to wake her from her unconscious sleep, so you left her to hopefully recover and wake up soon.

You then turned your attention towards Starlight and Trixie who stood in utter silence at what took place, holding each other for safety and out of fear while crouched on the floor. Around them dozens of stones, books, and other items littered the floor like someone ransacked the store. It wasn’t the damage done to the store, but how Twilight was able to display so much power towards them. What even shocked you was the way the energy formed those wings and horn. Was this merely your eyes playing tricks on you? Was this a glimpse into what she looked like as her true form, some angelic or maybe demonic force now appearing as a girl your age? You had no answer to these questions as you faced your friends.

“W…what happened?” Trixie was the first to speak, “My shop, how was she able to do this to my shop?”

“Forget the shop,” Starlight replied, “How was she able to produce that much energy? Who is she really? What is she?”

“There’s something I haven’t told you, something about her that I didn’t think you’d believe me but you might now. Promise me you won’t freak out, ok?”

“Ok,” the two shop owners said reluctantly as they stood up.

“Well, I met Twilight last night during the storm,” you said as you began to recount the strange tale of meeting her while Twilight slept on the floor of the store.

Author's Note:

Phew! Finally got this chapter finished!

I was trying to figure out how Twilight would meet Trixie and Starlight and how the news that she was not from Earth would be broken, and I think I did it in the nest way possible. Now i need to plan he next chapters out.